Topic: If a Scorpio and Leo are at war, who whould win?
DualGem Knowflake Posts: 259 From: Toronto and Area, Leaving Ottawa Registered: Oct 2015
posted May 18, 2016 04:47 AM
A continuation of the Gemini vs Aquarius thread.I say this because I worked as a intern with a Leo male and a Scorpio female and those two would always butt heads all the time. The Leo won only because the Scorpio crossed to many people and everyone saw her as a monster, lol. She should have known they could replace contractors very easily. Plus the Leo was the lead contractor, I guess you can say he had a "Lion King" status. But that was between a Leo male and Scorpio Female. What about Leo male vs Scorpio Male? or Leo Female vs Scorpio Female. I know a Leo female that's good friends with a Scorpio female they had a big fight and there both besties again, I would never be able to figure out what happened. ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer IP: Logged |
jupitersgirl Knowflake Posts: 447 From: Registered: Oct 2009
posted May 18, 2016 04:56 AM
Hi dual gem. Well it depends on the charts but we had a related thread back in 2006, if you're interested . Here's the link. IP: Logged |
DualGem Knowflake Posts: 259 From: Toronto and Area, Leaving Ottawa Registered: Oct 2015
posted May 18, 2016 04:58 AM
I remember I committed on it. Was hopping to get some more insight? ==================================== Gemini Sun, Capricorn Rising Aries Moon Gemini Mercury Venus Taurus Mars Cancer IP: Logged |
jupitersgirl Knowflake Posts: 447 From: Registered: Oct 2009
posted May 18, 2016 05:16 AM
In my opinion we should consider their mars positions. They are both fixed signs so the fights can last long. The one with the better mars will prevail. Scorpios can get pretty self destructive while fighting. In the worst case scenario, the Leo would be belittling scorpio and acting like he/she is too good to deal with an "inferior being". The leo would be acting like he or she does not care and scorpio would be holding a grudge planning and plotting their revenge. Who would win? I don't know.IP: Logged |
DopGang Knowflake Posts: 3194 From: MBTI - INTJ -- Enneagram - 5w6 Registered: Jun 2015
posted May 18, 2016 07:29 AM
TieDepends on their willpower. Scorpio will try to ignore which may work and send Leo off to pout. If Scorpio snaps it can be epic. Or Leo will go to whatever means necessary to get a reaction and ultimately get one. So it kind of depends on how much of a fool Leo is willing to look and still be ok with it. Sometimes Leo honestly doesn't care how they end up looking in the end so long as they get what they wanted from the targeted person(s). Sometimes there's victory and no one knows because they don't realize that there can be some sacrifice involved. Things are not always as they appear. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 18, 2016 07:36 AM
Scorpio especially Mars in Scorpio. Don't mess with him  ------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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jupitersgirl Knowflake Posts: 447 From: Registered: Oct 2009
posted May 18, 2016 07:47 AM
Yes scorpio mars is the real deal. Sun signs are not that important as long as someone has a scorpio mars.IP: Logged |
diamondbaby Knowflake Posts: 1009 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted May 18, 2016 12:01 PM
In my opinion no zodiac sign is stronger and more powerful than Leo so I would say regardless of the gender of the participants Leo wins. Leo is ruled by the Sun for a reason. Plus, it's a fixed FIRE sign.  IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 7058 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 18, 2016 12:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Scorpio especially Mars in Scorpio. Don't mess with him 
I agree.Leo might look like he is winning, but but a few years later, gets stabbed in a back alley somewhere. A true scorpio will wait however long to get his revenge. Pluto will always have the last word.  IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 18, 2016 12:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by diamondbaby: In my opinion no zodiac sign is stronger and more powerful than Leo so I would say regardless of the gender of the participants Leo wins. Leo is ruled by the Sun for a reason. Plus, it's a fixed FIRE sign. 
Sun rules life Pluto rules death In a war, doesn't death "win"?  IP: Logged |
Sulkyarcher unregistered
posted May 18, 2016 01:16 PM
I'm probably wrong, but I've always thought like this.Scorpio will beat Leo, but Capricorn will beat Scorpio. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 18, 2016 01:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by Sulkyarcher: Scorpio will beat Leo, but Capricorn will beat Scorpio.
