Topic: If an Aquarius and a Gemini in a war, who will win?
hearttreasure Knowflake Posts: 353 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 16, 2016 05:20 AM
If this two intelligent people are in a war to each other, what would it be like? and who will win?IP: Logged |
DualGem Knowflake Posts: 145 From: Canada Registered: Oct 2015
posted May 16, 2016 05:39 AM
Depends on the other elements in the chart.If the Gemini has to many mutable aspects, I say Aquarius will win. If the Aquarius has to much fixed aspects, I say Gemini. How to Defeat an Aquarius from a Gemini Perspective.
Being a fixed sign play on Aquarians stubbornness and more obvious eccentricness. So if they believe in something so stubbornly and there eccentric enough that nobody understands it you can play on it. For example Watch F. Lee Baily (Gemini) destroy detective Mark Fuhrman (Aquarious) in the OJ Simpson trial. He turned Mark Furham into a freak of nature. He is one of the reasons why OJ got off. How to defeat a Gemini from an Aquarius perspective
Gemini is a mutable sign so if you can play on there nervous energy, you can make them unsure of themselves. If you make them unsure of themselves, they will be unsure about there argument and the rest falls in place. But.. if there truly friends the two signs should be able to compromise just as easy as they can argue.
When me and my Aquarious friend argue if I don't agree I just walk out. I have some earth aspects so I'm never in doubt and not very mutable. So I'm less likely to question myself. Shes more of the Artist type, I'm more of the math/logical type. I normally forget the next day since I have other things to do. We cary on like normal, if she needs me for something i'm willing to help out and she is the same with if nothing happened. ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer IP: Logged |
hearttreasure Knowflake Posts: 353 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 16, 2016 08:46 AM
quote: Originally posted by DualGem: ...But.. if there truly friends the two signs should be able to compromise just as easy as they can argue. When me and my Aquarious friend argue if I don't agree I just walk out. I have some earth aspects so I'm never in doubt and not very mutable. So I'm less likely to question myself. Shes more of the Artist type, I'm more of the math/logical type. I normally forget the next day since I have other things to do. We cary on like normal, if she needs me for something i'm willing to help out and she is the same with if nothing happened. ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer
Yes. I think Aquarius and Gemini is very good in friendship NOT in relationship (probably a BAD IDEA in a long term). I've found so many couple didn't last with this pair. Aquarius tend to hold grudges (if being stepped on repeatedly and we truly hate any kind of lies where we know the truth) and Gemini doesn't give af although their mouth run faster than anything, yes, any words. Gemini makes the problems stay there by.. walking away and forget the next day BUT they can bring it up later (even months after) while Aquarius wants to solve the problems as soon as possible and will not want to repeat the same problems (even months after). The Gemini I'm dealing with is a talker and I am more math/logical. Although we both are computer science but I am more technical and he is more theoretically. He admits if he could turn back the time he would love in marketing field that's why his job in this field. He defeats me by talking and talking, non stop. OR with marketing way by making you BAD (of course with words) and he is GOOD, so people choose him. It leaves this logical mind person with, "WTF?". It's 1:0. Where do the source of your information come from? Experiences? IP: Logged |
Hemilla Knowflake Posts: 214 From: Serbia Registered: May 2015
posted May 16, 2016 10:19 AM
well i am gemini that is constantly in war with her aquarius brother....and i ... its simply immposible to decide to whom victory goes because we are quite messy fighters - i have to say he is quite inteligent but he lack knowlage in topics i am good at,so i can win him on my terain and he can be victorious on his - the problem is we are both good at twisting stories at our own advantage so the argument never endsIP: Logged |
sarahhm Knowflake Posts: 512 From: Registered: Sep 2015
posted May 16, 2016 02:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by DualGem: Depends on the other elements in the chart.If the Gemini has to many mutable aspects, I say Aquarius will win. If the Aquarius has to much fixed aspects, I say Gemini. [b] How to Defeat an Aquarius from a Gemini Perspective. Being a fixed sign play on Aquarians stubbornness and more obvious eccentricness. So if they believe in something so stubbornly and there eccentric enough that nobody understands it you can play on it. For example Watch F. Lee Baily (Gemini) destroy detective Mark Fuhrman (Aquarious) in the OJ Simpson trial. He turned Mark Furham into a freak of nature. He is one of the reasons why OJ got off. How to defeat a Gemini from an Aquarius perspective
Gemini is a mutable sign so if you can play on there nervous energy, you can make them unsure of themselves. If you make them unsure of themselves, they will be unsure about there argument and the rest falls in place. But.. if there truly friends the two signs should be able to compromise just as easy as they can argue.
