Topic: How Aries man respond if you slap him?
Regulus18 Knowflake Posts: 301 From: Washington, D.C. Registered: Jun 2013
posted March 11, 2015 10:12 PM
Woman of all signs. Please don't hit men. The response will almost never be to your liking. He will not suddenly have a revelation and come to understand what you're saying--more likely he will dissolve into a rage if the sun and mars are activated natally, by progression or transit. If there's any sign more inclined to knocking a female out, it's the first sign of the zodiac. Leo (king of the ego) runs a close second. Especially if Mars (the soldier of aggression) is connected to the sun (the man's ego). Maybe HE won't hit you back...but I've seen this happen in my college days--sometime's there's some female friend that is willing to avenge the attack. And you don't need that. So. Just ignore him. An Aries will certainly come running and at THAT time you must USE YOUR WORDS. IP: Logged |
FreeLy Newflake Posts: 17 From: SG Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 11, 2015 11:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by Regulus18: Woman of all signs. Please don't hit men. The response will almost never be to your liking. He will not suddenly have a revelation and come to understand what you're saying--more likely he will dissolve into a rage if the sun and mars are activated natally, by progression or transit. If there's any sign more inclined to knocking a female out, it's the first sign of the zodiac. Leo (king of the ego) runs a close second. Especially if Mars (the soldier of aggression) is connected to the sun (the man's ego). Maybe HE won't hit you back...but I've seen this happen in my college days--sometime's there's some female friend that is willing to avenge the attack. And you don't need that. So. Just ignore him. An Aries will certainly come running and at THAT time you must USE YOUR WORDS. really..thanks for the relevance response towards the analysing Aries possible reaction.. needed perspection..
Well for the fact i was really fuming angry and mad for his wishful thinking. I was all ready to get the last time once and for all, so long I did what i had to to 'show my dignity for myself'. (Aquarius always have the inner need to fight for the rights that's greatly ingrated in us, I just couldn't help it But ironically a random glance at the daily horoscope even said the same as you guys: i shouldn't be abrasive to people that day. Wow I'm kinda of total defeated in feelings. Thou I'm not a man, part of my Ego died for I felt i lost. And yet the best part you can't even stand up For yourself and lay about your rights.. I could accept all of your advices, neither do I have the choice anyway. He's claiming busy whatever. He can better well go and die for being a hypocrite.. NC or ignoring would work for someone who really did care. Of course I never like to live in a delusionsal thinking that stupid Aries would run after for ny attention.
Any psychology to help my Ego back?? I read women need pretend vulnerable to make guys feeling musculine in order to get our woman life easier, any input for this? As a very typical strong placement in Aquarius, I'm naturally very independent and irk at having to be pretentious and acting weak so to let a man feel good about themselves. It felt part of me inside dying having to act and behave vulnerable cute lil girl. For god's sake, I'm not even Pisces. But people give me some input of your encounters and what you thinking about 'Feminist Vulnerability for getting more attraction and protection from Man'. Any skills or tips? Have you done them naturally or also trying implementing? IP: Logged |
FreeLy Newflake Posts: 17 From: SG Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 11, 2015 11:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by FreeLy: How Aries man would respond if you slap him? Of course it is for something really valid and deserve.. there's really a genuine reason. If I ask him out just to give him one tight slap for what it requires of me, how would he react? Angry and never talk to me again? Hit me back? Or walk off and remember for life?
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FreeLy Newflake Posts: 17 From: SG Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 11, 2015 11:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by FreeLy: How Aries man would respond if you slap him? Of course it is for something really valid and deserve.. there's really a genuine reason. If I ask him out just to give him one tight slap for what it requires of me, how would he react? Angry and never talk to me again? Hit me back? Or walk off and remember for life?
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PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6109 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 12, 2015 01:19 AM
quote: Originally posted by FreeLy: And yet the best part you can't even stand up For yourself and lay about your rights.
