Topic: How do we delineate our spouse's physical appearance through the natal?
UnderworldGlory Knowflake Posts: 172 From: USA Registered: Jul 2015
posted November 10, 2015 11:30 PM
I've read snippets that the Vedic Navamsa chart can accurately assess the spouse/their physical appearance. I'm a little bit frustrated though because most Vedic astrologers evidently have a greater advantage in interpreting and delineating a D6 or D9 chart while Westeners who are learning are obviously going to have difficulty in understanding what a navamsa even is. This thread isn't meant to give away direct giveaways but to simply provide helpful clues and advice on what to look at for those of us who don't know IP: Logged |
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 2570 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted November 11, 2015 08:42 AM
Can the chart positions really depict what your spouse is to look like? Or can it simply deduce the overall 'feel' of the personality characteristics? I am curious 
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venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 1357 From: New York, New York, USA Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 11, 2015 10:53 AM
I had my Navamsa chart read, and he did describe the man's features, occupation, and family relationships, in addition to how I would perceive him. It seems all accurate, except what he said about the man's mother and father, and then brothers and sister needs to be switched around...but even in this error I see accuracy. Like his error was so exact that I just need to flip things.(edit) this was about someone I will/have met this year. I'm waiting to see what happens next. Lol. IP: Logged |
UnderworldGlory Knowflake Posts: 172 From: USA Registered: Jul 2015
posted November 11, 2015 06:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by venus2tinkerbell: I had my Navamsa chart read, and he did describe the man's features, occupation, and family relationships, in addition to how I would perceive him. It seems all accurate, except what he said about the man's mother and father, and then brothers and sister needs to be switched around...but even in this error I see accuracy. Like his error was so exact that I just need to flip things.(edit) this was about someone I will/have met this year. I'm waiting to see what happens next. Lol.
Who did it for you??? You must tell us I will pay him. IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 9632 From: The same energy that made you. Registered: Dec 2010
posted November 11, 2015 06:46 PM
All I know is the person I end up with will prolly be chubby (Sag DSC). Lol  Seriously though, I don't think you can see such things in the chart, but then again I don't "follow" Vedic astrology (perhaps they can make accurate guesses at such things).
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Empty Spaces Knowflake Posts: 334 From: Registered: Jun 2015
posted November 11, 2015 08:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by Doux Rêve: All I know is the person I end up with will prolly be chubby (Sag DSC). Lol  Seriously though, I don't think you can see such things in the chart, but then again I don't "follow" Vedic astrology (perhaps they can make accurate guesses at such things).
Hey i have a sag DSC,that is the description of my future husband??Hehe also sun and mercury in 7th.Could you talk about him?  Ps:this is a very interesting question underworldglory.
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Choc Knowflake Posts: 533 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 11, 2015 08:48 PM
Intriguing... how do I find out?IP: Logged |
missblyss Knowflake Posts: 145 From: san diego, ca, USA Registered: Oct 2015
posted November 12, 2015 01:05 AM
I had my vedic marriage chart done by KapiEl Raj from krs astrology.I got it done as I was getting divorced, but he just sent a recording so I didn't get to tell him any details. He said I would be with a tall man with dark skin. That he would be very spiritual, but also serious. He said that he would be in either research or law enforcement. He also said that he would approach me outside at a spiritual event or just at a market. It's funny because those traits do perfectly describe the man I'm divorcing. IP: Logged |
UnderworldGlory Knowflake Posts: 172 From: USA Registered: Jul 2015
posted November 12, 2015 02:23 AM
All I know is that there seems to be a whole lot of good questions everywhere with very poor answers sometimes. Perhaps not in a way that should be perceived badly but people just typically seem to agree that you can't know for certain.In a way I'm OK with that but mostly I'm just like no, there has to be more. IP: Logged |
UnderworldGlory Knowflake Posts: 172 From: USA Registered: Jul 2015
posted November 12, 2015 02:26 AM
For instance here's a great link to a Vedic astrologer talking about it but because of language barriers I cannot decipher the full meaning it entails. I am familiar with the basics and when they say something like "karka" "moolokanta" I'm just like WAT IP: Logged |
socialgraffiti Knowflake Posts: 434 From: uranus Registered: Jul 2013
posted November 12, 2015 02:50 AM
The D-charts in Vedic are somewhat similar to persona charts in Western astrology.I would take a look at your Descendant and Venus persona chart. IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 1357 From: New York, New York, USA Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 12, 2015 09:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by UnderworldGlory: Who did it for you??? You must tell usI will pay him.
