Topic: An Experiment: Voice and Astrology
PisceanDream unregistered
posted September 26, 2014 03:58 PM
I've had this topic in mind for a few weeks now. I was wondering what aspects account for the way we sound when we speak. I'm looking at ASC sign and aspects to it, planets in the 1st house, Mercury sign and aspects to it and Moon sign and aspects to it. So this is where it gets fun (or awkward), I want everyone who is willing to participate to post a recording of their voice and list their aspects. If there are other aspects you guys think would influence the voice, then by all means list them!Here goes.... This is my recording: These are my aspects: Aqua ASC (very loosely square Jupiter) Mercury in Pisces in the 1st conjunct Sun, Venus, Saturn and Square Pluto. Mars in the 1st house. Gemini Moon trine Mars and square Venus. Just use to record your voice, the instructions are pretty clear. Say whatever you want, a greeting, a joke, even read something aloud if that makes you feel comfortable. Yay, I'm excited to hear from you guys! IP: Logged |
Geeky Knowflake Posts: 1533 From: the Sun, vacation house on Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted September 26, 2014 04:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by PisceanDream: I've had this topic in mind for a few weeks now. I was wondering what aspects account for the way we sound when we speak. I'm looking at ASC sign and aspects to it, planets in the 1st house, Mercury sign and aspects to it and Moon sign and aspects to it. So this is where it gets fun (or awkward), I want everyone who is willing to participate to post a recording of their voice and list their aspects. If there are other aspects you guys think would influence the voice, then by all means list them!Here goes.... This is my recording: These are my aspects: Aqua ASC (very loosely square Jupiter) Mercury in Pisces in the 1st conjunct Sun, Venus, Saturn and Square Pluto. Mars in the 1st house. Gemini Moon trine Mars and square Venus. Just use to record your voice, the instructions are pretty clear. Say whatever you want, a greeting, a joke, even read something aloud if that makes you feel comfortable. Yay, I'm excited to hear from you guys!
I can hear that Mercury in the 1st. We have a similar tone (I think?) and I have Mercury in the 1st. Very interesting. I will have to record my voice in a bit.  ------------------ “Most people would rather be sheep than stand on their own with antlers on.” IP: Logged |
Geeky Knowflake Posts: 1533 From: the Sun, vacation house on Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted September 26, 2014 04:52 PM
Mine - And now that I've listened to my dorky self, I don't sound anything like PisceanDream. *lol* My stuff: Leo Asc. Virgo Sun Sag Moon Merc in H1 H3 (communication) is packed with Venus, Mars, Uranus & Pluto. ------------------ “Most people would rather be sheep than stand on their own with antlers on.” IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Moderator Posts: 10301 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted September 26, 2014 04:58 PM
Here's mine: I have Mercury in Aries, 11H (does house affect voice at all?) and it's conjunct Sun and Venus of course, sextile Mars, and my ASC, and square Saturn and Neptune in the 7H. Natural singer and I get told I sound identical to my mom over the phone. IP: Logged |
PisceanDream unregistered
posted September 26, 2014 05:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by Geeky: Mine - And now that I've listened to my dorky self, I don't sound anything like PisceanDream. *lol* My stuff: Leo Asc. Virgo Sun Sag Moon Merc in H1 H3 (communication) is packed with Venus, Mars, Uranus & Pluto.
Thank you so much for participating, first and foremost! Okay so I can hear a similarity between my voice and yours, I think the pace of speech and the tone. You have a much perkier voice for sure. Interesting that your 3rd House is packed like that. The moment I heard your voice I thought you had a really nice "commercial" voice. I think the perkiness in your voice is owing to the Sag moon and the vibrancy is very Leo. Your voice is also somewhat calculating and careful. What sign is your Mercury in? Your voice is adorable, btw! IP: Logged |
PisceanDream unregistered
posted September 26, 2014 05:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: I'll do it! (Later. Just saving my spot for now.)
