Topic: I can swear by the tertiary progressions
SoaringLeaves Knowflake Posts: 384 From: Pluto's heart Registered: Jun 2015
posted June 26, 2015 10:29 AM
Every time when a major event happened, one of the TP slow moving planets was in exact conjunction to a TP angle (<<0°40'; include here the dwarfs, Eris, MakeMake, and Haumea). I became so confident that the tertiary progressions predict with high accuracy the crucial moments in one's life that I started to use them for adjusting the questionable times of birth.From other threads: Tertiary progressions are calculated by using "one day for a month". Let me start by saying that I know my time of birth and those of my family to the very minute. I also know it for some of my exes. This matters because from my observation, at the moment of the event the conjunction to the angle is almost exact (lots of times less than 0°20'). Here are my observations: * TP Mars conjunct a TP angle: (I noticed this with ASC mostly) major fight/quarrel that leads to final break-up/estrangement. Also being viciously attacked/bullied. * TP Jupiter conjunct a TP angle: obviously only great things, BUT it may not always seem positive at first. I broke up with someone who wasn't good for me when TP Jupiter was conjunct my TP IC. My sister didn't get a job that seemed perfect for her but proved to be terrible when her TP Jupiter was conjunct TP Midheaven. * TP Saturn conjunct a TP angle: anything from karmic payment, to engagement to someone older, to career promotion. Someone got engaged with a man much older when her TP Jupiter was conjunct TP IC. Someone who used to bully everyone had one of his victims get a (major) revenge on him when his TP Saturn conj TP ASC. Any sort of career promotion. * TP Uranus conjunct a TP angle: this is a tricky one. Both my sister and I were dumped when it was conjunct our ASC or DESC. But a celebrity I checked got millionaire when it went conjunct her Midheaven. * TP Neptune conjunct a TP angle: this is much more subtle, but in my case it had the biggest effects in my life. Think of it in terms of watching a show with astronauts and deciding to become an astronaut too, hence starting to study to get into NASA, which would change your entire life. It also marked getting artistic awards, graduating from college, or establishing artistic associations. I would assume it can have a similar meaning when spiritual beliefs are involved, though I didn't notice. * TP Pluto conjunct a TP angle: I noticed mostly career promotions or social status advancements. * TP Eris conjunct a TP angle: (Eris is the feminine version of Pluto, the "positive" destroyer) I didn't even use to look at this dwarf until someone in my family broke up with a jerk when her TP Eris was conjunct her ASC. I'd be curious to hear other people's experiences with it (same for the next two dwarfs). * TP MakeMake (136472) conjunct a TP angle: (MakeMake is very preeminent in my chart, to the point of possibly being its ruler). Still I don't completely understand it. It seems to be associated with academic/scientific/artistic achievement and victories/success against others (as opposed to against your own evil self). In two cases, TP MakeMake was conjunct ASC or DESC when winning a competition or winning against a powerful adversary. * TP Haumea (136108) conjunct a TP angle: to me Haumea is raw energy used to change your life or the world around you (two servings of Mars, with a serving of Pluto, and a serving of Jupiter). When my TP Haumea went conjunct my TP DESC, I decided to put the will and energy behind my crazy dream. * TP Node North conjunct a TP angle: I had a major spiritual shift when mine was conjunct my TP DESC. * TP Zeus (asteroid 5731) conjunct a TP angle: I decided to quit a very well paid job that made me miserable when my TP Zeus was conj my TP ASC. As you can see, I don't believe the actual angle (ASC, DESC, MH, IC) matters, though it can give you a certain idea of the direction of the event. For instance with the DESC you may win a victory in which an "associate" (could be distant or brother-in-ideas only) has an important role. Anyways, I would love to hear if major events happened in your life when your TP planets (including the dwarfs, because sadly they are so little studied) were conjunct your TP angles. Also look back too, not only forward, to better understand what a certain aspect may bring. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted June 26, 2015 10:59 AM
I have an important configuration here, the upcoming month:TNN conj TIC exact (0) conj my natal MC (1) TVenus conj TDSC (1) conj natal Avx exact (0), which puts TASC on natal Vertex exact, to the second. TVertex conj natal ASC (3) TMoon conj natal DSC exact, to the second (0) DSC 19.20 Cancer Moon 19.37 Cancer What do you think? ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged |
SoaringLeaves Knowflake Posts: 384 From: Pluto's heart Registered: Jun 2015
posted June 26, 2015 11:24 AM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: I have an important configuration here, the upcoming month:TNN conj TIC exact (0) conj my natal MC (1) TVenus conj TDSC (1) conj natal Avx exact (0), which puts TASC on natal Vertex exact, to the second. TVertex conj natal ASC (3) TMoon conj natal DSC exact, to the second (0) DSC 19.20 Cancer Moon 19.37 Cancer What do you think?
