Topic: Women with Mars in Libra
Virgo28 Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Mercury near the Sun(Florida) Registered: Nov 2013
posted October 11, 2014 06:12 PM
Do you think a Libra Sun/Libra Asc is your ideal man? Without taking the whole chart in consideration.What is it about the Libra that you like? Whats your Sun sign? Do you find the indecision/uncertainty good? ------------------ "If a man does not work passionately - even furiously - at being the best in the world at what he does, he fails his talent, his destiny, and his God." IP: Logged |
Dreaminess Knowflake Posts: 445 From: norway Registered: Aug 2014
posted October 11, 2014 06:33 PM
I have Libra mars. I like a guy that is charming, easy-going yet romantic and deep.I tend to be attracted to men that have a "fair" mind but also is a bit stubborn at the same time. I also tend to fall for guys that are people pleasers and i hate that trait about them but for some reason i always am drawn to men like that. Maybe a libra asc or a libra sun person would fit, i dont know. IP: Logged |
Virgo28 Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Mercury near the Sun(Florida) Registered: Nov 2013
posted October 11, 2014 06:35 PM
Omg!!! Lol... Whats your Sun Sign? IP: Logged |
Dreaminess Knowflake Posts: 445 From: norway Registered: Aug 2014
posted October 11, 2014 06:37 PM
Sun is in Libra to  IP: Logged |
Virgo28 Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Mercury near the Sun(Florida) Registered: Nov 2013
posted October 11, 2014 06:58 PM
Dreaminess, Do you(as Mars in Libra) flirt when in a relationship?------------------ "If a man does not work passionately - even furiously - at being the best in the world at what he does, he fails his talent, his destiny, and his God." IP: Logged |
Dreaminess Knowflake Posts: 445 From: norway Registered: Aug 2014
posted October 11, 2014 07:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by Virgo28: Dreaminess, Do you(as Mars in Libra) flirt when in a relationship?
Never have been in a relationship so i dont know but no i dont think so, i never have been of the "flirty" kind. For me its more about feeling it than saying it.
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Geeky Knowflake Posts: 1477 From: the Sun, vacation house on Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted October 11, 2014 10:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by Virgo28: Dreaminess, Do you(as Mars in Libra) flirt when in a relationship?
I have Mars in Libra and I do. I flirt with just about everyone. I don't do it to be malicious -- I just like being flirty. *lol* ------------------ “Most people would rather be sheep than stand on their own with antlers on.” IP: Logged |
Virgo28 Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Mercury near the Sun(Florida) Registered: Nov 2013
posted October 11, 2014 10:30 PM
Geeky that sounds about right..... I freaking hate that. Such a flirt  IP: Logged |
Geeky Knowflake Posts: 1477 From: the Sun, vacation house on Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted October 11, 2014 10:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by Virgo28: Do you think a Libra Sun/Libra Asc is your ideal man? Without taking the whole chart in consideration.What is it about the Libra that you like? Whats your Sun sign? Do you find the indecision/uncertainty good?
Sun = Virgo. I love Libra men. They are romantic, fun & they often have wonderful smiles. I am never bored with them either.  Are they by ideal mate? I don't have an "ideal" mate nor do I have a type. I like people for all kinds of different reasons. The only people who I just can't seem to jive with are Pisces dominant people. ------------------ “Most people would rather be sheep than stand on their own with antlers on.” IP: Logged |
rorrr Knowflake Posts: 188 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 12, 2014 04:17 AM
No way, yuck. I have a special aversion to Libra men. With their symmetrical smiles (you can tell a Libra man immediately by how he smiles!) and their nice hair all the time and the attention they pay to their clothes. And all the nice blah blah things they have to say. Yuck yuck yuck  I tend to not react well if someone touches my Mars though. Might be my Moon inconjunct Mars. (I'm a Scorpio-Pisces so I'd say my type is more Capricorn.) IP: Logged |
LucieLemonade Knowflake Posts: 1577 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted October 12, 2014 05:35 AM
I have a Libra mars but have never dated a Libra man. One of my best girl-friends is a Libra. My x husband was a Libra Asc. But I don't consider Libra Sun/Asc my ideal man. I've read a description about what Libra Mars like in their men and for me it's spot on. From CafeAstrology: "she is most attracted to men with understated charm, good manners, and a pleasing and balanced appearance. Coarseness or rudeness is often a turn-off, and so is independence! These women prefer men who are cooperative and who are willing to please. Romantic men are a huge turn-on, and these women truly appreciate classy sorts. " But because I have a Taurus dsc, I also really like stubborn men! It's a curse. And other Taurus qualities, of course! I love Taurus type men. I don't understand your question about indecision though. I'm a Sag sun.
