Topic: Do you have any Quintiles or Bi-Quintiles?"
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14510 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 18, 2015 08:05 PM
I found this info in another site which I feel is very interesting:"QUINTILES REVEALED: Learn how your Quintiles can positively affect personal image A Quintile is a 5th harmonic aspect that has an angle of 72 degrees. For quite some time now, it's been seen as a minor harmonic, similar to the Semi-Sextile, indicating "talent" and "vaguely fortunate circumstances". Yet I always sensed more to Quintiles than just "vague fortune". The reason why it didn't make sense for me to ignore Quintiles is because we focus on every harmonic up to the 6th-- except for the 5th? A Sextile is the 6th and last common harmonic, so wouldn't a Quintile, being a 5th harmonic, be an important thing? After much research in the details and nature behind Quintiles, I have both discovered and unlocked the key to Quintiles. As I originally was, you will be suprised to figure out that they are in fact one of the most important and prevalent aspects within your chart! I am going to explain how your Quintiles take on very ASC- like qualities and how they are very much visible to others. A Quintile is essentially an aspect that displays energy which others clearly see within you, yet you yourself do not realize you have-- though the ability to build upon it is there once recognized. For example, Barack Obama has Jupiter Quintile Pluto very tightly by 0.01 degrees (one minute). This indicates his ability to inspire hope and change, which is what Jupiter/Pluto is all about when working harmoniously. In fact, it was the media who originally coined the keywords "Hope" and "Change" to Obama's candidacy, not him. Of course, he was no fool and didn't wait to quickly adopt these keywords into his campaign! But realize that it was not Obama who originally came up with these definitions for himself. It was the people, because that's how they saw him. Of course, now that he is the first African American president, and now that people believe that he is the agent of change, he has the potential to bring about hope and change. In other words, he realized that because people think of him as hope/change, he essentially has the ability to build and ultimately embody himself to be so. Quintiles give off the impression of a harmonious easy-going Trine to others, yet in reality work more as a Sextile to the individual. For example, I have a friend who is a shy Virgo. Yet at the same time, he has quite a sense of humor! Not only that, but he's easy to talk to as well! For the longest time, I couldn't figure out what it was in his chart that gave him easy-flowing communication skills for such a shy guy. Then eventually, I found it! His Mercury was Quintile his Ascendant. He has taken a recent interest in astrology, so when we were going over his chart I asked him if he felt that he had natural communication abilities, to which he said "kind of, but not really"... The funny thing here is that though I clearly saw his ability to communicate with anyone from all walks of life-- he didn't! His Mercury/Ascendant seemed very Trine-like and almost natural to his personality. Yet he didn't realize what he was capable of. Once I explained the nature of this Quintile to him, he realized that the Mercury/Ascendant worked very much as a Sextile for him, meaning he has the ability to build both his intellect and communication skills to higher levels if he truly believes that others see that talent within him! Which they do! As I mentioned in the beginning, Quintiles take on very Ascendant- like qualities. If there are Quintiles in your chart, people Will see those qualities as apart of your personality. Especially astrologers. No exceptions. When I see Quintiles in someones' chart, I typically have this "AH-HAH!" moment where it's so blatantly obvious that they have that energy about them. And yet, how ironic is it that the individual themselves can fail to see it? I would like to quickly touch upon something, and that is Quintiles being perceived as a possible "fakeness" to the personality. Quintiles will never look fake to anyone. Nor will they be fake. If someone has Venus Quintile Jupiter and is perceived to be popular when in reality that individual does not feel so, nobody will ever call that person "a fake" because the Quintile takes on a natural Trine-like appearance to others-- it only feels like a Sextile to the individual and nobody else! To end this article, I will discuss one more example of a