When me and my Aquarious friend argue if I don't agree I just walk out. I have some earth aspects so I'm never in doubt and not very mutable. So I'm less likely to question myself. Shes more of the Artist type, I'm more of the math/logical type. I normally forget the next day since I have other things to do. We cary on like normal, if she needs me for something i'm willing to help out and she is the same with if nothing happened. ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer[/B]
you know what? we should all come together, or you yourself dualgem to write up a series on how to defeat the signs! that would be brilliant!
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Gemini Blues Knowflake Posts: 1112 From: The future... or the past. I get them confused... Registered: May 2014
posted May 16, 2016 02:42 PM
Gemini win. Gemini crush rock. Gemini crush paper. Gemini crush scissor. Gemini crush lizard Gemini tie with Vulcan, rethrow...
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hannaramaa Moderator Posts: 11229 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted May 16, 2016 02:45 PM
I would say Gemini. The Aquariuses I've met can't argue whatsoever although they're very smart. It has to do with fixed vs. mutable.. slow vs. changeable.IP: Logged |
DualGem Knowflake Posts: 145 From: Canada Registered: Oct 2015
posted May 16, 2016 02:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by hearttreasure: The Gemini I'm dealing with is a talker and I am more math/logical. Although we both are computer science but I am more technical and he is more theoretically. He admits if he could turn back the time he would love in marketing field that's why his job in this field.He defeats me by talking and talking, non stop. OR with marketing way by making you BAD (of course with words) and he is GOOD, so people choose him. It leaves this logical mind person with, "WTF?". It's 1:0. Where do the source of your information come from? Experiences?
I'm guessing your aware then, There are a lot of bold tags to clean up from the original post then, lol. Very Interesting... off topic I'm finishing my last year of Software Engineering. I'm anal on hitting the runtimes thought. Trying to aim for O(1)/constant time as much as possible. Another Aquarian I know is really into Analytics. So ya theres similarities between both signs. The Gem gets mad if the Aquarius brings it up again. I know the Aquarius wants to solve it, but in the gem eyes he will assume your starting up again or being stubborn. Leo and Aquarius are the two signs I constantly end up encountering. So a bit of experience you may say. ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer IP: Logged |
Electro DGX Knowflake Posts: 682 From: Another Galaxy Registered: Jul 2015
posted May 16, 2016 02:55 PM
This will be interesting. I'm Aquarius dominant and my second strongest sign is Gemini. Perfect for this occasion lol. It honestly though is a difficult one to determine. Both signs are Air, so they'll both battle on an intellectual level and there will be a lot of communication involved. The difference lies in Gemini being mutable and ruled by Mercury, vs Aquarius being fixed and ruled by Uranus. Gemini, being a mutable sign, would naturally be more prone to a high-strung nature, allowing Aquarius' fixed nature to easily hone in on that high-strung nature and defeat Gemini. Gemini, on the other hand, is very quick-witted and is good with words. Knowing that, Gemini may have the upper hand when it comes to tactics involving persuasion, which can help when it comes to Aquarius' fixed nature. However, I don't think that alone would be enough to break the Aquarius. I could see Aquarius being more patient than Gemini due to the Gemini's short attention span. Aquarius would have an easier time holding onto an argument than Gemini, which will