Topic: How Aries man respond if you slap him?
FreeLy Newflake Posts: 17 From: SG Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 11, 2015 12:05 AM
How Aries man would respond if you slap him? Of course it is for something really valid and deserve.. there's really a genuine reason. If I ask him out just to give him one tight slap for what it requires of me, how would he react? Angry and never talk to me again? Hit me back? Or walk off and remember for life? IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6109 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 11, 2015 12:21 AM
I didn't find this easy to understand. It sounds to me like you wanted to ask an Aries guy out just so you could give him a good slap. Like WTF? Surely I'm not understanding what you mean.As for a general answer I'd say it depends on how he feels about you, his upbringing, if there are others around, if HE thinks there's a valid reason (just because you think so doesn't necessarily mean he thinks so), size and age difference between you, and other things like that. And, of course, the other factors in his chart, such as his moon and his mars in particular (and how those placements are affected by other factors of the natal chart and the transits and interaction with your own chart). Me and my Aries cousin have tormented each other for years, including smacking each other around when we were younger. We're also very close and a lot of the physical conflicts were more playful (or gotten over quickly). I did beat the crap out of him once (I was 13-14, he was 17) but even he knew he deserved it and pretty much let me (he'd told me to "hold this" and stuck a stick of dynamite in my hand with a burning fuse which I barely threw just in time and I'd have lost a hand if I hadn't...he thought the laugh was worth the beating he got and didn't fight back against me other than to minimize my hitting his face or other sensitive parts). And yes, I am female. IP: Logged |
charlie Knowflake Posts: 2916 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted March 11, 2015 01:01 AM
Ummmm MY Aries man would slap me back and then leave me. Edit: he also has a Cap Mars so I will agree with Odette. IP: Logged |
FreeLy Newflake Posts: 17 From: SG Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 11, 2015 01:23 AM
Really thankful for the replies you know? Honestly I'm an Aquarius we don't really into unreasonable or emotional tormenting others for no reason. Really it was that Aries taking things for granted and disrespectful that really hurts my heart.. To be it this way he felt it's okay to have just a physical relationship And actually got the cheeks to ask again. And I felt he has been very selfish and self centred to say he likes me but cannot commit like it's so normal. The best part is he could still react in such innocent way, well I truly felt the whole thing is very delibrating. I felt he betrayed me alot emotionally and morally and mentally.. You get what I mean? IP: Logged |
Swanlake Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted March 11, 2015 03:43 AM
Yes...It feels horrible to find out you picked a wrong man. So many women make this mistake.Of course you feel angry - like slapping him, but that's never a good idea. He might slap you back and things can turn ugly. Best to dump him. Next time be more careful about who you choose. Don't jump into bed with a man before you've gotten to know him well enough to trust that your values are similar & feelings are mutual, and respect & all that are there. Best of luck. IP: Logged |
Odette Moderator Posts: 5136 From: Registered: May 2012
posted March 11, 2015 05:11 AM
It depends more on his Mars sign! A Gemini Mars would brush it off... A Capricorn Mars would never speak to you again.IP: Logged |
FreeLy Newflake Posts: 17 From: SG Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 11, 2015 05:25 AM
His Mars and Venus is in Pisces. I guess that would gives alot hint to he could very well be very sneaky.But he is a x3 Aries= sun, moon and mercury. Hence a very much Aries at Very Much course. He would always present as very genuine guy, we have also know eachother since 2years ago. Thus I felt he might not really beat me up of course..
But really wonder how A typical Aries reaction would be..? IP: Logged |
CatMote Knowflake Posts: 823 From: Fighting Neptune for his trident Registered: Apr 2013
posted March 11, 2015 05:59 AM
im an aries guy with mars moon and venus in pisces. i would never hit a woman. unless i was in a war and it depended on my life lol. but you say that youre angry that he betrayed YOUR morals? how does that make sense, when youre the only one in control of your own morals. i think you feel used and i think youre upset at yourself more than this guy. in every relationship, communication is key. why didnt you guys talk about anything BEFORE you hooked up? he, more than likely, would have been honest in saying its purely physical. and not to mention, you also used him to get what you wanted too! it takes two to tango... obviously every person reacts differently, and i would never hit a woman, but i can tell you this. if any person touches my face, im going to get really, really upset and its probably the same for him. move on, examine how you can prevent this in the future, and best of luck. ------------------ "Perhaps there are new plateaus to reach, even greater heights to which I must ascend." IP: Logged |
astra7 Knowflake Posts: 194 From: Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 11, 2015 06:21 AM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: I didn't find this easy to understand. It sounds to me like you wanted to ask an Aries guy out just so you could give him a good slap. Like WTF?