Ok so it was none other than THE Kapiel Raj. You will have to pay 😊 and he'll say something annoying in an email like, If you don't hear from me in a month, send me an email . He's definitely busy. Anyway I got the career and marriage consultation. He replies a month later with the career consultation only and says he wants to do the marriage consultation but feels like I'm already married so he needs details before proceeding, because of karma... Well technically I was married to two men at the time (long, interesting story), so one point for Mr. Raj, or two in my case I guess. He's testing theories so some things about my chart made him ask specific questions about age 19 (when I got married the first time), age 20 (the birth of my first child), age 24 (I left the country to live abroad for a year), age 27 (the birth of my last child), and I can't remember if he asked about 28 or not... Anyway his questions about the events in those years were either accurate or very close. I sent him a reply about my relationship status and he got back to me in an hour with my marriage consultation, thanking me for my responses. He said that because of my Asc which is Cancer in Vedic, I was doomed with the Cancer Asc curse pretty much guarantying that if you try to get married before 35, marriage will fail. You may even marry the right person for you, but before 35, it will fail, he said. I could see this applying to my first husband who still loves me very much, but not my second husband. He tells me that there is someone new this year, and Jupiter and Saturn permit marriage next year... He also gives you TONS of learning and reading material, and I bet people already pretty well versed in Vedic could benefit a lot from it. I could learn too, but it's so lonely studying alone...☹ So there you go. 😊
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venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 1357 From: New York, New York, USA Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 12, 2015 09:29 AM
Oh, I forgot to add that I did not like his consultation at first because it seemed to conflict with a tarot reading I had done by someone I adore.The funny thing is, since Kapiel's predictions seem to have come to fruition I reviewed the tarot reading, and found that in the tarot reading I was hearing this one detail in particular, the way I wanted to hear it, and that was a major detail conflicting with Kapiel's reading. It's so weird how I practically heard a whole sentence backwards! IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell Knowflake Posts: 1357 From: New York, New York, USA Registered: Nov 2014
posted November 12, 2015 09:31 AM
It would be awesome to take what he just hands over when he gives a consultation and study it together in the Vedic forum.IP: Logged |
Gracha Knowflake Posts: 234 From: NY USA Registered: Jan 2013
posted November 13, 2015 02:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by missblyss: I had my vedic marriage chart done by KapiEl Raj from krs astrology.I got it done as I was getting divorced, but he just sent a recording so I didn't get to tell him any details. He said I would be with a tall man with dark skin. That he would be very spiritual, but also serious. He said that he would be in either research or law enforcement. He also said that he would approach me outside at a spiritual event or just at a market. It's funny because those traits do perfectly describe the man I'm divorcing.
Wow that's great. How much did you pay for the reading? I love krschannel on yt, he's very gifted with astrology.
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Empty Spaces Knowflake Posts: 334 From: Registered: Jun 2015
posted November 13, 2015 02:58 PM
I agree. His videos are great but i dont use the vedic chart.Im a sagittarius sun,Taurus moon,taurus ASC in vedic?!No way.That doesnt fit me.IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 9632 From: The same energy that made you. Registered: Dec 2010
posted November 13, 2015 06:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by Empty Spaces: Hey i have a sag DSC,that is the description of my future husband??Hehe also sun and mercury in 7th.Could you talk about him? 
Sorry, I can't say much about the physical appearance. Generally speaking though, Sagittarian/Jupiterian people are rather "big"... They can either be quite tall, or quite large, or "curvy", but there's probably something quite noticeable about them (not all of them of course). With Sun + Mercury influence, the body/face might be a little more elongated than usual and the facial expressions quite lively. Perhaps gesticulating quite a lot while speaking. Those are just general things... Also look for where Jupiter (DSC ruler) is by sign and house, plus its aspects.
