posted September 30, 2014 04:25 PM
Hmmmmmmmmm the biggest trend so far seems to be the Mars sq. Pluto aspect.My SO has Mars conjunct Pluto (and overall a heavily aspected Mars - it touches all of his planets in soft and hard aspects except Uranus) and I can't quite see sociopathic tendencies in him. I suppose everyone looks out for their own best interests to an extent at times but he can be incredibly empathetic too. He has Cancer Sun/Taurus Moon/Gemini Venus/Libra Mars. If anything I could call him narcissistic and vain at times but I always attributed this to some deeply rooted insecurities (and probably other natal aspects).
The only person I've known to seemingly lack any sort of empathy (though maybe not to a sociopathic extent - he was just very selfish and cared only for himself) was my ex who had a Leo stellium of Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in the 10th house. I don't have his birth time so I can't confirm his Moon but otherwise he has a predominantly Fire chart. He has Mars quintile Pluto.