Of course you can. That does not mean slapping him. If he can't respect you then cut him out, don't slap him like you're his owner and he's some bad child, dog, or slave for you to smack around when he doesn't behave as you'd have him do. (Unless he asks you to, of course. ) How would you feel if your values offended his and he slapped you? He has just as much right as you to determine what his values and standards are and to hit you as you do him. Violence doesn't make one right and it's extremely important to realize the difference between self-defense and vigilantism (however mild that vigilantism might be). Standing up for yourself does NOT mean that you get to smack people upside the head who offend you! Not everyone is going to be able to get along with everyone else, and it is not your place to hit them until they're acceptable to you--and if you do then it's HIS right to hit you back to defend himself and assert HIS rights to not be attacked or dominated by someone else. Learn the difference. If you're truly in danger then call the police, get a restraining order, and do whatever it takes to stand up for yourself and your right to be left in peace. But if he's simply not compatible with you due to a difference in values then drop him and find someone else, don't try to "fix" him. That's not giving up your rights, that's finding someone else who is compatible with you and leaving someone who isn't behind to find someone else he can click with (or wise up). Again, learn the difference between standing up for yourself and assault. IP: Logged |
nove731 Knowflake Posts: 292 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted March 12, 2015 08:39 AM
Aries Sun/Pisces Venus here (with Aquarius/5th House Mars, though).Honestly, if someone slapped me, I would quietly - yet dramatically - walk away and never speak to them again. Frankly, I wouldn't want to give them the satisfaction of any big emotional or impulsive display. Also, at the point at which someone feels the need to express their feelings toward me with physical violence, I really no longer care what they think or feel because I lose pretty much all respect for them. EDIT: I also just want to chime in and give a "+1" to what PixieJane is saying.  ------------------ Sun -> Aries Moon -> Sagittarius Ascendant -> Virgo IP: Logged |
karenkellybella Newflake Posts: 5 From: Atlanta, GA, USA Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 12, 2015 04:24 PM
I am an aries with moon and mercury also in Aires. I am NOT a man but I think for the most part, Aries are pretty much as Linda described them. I find that people tend to take my honest and interpret it as something twisted and strange when it's really just genuine face value. Just speaking for myself, but the way I see it is: if I lay all my cards on the table up front, how can someone come back later and claim I misled them? Still - it happens. And every time it does I'm just standing there slack jawed while they rant and rave. If I say, I love your pot roast but I don't care for beets and you keep trying to serve me beets, then how can you be upset with me if I won't eat them? Does that make sense? I guess if he told you he doesn't want to commit - then if you continue to sleep with him, he will assume you are ok with that arrangement. If you aren't you can tell him, "Hey, you're fun and all but I find casual sex rather degrading and I'd rather not go out if we aren't moving toward a monogamous relationship." He will probably react one of several ways: 1. he will try to convince you that a non-committed relationship is a good thing and you are just confused (we hate to be dumped) 2. He may suddenly realize that you are hie EVERYTHING - nothing is sexier than something we cannot have 3. Smile and hug you and agree that it's good you were honest and be a good sport about it. He probably is just as innocent as he seems. Most Aries are good hearted people who don't really intend to hurt anyone else - unless there are some terrible aspects influencing their nature. We pretty much live out the cliche "honest to a FAULT" and it is quite often truly to a FAULT. IP: Logged |
FreeLy Newflake Posts: 17 From: SG Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 12, 2015 07:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by karenkellybella: I am an aries with moon and mercury also in Aires. I am NOT a man but I think for the most part, Aries are pretty much as Linda described them. I find that people tend to take my honest and interpret it as something twisted and strange when it's really just genuine face value. Just speaking for myself, but the way I see it is: if I lay all my cards on the table up front, how can someone come back later and claim I misled them? Still - it happens. And every time it does I'm just standing there slack jawed while they rant and rave. If I say, I love your pot roast but I don't care for beets and you keep trying to serve me beets, then how can you be upset with me if I won't eat them? Does that make sense? I guess if he told you he doesn't want to commit - then if you continue to sleep with him, he will assume you are ok with that arrangement. If you aren't you can tell him, "Hey, you're fun and all but I find casual sex rather degrading and I'd rather not go out if we aren't moving toward a monogamous relationship." He will probably react one of several ways: 1. he will try to convince you that a non-committed relationship is a good thing and you are just confused (we hate to be dumped) 2. He may suddenly realize that you are hie EVERYTHING - nothing is sexier than something we cannot have 3. Smile and hug you and agree that it's good you were honest and be a good sport about it. He probably is just as innocent as he seems. Most Aries are good hearted people who don't really intend to hurt anyone else - unless there are some terrible aspects influencing their nature. We pretty much live out the cliche "honest to a FAULT" and it is quite often truly to a FAULT.