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Empty Spaces Knowflake Posts: 334 From: Registered: Jun 2015
posted November 13, 2015 10:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by Doux Rêve: Sorry, I can't say much about the physical appearance. Generally speaking though, Sagittarian/Jupiterian people are rather "big"... They can either be quite tall, or quite large, or "curvy", but there's probably something quite noticeable about them (not all of them of course). With Sun + Mercury influence, the body/face might be a little more elongated than usual and the facial expressions quite lively. Perhaps gesticulating quite a lot while speaking.Those are just general things... Also look for where Jupiter (DSC ruler) is by sign and house, plus its aspects.
!I didnt meant only about about the physical appearance (forgot to say that)but wow I love tall man.I heard sun can mean an arrogant partner.Damn!thats bad. I will check the things you mentioned.Thanks a lot doux!!  IP: Logged |
Astra Knowflake Posts: 724 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2015 10:02 AM
quote: Originally posted by Doux Rêve: All I know is the person I end up with will prolly be chubby (Sag DSC). Lol  Seriously though, I don't think you can see such things in the chart, but then again I don't "follow" Vedic astrology (perhaps they can make accurate guesses at such things).
Not necessarily. My mom has a gemini ascendant (sag desc) and moon in sag in the 7th house. My father was extremely fit was always obsessed with exercise. IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 9632 From: The same energy that made you. Registered: Dec 2010
posted November 14, 2015 10:12 AM
^ Yeah, same for my mother, actually.How's her Sun/Mars aspected? Mine has her Sun in Leo conjunct Uranus, sextile Gemini Mars, all pointing to a fit/slim partner. And Jupiter -ruler of DSC- in Pisces, conjunct Chiron. A propensity to attract "wounded souls" there, definitely... IP: Logged |
Wondering Knowflake Posts: 114 From: USA Registered: Sep 2015
posted November 14, 2015 11:19 AM
quote: Originally posted by venus2tinkerbell: Ok so it was none other than THE Kapiel Raj. You will have to pay 😊 and he'll say something annoying in an email like, If you don't hear from me in a month, send me an email . He's definitely busy.Anyway I got the career and marriage consultation. He replies a month later with the career consultation only and says he wants to do the marriage consultation but feels like I'm already married so he needs details before proceeding, because of karma... Well technically I was married to two men at the time (long, interesting story), so one point for Mr. Raj, or two in my case I guess. He's testing theories so some things about my chart made him ask specific questions about age 19 (when I got married the first time), age 20 (the birth of my first child), age 24 (I left the country to live abroad for a year), age 27 (the birth of my last child), and I can't remember if he asked about 28 or not... Anyway his questions about the events in those years were either accurate or very close. I sent him a reply about my relationship status and he got back to me in an hour with my marriage consultation, thanking me for my responses. He said that because of my Asc which is Cancer in Vedic, I was doomed with the Cancer Asc curse pretty much guarantying that if you try to get married before 35, marriage will fail. You may even marry the right person for you, but before 35, it will fail, he said. I could see this applying to my first husband who still loves me very much, but not my second husband. He tells me that there is someone new this year, and Jupiter and Saturn permit marriage next year... He also gives you TONS of learning and reading material, and I bet people already pretty well versed in Vedic could benefit a lot from it. I could learn too, but it's so lonely studying alone...☹ So there you go. 😊
Is it fact that it's a curse for Cancer ASC? I'm sure there's plenty of Cancer ascs in Vedic that have great marriages before 35. That's just really scary to hear and for a professional like him To use as "fact" ...
