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  Eclipse + Spring Equinox + Supermoon + 29 Pisces (Page 3)

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Author Topic:   Eclipse + Spring Equinox + Supermoon + 29 Pisces

Posts: 34
From: Atlanta, GA, USA
Registered: Mar 2015

posted March 24, 2015 05:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for karenkellybella     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm still working through what the pluto/sun archetype might mean for me but I found this really good article on how pluto pushes hard at our comfort levels to get us out of a rut, to sacrifice the ego so that something better can come. All of this is very thought provoking as I've basically just watched my life go up in smoke (figuratively) and was compelled to uncharacteristically release all of my pride/ego to my career coach (and the group of coachees who were still present.) I meant to just ask for some advice, but as I opened my mouth to speak, I pretty much admitted that I was sinking - fast. I'd lost my job, but been encouraged to take a commission only position with much more income potential on December 1. Since I have had no income for 3 months, I had finally run out of food. In mid January, I was charged with an accident that was clearly NOT my fault in which my car was totaled. The insurance didn't cover the balance of the loan owed on the car, my tax return was held up for audit randomly so my refund hasn't come through and I have two teenagers to support. My coaching group was stunned. I remember thinking that it would have been nice of my fellow coaching class members to excuse themselves and allow me some semblance of dignity. Alas, my outpouring was like a train wreck and they were all slack jawed spectators. Apparently they thought I was far and away more experienced and successful than they were and several of them even said that they kind of resented me for seeming to outshine them. All the while I was sure they could smell the fear and desperation oozing from my pores.

Somehow, just releasing the illusion that I had it all together was some kind of cosmic catalyst. I have a car - paid for, title in hand - that is nicer than any car I've owned before. The car was a gift from my usually stingy boyfriend. My cupboards, fridge and freezer are full. I've gotten refunds on past purchases that I didn't expect. Bills have suddenly shown up as paid in full for the month (?!?) and I somehow have an audience with the Mayor later this month to discuss and Idea I have to create gardens to feed and employ the homeless. Oh...And I have a listing going live this week. I'm a realtor and this means that next month, I should have a decent commission check.

I've left out a lot that happened. but overall - the same theme has been playing out across the board. I've been flat busted, no way out, no light at the end of the tunnel - and had to lay aside my pride/ego and illusions of control in order to just survive. Each time I've sacrificed my dignity, pride/ego - abundance has rushed in to fill the void.

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Posts: 34
From: Atlanta, GA, USA
Registered: Mar 2015

posted March 24, 2015 05:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for karenkellybella     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I forgot to share the link!

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Posts: 10856
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 25, 2015 12:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you for the article, Karen, and I'm glad to see you;re processing the lessons of meeting your own shadow/ and the one of the others in a positive way. Sun opp Pluto is a very strong aspect making you experience extreme states, but that's because something extremely good is also within your reach. It's also an aspect confronting you with how to use the tremendous power you have with this aspect for the benefit of all. Good luck in using the experience to bring a little more light into the world, who else can better do this than someone with this aspect?

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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Posts: 10856
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 25, 2015 03:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Blind writer:
I noticed some interesting connections with the nodes and JUPITER. CHIRON-TYCHE, too.

No hard aspects in the natal, except for the interesting semisquare to Chiron, yes. How do you see semisquares? My guess is this triggers an important Chirotic event, something very precise in time, space and meaning.

the progressed however is highly activated, your current progressed cycle seems to be strongly connected to the archetype of the eclipse: last zodiac degree (cumulative energies bursting into renewed identity crsytallization and self-affirmation - the pASC, but also pMC)

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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Blind writer

Posts: 538
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Registered: May 2012

posted March 25, 2015 11:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Blind writer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
No hard aspects in the natal, except for the interesting semisquare to Chiron, yes. How do you see semisquares? My guess is this triggers an important Chirotic event, something very precise in time, space and meaning.

the progressed however is highly activated, your current progressed cycle seems to be strongly connected to the archetype of the eclipse: last zodiac degree (cumulative energies bursting into renewed identity crsytallization and self-affirmation - the pASC, but also pMC)

Semisquares to me represent potential for change. Squares strike me as a necessity or "crisis" that must be addressed, but semisquares depend on the native. A kind of, "this'll be tough and potentially rewarding, but take it or leave it". It's an internal realignment, whereas I see the sesquisquare as more external in nature.

My progressed is very active this year. I have a progressed New Moon in the making, and I'm excited for new things. Even my solar return indicated much in the way of "potential" for this year. For what exactly - no clue - but I guess that's part of the excitement.

My solar arc MARS just passed my AC a few months ago, out of the dark 12H into the light of his natural 1H. I feel that I might become a more assertive and fearless person from now on. But I might need that final boost from SATURN, when he finally goes direct again, and leaves Scorpio (and my natal MC) behind (retrograde JUPITER is also a dampener, hanging out on my NN). As it was, MARS in Aries was a huge breath of fresh air. Almost like he'd been born anew, and experiencing the zodiac for the first time.