I get your Aries sharing..good insight. However maybe you should really read through the posts to really get a better understanding of what exactly is the problem..
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teasel Knowflake Posts: 6756 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 12, 2015 08:03 PM
I think that most any man would find it undesirable. It sounds like you're looking for a reaction. If you're looking to "win" then putting your attention elsewhere will do it every time. As long as you're trying to get something from him, you're hooked in emotionally. If you want something better, find a way to let him go. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 51015 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 14, 2015 11:32 PM
Why would you slap him?IP: Logged |
unforgiven_soul Knowflake Posts: 469 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 15, 2015 01:39 AM
If you wanna get raped, do it :PIP: Logged |
AngaCrowley Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Baltimore, MD Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 15, 2015 07:45 AM
quote: Originally posted by nove731: Honestly, if someone slapped me, I would quietly - yet dramatically - walk away and never speak to them again. Frankly, I wouldn't want to give them the satisfaction of any big emotional or impulsive display.
Im married to a super Aries and this would be his exact response. He will debate about why he is right and you are wrong until he is blue in the face, but if you hit him, or even start arguing too emotionally (yellng, screaming, throwing things, anything like that) he would totally shut down and allow you to stew in your own 'overreaction'. If there is anything my Aries looks down on, it is overly emotional reactions. Its just about the least likely way anyone could prove a point to him. You might think your ego is insulted now, but if you put your hands on him he will likely find a way to make you feel and look totally foolish, which wont help at all. Your feelings are valid, thats all you need to know. Dont go doing anything that will make YOU the bad guy! Cause he WILL flip that table so fast you wont know what hit *you*. IP: Logged |
FreeLy Newflake Posts: 17 From: SG Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 15, 2015 09:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by AngaCrowley: Im married to a super Aries and this would be his exact response. He will debate about why he is right and you are wrong until he is blue in the face, but if you hit him, or even start arguing too emotionally (yellng, screaming, throwing things, anything like that) he would totally shut down and allow you to stew in your own 'overreaction'. If there is anything my Aries looks down on, it is overly emotional reactions. Its just about the least likely way anyone could prove a point to him. You might think your ego is insulted now, but if you put your hands on him he will likely find a way to make you feel and look totally foolish, which wont help at all. Your feelings are valid, thats all you need to know. Dont go doing anything that will make YOU the bad guy! Cause he WILL flip that table so fast you wont know what hit *you*.
Wow thanks so much for the sharing, i like it so much..totally can relate to an Aries. Nice sharing..
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FreeLy Newflake Posts: 17 From: SG Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 15, 2015 09:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by AngaCrowley: Im married to a super Aries and this would be his exact response. He will debate about why he is right and you are wrong until he is blue in the face, but if you hit him, or even start arguing too emotionally (yellng, screaming, throwing things, anything like that) he would totally shut down and allow you to stew in your own 'overreaction'. If there is anything my Aries looks down on, it is overly emotional reactions. Its just about the least likely way anyone could prove a point to him. You might think your ego is insulted now, but if you put your hands on him he will likely find a way to make you feel and look totally foolish, which wont help at all. Your feelings are valid, thats all you need to know. Dont go doing anything that will make YOU the bad guy! Cause he WILL flip that table so fast you wont know what hit *you*.
I just happened to read something from Linda Goodman that i can relate to your sharing: Accuse him of dishonesty, and he'll look at you in amazement, with candid eyes open wide in utter horror that you could doubt him. He can wear blinders and ear plugs to shut out anything he doesn't want to believe. Even when his position is completely untenable, he'll bravely stick to his guns and work for the lost cause with earnest conviction.
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