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athenaia Knowflake Posts: 348 From: USA Registered: May 2015
posted November 14, 2015 11:44 AM
Wow, Raaj seems to come with a high recommendation via Tinkerbell and MissBlyss. I just ordered a career and marriage consultation from him right now so I'll keep you guys posted. IP: Logged |
missblyss Knowflake Posts: 145 From: san diego, ca, USA Registered: Oct 2015
posted November 14, 2015 11:13 PM
Wow- I have the "cancer ascendant curse" too. I am interested, because I never told Mr. Raaj that I actually was married... It was interesting that he described my ex husband so accurately. It made me feel like he was maybe indicating that he and I had met before our time... And would perhaps get back together one day.. But maybe he was just describing my first husband? I wonder if I could ask him and have him clarify. I also ordered the career report which was amazingly spot-on. He specifically mentioned that I should work in holistic medicine (which is my passion)! But he also highlighted other skills such as creative writing and design. All feel very spot on and specific to me! IP: Logged |
m.blade Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Registered: Mar 2013
posted November 15, 2015 09:27 AM
You'll need this chart calculator for the techniques I'm listing below, it's a Western zodiac calculator with vedic style chart: There are a few ways you can tell: firstly, look at your 7th house; what planets sit there? What's the lord of that house and where is it placed? What sign is that lord in? What planets are aspecting the 7th? ____________________________________________________________ Then, look to Venus or Jupiter. If you're a man: look to Venus, if you're a woman look to Jupiter. (EXCEPT if you're gay; then you wanna find out: are you the more INITIATIVE (masculine) or more RECEPTIVE (feminine) in the relationship? If you're the more masculine, look to Venus more and weigh it more in your interpretation, if you're more feminine look to Jupiter and weigh it more. Overall, if you're a gay man, look at both Venus AND Jupiter but weight according to what I wrote above. Ill list why later below. If you're a gay woman, look to both as well but if you're a more masculine woman, look to venus more and weigh more on that interpretation on that and if you're more feminine look to Jupiter more). People say its venus and mars you should look at for man and woman but traditionally, venus rules the wife (the more FEMININE partner) and Jupiter rules the husband (the more MASCULINE partner) and based on our own energies, we look for the polarising force for us (yin and yang). Mars rules the boyfriend (the man you meet BEFORE you marry, so if you've got a good mars in the D7 and D9 youll have a good boyfriend but that doesnt mean hes husband material) BTW D7 = Saptamsa, D9 = Navamsa If you're straight though, I wouldn't look too deep into it. Almost all of the time if you're a straight man: look to venus in the D1 (natal chart) and D9 (navamsa), but also look at Jupiter in the D7 (saptamsa) as it is a karaka (significator) for this chart because it rules creativity and children and the D7 rules these things (the D7 is traditionally the chart for the fruits of a marriage or relationship which include sex, children, etc.). Usually if you're a straight woman, you look at Jupiter in the D1, D7 and D9 but also look at Venus in the D9. So, to summarise: If you're a straight woman, look to the condition of Jupiter in the D1, D7, D9 and Venus in D9. If you're a straight man: look to the condition of Venus in the D1, D7 and D9 and Jupiter in the D7. If you're a masculine gay guy: look to Venus in D1, D7, D9 and Jupiter in D1, D7 and D9 but put more weight on Venus. If you're a feminine gay guy: look to Jupiter in D1, D7 and D9 and Venus in D1, D7 and D9 but put more weight on Jupiter. Masculine gay woman: Venus in D1, D7 and D9 and Jupiter D1, D7 and D9 but more weight onto Venus and feminine gay woman: Venus in D1, D7 and D9 and Jupiter D1, D7 and D9, but more weight to Jupiter. Jupiter is still relevant to gay men because it traditionally rules the husband but it changes slightly depending on your role in relationships and likewise for gay women because Venus rules the wife. BTW: place more weight for all interpretations on D7 and D9. These are the relevant relationship charts; the D1 is also important but not hugely because it represents your general path in life and the divisional charts tend to echo anything in your D1. ______________________________________________________________________ Now how do you assess these planets? You see what sign they are in these charts and place points on it. Anything above 0 = better than average partner, below 0 = worse than average partner Give Jupiter 60 points if its in: Sagittarius, Pisces or Cancer in either D1, D7, D9 Give Jupiter 30 points if its in: Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius in either D1, D7 or D9 Give Jupiter -60 points if its in: Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn in either D1, D7 or D9 _____________________________________________________________________ Give VENUS 60 points if its in: Taurus, Libra or Pisces in either D1, D7 or D9 Give Venus 30 points if its in: Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius in either D1, D7 or D9 Give Venus -60 points if its in: Cancer, Leo, Virgo in either D1, D7 or D9 ______________________________________________________________________ IF Jupiter is conjunct these planets in the D1 only (natal chart) give +60 points: Moon, Mars If Jupiter is conjunct these planets in the D1 only (natal chart) give -60 points: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn ______________________________________________________________________ IF Venus is conjunct these planets in the D1 only (natal chart) give +60 points: Mercury, Jupiter If Venus is conjunct these planets in the D1 only (natal chart) give -60 points: Sun, Moon, Saturn _______________________________________________________________________ Now see what planets aspect Venus or Jupiter in the top part of the aspect table on the chart calculator: add or minus the points according to the dignities below If Jupiter is aspected by Sun, Moon or Jupiter then add the number of points to the calculations you did before If Jupiter is aspected by Mercury or Venus then minus the number of points its aspecting Jupiter If Jupiter is aspected by Saturn by any points, ignore these points ________________________________________________________________________ If Venus is aspected by Mercury or Saturn, add these points If Venus is aspected by Sun or Moon, minus these points If Venus is aspected by Mars by any points, ignore these points ______________________________________________________________________ After doing all of this, you should get a score and as said anything above 0 is better than average, anything below 0 is worse than average. Don't fret if its worse than average, there are remedies you can do to fix it. I'll post some links at the bottom to videos you should watch ________________________________________________________________________ Then look to your darakaraka. The darakaraka is the planet with the lowest degree in your NATAL chart. For example, say most of my planets are between 5-30 degrees across the signs and then I've got moon at 3 degrees of leo and sun at 1 degree of aries. If there are no planets lower than Sun in terms of degree, then Sun would be my darakaraka. This planet alone can give SO much description of your spouse. In the videos I list below from Ernst wilhelm, he gives a brief description in his videos of different darakarakas and how they can affect your spouse. Look to what sign it is in; whos it conjunct and who aspects it (even if its conjunct an enemy, consider it because it can affect the physical appearance of spouse)? Make sure you look at this planet in all the relevant charts (D1, D7, D9). Don't try and find the planet with the lowest degree in the D7 and D9 charts. Just use the one you found in the chart you're used to seeing normally (your natal chart) and carry it across to the other relevant charts. This is because divisional charts are mathematical and so they are essentially vibrations from our natal chart. Judge your darakaraka based on the same technique I listed above but with these planetary dignities: ALWAYS Remember, anything conjunct the Sun or Saturn is always -60 and Jupiter is always +60. Add points from friends, minus from enemies and ignore conjunctions + aspects from neutrals unless its CONJUNCT Sun, Saturn or Jupiter. If Sun or Saturn is conjunct, always -60. This is because Sun is the planet of sacrificing things for a bigger goal. Saturn starves any planet its conjunct because Saturn is always the part of the chart where we feel starved. If Jupiter is conjunct a planet , the planet its conjunct is DELIGHTED because Jupiter is a benefic and helps any planet its conjunct due to his benevolent nature so +60 to that planet its conjunct. _________________________________________________________________________ Then you want to find your atmakaraka and look at the 7th house from it. Atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree in the NATAL chart only, then when looking at different charts use this same planet. If yours is Venus for instance, and your venus is at 26 degrees of capricorn, look at the 7th from that (which is the sign of cancer) and look at what planets sit there, what planets aspect it. Then look at D1, D7, D9 and carry out this technique. For example, since venus is my atmakaraka, i'd look at it in the D7 and D9 and look at the 7th sign from it in that particular chart and see what planets are there to see the type of spouse I might get __________________________________________________________________________ Just to add, anything involving points investigates the QUALITY of the spouse: is this person a good partner or not? __________________________________________________________________________ So, is your darakaraka, venus or Jupiter pretty good? Then great! That means when you do meet someone, they'll be an awesome person that is worth having in your life! _________________________________________________________________________ If it's bad? Don't worry. There are remedies. To improve Venus: follow your DUTY. Do what inspires you, focus on your career and doing what you love, do the right thing whenever you can and be a good man. Don't squander your time and use it properly. Don't go looking for women at a club when you could be busy improving YOURSELF. Do a mantra for Venus To improve Jupiter: do spiritual practices. Pray, meditate, read spiritual texts, give to charity, help others less fortunate than you, cultivate spirituality and joy in your life through being grateful for the things you have and loving yourself. If you're a woman, learn to be with your feelings, learn to be receptive and be with whats happening, be present and aware. Do a manta for Jupiter The beauty of these techniques that by doing them, you can make your life SO MUCH BETTER without the help of another human being! The truth is, to be happy in a relationship, you need to be happy with yourself first. For a man to be happy, he needs to be doing great things in the world, following what he loves doing. For a woman to be happy, she needs to focus on her inner life and cultivate spirituality, joy and love in her heart so she can be open to her man. And remember, this simply reflects the Yin and Yang energy! That means it works for any relationship! Whether heterosexual or homosexual; the reasons why relationships can work are because of the polarising forces of yin and yang. ________________________________________________________________________ And to have a good relationship with anyone, remember that before others can love you, YOU MUST LOVE YOURSELF.  _______________________________________________________________________ Here are some videos and youtube channels you might find useful in trying to improve your relationships! All of the astrologers I list follow the tropical zodiac ASTROLADA - The power of feminine energy. I love Astrolada and love her videos and this video looks into the whole feminine/masculine concept as well as how to CULTIVATE feminine energy if you're a woman or a more feminine energy person. Her channel and Facebook page also have alot of helpful information too!: ERNST WILHELM - he invented the Vedic astrology relationship compatibility technique and is a well-reknowned vedic astrologer who uses the western zodiac. here are some videos on Venus, Jupiter and your darakaraka, I used his technique above: Venus is Your Woman - Jupiter is Your Man - Darakaraka is your Spouse - RYAN KURCZAK - A Kriya Yoga teacher and vedic astrologer who has alot of useful videos on his channel for learning astrology as well as meditations and mantras for you to follow: KAREN WHITE - A wonderfully compassionate astrologer who does readings but also has a lovely newsletter with a lot of useful tips: ______________________________________________________________________ A bit of a long post I know but I'm sure this WILL BE useful for anyone who wants to improve their relationships!
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m.blade Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Registered: Mar 2013
posted November 15, 2015 09:45 AM
quote: Originally posted by venus2tinkerbell: Ok so it was none other than THE Kapiel Raj. You will have to pay 😊 and he'll say something annoying in an email like, If you don't hear from me in a month, send me an email . He's definitely busy.Anyway I got the career and marriage consultation. He replies a month later with the career consultation only and says he wants to do the marriage consultation but feels like I'm already married so he needs details before proceeding, because of karma... Well technically I was married to two men at the time (long, interesting story), so one point for Mr. Raj, or two in my case I guess. He's testing theories so some things about my chart made him ask specific questions about age 19 (when I got married the first time), age 20 (the birth of my first child), age 24 (I left the country to live abroad for a year), age 27 (the birth of my last child), and I can't remember if he asked about 28 or not... Anyway his questions about the events in those years were either accurate or very close. I sent him a reply about my relationship status and he got back to me in an hour with my marriage consultation, thanking me for my responses. He said that because of my Asc which is Cancer in Vedic, I was doomed with the Cancer Asc curse pretty much guarantying that if you try to get married before 35, marriage will fail. You may even marry the right person for you, but before 35, it will fail, he said. I could see this applying to my first husband who still loves me very much, but not my second husband. He tells me that there is someone new this year, and Jupiter and Saturn permit marriage next year... He also gives you TONS of learning and reading material, and I bet people already pretty well versed in Vedic could benefit a lot from it. I could learn too, but it's so lonely studying alone...☹ So there you go. 😊
Love Kapiel Raj; hes an amazing astrologer and his videos are amazing!
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