Topic: If a Scorpio and Leo are at war, who whould win?
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 19, 2016 05:30 PM
Sigh... victory ain't victory In a war victory always means tragedy. The stinger that stabs ends up killing the stingee and the stinger stuff like that. The Scorpio who develops true compassion wins. The Leo who gives freely from the heart wins. Nobody trying to undermine and belittle other people wins 'in the end'. Both signs win by raising the other up and seeing their glory and light. IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 19, 2016 05:32 PM
But yeah, Scorpio lol...aye. IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 19, 2016 05:37 PM
I mean what I said though. No amount of subversive tactics, sabotage and meanness will win a war between people... there is no winning in war. That's a taoist principle i stick with. Here is an East Indian proverb: "Three things are needed in order to defeat any adversary: to be glad when he is right, to be sad when he is wrong, and never to behave foolishly toward him. Four things are needed to save the world from humanity: accept the ignorance of others and spare them your own. Give to them from your substance and expect no part of theirs." ... just food for thought, i found this quote in "The Power of Timing" by Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe. Apologies for the 'he' pronoun there... IP: Logged |
Solar_Leo_Queen Knowflake Posts: 3273 From: Planet Earth Registered: Jan 2014
posted May 20, 2016 09:57 AM
quote: Originally posted by Southern Sun: All Leo has to do is wait for our fixed neighbor to hit the self destruct button
Hahaha omfg I died this made my day IP: Logged |
unforgiven_soul Knowflake Posts: 701 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted May 20, 2016 10:11 AM
Scorpio!!IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell unregistered
posted May 20, 2016 11:41 AM
Sure.. "Scorpio". Leo is too busy to know there's a war on or decided she won like two minutes in ( so when scorp finally looks up, of course he won...he's the only one there...). Dammit: unless Leo's got some Gemini in her and she comes back to "edit", and Scorp catches her...then everyone knows it wasn't really over for Leo, and she was just putting up a front like she does best. Ha ha So yeah, whatever, "Scorpio". IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell unregistered
posted May 20, 2016 11:59 AM
I'll add that while Scorpio may "win"Leo can't lose. We just don't live in that kind of world. If I'm right I win. If I'm wrong, I learn..I win. Onward to my destined greatness- lol. Leo Acs, Merc, Jup. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 20, 2016 05:38 PM
I would say Scorpio,for sure and double sure  ------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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Leo-Cancer98 Knowflake Posts: 1962 From: Toronto,Ontario,Canada Registered: Nov 2014
posted May 21, 2016 01:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by diamondbaby: In my opinion no zodiac sign is stronger and more powerful than Leo so I would say regardless of the gender of the participants Leo wins. Leo is ruled by the Sun for a reason. Plus, it's a fixed FIRE sign. 
Amen  IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 21, 2016 01:57 PM
Leo's strength and weakness are the same. They're willing to believe in their own awesomeness... even if they're being awful. So that's a serious Achilles heel which Scorpio is able to see a mile away. They're lucky if Scorpio has enough compassion to not point it out to them. It's scary how fragile their ego actually is, how much depends on feeling appreciated and that.... then again it's so strong. Paradoxical. But anyway here I am doing it, pointing it out. I am Scorpio Sun.. and other things in Scorpio... ascendant, Pluto-Mercury. Vesta and Hygieia conjunct ascendant. My mom is a Leo Sun. Our arguments went really badly in my teens. All i can picture as i read this thread is her standing at my bedroom door screaming at me after my saying "i told you i had enough of the yelling and to leave me alone, i can't take it, please leave". She was crossing my boundary.. would keep yelling... not fighting on my terms... so i would snap and yell back. I am devastating when I let loose. Nobody stings like Scorpio... My argument was that she had crossed my boundary knowingly and continued yelling... so she was asking for it. This is not conclusive. I stand beside my former comments  IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 21, 2016 02:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by venus2tinkerbell: I'll add that while Scorpio may "win"Leo can't lose. We just don't live in that kind of world. If I'm right I win. If I'm wrong, I learn..I win. Onward to my destined greatness- lol. Leo Acs, Merc, Jup.