also give them the win. However, if the Aquarius was truly wrong and the Gemini was persistent enough to continuously argue against that point (thanks to their verbal wits), the Aquarius may break in a dramatic fashion due to their inability to properly handle losing in an argument, since like Leo, they can also be ego based. Then there is Gemini's verbal wit once again. They could so easily take any situation and change the effect it has by simply taking some words out and putting new words in there instead, in order to further their advantage. Aquarius, however, is also the humanitarian, so they may resort to arguing points such as, "So you don't care about the poor? You're an evil person, aren't you?" As a final answer though, Aquarius wins! Lol just kidding, it really depends on the situation. In a verbal sense Gemini may have the win, but Uranus operates on a whole other level, and that can give Aquarius a big advantage. So honestly, it's a draw lol  ------------------ Aquarius Sun, Merc, Venus, Uranus, Neptune Scorpio Mars conj. Asc in First 8th House Moon opposite Pluto, Trine Uranus Have you caught onto the predicament I'm in yet? IP: Logged |
aquagembaby Knowflake Posts: 427 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted May 16, 2016 03:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by hearttreasure: Yes. I think Aquarius and Gemini is very good in friendship [b]NOT in relationship (probably a BAD IDEA in a long term). I've found so many couple didn't last with this pair.[/B]
I'm an Aquarius and my ex was a Gemini...horrible combo lol. As far as the war, I think Aquarius would win b/c they are more likely to stick to one idea and truth, whereas Gemini may flip flop between multiple ideas and confuse themselves and others lol. IP: Logged |
Seimei Knowflake Posts: 1946 From: n2thedust Registered: Apr 2015
posted May 16, 2016 03:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by hearttreasure: If this two intelligent people are in a war to each other, what would it be like? and who will win?
The AQ ultimately because they care less about it and just walk away. To continue an argument is to loose something more important, time,energy and peace of mind. Now I have the only south Node in AQ, opposite Uranus.N Node so maybe that is my bias. Been there, done that, you cannot argue with me because I will not argue with you, so I win by ignoring the argument.AQ just does not care enough to keep it going,, so who cares if Gemini thinks it won. ------------------ LeekingChee IP: Logged |
DualGem Knowflake Posts: 145 From: Canada Registered: Oct 2015
posted May 16, 2016 03:55 PM
quote: Originally posted by aquagembaby: I'm an Aquarius and my ex was a Gemini...horrible combo lol. As far as the war, I think Aquarius would win b/c they are more likely to stick to one idea and truth, whereas Gemini may flip flop between multiple ideas and confuse themselves and others lol.
Thats exactly were gemini wins. Aquarius is stubborn and will stick to the same argument. Gemini knows this and is already finding other ways to discredit it. While Aquarius is holding the same argument, Gemini has moved on to other strategies. For example I already mentioned on my first post at the top of the page that Aquarias will play on Geminis mutability and changeability. I already knew that and all the other Aquarians will try the same thing. But if the argument is 99% undeniable and solid then the Aquairan wins regardless of what counter claims the Gemini can make. hearttreasure, You mentioned you work in the Software Field, How do you handle changes in design requirements?. I know my Aquarius friend gets so mad at me when I suddenly change plans, lol. She calms down later. But its important later to compromise, I mean I never thought I would see myself apologizing when I'm wrong and she has done the same.
