Topic: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard divorce
rockwell Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Mars ♈︎ Registered: Sep 2021
posted May 20, 2022 01:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by Librapurr: Weird. I’m glad I’m not only one noticing.On one side, she tries to destroy him. On the other, she is mirroring his expressions, style.
Because she has a histrionic personality disorder. Copying and mirroring other people is one thing they do. Kate James - her former PA - said this in court: “When I first met Amber, her clothing style was what I would call preppy [...] Very soon afterwards that also drastically changed, almost overnight, as she tried to morph into a bohemian way of dressing, wearing more and more silver jewelry, eventually adding a repertoire of hats, which also appeared to me to be mimicking Johnny’s style.” James also shared that she helped Amber Heard transformed her duplex apartment [...] When James visited Depp’s home, she was shocked at the resemblance. “I couldn’t believe how similar it was to what Amber was in the process of trying to create. It was almost identical,” she added. Heard reportedly asked Laura to also purchase a typewriter when she realized that Depp owned one. James found Heard’s changes “bizarre.”
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GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 20, 2022 01:30 PM
Since we don't know her full chart, it is very hard to do a very in depth and accurate chart delineation. So much of the important, core stuff of a chart is based on the Angles, and it is super important to know for the above considerations. (Knowing especially the strongest Planets vs the least highlighted Planets is extremely important in accurate chart delineation). Based on her looks and some synastry with others, these would be my top 3 Asc's for her from most to less likely: 1. Very early Sag Asc cusping Scorpio and widely conjunct Sag Saturn (wide enough that it isn't indicating much, if any, of a physical altering of the Asc sign factors. [Saturn is commonly observed to correlate with a shortening, thinning/bonier, and pigmentation/melanin darkening of the Asc archetypes] However, Saturn, and Uranus to a lesser extent, would be very powerful in her psyche). 2. Early Aquarius Asc cusping Cap some, with both chart rulers in Sag (and Mars closest Planet to the Asc). 3. Leo Rising. Perhaps some other folks have the time and energy to see how the life events/transits/progressions etc match up with these possibilities? P.S., as an aside, I think Amber's sister is f'ing terrified of her. Even her parents seem to have some fear of her, because in their texts with J.D., they pleaded, please don't let her know that we told you this info. These kind of relationship/social dynamics are the hallmarks of people on personality disorder spectrum's like more severe NPD, BPD, and ASPD. People that know them well and have seen their dark sides repeatedly tend to be scared of them, walk on eggshells around them, etc. IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 20, 2022 01:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by rockwell: Because she has a histrionic personality disorder. Copying and mirroring other people is one thing they do. Kate James - her former PA - said this in court: “When I first met Amber, her clothing style was what I would call preppy [...] Very soon afterwards that also drastically changed, almost overnight, as she tried to morph into a bohemian way of dressing, wearing more and more silver jewelry, eventually adding a repertoire of hats, which also appeared to me to be mimicking Johnny’s style.” James also shared that she helped Amber Heard transformed her duplex apartment [...] When James visited Depp’s home, she was shocked at the resemblance.“I couldn’t believe how similar it was to what Amber was in the process of trying to create. It was almost identical,” she added. Heard reportedly asked Laura to also purchase a typewriter when she realized that Depp owned one. James found Heard’s changes “bizarre.”