This is perfect and awesome and self aware. I kind of have a bit of that attitude too... my MC is Leo... squared by my Pluto in Scorp. No other planets in Leo though. I explain it through my Jupiter-Mars sextile and Jupiter conjunct vertex. The Leo MC must have a part in this. Optimism yay! Not aaalways operative but very helpful... IP: Logged |
Plut0nian2 Knowflake Posts: 1182 From: Registered: Apr 2014
posted May 21, 2016 02:10 PM
Scorpio for sure (of course it depends on the chart but generally talking) Scorpio will dissapear after letting Leo believe he won and when Leo would expect it the less scorpio will take a revenge that will be unforgettable to Leo. I believe scorpio (or heavy pluto aspects) would win over almost any sign. Scorpio has the patience needed and really knows hot to not speak too much.. All fire and air signs may bark loud but they don't bite Scorpio is the quite opposite IP: Logged |
PixieJane Knowflake Posts: 9893 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 22, 2016 05:12 AM
I've met some strong Scorpios, but I'd never put my money on one simply because s/he had a Scorpio sun or other significant Scorpio placements. I've been close to too many Scorpios to ever do that.IP: Logged |
DualGem Knowflake Posts: 259 From: Toronto and Area, Leaving Ottawa Registered: Oct 2015
posted May 22, 2016 06:39 AM
What I always assumed was: Scorpio Female vs Leo Female = a tie Scorpio Male vs Leo Male = Scorpio winI've always found Scorpio males nice and generous until you do something wrong. Once you cross there back prepare for a long battle of attrition. ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer IP: Logged |
Southern Sun Knowflake Posts: 273 From: Tampa, FL Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 22, 2016 08:19 AM
As a Leo female, i have run into some aggressive scorps that would attack, but I would never back down nor give in unless an amicable solution is found. I have also ran into scorps who are literal doormats regardless of how much needling I do I have 3 inner planets in 8th, plus Sun square Pluto, so I dunno. Never saw them as a threat like textbooks say. So yeah, just wait for them to hit the self destruct button IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 22, 2016 06:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: I've met some strong Scorpios, but I'd never put my money on one simply because s/he had a Scorpio sun or other significant Scorpio placements. I've been close to too many Scorpios to ever do that.
We have our definite weaknesses, just like everybody. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Knowflake Posts: 9893 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 22, 2016 08:13 PM
Yeah, but astrologers seem to rarely point out what those weaknesses are.My mom was a low vibration Scorpio, and she did seek a lot of revenge, but sometimes was awkwardly clumsy about it...and she seemed surprise when others chose to exact their own vengeance upon her. I remember a male lawyer that beat her at her own game and I thought he was a treacherous scumbag within the first few minutes (and I was 13), but Mom was either blind to it or she was mistaken in thinking she could use that (thus underestimating him, though Mom does have some significant Leo to her as well). I'll never forget how long she cried after the brakes went out on Dad's car that she won in the divorce. (I didn't cry, but I'd just been released from a mental ward and was recovering from powerful psychiatric drugs that were probably illegal to use on me, and certainly were used for reasons that Mom could've sued for had she not been such a self-absorbed idiot.) She said outright she took his car because he loved it so, but he worked on it all the time, so in retrospect I'm not surprised that the brake pad failed at a critical moment (while we were on the freeway) forcing Mom to dodge cars (she quickly pulled recklessly into a gas station and went around the building until the car stopped on its own). Dad never went to prison for it, and Mom never messed with Sag Dad again after that, at least not to my knowledge. Ironically, Dad seems to fear me more than he does Mom though I bear him no ill will (but if you could've seen his face when I, as an adult, asked him if he wanted to go target shooting with me ). As a kid, I had a Scorpio BFF. She was also an astro-twin born 3 days after me, which means I'm Libra on the Scorpio cusp and she's Scorpio on the Libra cusp (I don't know her TOB). The only other difference I recall offhand is that she had a Cap moon (mine is Sag). She lacked my confidence, and one reason she liked being around me is because no one would get into her face when I was with her (I mentioned the mental ward, the excuse for putting me in was my kicking a boy who would not stop goosing me down the stairs, something many kids saw and talked about for years after, among other things--I was shunned and talked about behind my back, but it was extremely rare for someone to get in my face, or that of my Scorpio friend when I was with her). When she decided to run away from home, she asked me to come along and I was the one to make it happen with a plan, and I was able to get us in with a krew of other runaway kids later. When a pimp sent goons out to kidnap us, I fought back long enough for our krew to intervene while she meekly submitted. Most people on LL would not predict any of this. And I could add about other Scorpio suns or with significant Scorpio stelliums, placements, etc, on why I think their "strength" is overrated...though the rare eagles and phoenixes among them are indeed impressive (but then they typically eschew vengeance, at least on a personal level), and I've also gotten along with others...those Scorpios I did not get along with, however, I viewed with contempt and/or pity rather than grudging respect. IP: Logged |
Hemilla Knowflake Posts: 833 From: State of mind Registered: May 2015
posted May 23, 2016 08:36 AM
I have had Leo and Scoepio friends,and whenever they would fight Leo would winIP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 24, 2016 09:19 AM