Hahaha, I'll be expecting you then!  IP: Logged |
Dreaminess Knowflake Posts: 732 From: norway Registered: Aug 2014
posted September 26, 2014 06:34 PM
That site didnt work for me i tried several times but my mic and all that fun stuff dont work but i have a recording of me singing i dont know if one can "hear" what kind of a voice someone has through singing but you can try (warning, my singing aint perfect though haha) but here you go- i have a libra mercury square uranus and moon trine to saturn and conjunction my sun. Btw your voice sounds very "sociable" but also caring.IP: Logged |
PisceanDream unregistered
posted September 26, 2014 06:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dreaminess: That site didnt work for me i tried several times but my mic and all that fun stuff dont work but i have a recording of me singing i dont know if one can "hear" what kind of a voice someone have through singing but you can try (warning, my singing aint perfect though haha) but here you go- i have a libra mercury square uranus and moon trine to saturn and conjunction my sun. Btw your voice sounds very "sociable" but also caring.
Your voice is gorgeous! I sing myself, I'm not that good but if I mustered up the courage I might just record it and post here. What's your ASC? Any Neptunian influence? IP: Logged |
Dreaminess Knowflake Posts: 732 From: norway Registered: Aug 2014
posted September 26, 2014 07:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by PisceanDream: Your voice is gorgeous! I sing myself, I'm not that good but if I mustered up the courage I might just record it and post here. What's your ASC? Any Neptunian influence?
Thank you Do that i would love to hear you sing.
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Geeky Knowflake Posts: 1533 From: the Sun, vacation house on Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted September 26, 2014 07:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dreaminess: I posted up a pic of myself here and i also have done that on yahoo and the majority of people have said i look like a cancer rising but it was some that said i look like a virgo. I have neptune square sun, mars and opposite my moon but if i have cancer rising it might be opposite my rising too.
Those eyes look so Virgo to me. Lovely! I would vote Virgo Asc. but who knows? The voice.... I hear a lot of Libra influence in the depth (and I do NOT mean that you have a manly voice). ------------------ “Most people would rather be sheep than stand on their own with antlers on.” IP: Logged |
Geeky Knowflake Posts: 1533 From: the Sun, vacation house on Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted September 26, 2014 07:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by PisceanDream: Thank you so much for participating, first and foremost! Okay so I can hear a similarity between my voice and yours, I think the pace of speech and the tone. You have a much perkier voice for sure. Interesting that your 3rd House is packed like that. The moment I heard your voice I thought you had a really nice "commercial" voice. I think the perkiness in your voice is owing to the Sag moon and the vibrancy is very Leo. Your voice is also somewhat calculating and careful. What sign is your Mercury in?
Mercury in Leo. I have a lot of Leo & Sag influence and Fire is my dominant element. You know what's funny? In my head, I was coaching myself, "don't sound like a commercial... don't sound like a commercial" because the Leo excitement tends to take over. When I was a teenager, I used to film myself doing remakes of the popular commercials on tv at the time. I was a big dork. I bet if YouTube existed in the 1990s, I would have had millions of nerdy followers though. *lol* quote: Originally posted by PisceanDream: Your voice is adorable, btw!
Thank you! People have told me it's soothing and many have fallen asleep to me rambling on and on about something crazy.  ------------------ “Most people would rather be sheep than stand on their own with antlers on.” IP: Logged |
Dreaminess Knowflake Posts: 732 From: norway Registered: Aug 2014
posted September 26, 2014 07:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by Geeky: Those eyes look so Virgo to me. Lovely! I would vote Virgo Asc. but who knows? The voice.... I hear a lot of Libra influence in the depth (and I do NOT mean that you have a manly voice).