Or if we don't agree, let time go and one of us realizes later we were wrong. I will admit sometimes I didn't listen to her and I made mistakes and she does the same. She made a presentation on some cause of hers and I warned her to be careful of the people who whould be listening. She learned her mistake. Its all about having both signs let go, which is a hard thing to do because there both Air signs and both want there way. It works if both signs balance each other if Gemini teaches Aquarius to be less stubborn and Aquarius teaches gemini to stop running away all the time. ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer
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Hemilla Knowflake Posts: 214 From: Serbia Registered: May 2015
posted May 16, 2016 04:42 PM
Then there is Gemini's verbal wit once again. They could so easily take any situation and change the effect it has by simply taking some words out and putting new words in there instead, in order to further their advantage. Aquarius, however, is also the humanitarian, so they may resort to arguing points such as, "So you don't care about the poor? You're an evil person, aren't you?" [/B]
As a gemini i would answer with - " And who is the one that detirmines what is good and what is bad? If the mesure of my goodness is mesured by people like you i am going to say that i am evilest person on earth! If there is something i dislike is the fake moralists - human can be both good and bad,both selfish and generable - who says i allways have to give to poor to be a good person - me not harming anyone should be enough to be classified as one! " i win xD IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 17774 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 16, 2016 05:09 PM
Let Libra be the judge and call it a tie.--- ETA: My best friend has Mars in Aquarius, I have Mars in Gemini. We used to fight when we were little until Libra Pluto instincts prevailed. IP: Logged |
hearttreasure Knowflake Posts: 353 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 16, 2016 07:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hemilla: well i am gemini that is constantly in war with her aquarius brother....and i ... its simply immposible to decide to whom victory goes because we are quite messy fighters - i have to say he is quite inteligent but he lack knowlage in topics i am good at,so i can win him on my terain and he can be victorious on his - the problem is we are both good at twisting stories at our own advantage so the argument never ends
You're so right about messy fighters, Aquarius can be (again, if being stepped on repeatedly, we can turn from calmly cold to calmly crazy). Gemini can have messy emotional anger with nasty words and very very quick with this also can be manipulative (twisting words) while Aquarius will not carelessly put nasty words instead using sarcastic approached (twisting words) and think quick but can be slow putting it in words. We're not a confrontational but we always have an opinion if we must to. Gemini will get hurt by that sarcastic words (which can be truthfully mean) and Aquarius will get hurt by those words come out without thinking first/truth. So this keeps the bickering. I don't know why some people said that this pair is similar to each other. I don't think so, we only share similar intelligence tendency. Gemini has more similarity with Libra than Aquarius (in air family). If you put this air family in the same room, Gemini and Libra will flirt with their words/body languages (they really care about how other people see them) while Aquarius is busy analyzing (they don't give af how other people see them). Btw, yes, it can be tied IF the war is continued. It will end if Aquarius leave the topic without being solved which is hard to do sometimes. IP: Logged |
hearttreasure Knowflake Posts: 353 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 16, 2016 07:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by sarahhm: you know what? we should all come together, or you yourself dualgem to write up a series on how to defeat the signs! that would be brilliant!
It would be fun!  quote: Originally posted by Gemini Blues: Gemini win. Gemini crush rock. Gemini crush paper. Gemini crush scissor. Gemini crush lizard Gemini tie with Vulcan, rethrow...
This is funny. I can see this multitasking being played in Gemini's head when in a messy emotions while Aquarius become a stone of truth in their head. quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: I would say Gemini. The Aquariuses I've met can't argue whatsoever although they're very smart. It has to do with fixed vs. mutable.. slow vs. changeable.