Quintile. And it's a good one. My friend, who is a Leo, has 7 Quintiles. That is alot!! Normally, if somebody has 3 or more Quintiles, than the Quintile energy is very much apart of their life. Anyways, he is seen as being sociable, entertaining, and not to mention a ladies man : ) Question: So, is he in fact, all of the above? Answer: Now he is. But he wasn't before. He actually studies astrology, so I have taught him the principle of Quintiles. But beforehand, he actually wasn't all of the above. For example, if he started a conversation with a girl, he wouldn't believe that the girl would be interested in the conversation or even with him in general. Yet the reality was that his Quintile energy was very much leading her to believe that he is both fun and entertaining to be around. He just didn't know it. But now that he does, he can not only understand what people see in him-- but also build to improve those positive traits as well!! Some quick technical notes: I use only Quintile and Bi-Quintiles. There are Tri-Quintiles, but I don't really take those into account. For the Quintile and Bi-Quintile, I personally allow an orb of 2 degrees, though from the research I've done it could be given the orb of any regular aspect, meaning up to 5 or sometimes even 6 degrees. All aspiring and professional astrologers should know the importance of Quintiles, and I hope that this article brings much discussion, spreading, and distribution of Quintile knowledge! Do you have any Quintiles or Bi-Quintiles?" If so what do you think of them? IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 143324 From: Your Friendly Neighborhood Juris Doctorate. Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 20, 2015 03:39 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
StubbornVirgo Knowflake Posts: 2928 From: Welcome to Mercury Registered: Jul 2015
posted October 20, 2015 05:28 PM
I have: Moon biquintile Neptune (exact) Mercury biquintile NN (exact) Venus quintile Pluto (1 degree orb) Mars biquintile Neptune (1 degree orb). IP: Logged |
sarahhm unregistered
posted October 20, 2015 05:43 PM
mars quintile uranus uranus quintile north nodenot sure what they mean though :S IP: Logged |
Lunar Pisces Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Feb 2021
posted October 20, 2015 07:41 PM
We had this thread recently on natal quintiles/biquintiles: I mentioned there I have: Moon quintile Venus Jupiter quintile Ascendant Sun quintile Chiron Neptine quintile Vertex I also have: Moon quintle Amor Dejanira quintile ASC Pluto quintile Psyche Pluto biquintile Pallas I am only using very tight orbs, 1 degree or less. Using a wider orb like the article author does, I can include: Neptune quintile NN Mars quintile Pallas Eros quintile Chiron Uranus quintile Juno
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wheresthemoon Knowflake Posts: 844 From: Texas Registered: Aug 2014
posted October 20, 2015 07:58 PM
I have a lot of them, the strongest being Venus quintile Jupiter. I also have sun quintile Saturn, sun bi-quintile Pluto, moon bi-quintile Venus and Jupiter. IP: Logged |
Ibringyouasong Knowflake Posts: 153 From: Trenton, New Jersey, USA Registered: Mar 2013
posted October 20, 2015 09:57 PM
I have both as well.Moon Bi-Quintile Pluto: -2 degrees. Moon Quintile Juno: 1 degree. Mercury Bi-Quintile: Exact. Venus Bi-Quintile MC: 1 degree. Mars Bi-Quintile NN: Exact. Jupiter Bi-Quintile Pluto: 2 degrees. Jupiter Quintile SN: -1 degree. Uranus Bi-Quintile ASC: -2 degrees. Pluto Bi-Quintile Pallas: Exact. Vertex Quintile Vesta: 1 degree. I have no idea what any of these aspects mean or how they, I suppose, "fill" some type of gap in my chart with the other aspects. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14510 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 21, 2017 04:22 AM
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Einfühlung Knowflake Posts: 575 From: Lily of The Valley Registered: Feb 2015
posted May 21, 2017 04:44 AM
This is great info. I only have 4 bQ's and 1 quintile which are:Venus bQ Jupiter Venus bQ Neptune Mars bQ Pluto Uranus bQ Chiron Sun Quintile MC Don't know about anything Venus, Mars, or Uranus related but I know the sun on mc has something to do with some people telling me I'm ambitious in my work and I don't really see that in me. IP: Logged |
moongaze Knowflake Posts: 316 From: Registered: Sep 2016
posted May 21, 2017 05:44 AM