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PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6518 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 12, 2014 05:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by rorrr: No way, yuck. I have a special aversion to Libra men. With their symmetrical smiles (you can tell a Libra man immediately by how he smiles!) and their nice hair all the time and the attention they pay to their clothes. And all the nice blah blah things they have to say. Yuck yuck yuck  I tend to not react well if someone touches my Mars though. Might be my Moon inconjunct Mars. (I'm a Scorpio-Pisces so I'd say my type is more Capricorn.)
I was in a very bad place when I was 16. Injured and on the beach avoiding people (I was a runaway and trying to get to Portland without being arrested) one of the scruffiest men I ever saw approached me. He looked like a biker with scraggly hair (bald on top) and untrimmed beard, piercing blue eyes, and fairly plain and ragged clothes (I expect even Captain Jack Sparrow would've offered some fashion tips ). No tats, but he had muscles, and also visible scars. As he approached me I actually pulled a knife though I hid it from him, but my intention was when he got close I was going to stab him and run as I was sure he was going to hurt me. Luckily, he stopped far enough away (and told me later he had a strong feeling I was terrified of him and thus dangerous which is why) as he gruffly asked if I needed help and if I was a runaway. And I do mean gruff (maybe like the dwarves in the Lord of the Rings type movies), there was no real kindness in his voice, more like "maybe I can help, or maybe I can forget I ever saw you." I said nothing and he said he understood if I didn't trust him but he could call his aunt over who showed up not long after. I got to know him. He was a sweet, kind man, but he scared lots of people. He tried to let an old lady know her seat belt was hanging out of the car (and thus she'd get ticketed) but she just stared at him in terror until he went away. I've seen small children actually hide behind their parents when he got close. Being nice didn't mean being a pushover, he used to work in an underground railroad for kids on the run (and had been a runaway himself once upon a time) which got him into conflict with pimps, corrupt cops, and abusive parents (and that's where he got some of his scars from, including when corrupt cops brutally beat the crap out of him in a jail cell and the only reason he didn't go to prison on trumped up charges--though he did break one cop's nose when they attacked him--was because the judge was so angry at the ridiculous police report that he punched holes in interrogating the prosecutor on it that he threw the case out of court with a warning for him to leave the city ASAP). Some teens did try to attack him, probably thinking him homeless, and he pulled a gun to tell them to think about it (they did and ran). He did have a dark past of being abused and drug addiction and that seemed rooted in his Pisces moon. He was also a Libra man. I can't recall other details of his chart offhand (though I could get it) but he learned to distance himself from the world, and I'm guessing his Pisces moon may have caused him to absorb some of the more scraggly elements in his decades among such company and background, though part of it was he was trying to keep the world at a distance from himself. He cared far more than he let on, and his sensitivity was such that I consider him a true empath and borderline psychic (and that's with him TRYING to keep his aura strong and sensitivity to the world shut down as the pain of the world hurts him too much, and he did describe many prophetic dreams). That sensitivity is what made him so gruff and keeping himself at a distance. That said, he did have a few close friends (and I became one of them), a good sense of humor once he relaxed around you, and he also had many animal companions (Hagrid reminds me of him), which I presume helped fill his Libra desire for companionship. He was polyamorous (he and I weren't involved that way) but it was pretty rare that he did because most women thought he must be the type to rough women up which meant they stayed away from him, or they approached him hoping he'd be their biker version of Christian Gray and he told them to go take it to someone else. Most of the rare women he had something of a "friends with benefits" relationship with were more the aging hippie types who were also wary of the world in general, and though they paid more attention to their appearance than he did his own they wouldn't be mistaken for someone who paid attention to fashion magazines or commercials (heck, most of them, just like himself, didn't even have a TV). One had a lot of Pisces, another was an Aquarius with lots of Scorpio. He preferred Sags when possible (he was into astrology). Though adding to the unexpectedness of it, he said the one he actually thought about marrying was a Taurus (with Sag ASC), herself not a typical Taurus and a vagabond (sounds like another of the "aging hippie" type partners he got)...she eventually moved on leaving him behind simply because that was what she did, never staying at a place for more than a few years, and she hitchhiked and jumped trains to do it. Years later he still dreamed of her and missed her. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12697 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 12, 2014 07:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by LucieLemonade:
From CafeAstrology: "she is most attracted to men with understated charm, good manners, and a pleasing and balanced appearance. Coarseness or rudeness is often a turn-off, and so is independence! These women prefer men who are cooperative and who are willing to please. Romantic men are a huge turn-on, and these women truly appreciate classy sorts. "
Lucie, this is spot on for me too  ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
Alishia@ Knowflake Posts: 484 From: St.louis Registered: Jan 2014
posted October 12, 2014 07:44 AM
Mmm not libra men exactly but I do love air sign people who are more naturally charming. But sun in libra will end up squareing a lot of my placements . I think there is some attraction ..... I'm a capricorn I'm indecisive in weighing the pros and cons but I'm very fixed when making a decision . So I undrstand when they can be like that but after they make the decision its over IP: Logged |
LucieLemonade Knowflake Posts: 1577 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted October 12, 2014 03:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Lucie, this is spot on for me too 
Ah yes! But I bet you are smart enough not to like stubborn men. IP: Logged |
Virgo28 Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Mercury near the Sun(Florida) Registered: Nov 2013
posted October 12, 2014 07:28 PM
Thanks for all the feedback.My venus is in Cancer and I'm attracted to those traits but I dont like Cancer Sun. I think the Asc will be the most fitting place. ------------------ "If a man does not work passionately - even furiously - at being the best in the world at what he does, he fails his talent, his destiny, and his God." IP: Logged |
ifaf Knowflake Posts: 76 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 12, 2014 08:59 PM
I've only dated a libra man once and he was wayy too fickle and a hypocrite lol. Of course i was attracted at first but that's it... Libra women can really irritate me and i can't figure out why and I think they feel the same way about me. I don't think libra represents a lot of qualities that I'd look for in a relationship except maybe good manners?I can't understand the point of flirting, especially not when you're already taken.. ------------------ IP: Logged |
Virgo28 Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Mercury near the Sun(Florida) Registered: Nov 2013
posted October 12, 2014 09:10 PM
Libra places are way too fake... I have met people with libra moon who found me fake and vice versa. We like each other but never trust each other. ------------------ "If a man does not work passionately - even furiously - at being the best in the world at what he does, he fails his talent, his destiny, and his God." IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6518 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 12, 2014 09:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: He did have a dark past of being abused and drug addiction and that seemed rooted in his Pisces moon. He was also a Libra man
I forgot to mention he did originally fit the description of "symmetrical smiles (you can tell a Libra man immediately by how he smiles!) and their nice hair all the time and the attention they pay to their clothes. And all the nice blah blah things they have to say." But his dad and other male (and sometimes female) relatives didn't see it as just "yuck" but as gay and effeminate and proceeded to "beat the gay" out of him (he was never gay). At least one of his facial scars was from the ring with a jagged edge that his father punched him with. Ah, his father was a man to impress the ladies of LL, rough, a real "alpha" (that is, violent temper tantrums when he didn't get his way), and abusive to women as well as children and animals (yeah, I know the LL women into abusers here don't like it plainly said, but I'm not going to stop calling a trashcan a trashcan just because you like to eat from one). Had he not been so abused as a child he probably would still be that way today. My Scorpio Jupiter finds the transformation process he went through fascinating (as well as how many shades of gray there are in the world). Even today (or last I saw him anyway) he was an amazing poet and I'd gone to poetry readings with him where when he stood to recite new poems of his many who were new would blink in shock and he'd often get spirited applause that was more than usual. I suppose we all have our childhood damage to overcome (if we can) as adults but all things he considered he hasn't done too bad, even if he's a lot more cautious before he's sweet and has completely abandoned all fashion that he used to enjoy as a Libra boy (but as a Libra man he finds most of the world as fake, you have to be fake to get by, and it's one reason he turned his back on the world save those like himself also seeking to get off the crazy train, though that probably has more to do with his Pisces moon than Libra sun and/or his being one of the most acute empaths and closest to true psychic I've ever encountered). IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 12, 2014 10:58 PM