I would say so, because of the quickness of the Gemini then the Aquarius is leaving. IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 2104 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 16, 2016 07:31 PM
I'd put my money on Aquarius, because its co-ruler is Saturn. Saturn will find a way to kick Mercury's ass in the end. IP: Logged |
hearttreasure Knowflake Posts: 353 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 16, 2016 07:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by Electro DGX: This will be interesting. I'm Aquarius dominant and my second strongest sign is Gemini. Perfect for this occasion lol. It honestly though is a difficult one to determine. Both signs are Air, so they'll both battle on an intellectual level and there will be a lot of communication involved. The difference lies in Gemini being mutable and ruled by Mercury, vs Aquarius being fixed and ruled by Uranus. Gemini, being a mutable sign, would naturally be more prone to a high-strung nature, allowing Aquarius' fixed nature to easily hone in on that high-strung nature and defeat Gemini. Gemini, on the other hand, is very quick-witted and is good with words. Knowing that, Gemini may have the upper hand when it comes to tactics involving persuasion, which can help when it comes to Aquarius' fixed nature. However, I don't think that alone would be enough to break the Aquarius. I could see Aquarius being more patient than Gemini due to the Gemini's short attention span. Aquarius would have an easier time holding onto an argument than Gemini, which will also give them the win. However, if the Aquarius was truly wrong and the Gemini was persistent enough to continuously argue against that point (thanks to their verbal wits), the Aquarius may break in a dramatic fashion due to their inability to properly handle losing in an argument, since like Leo, they can also be ego based. Then there is Gemini's verbal wit once again. They could so easily take any situation and change the effect it has by simply taking some words out and putting new words in there instead, in order to further their advantage. Aquarius, however, is also the humanitarian, so they may resort to arguing points such as, "So you don't care about the poor? You're an evil person, aren't you?" As a final answer though, Aquarius wins! Lol just kidding, it really depends on the situation. In a verbal sense Gemini may have the win, but Uranus operates on a whole other level, and that can give Aquarius a big advantage. So honestly, it's a draw lol 
You have a good point there. I always said to him, "You are an evil, aren't you?" lol. Just because he keeps talking and talking without letting me say anything because Aquarius actually a problem solver which is hard to understand to other people because we're not under mercury ruler. I've read somewhere that Gemini is actually a stubborn, Libra is a pushover, and Aquarius is neutral. Yes, Aquarius is more patient than Gemini, until someone crosses Aquarius repeatedly, either Aquarius will argue or just leave. IP: Logged |
hearttreasure Knowflake Posts: 353 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 16, 2016 07:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by aquagembaby: I'm an Aquarius and my ex was a Gemini...horrible combo lol. As far as the war, I think Aquarius would win b/c they are more likely to stick to one idea and truth, whereas Gemini may flip flop between multiple ideas and confuse themselves and others lol.
Actually the ONLY problem is when Gemini can not stop lying/making an excuse/playing with words like it doesn't matter and can not calm down a little bit. Aquarius is naturally analyzer and very much appreciate honesty/truth. Aquarius is not really threatened/jealous with Gemini's flirtatious side (it's actually fun to watch) BUT the flip flop kinda questioning us. Trust and honesty is very important with Aquarius. Me too frustrated with those confusing pattern. It's kinda a manipulative way of Gemini to blur the truth and wash your brain. quote: Originally posted by Seimei: The AQ ultimately because they care less about it and just walk away. To continue an argument is to loose something more important, time,energy and peace of mind. Now I have the only south Node in AQ, opposite Uranus.N Node so maybe that is my bias. Been there, done that, you cannot argue with me because I will not argue with you, so I win by ignoring the argument.AQ just does not care enough to keep it going,, so who cares if Gemini thinks it won.
Other than Aquarius, do you have other fixed element? IP: Logged |
hearttreasure Knowflake Posts: 353 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 16, 2016 07:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by DualGem: Thats exactly were gemini wins. Aquarius is stubborn and will stick to the same argument. Gemini knows this and is already finding other ways to discredit it. While Aquarius is holding the same argument, Gemini has moved on to other strategies. For example I already mentioned on my first post at the top of the page that Aquarias will play on Geminis mutability and changeability. I already knew that and all the other Aquarians will try the same thing. But if the argument is 99% undeniable and solid then the Aquairan wins regardless of what counter claims the Gemini can make. hearttreasure, You mentioned you work in the Software Field, How do you handle changes in design requirements?. I know my Aquarius friend gets so mad at me when I suddenly change plans, lol. She calms down later. But its important later to compromise, I mean I never thought I would see myself apologizing when I'm wrong and she has done the same.
