Topic: If an Aquarius and a Gemini in a war, who will win?
hearttreasure Knowflake Posts: 353 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 17, 2016 03:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by Hemilla: As a gemini i would answer with - " And who is the one that detirmines what is good and what is bad? If the mesure of my goodness is mesured by people like you i am going to say that i am evilest person on earth! If there is something i dislike is the fake moralists - human can be both good and bad,both selfish and generable - who says i allways have to give to poor to be a good person - me not harming anyone should be enough to be classified as one! " i win xD
"And who is the one that detirmines what is good and what is bad?" This. This is his favorite words, which I response with, "I'm not saying it is good or bad, I'm just giving you another perspective of mine." Then he will try another argument. lol. Stressful. I've read somewhere that GEMINI, leo, and scorpio are meaner than their demons.  quote: Originally posted by Faith: Let Libra be the judge and call it a tie.--- ETA: My best friend has Mars in Aquarius, I have Mars in Gemini. We used to fight when we were little until Libra Pluto instincts prevailed.
Sometimes Libra can make it worst by saying they won't decide who is right, both can be right where Gemini will say, "I'm always right!" and Aquarius say, "I will not change my mind!" lol. quote: Originally posted by Belage: I'd put my money on Aquarius, because its co-ruler is Saturn. Saturn will find a way to kick Mercury's ass in the end.
In the end? Yup, it could be. I found Gemini finally can see how Aquarius's words have a right, but they keep it to themselve, just for the sake of, "I'm always right." IP: Logged |
DualGem Knowflake Posts: 145 From: Canada Registered: Oct 2015
posted May 17, 2016 04:04 AM
At the end of the day its all about playing the elements and qualities of each sign, in there best/worst way.In particular the good and bad aspects of the natal chart. Cardinal Signs = Ambitions and goal setting. Get them to a task thats to consuming and consume themselves. Fixed Signs = Stubbornness and less likely to change this means they will carry the same argument over and over again. Taurus is the worst violator of this. So its somewhat predictable, what they will do. Mutable Signs = make them "unstable" For example Pisces is mutable water Mutable = Change Water Sign =Emotion Mutable + Emotion = Emotional unstable. Therefore get them to become emotionally unstable. So yes a Gemini can be defeated in any argument just as equally as an Aquarius can, if you play on there strengths and weakness. And you put it in a situation were none of there strengths can come out. Remember my first post of F.Lee Bailey interviewing Mark Furhman. F.Lee Bailey trapped Mark Furham with his stubborn thinking and knew how he would react. Off topic I'm not here to debate whether or not OJ did it or not. Just the fact on how a Gemini trapped an Aquarius. I swear if Donald Trump knew of astrology, I'm sure he would try to get Hillary Clinton emotional charged, Scorpio being a fixed water sign. Scorpio = Water Sign Fixed =Stuburn Which would result in her showing the negative Scorpio tendencies. I have no doubt he would try some sneaky tactic like that. quote: Originally posted by hearttreasure: I've read somewhere that GEMINI, leo, and scorpio are meaner than their demons"
After saying what I said above. I think your right. I feel so evil after what I just wrote above. I've been told when things are good your sweet, but when I'm bad i'm terrible. Are you a January born or February born? ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer
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hearttreasure Knowflake Posts: 353 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 17, 2016 04:11 AM
quote: Originally posted by aquagembaby:
[b]hearttreasure: Yeah my ex was a triple Gemini (Sun, Mercury, Venus) which too unstable even for my Gemini Moon/Mars LOL. Not sure if that says a lot about him or myself...He would always ask a question and then not like my answer, so then he would keep picking at me and tell me I have character flaws lmao.[/B]
lol. Me too crave stability. I think this is why it won't last because Aquarius is leaving. Libra-Gemini pair will last because Libra will stay for the sake of "relationship" not the individual, Aquarius cares individual and will not stay in relationship where too much clash between both. quote: Originally posted by DualGem: As long as the counter claim is solid, logically backed with reason and mutually supportive of every counter claim Gemini tries then no its not discreditable. But, as mentioned if the facts are 99% solid and every attempt Gemini tries will appear weak and over analyzed. That's how my experiences have been, I don't try to argue if I know my Aquarius friend has a 110% solid point because I know I won't win and if I try it will be as you mentioned over analyzed and discreditable. For example if my Aquarian friend says to me did you take out the garbage, as I asked? Its either I did or I didn't there's no way to come up with a counter excuse, if I said I didn't because of hadadada... It whouldn't matter because I still didn't take it out and any argument would come out weak, discreditable and invalid. But if we are talking about how to solve world hunger then there's a million ways to see and approach the problem. Its the simple yes or no arguments that I don't argue with, but if its in the "grey area" and not black and white then you can argue with reason for or against. @hearttreasure and aquagembaby Just out of curiosity are you January borns or February borns?