Exactly. Why would anyone need to slap someone? quote: Originally posted by FreeLy: Really it was that Aries taking things for granted and disrespectful that really hurts my heart..
I'd ask a question why you are still with that person. YOU are the person who is grating yourself the 'hurts' by going back to him.  IP: Logged |
FreeLy Newflake Posts: 17 From: SG Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 11, 2015 06:29 AM
quote: Originally posted by astra7: [QUOTE]Originally posted by PixieJane: I didn't find this easy to understand. It sounds to me like you wanted to ask an Aries guy out just so you could give him a good slap. Like WTF?
Exactly. Why would anyone need to slap someone? quote: Originally posted by FreeLy: Really it was that Aries taking things for granted and disrespectful that really hurts my heart..
I'd ask a question why you are still with that person. YOU are the person who is grating yourself the 'hurts' by going back to him.  [/QUOTE] Oh you get it wrong. Is just a friend who is disrespectful. I'm more than clearer that I would never want anything to do with an Aries or him thou. It's just a curious question..chill
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FreeLy Newflake Posts: 17 From: SG Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 11, 2015 06:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by CatMote: im an aries guy with mars moon and venus in pisces. i would never hit a woman. unless i was in a war and it depended on my life lol. but you say that youre angry that he betrayed YOUR morals? how ydoes that make sense, when youre the only one in control of your own morals. i think you feel used and i think youre upset at yourself more than this guy. in every relationship, communication is key. why didnt you guys talk about anything BEFORE you hooked up? he, more than likely, would have been honest in saying its purely physical. and not to mention, you also used him to get what you wanted too! it takes two to tango... obviously every person reacts differently, and i would never hit a woman, but i can tell you this. if any person touches my face, im going to get really, really upset and its probably the same for him. move on, examine how you can prevent this in the future, and best of luck.
Appreciate your response.. The situation is more of intentional of misleading. (Or Aries are just being too straight forward and Purely innocent) You get it wrong, it's not as if he actually mention before his intention until later. He tried to be physical a few times despite me rejecting. Eventually he claim I bruise his Ego. I'm like what!? Even putting that aside, morally it's still rather insulting for he requesting to have a relationship without a status. Of course we aren't in constant contact (just a fren that occasionally causally text and call, meeting also only once a year) to suggest anything for him to thought it's possible. I didn't accept his theory of he likes me and fondness but want to focus Career first. Purely just a selfish and mindless request which I wouldn't swallow well, neither would anybody right?
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SaturnFan Knowflake Posts: 150 From: Registered: Dec 2014
posted March 11, 2015 06:52 AM
quote: Originally posted by FreeLy: The situation is more of intentional of misleading. You get it wrong, it's not as if he actually mention before his intention until later.Even putting that aside, morally it's still rather insulting for he requesting to have a relationship without a status. Of course we aren't in constant contact (just a fren that occasionally causally text and call, meeting also only once a year) to suggest anything for him to thought it's possible. Purely just a selfish and mindless request which I wouldn't swallow well, neither would anybody right?