Or if we don't agree, let time go and one of us realizes later we were wrong. I will admit sometimes I didn't listen to her and I made mistakes and she does the same. She made a presentation on some cause of hers and I warned her to be careful of the people who whould be listening. She learned her mistake. Its all about having both signs let go, which is a hard thing to do because there both Air signs and both want there way. It works if both signs balance each other if Gemini teaches Aquarius to be less stubborn and Aquarius teaches gemini to stop running away all the time. ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer
Changes is not a problem for me. I have venus and mars in mutable sign and house. I have no problem changing thoughts/ideas/plans IF ONLY the changes is not in the last minute or the new thoughts/ideas/plans are for a better, of course need a lot of discussion before we totally change it, because I will feel like wasting my time thinking trough everything from the beginning and then starting over? uh oh. But most of the time, I have no problem to change them. I am willing to compromise with those conditions. Actually I end up having best team with Gemini in work, vice versa, because Gemini often being misunderstood with their flip flop as unreliable (although sometimes can be true and I only can tolerate it in friendship), they only need someone to help them to focus on something with reasonable and things that they can understand intellectually, so their mind won't overthink about negative possibilities (which they are more prone to). We have no problem compromising because I always try to understand him, listen to his opinion, giving my own perspective and try to solve problem together. I have no problem saying sorry also, if I did a mistake I apologize, but, yes, I rarely hear his sorry. He would rather to leave it and act normal the next day. Your last sentence is quite a good advice. I've learned to be less stubborn with my own awareness and I always tell him to stop running away from problems, but I think it's very hard for Gemini until they get mature. If you want to teach Aquarius to be less stubborn, show them "other perspectives", tell them the changes is for "better", gives them "details" of your plans and how it will success. Aquarius thinks quickly and see through from the beginning to the end, their stubbornness comes from collecting information and making a conclusion. It can be changed when they get another new reasonable information but it will take some times as they process all of it. Taurus is the most stubborn btw. IP: Logged |
DualGem Knowflake Posts: 145 From: Canada Registered: Oct 2015
posted May 16, 2016 08:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by hearttreasure: ....Just because he keeps talking and talking without letting me say anything .
Lol, She has said that to me several times. quote: Originally posted by hearttreasure: Actually the ONLY problem is when Gemini can not stop lying/making an excuse/playing with words like it doesn't matter and can not calm down a little bit.
If the argument is already lost, but the gem just doesn't want to admit it then they will try those type of tactics. Thats only if the Gem thinks of it as a game. I'm right your wrong kinda thing and wants to win. If its a friendship thing then the gem should take it as an advice perspective. Remember there both Air signs so they wan't to believe that there thinking is correct. But sometimes they can share the same thinking. For example there was an election for the premiere of Ontario, its the equivalent to Governor in the US. At the time the outgoing premier was Mike Harris(Aquarius) and the premier replacing him was Ernie Eves(Gemini). The article states how identical the two men exactly are on issues. ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer
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aquagembaby Knowflake Posts: 427 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted May 17, 2016 12:16 AM
quote: Originally posted by DualGem: Thats exactly were gemini wins. Aquarius is stubborn and will stick to the same argument. Gemini knows this and is already finding other ways to discredit it. While Aquarius is holding the same argument, Gemini has moved on to other strategies. For example I already mentioned on my first post at the top of the page that Aquarias will play on Geminis mutability and changeability. I already knew that and all the other Aquarians will try the same thing. But if the argument is 99% undeniable and solid then the Aquairan wins regardless of what counter claims the Gemini can make.