Oh... astrologers? Which astrologers? The internet ones? Maybe the strength is much discussed... but the weak side of Scorpio is much discussed in my world. Every sign has a fatal flaw (or 3) and it's through experiencing this that we learn and grow. Depends a lot on the rest of the chart as well as the incarnated soul whether you're getting the self-stinging or the selfless healing variety... and usually it's a mix. It's hard to learn how to heal others until you've been truly low yourself, known suffering, and grown in true compassion and humility. Scorpio is truly powerful when they allow the power to use them to lift others up and heal... rather than trying to be the power. Pity and contempt are your emotions and projections... They don't belong to those struggling people. It's our task on earth to learn to love and care for everybody. The greatest thing you'll ever learn--just to love. Not always an easy task but if there's one sign that REALLY gets your goat then that's the area of life YOU have to work on. It's always been this way... Leo is a beautiful gorgeous sign and they deserve every bit of admiration they get because they radiate love and embody the generosity of the Sun which gives all Life. Scorpio is related to death and the healing of regeneration. They're just so different and it seems like folly to even pit them against one another. IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 24, 2016 09:26 AM
It's also (perhaps obviously) flawed to say "a Scorpio," "a Leo"... I do it sometimes but only very rarely and it never feels right... we all have such subtle shadings and manifestations of different signs. A Scorpio Sun with Scorpio on the second house cusp and Mercury conjunct Sun square Saturn is likely to have some formidable self worth issues... which can of course be surmounted... but not every Scorpio Sun will have that struggle. Practising astrology with these premises, that certain signs are bad and weak... this is divisive and breeds hate and suspicion rather than love. We are all here to help one another (just my opinion). Not to see who can win and develop massive prejudices and stereotypes... that won't help anybody... strive to understand people's struggles rather than looking down on them. That's the problem with pride. Both Scorpio and Leo have issues with pride--everybody does to some extent. We need to work with it creatively and keep it in check because it can actually end up being very self destructive itself. IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell unregistered
posted May 24, 2016 09:26 AM
quote: Originally posted by yungang_grotto: This is perfect and awesome and self aware. I kind of have a bit of that attitude too... my MC is Leo... squared by my Pluto in Scorp. No other planets in Leo though. I explain it through my Jupiter-Mars sextile and Jupiter conjunct vertex. The Leo MC must have a part in this. Optimism yay! Not aaalways operative but very helpful...
I think you're right. A lot of this perspective is Jupiter. I think Jupiter and Leo are kind of nuts together, and on the Asc conjunct Merc. Love is BIG. Pride is BIG. And if I'm not dwelling in my 12th house for respite, then I also have a BIG mouth!
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yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 24, 2016 09:29 AM
Oh you have Jupiter-Merc-Asc?! No wonder! Shiny bell!IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell unregistered
posted May 24, 2016 09:30 AM
Yungang, how does that Jupiter on the Vertex work? I think I heard of the Vertex as a gateway and my experience confirms it. Your Jupiter on Vertex kind of explains the way you write and think. I enjoy it!IP: Logged |
venus2tinkerbell unregistered
posted May 24, 2016 09:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by yungang_grotto: Oh you have Jupiter-Merc-Asc?! No wonder! Shiny bell!
Did you just call me shiny? Lol. You sure know how to turn a lion into a cub don't you? IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 24, 2016 09:46 AM
Well really, you do have an impenetrable shiny thingy around you! I've noticed it with other Jupiter-Asc folks in my life and with Mercury also that's just extra twinkle toes lol "impenetrable.. around you" might be the wrong wording--it's likely integral--and while you might not always feel happy go lucky people will always appreciate you being around. Just seeing your name in the sidebar there is enough to lift the spirits lol...I've been really enjoying flattering the bejeesus out of my Leo friends lately actually... now you mention it . It's not even flattery it's all 100% honest! And they love it and deserve it so why not?! One in particular I'm just blown away by her awesomeness... she still has struggles and issues but is very honest and up front about them... anyway. She is great.. lol. Re: Jupiter-Vertex... hmm hmm Hmm hm hm... shall we open or dig up a vertex thread? I'd like to hear other's opinions too. I'd be happy to share here but it might be fun to explore. Just quickly... I've heard a few interesting things about the vertex including that planets conjunct the vertex natally indicate people's take-away impression of you; that no matter the rest of your chart this will tend to make a powerful impression. I am not sure if this is true as I've never walked away from myself and thought about myself but I'm willing to believe that I seem a little larger than life in some respect. And you've just helped me see the connection to my tendency to philosophize (and analyze--as diplomatically and far-rangingly and yet in as detailed and multifaceted as possible a way--it's in Gemini). I also do think it helps me maintain a truly positive outlook on even the most dire circumstances and help others access that outlook too, which certainly comes in handy in my consulting and healing work... and because I have lots of friends who believe the world is going to he// in a hand basket... for good reason!--but I'm able to take a positive angle and point out the fecundity of the spirit of nature itself and how even if we all die that spirit lives on etc etc The connection of Jupiter and Vertex... which has somethingto do with growth and spring.. is interesting inthat I envision my essential optimism as relating to that endless fountain of life which can spring from a single mote of biological material, a single seed... even a thought form or spirit has magic and life in it.. IP: Logged |