I understand you are hurt, offended and obviously want him to know that he did something wrong. As other people said, most likely he doesn't think he did anything wrong. You have 2 options to exit this situation gracefully: 1. Move on and see how to prevent this in the future, as others already said. 2. Talk with him and tell him why his attitude is offensive. He might accept your view, he might not. Regardless of his reaction, hitting him will not accomplish anything positive. It will most definitely ensure that he views you as someone he's better off without. No way is he going to think "Oh, she has a point, I've acted offensively" after having received a slap in the face - on the contrary, he'll be glad he never took things further. So instead of teaching him a lesson, which you apparently want to do, you will have paraded your feelings in a violent and degrading way, making yourself the one who has acted worse out of the 2. You are obviously very upset with him, but be dignified about your emotions. IP: Logged |
FreeLy Newflake Posts: 17 From: SG Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 11, 2015 07:47 AM
quote: Originally posted by SaturnFan: I understand you are hurt, offended and obviously want him to know that he did something wrong. As other people said, most likely he doesn't think he did anything wrong. You have 2 options to exit this situation gracefully: 1. Move on and see how to prevent this in the future, as others already said. 2. Talk with him and tell him why his attitude is offensive. He might accept your view, he might not.Regardless of his reaction, hitting him will not accomplish anything positive. It will most definitely ensure that he views you as someone he's better off without. No way is he going to think "Oh, she has a point, I've acted offensively" after having received a slap in the face - on the contrary, he'll be glad he never took things further. So instead of teaching him a lesson, which you apparently want to do, you will have paraded your feelings in a violent and degrading way, making yourself the one who has acted worse out of the 2. You are obviously very upset with him, but be dignified about your emotions.
Your input is really relevant, appreciate that.. Yea you know as an Aquarius we are always seeking truth and his nonsense wishful thinking actually make me want to let the facts to get across his face one last time for good. Wel you know it's always unfair you're the one feeling anger and have to self dissolve. Apparently he's very 'innocent' about all his actions and behavior. I have to accept and conclude what i know about Aries that is typically known as Self-centred. As the infant of the zodiac, they really only thought and care about himself and nothing elses. He also don't hide the fact his enormous ego and 'only-self-love-ever'.
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SaturnFan Knowflake Posts: 150 From: Registered: Dec 2014
posted March 11, 2015 07:56 AM
I completely understand your anger and frustration, and you are right not to put up with his attitude. Just don't hit him Walk away, this is an even clearer message. quote: Originally posted by FreeLy: Apparently he's very 'innocent' about all his actions and behavior.
And this behaviour in people can be maddening - but it's his problem, not yours. Every action has a consequence, and life will teach him that sooner or later. You better focus on your own journey  Here's something to put things in perspective - it's a timeless video which you've probably seen already, but as you go through different situations in life, each time you watch it gets better and more relevant. IP: Logged |
Solar_Leo_Queen Knowflake Posts: 2133 From: Planet Earth Registered: Jan 2014
posted March 11, 2015 09:06 AM
Pfft if he's a super Aries, like a huge stellium in that sign especially with Mars in it, he's most likely to slap you back and then leave. He won't remember it for life, unless he has Cancer somewhere especially the moon.But this guy sounds like a huge d*ck. Maybe you should just leave him. He sounds like the last Aries I was involved in. He was all like, "Oh I like you, but I like this other girl, too and I'm really confused." Blah blah blah. He had Venus in Aqua. IP: Logged |
babybull82 Knowflake Posts: 731 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted March 11, 2015 10:46 AM
Having had experienced this first hand he'd hit you back, which is bs, but in the end adults shouldn't be hitting each other like children sooo...IP: Logged |
frankie2912 Knowflake Posts: 1330 From: Kansas Registered: Apr 2011
posted March 11, 2015 11:01 AM
My Aries dad once punched a woman square in her face for physically attacking him. Knocked her out cold.Women who hit like a man should expect to take it like a man. If you're going to attack prepared for the consequences. I can't stand women who don't think twice about hitting a man and then cry about it when there is retaliation. (BTW my dad has never been physically violent toward me, my siblings, or my mom)
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Koniucha Knowflake Posts: 95 From: Registered: Jun 2014
posted March 11, 2015 11:07 AM
Ask him. I am sure he will tell you.IP: Logged |
CatMote Knowflake Posts: 823 From: Fighting Neptune for his trident Registered: Apr 2013
posted March 11, 2015 11:16 AM
quote: Originally posted by FreeLy: Appreciate your response..The situation is more of intentional of misleading. (Or Aries are just being too straight forward and Purely innocent) You get it wrong, it's not as if he actually mention before his intention until later. He tried to be physical a few times despite me rejecting. Eventually he claim I bruise his Ego. I'm like what!? Even putting that aside, morally it's still rather insulting for he requesting to have a relationship without a status. Of course we aren't in constant contact (just a fren that occasionally causally text and call, meeting also only once a year) to suggest anything for him to thought it's possible. I didn't accept his theory of he likes me and fondness but want to focus Career first. Purely just a selfish and mindless request which I wouldn't swallow well, neither would anybody right?