Yes! 99% and 110%! lol. Some say Aquarius loves to argue, but what I found is, Gemini has the trophy. lol. It's a war like using all of your brain functions into the max. I was born in the first decan of Aquarius. Does it matter dealing with Gemini? IP: Logged |
DualGem Knowflake Posts: 145 From: Canada Registered: Oct 2015
posted May 17, 2016 04:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by hearttreasure: ....I was born in the first decan of Aquarius. Does it matter dealing with Gemini?
Not with all Geminis, but with me, lol. I'm more agreeable with the January borns. My ascendant is technically on a cusp between Capricorn/Aquarious. quote: Originally posted by hearttreasure: ... Some say Aquarius loves to argue, but what I found is, Gemini has the trophy. lol. It's a war like using all of your brain functions into the max.
My friends with a Cancer, and he gets so much entertainment over the two of us debating. ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer IP: Logged |
DopGang Knowflake Posts: 2279 From: INTJ Registered: Jun 2015
posted May 17, 2016 06:25 AM
Another possibility:I think if Aquarius stubbornly sticks to their argument in a very closed off way. Gemini will count it as "a waste of time" and not only walk away but refuse Aquarius if they insist on continuing.
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StubbornVirgo Knowflake Posts: 918 From: Sittin' on Mercury Registered: Jul 2015
posted May 17, 2016 04:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by DopGang:
Another possibility:I think if Aquarius stubbornly sticks to their argument in a very closed off way. Gemini will count it as "a waste of time" and not only walk away but refuse Aquarius if they insist on continuing.
This was the dynamic between me and a former Aquarius friend. She was convinced that we needed talk about every argument we ever had. If I walked away, she would persist, to the point of following me around and ambushing me with confrontations. Once, I continuously avoided/refused to speak with her, and she threatened to lie to supervisor to cause problems for me. (That was my breaking point, and the end of our friendship - and I still didn't speak to her. Lol) It was one of the most bizarre things I've ever experienced. Other Aquarians I know would let me walk away, and then we wouldn't ever talk about it again. I much prefer that kind of interaction. Maybe our synastry was just off. IP: Logged |
hearttreasure Knowflake Posts: 353 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 17, 2016 05:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by DualGem:
Not with all Geminis, but with me, lol.I'm more agreeable with the January borns. My ascendant is technically on a cusp between Capricorn/Aquarious. My friends with a Cancer, and he gets so much entertainment over the two of us debating.
Which decan of your sign you were born in? My Gemini male friend who was born in May also say the same thing, he says he is more agreeable with January born. He was with February born and it didn't last. My ex was born in June and we didn't last either.
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DopGang Knowflake Posts: 2279 From: INTJ Registered: Jun 2015
posted May 17, 2016 05:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by StubbornVirgo: This was the dynamic between me and a former Aquarius friend. She was convinced that we needed talk about every argument we ever had. If I walked away, she would persist, to the point of following me around and ambushing me with confrontations. Once, I continuously avoided/refused to speak with her, and she threatened to lie to supervisor to cause problems for me. (That was my breaking point, and the end of our friendship - and I still didn't speak to her. Lol) It was one of the most bizarre things I've ever experienced. Other Aquarians I know would let me walk away, and then we wouldn't ever talk about it again. I much prefer that kind of interaction. Maybe our synastry was just off.
Yes. Gemini giveth words and Gemini taketh away.
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 67334 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 17, 2016 06:04 PM
Gemini would win.  ------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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diamondbaby Knowflake Posts: 516 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted May 17, 2016 08:21 PM
In my opinion Aquarius would "win". Uranus (the ruling planet of Aquarius) is the higher octave of Mercury (the ruling planet of Gemini). IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 2104 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 17, 2016 10:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: Lies, Saturn is so old fashioned they'd never be able to keep up with Mercury! Saturn may be able to recall facts and be accurate but if we're talking about winning an argument Mercury will find a way around them or will create loopholes and win.
Haha, you are forgetting that the other co-ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, which is even quicker than Mercury. What can poor Mercury do against Saturn AND Uranus? Nobody has ever died because Mercury was making a harsh aspect to their planet. Mercury is a neutral planet. But plenty of people can lose their lives if Saturn or Uranus is messing with them. IP: Logged |
DualGem Knowflake Posts: 145 From: Canada Registered: Oct 2015
posted May 18, 2016 03:55 AM
quote: Originally posted by Belage:
Haha, you are forgetting that the other co-ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, which is even quicker than Mercury. What can poor Mercury do against Saturn AND Uranus? Nobody has ever died because Mercury was making a harsh aspect to their planet. Mercury is a neutral planet. But plenty of people can lose their lives if Saturn or Uranus is messing with them.
