Topic: Eclipses Eclipses Eclipses: What a Force!
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 3925 From: Miami Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 16, 2016 12:22 AM
Well this last solar eclipse has made me a huge believer of solar eclipses. The chironic conjunct southnode Solar eclipse of March 8 right on my IC and my Moon has been very powerful, VERY. Solar eclipses are strong specially if they hit both an angle and a luminary. I am moving to Colorado in 3 weeks! I wanted so badly to wait till June, that was the plan or even September, if up to me I would have kept putting it off bc part of me does not want to do it or feels ever ready enough to do it but part of me does want to BUT noooooo my husband couldn't wait any longer and would not leave me alone to the point that I could not ignore his need for this to happen immediately, the compulsion and relentness.. The solar eclipse did oppose our composite Vertex in the 7th. Telling my parents the news hurts, separating from them hurts but I know it needs to happen. Saying goodbye to my company and clients hurts. Its very bitter sweet, my eyes keep getting watery and Sunday I was crying like a baby bc some new characters from Walking Dead died who were humans not zombies, yes it made me sad to see people murdered/dying bc they are humans but I then realized I was crying over the death of everything I am leaving behind. I realized that it was more than just feeling sad over the characters dying, I am teary now as I write this. I am not saying this so people feel bad for me, its not that kind of crying, it hurts but is a good necessary cry; expected and normal. I just needed to let it out! This article "How to deal with Eclipses" has a lot of information that really resonates to the tea what I am dealing with and how I feel: I recommend everyone reads it! Any thoughts about the Lunar Eclipse coming up in March? not much on it online so wondering what your opinion is on it. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 3925 From: Miami Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 16, 2016 04:07 AM
^^^^ 12:22AM op was posted:ANGEL NUMBER 1222 Number 1222 is a compilation of the energies and qualities of number 1 and number 2, with the number 2 appearing three times, tripling its influences. Number 1 encourages the attributes of creation and new beginnings, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct, and stepping out of your comfort zone to achieve your desires. It also relates to creating your own realities with your thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 represents balance and harmony, duality, faith, devotion, insight, sensitivity, encouragement, consideration, co-operation, grace, devotion, flexibility, adaptability and diplomacy. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving and fulfilling your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Angel Number 1222 is a message from your angels and Archangels that you are to stay focused on your highest expectations as the angels and Universal Energies work behind the scenes helping you to manifest your wants and needs, goals and desires. Trust that your home and family will be well provided for as you strive towards achieving your goals. The repeating Angel Number 1222 is a powerful sign that you are to step out of your comfort zone and take a new direction and/or begin new projects and ventures that you have been prompted to pursue. Angel Number 1222 encourages us to release our fears and apprehensions and get on with pursuing our passions and purpose. Angel Number 1222 encourages you to maintain a positive outlook in regards to a current situation or issue. Be positive and optimistic about the outcome and this will manifest as your desired results. If feeling any fears or doubts, simply ask your angels for guidance, assistance and support. Number 1222 relates to the mystical number 7 (1+2+2+2=7) and Angel Number 7. IP: Logged |
3l3n Knowflake Posts: 776 From: Registered: Nov 2014
posted March 16, 2016 05:45 AM
The eclipses that have taken place from last year until now have changed my life in so many ways. All of them hitting my 3rd/9th house axis with a lot of personal planets/asteroids in the 9th Pisces/Aries, and NN/SN axis. I'm also going through my Nodal Return.Found this article about the Lunar Eclipse which describes a few things to detail. Thanks for the article and wish you all the best with your journey! 
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 3925 From: Miami Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 16, 2016 12:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by 3l3n: The eclipses that have taken place from last year until now have changed my life in so many ways. All of them hitting my 3rd/9th house axis with a lot of personal planets/asteroids in the 9th Pisces/Aries, and NN/SN axis. I'm also going through my Nodal Return.Found this article about the Lunar Eclipse which describes a few things to detail. Thanks for the article and wish you all the best with your journey! 
Thank you honey! 