That's the spirit. Let me just humbly draw everyone's attention to the fact that Capricorn's house is at the top... Oh but Pluto still rules death. It's like the final, final dispositor. IP: Logged |
theunknown Knowflake Posts: 3182 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 18, 2016 02:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: That's the spirit.Let me just humbly draw everyone's attention to the fact that Capricorn's house is at the top... Oh but Pluto still rules death. It's like the final, final dispositor.
Hm... but 10th house comes after 8th... IP: Logged |
Sulkyarcher unregistered
posted May 18, 2016 03:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: That's the spirit.Let me just humbly draw everyone's attention to the fact that Capricorn's house is at the top... Oh but Pluto still rules death. It's like the final, final dispositor.
Well, Capricorns get bad instant karma if they do bad things, so that's one limitation they have. One shadow side of Scorpio is that they can be self-destructive. Leo can beat Scorpio if Scorpio sets a trap for itself.
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 18, 2016 06:31 PM
^ I guess? quote: Originally posted by theunknown: Hm... but 10th house comes after 8th...
Yes. And the 12th comes last. So Pisces wins. Except Pisces was never in the battle.  The last shall be first. On topic, slightly: quote: This is Raymond Domenech – the French footie boss who denounces Scorpios & Leos, saying he would not have a Scorpio near his team and that he knows Leos will always do something stupid just to show off. He openly admits to believing in reincarnation and using the Tarot – as well as astrology – to figure out the personalities of his players. Last year he favoured Aquarians – just like himself, lol.
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theunknown Knowflake Posts: 3182 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 18, 2016 07:16 PM
^^^. like the man is just a bad manager My point was that is death really the end? Is it really the conclusion? Although i don't think Pluto really rules death as much as it rules hidden realms, debt, other ppl's money and now that you mention it, Pisces and 12th house rule hospitals and jails and death as well. IP: Logged |
Electro DGX Moderator Posts: 2190 From: Mars Registered: Jul 2015
posted May 18, 2016 07:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: Except Pisces was never in the battle. 
Well they're dreaming a battle, but that's just as far as they'll probably get. Sorry Pisceans lol  Supposedly the wisdom here is that Pisces resolves conflict without the need of war, which makes them the most evolved sign. ------------------ Aquarius Sun, Merc, Venus, Uranus, Neptune Scorpio Mars conj. Asc in First 8th House Moon opposite Pluto, Trine Uranus Have you caught onto the predicament I'm in yet? IP: Logged |
Gemini Blues Knowflake Posts: 1439 From: The future... or the past. I get them confused... Registered: May 2014
posted May 18, 2016 08:22 PM
If it comes to war, the Leo probably already lost. Leo wins by making people not want to go to war against him in the first place (by charm, intimination, or divine right of kings).IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 7058 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 19, 2016 04:25 AM
quote: Originally posted by Sulkyarcher: I'm probably wrong, but I've always thought like this.Scorpio will beat Leo, but Capricorn will beat Scorpio.
Interesting. Capricorn could definitely be the most formidable opponent to Scorpio, but it is not a given that Saturn has the upper hand over Pluto. Saturn rules the reality above the ground, while Pluto rules the reality underground. I think they are both aware of their respective power, and would probably find a way to make an alliance or a truce instead of fighting. After all, they are a sextile. IP: Logged |
sarahhm unregistered
posted May 19, 2016 05:21 AM
quote: Originally posted by Belage: Interesting. Capricorn could definitely be the most formidable opponent to Scorpio, but it is not a given that Saturn has the upper hand over Pluto. Saturn rules the reality above the ground, while Pluto rules the reality underground. I think they are both aware of their respective power, and would probably find a way to make an alliance or a truce instead of fighting. After all, they are a sextile.