I can't speak for all Gems, but my mercury is trine Pluto and Jupiter. As well as conjunct my mars. Plus my ruling planet of my ascendant is Saturn. So I have Mercury, Pluto, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn in Harmony in my chart. So I can take on any Aquarian with Saturn and Uranus. Although its Saturn that would give a tougher fight. Uranus just makes Aquarians eccentric and that can be dealt with if the established norms don't fit the Aquarian and you call it on them. If they don't agree get other people to judge and then Gemini wins. Its a sneaky tactic or loophole that hannaramaa was saying that Gemini pulls all the time to win, get public opinion to side with the Gemini. Saturn would give the persists to fight on and hold there ground against as many attacks the Gemini may try and that's why I was saying its a tougher fight. It becomes a battle of attrition and who breaks first. Gemini may get bored or have had enough and lose the argument by not being persistent, not that there facts are incorrect. They just didn't have the energy to continue the fight. But, I would look for a hard aspect in someones natal chart that should negate the benefits of Saturn and Uranus? Say a dis junction somewhere in the natal chart. Even if it is the ruling planet is Saturn and Uranus a disjunt or hard aspect somewhere else can "ruin the party". That's why I whould look at the entire chart and see how all of the planets flows for either the Gem or the Aquarian before making any assumptions on who would win the debate. ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 2104 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 18, 2016 12:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by DualGem: I can't speak for all Gems, but my mercury is trine Pluto and Jupiter. As well as conjunct my mars.Plus my ruling planet of my ascendant is Saturn. So I have Mercury, Pluto, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn in Harmony in my chart. So I can take on any Aquarian with Saturn and Uranus. Although its Saturn that would give a tougher fight.
Well of course, if we are going to go into individual charts and look at natal aspects to mercury and saturn and Uranus, things become more complex, but that is not the gist of the original question. If you pit gemini against aquarius, aquarius will win because Uranus and Saturn will kick Mercury's ass. that's astrological widsom, lol.But this is all rethorical and for fun. Gemini and Aquarius are trine signs so they do not fight each other. IP: Logged |
theunknown Knowflake Posts: 2873 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 18, 2016 02:47 PM
Both are air signs ... Gemini will move on and wont remember the aquariusthe aquarius will move on and dismiss gemini as just another human being ... IP: Logged |
hearttreasure Knowflake Posts: 353 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 18, 2016 04:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by theunknown: Both are air signs ... Gemini will move on and wont remember the aquariusthe aquarius will move on and dismiss gemini as just another human being ...
At the end? LOL! I want to reply some post, but this, this cracks me up  I'm hungry. brb.  IP: Logged |
Seimei Knowflake Posts: 1946 From: n2thedust Registered: Apr 2015
posted May 18, 2016 08:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by hearttreasure: Other than Aquarius, do you have other fixed element?
quote:Originally posted by Seimei: The AQ ultimately because they care less about it and just walk away. To continue an argument is to loose something more important, time,energy and peace of mind. Now I have the only south Node in AQ, opposite Uranus.N Node so maybe that is my bias. Been there, done that, you cannot argue with me because I will not argue with you, so I win by ignoring the argument.AQ just does not care enough to keep it going,, so who cares if Gemini thinks it won. Other than Aquarius, do you have other fixed element? You are asking if I have planets in other fixed signs! If I have south node in AQ < STATED ABOVE, AND if I have Uranus at North Node, then obviously that means in Leo, so is there a point to your question or JUST general sarcasm because you disliked my response? Further answer to be polite. Yes Venus,and Moon in Leo with Uranus and NN.House 10 intercepted sign Neptune in Scorpio. ------------------ LeekingChee IP: Logged |
theunknown Knowflake Posts: 2873 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 18, 2016 08:24 PM
^^^i think she's just curious. She's an Aquarius so naturally I assume she liked your response IP: Logged |
hearttreasure Knowflake Posts: 353 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 19, 2016 11:43 AM
quote: Originally posted by Seimei: You are asking if I have planets in other fixed signs! If I have south node in AQ < STATED ABOVE, AND if I have Uranus at North Node, then obviously that means in Leo, so is there a point to your question or JUST general sarcasm because you disliked my response? Further answer to be polite. Yes Venus,and Moon in Leo with Uranus and NN.House 10 intercepted sign Neptune in Scorpio.
LOL. I'm just curious and like to ask directly to the person. I don't know why those question makes you think like that. I apologize.  IP: Logged |
DopGang Knowflake Posts: 2279 From: INTJ Registered: Jun 2015
posted May 19, 2016 11:46 AM
He's asked to unregister his account also. Can't say that it's at all related of course but sure is coincidental timing. IP: Logged |