LeeLoo2014, The TP North Node should definitely be important. I'm guessing some spiritual aspect would impact your career, relationship with parents, family, or a combination of them. Or one of these people would change your view of the world. I didn't notice any major events with the fast moving planets. Sorry. When my TP Venus was conjunct my TP ASC, all sort of random people told me how beautiful I am (I don't think I'm particularly beautiful, LOL!), but that aspect had no long-lasting impact on my life. I didn't study almost at all the asteroids (the only reason I mentioned Zeus was because I consider quitting that job a turning point in my life and no planet was conjunct my angles, but Zeus was exactly conjunct). Not to say that they don't matter--it's just not something I looked into. I believe this method predicts pivotal moments, but it seems to work only for the slow(er) moving planets. I hope this helps.
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Orange Knowflake Posts: 7783 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted June 26, 2015 12:16 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: I have an important configuration here, the upcoming month:TNN conj TIC exact (0) conj my natal MC (1) TVenus conj TDSC (1) conj natal Avx exact (0), which puts TASC on natal Vertex exact, to the second. TVertex conj natal ASC (3) TMoon conj natal DSC exact, to the second (0) DSC 19.20 Cancer Moon 19.37 Cancer What do you think?
Please, come back in a month and share what happened with those strong Venus - Moon- DSC aspects. Naturally, the conclusion would be - an important love relationship will begin. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted June 26, 2015 12:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by SoaringLeaves: LeeLoo2014,The TP North Node should definitely be important. I'm guessing some spiritual aspect would impact your career, relationship with parents, family, or a combination of them. Or one of these people would change your view of the world. I didn't notice any major events with the fast moving planets. Sorry. When my TP Venus was conjunct my TP ASC, all sort of random people told me how beautiful I am (I don't think I'm particularly beautiful, LOL!), but that aspect had no long-lasting impact on my life. I didn't study almost at all the asteroids (the only reason I mentioned Zeus was because I consider quitting that job a turning point in my life and no planet was conjunct my angles, but Zeus was exactly conjunct). Not to say that they don't matter--it's just not something I looked into. I believe this method predicts pivotal moments, but it seems to work only for the slow(er) moving planets. I hope this helps.
Thank you  Hm I don't know what to say, since tertiary is very Moon-related, and the fast cycles (lunar) are given by the personal planets in relation to angles/nodes. I do agree however that, as it is with transits, major turning point events will bring some natal (slow movers)/tertiary (angles, fast movers) conjunctions. Natal/tertiary comparison is, I think, something important to check. ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...
AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted June 26, 2015 12:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: Please, come back in a month and share what happened with those strong Venus - Moon- DSC aspects. Naturally, the conclusion would be - an important love relationship will begin. I started my relationship the month when T Uranus conjuncted exactly my ASC and both were at 17' Libra - which is my natal Venus.
I thought so too, especially since my DSC is in Cancer (hence the IC connection) - it looks like a DSC matter. I will definitely give feedback on this  ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged |
Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 2665 From: Pandora's Box Tech Registered: Mar 2015
posted June 26, 2015 12:49 PM
Makemake I had to check it. 12th house, square IC-MC. Made will be nothing.------------------ Anomaling around since 1911. IP: Logged |
SoaringLeaves Knowflake Posts: 384 From: Pluto's heart Registered: Jun 2015
posted June 26, 2015 01:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Thank you  Hm I don't know what to say, since tertiary is very Moon-related, and the fast cycles (lunar) are given by the personal planets in relation to angles/nodes. I do agree however that, as it is with transits, major turning point events will bring some natal (slow movers)/tertiary (angles, fast movers) conjunctions. Natal/tertiary comparison is, I think, something important to check.
Let us know how it pans out. By all means, I wish you only happy moments! I got in love with the man of my most meaningful relationship when my TP Chiron was conjunct TP IC (I forgot to mention Chiron in my original post). In his chart, TP Uranus was conjunct his TP DESC. That relationship healed some very old wounds of mine related to parents. IP: Logged |
SoaringLeaves Knowflake Posts: 384 From: Pluto's heart Registered: Jun 2015
posted June 26, 2015 03:20 PM
Ohhhh, the Supreme Court just provided me with the perfect example. You've probably heard that the Supreme Court has made the same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states. (Also yesterday the same Supreme Court saved Obamacare and the day before the Confederate flag was taken down.)This is the United Stated tertiary progressed chart for this month and Jupiter is EXACTLY conjunct the TP DESC (also Cupido is conjunct IC).
