posted September 20, 2014 01:51 PM
Yikes! Sorry you are going through a crazy time...glad to hear you are okay, though! 
I'm not the most advanced astrologer but will throw in some observations. I look at Uranus, Mars, and Pluto/Scorpio when I'm studying accidents...these were key players in my own accidents as I will describe below.
I noticed transiting Uranus is conjunct your NN, conjunct transiting SN. Wow. Also, in your progressed chart, progressed Mars is domicile in Aries, conjunct your NN (conjunct transiting Uranus.) To me, this looks volatile.
Meanwhile your sun just progressed into Aquarius and is squaring your progressed Scorpio moon. This transiting moon in Leo turned that into a t-square. :/ Today the moon is squaring transiting Saturn, which is on your progressed MC conjunction. Hard times.
Hope others chime in with some more relevant observations.
Looking at possible indicators for accidents...
I was in two accidents where the car was totalled, and I was fine. The second accident was the most severe, and it's the only one where I remember the date.
Using the birth time I was given (not official) Jupiter was just leaving my 8th house when it was right on the 9H cusp. It was also changing signs from Pisces to Aries. Meanwhile transiting Mars was conjunct my Uranus in Scorpio.
Looking at my progressed chart:
Transiting Jupiter was in the middle of my progressed 8th house.
The transiting sun, Uranus, and Mercury were conjunct my natal Mercury and progressed sun in Aquarius, square my progressed Scorpio Uranus and transiting Mars.
Catch all that?
The moon was transiting conjunct my natal Pluto that day. And my progressed chart had a kite with 10H Mars at the apex...something big was going to happen.