But in my personal experience, Gemini will try to change around too much and switch up their strategy to the point where it's not even the truth anymore and it moves away from the original topic. For example, you said that Gemini "will find other way to discredit it" but you can only keep coming up new arguments for so long and they may end up overanalyzing and start sounding discreditable. They may just keep talking and talking until it seems like their just arguing for the sake of arguing at that point. Their minds move too fast and they're intellectually excitable, though that's not a bad thing. Aquarius will fight their opinion to death if they believe it to be true in their hearts so when they are losing an argument (which they are aware of), they will keep defending their point instead of owning up 100% to their loss and this can be painful to watch. So I guess the strengths of both Aquarius and Gemini could also be where their weakness lies. hearttreasure: Yeah my ex was a triple Gemini (Sun, Mercury, Venus) which too unstable even for my Gemini Moon/Mars LOL. Not sure if that says a lot about him or myself...He would always ask a question and then not like my answer, so then he would keep picking at me and tell me I have character flaws lmao. IP: Logged |
DualGem Knowflake Posts: 145 From: Canada Registered: Oct 2015
posted May 17, 2016 12:45 AM
quote: Originally posted by aquagembaby: [B] But in my personal experience, Gemini will try to change around too much and switch up their strategy to the point where it's not even the truth anymore and it moves away from the original topic. For example, you said that Gemini "will find other way to discredit it" but you can only keep coming up new arguments for so long and they may end up overanalyzing and start sounding discreditable. They may just keep talking and talking until it seems like their just arguing for the sake of arguing at that point. Their minds move too fast and they're intellectually excitable, though that's not a bad thing.Aquarius will fight their opinion to death if they believe it to be true in their hearts so when they are losing an argument (which they are aware of), they will keep defending their point instead of owning up 100% to their loss and this can be painful to watch. So I guess the strengths of both Aquarius and Gemini could also be where their weakness lies.
As long as the counter claim is solid, logically backed with reason and mutually supportive of every counter claim Gemini tries then no its not discreditable. But, as mentioned if the facts are 99% solid and every attempt Gemini tries will appear weak and over analyzed. That's how my experiences have been, I don't try to argue if I know my Aquarius friend has a 110% solid point because I know I won't win and if I try it will be as you mentioned over analyzed and discreditable. For example if my Aquarian friend says to me did you take out the garbage, as I asked? Its either I did or I didn't there's no way to come up with a counter excuse, if I said I didn't because of hadadada... It whouldn't matter because I still didn't take it out and any argument would come out weak, discreditable and invalid. But if we are talking about how to solve world hunger then there's a million ways to see and approach the problem. Its the simple yes or no arguments that I don't argue with, but if its in the "grey area" and not black and white then you can argue with reason for or against. @hearttreasure and aquagembaby Just out of curiosity are you January borns or February borns? ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer
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StubbornVirgo Knowflake Posts: 918 From: Sittin' on Mercury Registered: Jul 2015
posted May 17, 2016 03:00 AM
It depends on what you define winning as. Holding onto your point of view/argument, no matter what? Or finding loopholes in an argument and discrediting it, piece by piece? With the first definition, Aquarius wins. I've never been able to persuade an Aquarius to adopt a different view. But I can poke holes in their arguments all day long, because Gemini placements are like ninjas of logic. If there's a gap in your reasoning, I'll find it and use it to form another argument as to why you're wrong and I'm right. If you go by the second definition, Gemini wins. In the end, Aquarius doesn't care and they're not going to change their minds or admit defeat. Which is precisely why I don't argue with an Aquarius - I'll just end up going "WHY?" when they still hold onto their argument - even when it's full of holes and doesn't make sense to anyone but them. It's easier to just walk away. Btw I'm not a Gemini but I do have Gemini Moon/Mars. And I did argue with quite a few Aquarians before I learned. Hopefully that counts for something here.  IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Moderator Posts: 11229 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted May 17, 2016 03:25 AM
quote: Originally posted by Belage: I'd put my money on Aquarius, because its co-ruler is Saturn. Saturn will find a way to kick Mercury's ass in the end.
Lies, Saturn is so old fashioned they'd never be able to keep up with Mercury! Saturn may be able to recall facts and be accurate but if we're talking about winning an argument Mercury will find a way around them or will create loopholes and win. IP: Logged | |