Hehe Geeky you might be on to something there because the annoying thing is that i also recognize myself in the virgo rising traits like the worrying, can have a tendency to critize and see the tinest details of things people etc. IP: Logged |
Geeky Knowflake Posts: 1533 From: the Sun, vacation house on Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted September 26, 2014 07:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dreaminess: Hehe Geeky you might be on to something there because the annoying thing is that i also recognize myself in the virgo rising traits like the worrying, can have a tendency to critize and see the tinest details of things people etc.
Yes. I noticed you were criticizing yourself before we even listened to the recording and when I landed on the link you gave us, you seemed to be hard on yourself (e.g. "some tones i didn`t hit haha"). You have a natural singing talent (more than many pop stars today) and a young, fresh face. You get with the right people, right place / right time and you could do very well. ------------------ “Most people would rather be sheep than stand on their own with antlers on.” IP: Logged |
Dreaminess Knowflake Posts: 732 From: norway Registered: Aug 2014
posted September 26, 2014 07:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by Geeky: Yes. I noticed you were criticizing yourself before we even listened to the recording and when I landed on the link you gave us, you seemed to be hard on yourself (e.g. "some tones i didn`t hit haha").You have a natural singing talent (more than many pop stars today) and a young, fresh face. You get with the right people, right place / right time and you could do very well.
Thank you for your sweet compliments yeah i do tend to critize myself and can be unsure of myself. I think the insecurity comes from my hard neptune aspects but the criticising might come from me having a virgo ascendant.I checked my chart and if i have a virgo rising my neptune trines it and pluto then lies in the 3rd house, maybe the depthness of my voice comes from pluto in the 3rd house, what do you think?
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Geeky Knowflake Posts: 1533 From: the Sun, vacation house on Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted September 26, 2014 07:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dreaminess: if i have a virgo rising my neptune trines it and pluto then lies in the 3rd house, maybe the depthness of my voice comes from pluto in the 3rd house, what do you think?
That actually makes sense. I wish you could get your hands on your birth certificate. That would solve the mystery! ------------------ “Most people would rather be sheep than stand on their own with antlers on.” IP: Logged |
Dreaminess Knowflake Posts: 732 From: norway Registered: Aug 2014
posted September 26, 2014 08:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by Geeky: That actually makes sense. I wish you could get your hands on your birth certificate. That would solve the mystery!
BELIVE ME I WISH I COULD TOO.. But i think the reason why i recognized myself in the cancer rising is because my moon sign is in cancer and i think i read somewhere women with water moons shows strongly in them even if they have the rest of their planets in "masculine" signs their moon will shine through anyway.And i think this is true because i have seen alot of scorpio moons with the famous intense eyes, actually alot of the scorpio moons i have seen have actually had more of the famous intense eyes then the scorpio ascendants i know. The scorpio ascendants i have seen tend to more have a "strict" face then the intense eyes.
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MiaPluto unregistered
posted September 26, 2014 08:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dreaminess: Thank you Do that i would love to hear you sing. To be honest i am not quite sure what my ascendant is because my mom dont remember the time i got out but she says i was born at night so its a big chance my rising is in cancer, leo or virgo. I posted up a pic of myself here and i also have done that on yahoo and the majority of people have said i look like a cancer rising but it was some that said i look like a virgo. I have two pics of myself here so you can see for yourself- I think i am just gonna go for cancer rising because i can "recognize" myself alot in that rising sign and alot of people have said i look like one too, hehe. It has been an annoying mystery for me for a few years now. I have neptune square sun, mars and opposite my moon but if i have cancer rising it might be opposite my rising too.