Do you think a Libra Sun/Libra Asc is your ideal man? Without taking the whole chart in consideration. .....Nopez! =]What is it about the Libra that you like? .....They're pretty to look at? But I'm not attracted to "pretty." However I have a Libra Mars friend and she lurves ALL the lil pretty boys.... Smh. Whats your Sun sign? .......Pisces. Do you find the indecision/uncertainty good? .......Never. IP: Logged |
BellaFenice Knowflake Posts: 3215 From: Neptune with PisceanDream, Faith, and Meissieri Registered: Sep 2013
posted October 12, 2014 11:06 PM
Do you think a Libra Sun/Libra Asc is your ideal man? Without taking the whole chart in consideration.NO, NO, NO and NO. Friends are great, but hell to the no on dating. What is it about the Libra that you like? I like their sense of fairness and balance. Most of the Libras I know are great conversationalists, good to discuss artistic and venusian things, very charming, and are usually cooperative if they aren't too indecisive at the time. There is a huge difference between Virgo-influenced and Scorpio-influenced Libras. Whats your Sun sign? Aquarius. Again, I like Leebs, but dating-wise there is something that rubs me the wrong way. Do you find the indecision/uncertainty good? Lol, you're asking a 1st house stellium about indecisiveness? Just make a dam.n decision and stick with it.  OOP. You asked those with a Libra Mars. Well....Taurus Mars is close right!?!?!? We are both Venusian-ruled. 
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 54158 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 14, 2014 10:50 PM
Good info. IP: Logged |
starmoon Knowflake Posts: 1696 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 14, 2014 11:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by ifaf: I can't understand the point of flirting, especially not when you're already taken..
not saying all libra's are extroverts, but it's a form of socializing. libra's are pretty creatures and need to be admired :-) .. it's harmless. libra's can be very flirtatious, but the key is selecting a partner that interacts in a similar fashion, so they understand what the libra is doing. that is why libra's and water signs often don't mix well ... a libra flitting about and being captivating to everyone would often bother a water partner who wouldn't get that form of social interaction. IP: Logged |
ifaf Knowflake Posts: 76 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 15, 2014 01:49 PM
Yeah I've read that humans do this naturally as a form of socializing. I still have a problem accepting it though lol. I don't really mind a guy who's the center of attention in social gatherings, I can even feel proud of them. It's the one-on-one flirting I have a problem with... I get very judgemental sometimes and see them as "weak" for needing that kind of attention to feel good about themselves, but since it only happens with close people I'm usually aware that it stems from jealousy (I don't judge that kind of behavior in strangers or casual friends unless it seems really abusive amd unhealthy)IP: Logged |
Geeky Knowflake Posts: 1477 From: the Sun, vacation house on Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted October 18, 2014 01:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by ifaf: Yeah I've read that humans do this naturally as a form of socializing. I still have a problem accepting it though lol. I don't really mind a guy who's the center of attention in social gatherings, I can even feel proud of them. It's the one-on-one flirting I have a problem with... I get very judgemental sometimes and see them as "weak" for needing that kind of attention to feel good about themselves, but since it only happens with close people I'm usually aware that it stems from jealousy (I don't judge that kind of behavior in strangers or casual friends unless it seems really abusive amd unhealthy)
For me (being the biggest flirt I know) it's actually about making the other person feel good, not making myself feel good. I like seeing people smile. And although I am married, I am not "taken" (a word you used above). No one owns me and this isn't slavery. I think too many people are disappointed in relationships because they try to cage the other person and restrict them too much. I won't cheat, but I will leave him in a second if he tries to control me. ------------------ “Most people would rather be sheep than stand on their own with antlers on.” IP: Logged |