I just have one from my main planets.Jupiter quintile Pluto exactly: You could be an extremely gifted counselor or depth psychologist; you have a natural understanding of the process of transformation and the dynamics of wielding spiritual power. You might also be drawn to the occult; shamanism, hypnotism or mediumship. In whatever your chosen role, you have a gift for inspiring confidence and trust, and for creatively and dynamically leading people to uncover their most sensitive secrets and reclaim their own power. Your methods are exciting, dramatic and original. Grief counseling would be an excellent career choice for you. I can't ever see myself being a grief counselor. I do have a really heavy interest in the mystical though. I also have these: MC biquintile Chiron (1 degree) Venus biquintile Ceres (0 degrees) Moon biquintile Medusa (0 degrees) Mars biquintile Narcissus (0 degrees) Saturn quintile Valentine (-1 degree) Ascendant biquintile Echo (0 degrees) Not sure what any of these mean. Probably not really anything. IP: Logged |
florence Knowflake Posts: 1537 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted May 21, 2017 06:58 AM
Interesting!Moon quintile Pluto .. Your sensitivity is strong and intense. From time to time you need to take a chance on an emotional adventure. You were made for enriching relationships. You can relate to others once you can acquire more self-assurance. There could be a touch of the fanatic or zealot in you. You need to learn to deal with emotional extremes and insatiable needs and demands. I'm beginning to feel this in me more. Neptune quintile nn. IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 5612 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted May 21, 2017 07:00 AM
What does Venus quintile Mars mean?IP: Logged |
9thScorpio Knowflake Posts: 154 From: Registered: May 2017
posted May 21, 2017 08:05 AM
Moon Quintile Uranus 1°53. Moon Quintile Neptune 0°01 (this one is closest aspect in my chart and I do feel it). Moon Quintile Ascendant 0°11. Jupiter Quintile Uranus -0°35. Pluto Qintile Chiron -1°23.With Vertex: Moon Quintile Vertex -0°24. Neptune Bi-Quintile Vertex -0°23. Ascendant Bi-Quintile Vertex -0°13. Increased orbs: Jupiter Quintile Neptune -2°28. Jupiter Quintile Ascendant -2°18. Uranus Bi-Quintile Vertex 1°29. Asteroids and Fixed Stars: Poseidon Quintile Pluto -0°43. Nyx Quintile Midheaven -0°30. Alphard Quintile Moon -0°30. Alphard Bi-Quintile Neptune -0°29. Alphard Bi-Quintile Ascendant -0°19. Zvezdotchet Quintile Moon -0°05. Zvezdotchet Bi-Quintile Neptune -0°05. Zvezdotchet Bi-Quintile Ascendant 0°06. Melpomene Quintile Uranus 0°26. Sedna Bi-Quintile Mercury 0°34. Hades Bi-Quintile Moon 0°20. Hades Bi-Quintile Neptune -0°20. Hades Bi-Quintile Vertex 0°44. Hades Bi-Quintile Ascendant -0°31. Male version of my name Quintiles both Uranus and Vertex. Hypnos Bi-Quintile Neptune -0°22. Proserpina Quintile Neptune 0°13. Proserpina Quintile Vertex -0°37. Proserpina Quintile Ascendant 0°24. Selqet Quintile Neptune -0°52. Selqet Quintile Vertex 0°29. Selqet Quintile Ascendant -0°42. Samadhi Quintile Neptune 0°22. Samadhi Quintile Vertex -0°45. Samadhi Quintile Ascendant 0°32. Philosophia Bi-Quintile Moon -0°22. Philosophia Quintile Neptune -0°23. Erda Bi-Quintile BML 0°51. Those are all I'm aware of. ------------------ Sun in Virgo Moon in Scorpio Venus in Scorpio Jupiter in Scorpio Pluto in Scorpio MC in Scorpio NN in Scorpio ASC in Capricorn IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14510 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 21, 2017 02:03 PM
I have:Moon Quintile Pallas Moon Quintile Chiron Chiron biquintile Pluto Moon biquintile Pluto Neptune Quintile Amor Neptune Biquintile Eros Psyche quintile Spirit IP: Logged |
Free Leon Knowflake Posts: 311 From: Los Angeles Registered: Apr 2015
posted May 23, 2017 03:56 AM
4H Cancer Mars Bi-Quintile 8H Sagittarius Pluto (Orb 0'01)1H Aries Saturn Quintile 11H Capricorn Neptune (Orb 0'42) These are my two most exact quintiles IP: Logged |
girlwiththerainysoul Knowflake Posts: 2549 From: Registered: Jul 2016
posted May 23, 2017 04:17 AM
moon quintile neptune moon qunitile uranus venus bi-quintile saturnmy only qs and biqs IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2619 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 23, 2017 05:10 AM
Wow!! This is a great read thanks hypatia! Totally makes so much more sense to me now, I have 10 quintiles and biquintiles. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14510 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 23, 2017 11:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by EmGem: Wow!! This is a great read thanks hypatia! Totally makes so much more sense to me now, I have 10 quintiles and biquintiles.