i agree but only if capricorn engages. so basically, remember that saturn is considered the father of the zodiac, so patience is long but it's like the saying 'be weary the fury of a patient man' no one is considered an opponent to a capricorn unless the capricorn considers him/her an equal and from that point on - the capricorn would rather make that opponent an ally because it's just the pragmatic thing to do. the scorpios i know, their way of fighting is based on self preservation and insecurity. they dig into your deepest wounds because they were triggered to do so because they are insecure and want to hurt you for hurting them. mid fight they'll throw a fair argument out the window just to wound you. in terms of pride - leo and scorpio are the same. so while leo is too impulsive and doesn't think, scorpio is too emotional and doesn't think. but if you manage to get that capricorn in a fight...say in a 3 front war, capricorn would be the side that waits till the two tire themselves out and then strike. so more calculating, cost/benefit analysis, wait to find the weakness (we're patient) then when they hit, they only need to do it once and its done. i will say though that cap would be the only one that could really ruffle scorpios feathers (leo would just **** them off but cap would have them feeling like crap in and out) because of the match in intensity and i find the the dynamic becomes like scorpio is the child that thinks he/she's grown and cap is the father that looks at their temper tantrum with a sign and smile and goes...'thats cute, come talk to me about this in about 2 years time and well see what you think then' i'm talking about these energies purely - so don't reply saying 'oh but this cap i know... then mention that the rest of their chart is heavily something else ie. sag' i'm talking stellium type energy, predominant and purely cap/scorp/leo
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Southern Sun Knowflake Posts: 273 From: Tampa, FL Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 19, 2016 07:37 AM
All Leo has to do is wait for our fixed neighbor to hit the self destruct buttonIP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 19, 2016 08:07 AM
quote: Originally posted by theunknown: ^^^. like the man is just a bad manager My point was that is death really the end? Is it really the conclusion? Although i don't think Pluto really rules death as much as it rules hidden realms, debt, other ppl's money and now that you mention it, Pisces and 12th house rule hospitals and jails and death as well.
Interesting article. So apparently he did not use astrology to select players. But I do like his defense of astrology as quoted there. As for Pluto & death.... Well I hope it's clear I was just making offhanded comments up there for fun. Here's what Rudhyar has to say: quote: Uranus transforms; Neptune dissolves, and at the same time feeds the new prenatal growth; Pluto is the hierophant of the mysteries of actual birth into the New World. Who ever fails to withstand the transforming power of Uranus must become disintegrated by Neptune. For such a one, Pluto is the awesome lord of death. But he who passes the Uranian tests and enters into the Neptunian Sea of Light need not fear Pluto, even through the final ordeal of the Temptation; for Pluto will show him to the gates of rebirth and of immortality. Immortality: the state of being always different while the same.
More: @Electro That's what I meant  @sarahhm Enjoyed your comment.  Though it's odd to think of warring with Scorpios? Usually when I get together with them we end up dovetailing and agreeing with each other to the extent that we can predict what the other will say next. It's "right...right....right......." IP: Logged |
sarahhm unregistered
posted May 19, 2016 08:56 AM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: @sarahhm Enjoyed your comment.  Though it's odd to think of warring with Scorpios? Usually when I get together with them we end up dovetailing and agreeing with each other to the extent that we can predict what the other will say next. It's "right...right....right......."
aww shucks thanks not really, i know alot of scorpios and plutonian people, i attract them because i'm quite plutonian myself (capricorn first though by far) and i have scorpio on my descendent and i agree that theres a lot in common in terms of mentality especially when you first meet and hang out. the sextile is for real but funny thing is - after a while, i find with my scorpion family and friends that i, the capricorn who astrologically suppose to be the biggest downer, stick in the mud, is looking at the scorpios like.. ffs lighten up. just relax. just chill the **** out! hahaa IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 19, 2016 09:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by sarahhm:
but funny thing is - after a while, i find with my scorpion family and friends that i, the capricorn who astrologically suppose to be the biggest downer, stick in the mud, is looking at the scorpios like.. ffs lighten up. just relax. just chill the **** out! hahaa
Same ~ experienced some of that. edit PS Sorry to go off topic, DualGem. IP: Logged |
theunknown Knowflake Posts: 3182 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 19, 2016 09:35 AM
Faith,I know you were joking but then I thought it has some truth to it . DualGem,
I think Leo will win in the short run by playing victim and Scorpio will plot revenge ... which might or might not work IP: Logged |