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted June 26, 2015 04:00 PM
Very nice Thank you for posting!------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 5210 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 27, 2015 01:47 AM
Hello SoaringLeaves! Welcome to LL  ------------------ "There ain't no revolution, only evolution, but every time I'm in Georgia I 'eat a peach' for peace." Duane Allman IP: Logged |
charlie Knowflake Posts: 4985 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 27, 2015 05:43 AM
I will have TPneptune conj Sag Asc and TPpluto conj Libra MC rest of 2015 or rather it has been and will be that way all of 2015. What would this imply??IP: Logged |
SoaringLeaves Knowflake Posts: 384 From: Pluto's heart Registered: Jun 2015
posted June 27, 2015 09:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by lalalinda: Hello SoaringLeaves! Welcome to LL 
Thank you! It's fun. quote: Originally posted by charlie: I will have TPneptune conj Sag Asc and TPpluto conj Libra MC rest of 2015 or rather it has been and will be that way all of 2015. What would this imply??
Charlie, Both those aspects are very significant. Neptune may not be very obvious at first, although I forgot what president won the elections when his TP Neptune was exact conj TP MH; Pluto can go both ways. However what I was trying to say is that the month when the conjunction is exact is when you can expect a major event. Also, please remember that the planets seem to move backwards (clockwise) in a tertiary progressed chart. So from what you describe your exact conjunctions are yet to happen. Let me give you an example with my TP chart for this month. As you can see Uranus and Saturn and in conjunction to angles, but none of the conjunctions are exact. Several months ago I set in motion a professional project but nothing major happens right now (if you don't count me pulling my hairs and crawling up the walls, while I'm waiting to hear from the others). Still I'm hoping that this project will take off in the next two months (Neptune conj DESC next month and Saturn conj IC in two or three months). Hopefully it will start to bear fruit in a year (Jupiter conjunct ASC in June 2016). Of course at this point it's wishful thinking. My advice is to play around with your TP until you find the exact month of the conjunction (add 1-2 months if your time of birth isn't very accurate). Then keep your eyes and mind open that month and be ready to grab whatever may come. Good luck and come back to tell us what happened. IP: Logged |
charlie Knowflake Posts: 4985 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 27, 2015 12:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by SoaringLeaves: Charlie,Both those aspects are very significant. Neptune may not be very obvious at first, although I forgot what president won the elections when his TP Neptune was exact conj TP MH; Pluto can go both ways. However what I was trying to say is that the month when the [b]conjunction is exact is when you can expect a major event. Also, please remember that the planets seem to move backwards (clockwise) in a tertiary progressed chart. So from what you describe your exact conjunctions are yet to happen. Let me give you an example with my TP chart for this month. As you can see Uranus and Saturn and in conjunction to angles, but none of the conjunctions are exact. Several months ago I set in motion a professional project but nothing major happens right now (if you don't count me pulling my hairs and crawling up the walls, while I'm waiting to hear from the others). Still I'm hoping that this project will take off in the next two months (Neptune conj DESC next month and Saturn conj IC in two or three months). Hopefully it will start to bear fruit in a year (Jupiter conjunct ASC in June 2016). Of course at this point it's wishful thinking. My advice is to play around with your TP until you find the exact month of the conjunction (add 1-2 months if your time of birth isn't very accurate). Then keep your eyes and mind open that month and be ready to grab whatever may come. Good luck and come back to tell us what happened.[/B]
I will have the exact conjunction Jan 2016. I've kinda been feeling "something" will happen for a while but then again, all my angles are going Cardinal, having been Mutable/Fixed, soon so that might play a part too.
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GemBird82 Knowflake Posts: 907 From: Female bird from France Registered: Feb 2014
posted June 27, 2015 12:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aunt Anomalia: Makemake
*Yay*  IP: Logged |
Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 2665 From: Pandora's Box Tech Registered: Mar 2015
posted June 27, 2015 07:04 PM
Next in line: tp Moon conjunct tp IC tp Moon and tp IC conjunct nMoonWhat can I expect?
------------------ Anomaling around since 1911. IP: Logged |
starstruck1 Knowflake Posts: 52 From: Registered: May 2019
posted July 02, 2020 03:36 AM
bumping this old thread as I am learning about tertiary progressions.And what do you know....this is the chart of my ex whom I broke up with during this progression. Uranus exactly conjunct the ascendant - he is an aqua rising too. Only just checked this...astrology astounds me still, after 20 years!
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