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  Transiting Pluto square Sun ( and/or Venus) (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Transiting Pluto square Sun ( and/or Venus)

Posts: 1059
From: I live at 667
Registered: Sep 2014

posted August 21, 2015 05:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for astra7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by karenkellybella:
From what I understand, Pluto is going to give you signs about what you need to release. If you ignore the signs, Pluto will send even stronger signs...the harder you try to cling to whatever Pluto wants you to release the harder he will hit you. Pluto wants you to release your attachment to things/people/places so you can experience transformation. Once you do, you can look back and say, you know what? I didn't really need that after all - I am strong enough without it.

Let's say it's your career that you self identify with. Pluto may show up as a corporate takeover or merger where your company is swallowed up by a larger company and you are no longer a big fish in a little pond. You dig in and resolve to work hard and earn the new guys respect. Ok. Pluto cuts the budget for your department (which was only recently a whole company) and you find that your sweet corner office with the nice view has been replaced with a cubicle with no privacy and now every time you look up from your desk all you see is that Annoying Punk in the opposing cubicle who you once treated with disdain whenever you noticed him, but now you're basically seen as his equal. You dig in. You come to work the following Monday to find that Mr. Annoying Punk, formerly considered an underling, somehow managed to dazzle the new "Department Head" by pointing out something that you could and would have pointed out yourself but you assumed that anyone with half a brain already knew. Now Mr. Annoying Punk is getting kudos and they are talking about having him head up meetings for the C-Suite. Your career-related self esteem plummets. You dig in. ...and so on. The more you dig in, the harder Pluto is going to hit until one day, you walk into an office lunch-meeting to hear that ROI numbers didn't work out and the Company that purchased the startup you were so proud of being a part of is scrapping the whole idea. They thought they wanted to branch out into this area but it's just not feasible so they are going to be closing the office. Everyone will get a small severance package...except Mr. Annoying Punk who somehow managed to get promoted and transferred to another part of the Company before the announcement. He will be able to work remotely and will only have to fly out to the corporate headquarters once a month, all expenses paid, of course. Then you'll still have no career-related self esteem. The Punk will have somehow stolen your glory and now you don't know where you;ll get the funds needed to pay your mortgage. If you had listened up when Pluto started talking, you might have taken the chance on that really cool, but risky offer a headhunter called you about. The job was something you were once passionate about but you just couldn't rationalize leaving a "steady job" with a cush office to start fresh, as an entry level employee, even if it did titillate the hell out of you. Now the headhunter won't take your calls or return your messages. You think about driving that expensive new car you bought when times were good into an oncoming semi truck. . . . Pluto tried to tell you. The good news, you WILL find your way through the destruction - and you will be stronger, happier and you will be more willing to go after something that satisfies your soul instead of settling for an easy paycheck. BUT, first you'll have to clean up the mess Pluto made while he was trying to get your attention.

I guess, for me, Pluto is letting me to release being nice to people and be lot harsher. This is 180 degree turn around.

garrh why is it that annoying punk who is less capable of doing the job get promoted?! I had this experience and thouroughly got annoyed so I left the company swiftly and landed on a better paid job.

Anyway, can anone tell me how I can become that mr Punk? I sure can do lot worse and would like to be promoted with benefiiiits!!!

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posted August 21, 2015 05:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Soltze     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think that's the secret to survive a Pluto transit.
If you own your plutonic qualities people will back off or will tell them to back off and transform life according to your deeper needs.

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Posts: 1059
From: I live at 667
Registered: Sep 2014

posted August 21, 2015 05:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for astra7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by wheresthemoon:
Well I think for me it's been the combination of this transit and my progressed moon in Scorpio. When my progressed moon was conjunct my natal Pluto almost exact and pluto was exactly square my sun, I was forced to make a decision I'd been needing to make for over a year.
I was in an abusive and toxic marriage. He lied and took advantage of me regularly. I knew I had to get out, but I loved him and more than that, I was comfortable. His lies increased. His clinginess increased. His overall volatility increased.
We ended up moving in with his parents to save money, and things reached a boiling point. All was well for about 2 months, but his mother and I grew to hate and resent each other because of the things that were going on between her son and I.
One fine day, my ex and his mom teamed up and "forced" me to talk it out with her. Obviously (as though this couldn't be seen coming a mile away) it turned into a huge fight, and I was essentially kicked out of the house, although I was living there with my child.
I ended up moving across the country with her to be with my family.
I started dating, perhaps prematurely, and it has been a parade of leeches and life suckers. I got involved in a physical relationship with a (literal) psychopath who is a sadist. I obviously didn't realize he was a psychopath when the whole thing started, but now I think he is an emotional sadist too, meaning that he likes to know he is causing me emotional pain.
Obviously it's just been a mess. I can't wait for this transit to end. Although when it ends, it will pass over my DSC so it seems Pluto isn't going to be finished with me for a long while.

hoooly golly, that sounds equally awful like my life right now.

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Posts: 1059
From: I live at 667
Registered: Sep 2014

posted August 21, 2015 05:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for astra7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LaceyLeigh:
Yup, I have Pluto squaring my sun, and Saturn opposing my Venus.

I've been feeling a bit down lately, more than usual, to be frank.

Then I'd say you are lucky if you are feeling a bit down.
Many of us are having it lot lot worse.

Another thing that happens to Pluto sq Sun is that when you need help, assistance or support from police or friends, they all disappear! lol No crime you've reported is investigated and criminal put on pedestral etc. You are on your own. Hope you guys survive.

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Posts: 3141
From: Georgia
Registered: May 2009

posted August 21, 2015 08:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I remember Brad Pitt had the TR PLuto on his Sun when the scandal with Angie broke and he divorced Anniston

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posted August 21, 2015 06:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ayelet     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Orange.

I don't know if I am an example. I am ill and have decided to give up romanticism. Pluto square my venus in my natal. I think some or a lot may depend on what is the natal aspect between these two. If you have a trine or a sextile, then perhaps that is what triggered.

I also have Uranus square my venus at this time... but my love life is dead.

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Posts: 3141
From: Georgia
Registered: May 2009

posted October 28, 2015 01:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
TR Pluto is approaching my Venus at the end of the year, in square, and I am drreading it.
I only prey I will keep my dignity.
But I fear that's the first thing that goes out of the window, when it hits.

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