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 16372 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 16, 2016 04:26 PM
Good luck in your move, hypatia I'm just waiting for some tidal wave to knock me down, honestly. This past eclipse exactly on my moon. I was checking my eclipse history last night and realized the last time there was a solar eclipse on my moon was immediately after I stopped talking to my ex-soulmate and felt like I was seeing life with new eyes (not just because of him...I just had an epiphany and many things changed that spring.) Those changes had lasting positive AND negative effects...but at least it was change! Not the path of least resistance but forward motion. Also last night I learned that my daughter was born on a lunar eclipse, with the degree conjunct the last lunar eclipse before I was born. Life is so weird. I love it.  I need to read your article later.  IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 7963 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 16, 2016 06:50 PM
Hey, I was wondering where you were.  Good luck with your move. IP: Logged |
ReachingForTheStars Knowflake Posts: 398 From: second star to the right, and straight on till morning Registered: Dec 2013
posted March 16, 2016 11:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: This article "How to deal with Eclipses" has a lot of information that really resonates to the tea what I am dealing with and how I feel: I recommend everyone reads it!
quote: According to Susan Miller:21. Gold Star Point: Eclipses repeat in nearly exact degree and sign every 19 years. While the family of signs will repeat sooner than that, in about seven or eight years, they will appear in different mathematical degrees than they did recently. However if you go back 19 years and look at the series of eclipses that arrived that year, you may be astounded to see that all of them will be nearly identical in the family of sign, mathematical degree and precise date it arrived. Keep in mind that the other planets in the sky will have since changed position, so no year is ever a carbon copy of any other year. Still, by looking back 19 years, you may be able to come up with a theme that will teach you something. quote: Kelly Rosano says:The New Moon is the first of three SuperMoons. The next two are April 7 and May 6. This is the first of four eclipses this year. Eclipses herald major completions and new beginnings. Wherever 19 degrees Pisces lands in your natal birth chart, this is where something may be complete for you. You could also be taking something to the next level. New Moons are new beginnings. Something new could begin. What was going on for you in March 1997? March 8, 1997 was the last Eclipse in Pisces at 19 degrees. What was happening in your life then? What do you need to change now? What do you desire? Get your needs met once and for all. This will empower your freedom. Pisces teaches you that spiritual advancement is not about being right. It is not about being good. It is about becoming whole. Pisces is the last sign. It is the hardest sign to master. Pisces reveals how you get in your own way. We all have insecurities. Those wounds that are hard to heal. Do what makes you whole. Do what empowers you. Forgive yourself for having to go through so much pain. Forgive others for not being there for you. Practice the Law of Acceptance. Do not resist what is happening. Flow with your life. Edit
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Marandana Knowflake Posts: 264 From: Earth. Registered: Dec 2013
posted March 16, 2016 11:46 PM
The eclipse happened on my birthday, in my natal chart in the 5th house, how can I read that? I had the feeling it was something important but I'm clueless, I don't know how to read it, so far no major changes have happened :/ I had a break up but two sdays after valentines day, that was the major event I have had in this year so far.IP: Logged |
areesquivel Knowflake Posts: 29 From: Venus Registered: Feb 2016
posted March 17, 2016 12:34 AM
The Eclipses are weird to me, I've had weird dreams before the eclipse happened that kinda gave me a preview of the things to come, this Eclipse in particular opened my eyes about someone I thought I was going somewhere with, I don't know if its because I'm a moon child or my Pisces Moon close to the eclipse had anything to do with it but It's been pretty weird.IP: Logged |
Seimei Knowflake Posts: 1773 From: n2thedust Registered: Apr 2015
posted March 17, 2016 12:36 AM
Pisces Moon close to the eclipse<<<<<had EVERYthing to do with it but It's been pretty weird.<<<<< YES------------------ LeekingChee IP: Logged |
areesquivel Knowflake Posts: 29 From: Venus Registered: Feb 2016
posted March 17, 2016 12:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by Seimei: Pisces Moon close to the eclipse<<<<<had EVERYthing to do with it but It's been pretty weird.<<<<< YES
I'm hoping the next eclipse I don't have any weird dreams or anything, I want to thing I'll be off the radar cause it's happening the opposite way IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 24719 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 17, 2016 01:01 AM
Yes, this ecclipse REALLY made itself felt (still does), which took me by surprise I donīt have anything in near degrees or so I thought. Well Juno is conjunct the ecclipse with 3 degree orb, but that was rather wide and an asteroid. Nevertheless I rarely experienced an ecclipse which I felt so strongly (well it is conjunct pr Jupiter, plus in my solar return I have Moon on 20 Pisces, IC on 16 Pisces- exact on my n Juno and Chiron naturally on 18 Pisces as well) oh and just see Lunar Return started on 6th march (on my brother`s birthday, he), and it has Sun on 16 Pisces, again exactly on my natal Juno. Okay, okay, I get it, it seems to be a Juno-ecclipse for me.