You have a very beautiful voice And I really liked the tune of your song. I think you're a pisces ascendant, by looking at your eyes. They're very beautiful and I've seen similar eyes like this in pisces ascendant people. xx ------------------ Mia Pluto's Astrology Blog IP: Logged |
MiaPluto unregistered
posted September 26, 2014 08:27 PM
My voice sucks. I have mercury in 6th house virgo, making square with pluto and a quincunx with uranus.I sound like a little girl on the microphone ew. I hope my voice will break. ------------------ Mia Pluto's Astrology Blog IP: Logged |
Dreaminess Knowflake Posts: 732 From: norway Registered: Aug 2014
posted September 26, 2014 08:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by MiaPluto: You have a very beautiful voice And I really liked the tune of your song.I think you're a pisces ascendant, by looking at your eyes. They're very beautiful and I've seen similar eyes like this in pisces ascendant people. xx
Thank you so much i think the piscean affect might come from my sun-neptune hard aspect and its also a big chance my neptune aspects my ascendant.
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PisceanDream unregistered
posted September 26, 2014 09:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by Geeky: Thank you! People have told me it's soothing and many have fallen asleep to me rambling on and on about something crazy. 
It is quite soothing... And I find it hilarious that you used to do that! You have the perfect commercial voice too so you are highly justified hahaha IP: Logged |
PisceanDream unregistered
posted September 26, 2014 09:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dreaminess: BELIVE ME I WISH I COULD TOO.. But i think the reason why i recognized myself in the cancer rising is because my moon sign is in cancer and i think i read somewhere women with water moons shows strongly in them even if they have the rest of their planets in "masculine" signs their moon will shine through still.And i think this is true because i have seen alot of scorpio moons with the famous intense eyes, actually alot of the scorpio moons i have seen have actually had more of the famous intense eyes then the scorpio ascendants i know. The scorpio ascendants i have seen tend to more have a "strict" face then the intense eyes.
I also think you have a Cancer ASC. Something about your face and the soft-watery look in your eyes is very Cancer. Most of the Virgo ASC I know have an angular face and a serious look to them. In that case, Pluto might also be aspecting your ASC.
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PisceanDream unregistered
posted September 26, 2014 09:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by MiaPluto: My voice sucks. I have mercury in 6th house virgo, making square with pluto and a quincunx with uranus.I sound like a little girl on the microphone ew. I hope my voice will break.
Come on, Mia! Go for it! I'm sure you're just being hard on yourself.
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IV XXIV Knowflake Posts: 450 From: Registered: Mar 2014
posted September 26, 2014 09:36 PM
Your laugh is adorable! Mercury in Aries in the 12th Moon in Gemini in the 1st
I think that my moon contributes more to my voice than my Mercury. I think Mercury contributes more to my way of speaking/communication.. I'm very brash, blunt and impulsive in thought and speech, often putting my foot in my mouth without ever meaning to. My actual voice changes frequently, depending on my mood, my surroundings, who I'm talking to and what I'm talking about. And if I've just woken up or not lol. IP: Logged |
Geeky Knowflake Posts: 1533 From: the Sun, vacation house on Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted September 26, 2014 10:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by IV XXIV:
Mercury in Aries in the 12th Moon in Gemini in the 1st I think that my moon contributes more to my voice than my Mercury. I think Mercury contributes more to my way of speaking/communication.. I'm very brash, blunt and impulsive in thought and speech, often putting my foot in my mouth without ever meaning to. My actual voice changes frequently, depending on my mood, my surroundings, who I'm talking to and what I'm talking about. And if I've just woken up or not lol.
The brash, blunt & impulsive thing is an Aries trait though right? Although the speed at which you speak may be more Gemini than Aries. Hmmmm. This is an interesting thread. ------------------ “Most people would rather be sheep than stand on their own with antlers on.” IP: Logged |
IV XXIV Knowflake Posts: 450 From: Registered: Mar 2014
posted September 26, 2014 10:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by Geeky: The brash, blunt & impulsive thing is an Aries trait though right? Although the speed at which you speak may be more Gemini than Aries. Hmmmm.This is an interesting thread.
Wouldn't an Aries Merc speak faster than a Gem moon? I can speak very quickly sometimes. And yes, the brash, blunt & impulsive traits are Arian, which I blame on my Mercury & Venus lol. IP: Logged |