oh ok, i understand more clearly now! thanks for that. yeah, im sorry youre going through this, and the part of him saying you bruised his ego is NOT cool at all. what a manipulative way to make you feel bad about having your own opinions. im sorry you are going through this, but i have a feeling he will stop talking to you if you just ignore him and move on with your life. us aries guys are dumb and sometimes all we want is attention, and if we dont find it one place we will find it another. ------------------ "Perhaps there are new plateaus to reach, even greater heights to which I must ascend." IP: Logged |
FreeLy Newflake Posts: 17 From: SG Registered: Feb 2015
posted March 11, 2015 11:58 AM
quote: Originally posted by CatMote: oh ok, i understand more clearly now! thanks for that. yeah, im sorry youre going through this, and the part of him saying you bruised his ego is NOT cool at all. what a manipulative way to make you feel bad about having your own opinions. im sorry you are going through this, but i have a feeling he will stop talking to you if you just ignore him and move on with your life. us aries guys are dumb and sometimes all we want is attention, and if we dont find it one place we will find it another.
That's great catmole that you understand.. (: and yes you got it right that part about how he mention about his own Ego could very well be manipulation. What a shame people actually do that and still claim he really cares and respect. Of course i didn't realise until later. That's unfortunately fortunate at least. And you mention an Aries could be just too stupid to realise No Contact done. Well I could only do that isn't it? There are more people who are going to just say the 'noble speech' of noviolence no slap, be bigger go NC, hardly people will support to say support 'he deserve a slap'. Just my luck
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lalalinda Moderator Posts: 4252 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 11, 2015 12:46 PM
Hello FreeLy! Welcome to LL  If you want to get an Aries attention you don't hit them you ignore them. ------------------ "There ain't no revolution, only evolution, but every time I'm in Georgia I 'eat a peach' for peace." Duane Allman IP: Logged |
thequeen Knowflake Posts: 1029 From: Al Da Beatz Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 11, 2015 02:37 PM
They'll beat you till they get over their temper.IP: Logged |
Kibriana Knowflake Posts: 198 From: Zagreb, Croatia Registered: Nov 2012
posted March 11, 2015 04:05 PM
I really wouldn't do that if I were you, because he'd probably hit you back and hard. I know I'd do that if somebody hit me (another Aries here). When faced with violence or injustice, Aries blood boils in a split of second, and when that happens, common sense and reason is out of the picture, and fists start talking. You don't hit an Aries, or anybody else, unless you're attacked. Full stop. IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Moderator Posts: 9599 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted March 11, 2015 04:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by lalalinda: Hello FreeLy! Welcome to LL  If you want to get an Aries attention you don't hit them you ignore them.
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PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6109 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 11, 2015 08:13 PM
This thread just reminded me of this demotivator: I'll have to post this in the humor thread as well so I can find it again. DISCLAIMER: this is shared for a laugh and not encouragement to slap guys (even the ones who might benefit from it), though interesting enough there are men who get off on that...masochists and submissives don't just come in female form. (One guy once mistook me for a wannabe dominatrix due to my gothic appearance at the time--and it wasn't just him but he was the most persistent--and as he begged me to whip him I was torn between doing so with the goal of making sure he never asked me for anything again OR continuing to refuse due to fear that if I did so then no matter how harsh it was I'd NEVER get rid of him with him saying I was his soul mate. Luckily, changing the way I dressed got him to stop pestering me and after I moved I was able to dress up that way again without similar problems.) IP: Logged |