JUPITER and the nodes, though - I think that speaks of blessings and success from hard efforts - once he stops chasing his tail.

I have had a ghost from my past pop up unexpectedly a few days ago, though. It's an excellent opportunity to make amends for the bad terms we left on years and years ago. It is mildly awkward, but with great potential for cathartic release. Wipe the slate clean. Very typical for retro SATURN, actually.

It's almost like the universe is handing things to me on a plate, saying "fear not, you're almost there", as I resolve my regrets from the past in order to really step forward. Or perhaps that's my progressed New Moon conjuncting tPLUTO speaking.

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Posts: 51608
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
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posted March 27, 2015 01:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A great read.

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Posts: 10856
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 27, 2015 03:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Blind writer:
Semisquares to me represent potential for change. Squares strike me as a necessity or "crisis" that must be addressed, but semisquares depend on the native. A kind of, "this'll be tough and potentially rewarding, but take it or leave it". It's an internal realignment, whereas I see the sesquisquare as more external in nature.

My progressed is very active this year. I have a progressed New Moon in the making, and I'm excited for new things. Even my solar return indicated much in the way of "potential" for this year. For what exactly - no clue - but I guess that's part of the excitement.

My solar arc MARS just passed my AC a few months ago, out of the dark 12H into the light of his natural 1H. I feel that I might become a more assertive and fearless person from now on. But I might need that final boost from SATURN, when he finally goes direct again, and leaves Scorpio (and my natal MC) behind (retrograde JUPITER is also a dampener, hanging out on my NN). As it was, MARS in Aries was a huge breath of fresh air. Almost like he'd been born anew, and experiencing the zodiac for the first time.

JUPITER and the nodes, though - I think that speaks of blessings and success from hard efforts - once he stops chasing his tail.

I have had a ghost from my past pop up unexpectedly a few days ago, though. It's an excellent opportunity to make amends for the bad terms we left on years and years ago. It is mildly awkward, but with great potential for cathartic release. Wipe the slate clean. Very typical for retro SATURN, actually.

It's almost like the universe is handing things to me on a plate, saying "fear not, you're almost there", as I resolve my regrets from the past in order to really step forward. Or perhaps that's my progressed New Moon conjuncting tPLUTO speaking.

Thank you, Randall

That is interesting, BW, I wonder if that "ghost from the past" could be related to your Chiron semisquare, as event; does he do anything there, with their planets?

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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Posts: 10856
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 28, 2015 03:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Queen Salome:
I done something horribly wrong and hurt people who love me and who gave me so much, night before Solar Eclipse (in my 12th house, where I also have many other transiting planets). I wanted to kill myself. They said that consequences of decisions brought on Solar Eclipse will feel for six more months.

I hope things are better for you now, Queen, seen in a better light, after the Eclipse?

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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Posts: 10856
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 28, 2015 04:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
I DO!!!!

Nah, seriously I just returned home from seeing a musical, which coincidentally had the one as male leading role I had seen as Lancelot last year (you know the production where Mr Sag was Arthur) in the role of Death today. And well it is one of my favourite musicals, and it was just really really entertaining.

And as I said in another post, Mr Lancelot/Death is just yummy.
Definitely not hard on the eyes.

Of course I would say that about him though. He`s an Aries and has his Sun at the same spot two of my most persistent moth-to-flame crushes many many years ago had.
Not even sure why I am reacting to that exact spot so much, but I thought it was hilarious. lol

But yeah, just eyecandy-material, no soulstuff in this instance. lol

Anyway yes I am glad about the ongoing Jupiter-Moon-opposition, it is a breathe of relief in a more challenging time whic is just about to begin actually.
I mean Tr Pluto just gave me a taste of opposing my Saturn and will back off soon again, just to come back in a few months (unfortunately without Tr Jupiter opposing my Moon).

Instead Tr Uranus will start squaring my Saturn FOR REAL.
Plus there is the transiting Node right on my pluto (actually it has just come into 1 degree orb TODAY).

But to be honest it is the next, the lunar ecclipse in april that seems to trigger even more pivotal things in my chart.

Well, Saturn at least (le will be on 14 Aries-Libra, with Uranus on 16 Aries), opposing my Aphrodite on 13 Libra and conjunct my Draco Sun-Mercury on 15 Aries, so there`s that. lol

Nevertheless I found it interesting to discover that apparently I am in the midst of having some Union-Returns.

I hope we both enjoy this Jupiter (remember my Moon is opp yours *2)

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Posts: 10856
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 31, 2015 07:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by I'm so cappy:
Eclipse in the 7th. Conjuct Mars/NN midpoint and progressed DSC from the 7th both by 1 deg. Conjunct Karma by 1. Sextile NN and Mars. Quincunx Moon and square Juno.

This should bring some new/rekindled partners/friends in your life with important impact on your Mars/NN conj. Things should get moving now, when it comes to your life path. These partners/friends have an important role in your destiny.

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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