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 3925 From: Miami Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 17, 2016 01:26 AM
quote: Originally posted by Marandana: The eclipse happened on my birthday, in my natal chart in the 5th house, how can I read that? I had the feeling it was something important but I'm clueless, I don't know how to read it, so far no major changes have happened :/ I had a break up but two sdays after valentines day, that was the major event I have had in this year so far.
The article says to wait about a month if nothing happens.. "The changes could happen instantly, but they also can occur over a period of months with each successive eclipse. Still, the news of those changes often comes as a shock." "1) A message brought to you by an eclipse is usually delivered on the day, or within a week of the actual date of the eclipse - but not always. 2) If nothing happens then think back to exactly one month earlier and one month later plus or minus five days." IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 3925 From: Miami Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 17, 2016 01:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Yes, this ecclipse REALLY made itself felt (still does), which took me by surprise I donīt have anything in near degrees or so I thought. Well Juno is conjunct the ecclipse with 3 degree orb, but that was rather wide and an asteroid. Nevertheless I rarely experienced an ecclipse which I felt so strongly (well it is conjunct pr Jupiter, plus in my solar return I have Moon on 20 Pisces, IC on 16 Pisces- exact on my n Juno and Chiron naturally on 18 Pisces as well) oh and just see Lunar Return started on 6th march (on my brother`s birthday, he), and it has Sun on 16 Pisces, again exactly on my natal Juno. Okay, okay, I get it, it seems to be a Juno-ecclipse for me.
I think Juno is a very important asteroid but you natally having chiron at the eclipse, I bet is bringing up a lot of emotions to the surface. Very interesting Ceri how everything is connected for you bt solar, progressed, natal and the eclipse. Pretty cool! My husband has Jupiter in virgo at 24d, he definitely felt it. Jupiter playing a role in eclipses is serious stuff, is like Jupiter expands the energy of the eclipse. I know 24d is wide but he felt it. Wait, perhaps his northnode in Leo @19d is the real culprit, YES! that actually makes sense he was behaving like an inconjunction in combo with a quindecile, I should check if the eclipse formed a quindecile with a point or planet in his chart. Will report back. Actually eclipse sextile transit pluto and that formed a tod with his northnode at the apex. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 3925 From: Miami Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 17, 2016 02:10 AM
Reachingforthestars, What a powerful story!! You were very brave and an inspiration.Thanks for the encouragement and the words "its time to be fearless'! that is the attitude I need right now. I belief you will figure it out, an old friend said to me that you have to feel lost and confused to get to the clarity part. BTW my Northnode is Gemini @19 so the eclipse was on my Moon and IC squaring my nodes, I had totally missed that. Thanks for sharing that link! Its great! IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 3925 From: Miami Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 17, 2016 02:14 AM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: Hey, I was wondering where you were.  Good luck with your move.
Thank you, I truly appreciate it T. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 3925 From: Miami Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 17, 2016 02:19 AM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: Good luck in your move, hypatia I'm just waiting for some tidal wave to knock me down, honestly. This past eclipse exactly on my moon. I was checking my eclipse history last night and realized the last time there was a solar eclipse on my moon was immediately after I stopped talking to my ex-soulmate and felt like I was seeing life with new eyes (not just because of him...I just had an epiphany and many things changed that spring.) Those changes had lasting positive AND negative effects...but at least it was change! Not the path of least resistance but forward motion. Also last night I learned that my daughter was born on a lunar eclipse, with the degree conjunct the last lunar eclipse before I was born. Life is so weird. I love it.  I need to read your article later. 
Hang in there it will probably hit you about a month from now then "2) If nothing happens then think back to exactly one month earlier and one month later plus or minus five days." That is interesting about your daughter and you, beautiful truly!  I can really relate to how you described your last eclipse. Thanks for the good wishes, it means a lot! I am super scared and can't belief this is happening..but know is for a reason. However, it doesn't make it less scary. IP: Logged | |