You are welcome!  IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14510 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 23, 2017 11:21 AM
quote: Originally posted by Free Leon: 4H Cancer Mars Bi-Quintile 8H Sagittarius Pluto (Orb 0'01)1H Aries Saturn Quintile 11H Capricorn Neptune (Orb 0'42) These are my two most exact quintiles
Interesting! Mars biquintile Pluto must be nice. How do you feel it manifests in your life? Perhaps your anger is used constructively and channeled in a creative way.... IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14510 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 23, 2017 11:21 AM
quote: Originally posted by girlwiththerainysoul: moon quintile neptune moon qunitile uranus venus bi-quintile saturnmy only qs and biqs
I could totally see the moon quintile neptune in you!  IP: Logged |
Faery Knowflake Posts: 52 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted May 23, 2017 12:07 PM
i really like what you said about quintiles feeling like sextile a to the person but seeming like a trine to everyone else. That really helps me understand them more since they always seemed to have such vague descriptions.In my chart I have: Sun bq Jupiter Mercury bq Jupiter Venus q ASC Venus q NN Saturn q Pluto
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YellowGerbera Knowflake Posts: 1029 From: Registered: Jul 2014
posted May 23, 2017 01:43 PM
I have a few quintiles and bi-quintiles in my chart but never really understood how these energies are effecting the way I am so I really liked what you wrote, OP!Uranus Q Sun/Moon/Mercury (1 deg) - My Uranus is also on my Asc. Venus Q Jupiter (0 deg) Pluto BQ Pallas (0 deg) Neptune BQ Amor (0 deg) IP: Logged |
Selenite unregistered
posted May 23, 2017 02:00 PM
Venus quintile Neptune (0'50a) and Mars biquintile Uranus ! (0'18a) I am a technologically oriented artist  Then.. I have Sun and Mercury biquintile South Node.. never knew what it was supposed to mean. And moon biquintile Jupiter, but it's 1'47 separating. (As if I need any more aspects to my moon anyway..) IP: Logged |
Selenite unregistered
posted May 23, 2017 02:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by StubbornVirgo: I have: Moon biquintile Neptune (exact) Mercury biquintile NN (exact)
Hey another Mercury biquintile Node person! But what does it mean??? And please tell me your secret with Moon-Neptune because I have the square..
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Kannon McAfee Knowflake Posts: 4679 From: Portland, OR - USA Registered: Oct 2011
posted May 23, 2017 03:53 PM
I have a grand quintile of Moon 12CAP08 bi-quintile Mars 5GEM32 bi-quintile Jupiter 0SCO26.I saw/read the article above quite a while back. The writer's enthusiasm in new discovery over-plays the role and importance of quintiles and bi-quintiles. Better to consult an authority like Robert Hand, for example. The 'no exceptions' statement about astrologers is just silly. There are always exceptions when particulars are involved. ------------------ The Declinations Guy Expert Rectification Rising Sign Descriptions ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ IP: Logged |