These folks have no real center or integrated self. They are chameleons. It is not just a Histrionic trait/tendency either though. It is fairly common also among severe NPD, and also ASPD folks as well. But often more in a calculating way of manipulation and mirroring to get closer to, more liked, and accepted by the other person. It's like a constant, unconscious message "See, I'm just like you, look how close and similar we are." It often goes hand in hand with other tactics like love bombing. With Histrionic and/or BPD, it is often more unconscious and OCD in nature. It is not so much a purposeful and calculated manipulation, but just having such a lack of self love/acceptance and having no true center, they copy/mirror others by default. I haven't made up my mind which spectrum's she is or isn't on/within. For a little while, I agreed more or less with that consulted psychologist about HPD and BPD (but with definite NPD tendencies). But more and more, seeing how calculated she has been, and how little empathy and conscience she seems to have, I am leaning more and more to ASPD. Folks often forget that human consciousness is fluid/changing based on use/abuse of freewill. People can get either better or worse over time, depending. These labels on the other hand, are perspective frameworks and more fixed in nature, though also a spectrum which allows for some fluidity. She seems to be digging herself a hole further and further into ASPD, the more she persists with lies/deception/gaslighting. She is hardening her heart in other words. She may have started off more within the "milder" spectrums like HPD, NPD, and/or BPD, but seems to be moving more towards ASPD. Sadly, these current events and her losing Aquaman 2 role, may just nudge her into that more and more separative and empathy lacking attunement. Because more and more she will feel that others and the world are against her. People become ASPD when 1. they severely lack self love and 2. they come to see the world and people as only separative/separated, and an enemy of and threat to them, in nature. It is the ultimate crystallization of fear and of hardening the heart/defense towards others. Basically they choke off the connection to Light and Love within their own Souls. (Speaking of non head injury induced ASPD, which is a very different thing and process. This is purely a body and body wiring/imbalance issue. The Soul inside might be screaming against the changes, but can do very little to change the body attunement). IP: Logged |
rockwell Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Mars ♈︎ Registered: Sep 2021
posted May 20, 2022 01:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosionV2: Since we don't know her full chart, it is very hard to do a very in depth and accurate chart delineation. So much of the important, core stuff of a chart is based on the Angles, and it is super important to know for the above considerations. (Knowing especially the strongest Planets vs the least highlighted Planets is extremely important in accurate chart delineation). Based on her looks and some synastry with others, these would be my top 3 Asc's for her from most to less likely: 1. Very early Sag Asc cusping Scorpio and widely conjunct Sag Saturn (wide enough that it isn't indicating much, if any, of a physical altering of the Asc sign factors. [Saturn is commonly observed to correlate with a shortening, thinning/bonier, and pigmentation/melanin darkening of the Asc archetypes] However, Saturn, and Uranus to a lesser extent, would be very powerful in her psyche). 2. Early Aquarius Asc cusping Cap some, with both chart rulers in Sag (and Mars closest Planet to the Asc). 3. Leo Rising. Perhaps some other folks have the time and energy to see how the life events/transits/progressions etc match up with these possibilities? P.S., as an aside, I think Amber's sister is f'ing terrified of her. Even her parents seem to have some fear of her, because in their texts with J.D., they pleaded, please don't let her know that we told you this info. These kind of relationship/social dynamics are the hallmarks of people on personality disorder spectrum's like more severe NPD, BPD, and ASPD. People that know them well and have seen their dark sides repeatedly tend to be scared of them, walk on eggshells around them, etc.
Good picks! Sagittarius Ascendant was my first instinct too. Leo and Aqua sound plausible too although I usually have good antennae for Leo ascendants. They radiate more warmth and are more exuberant than Amber when they express themeselves. I also noticed Whitney's fear of her sibling in court. I feel sorry for her. At one point, Whitney looked at Amber during her testimony. Amber gave her a look like she wanted to smack her right in the face if she ***** up her statement. If I remember correctly, Amber was diagnosed with borderline & histrionic personality.
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Librapurr Knowflake Posts: 1689 From: Registered: Jul 2019
posted May 20, 2022 02:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosionV2: She seems to be digging herself a hole further and further into ASPD, the more she persists with lies/deception/gaslighting. She is hardening her heart in other words. She may have started off more within the "milder" spectrums like HPD, NPD, and/or BPD, but seems to be moving more towards ASPD.
She is just trying to save her ass. I’m sure she is aggressive and revengeful with t-square with mars and Aries and Taurus Sun Pluto. However, I don’t think she could back off at that point. Otherwise, she would be out of his life long time ago. JD is also not a good boy. I don’t really believe when he claims he calmly moves her out of the way and doesn’t react at her anger outbursts. His history shows he is not that calm. The relationship was toxic. If it wasn’t about public reputation and lost deals, they would be one of thousand couples with the passion went wrong.
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GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 20, 2022 02:38 PM
Interesting Rockwell. I haven't seen her sister's testimony yet. I'm trying to detach from this stuff, and especially watching it. IP: Logged |
Librapurr Knowflake Posts: 1689 From: Registered: Jul 2019
posted May 20, 2022 02:42 PM
quote: Originally posted by rockwell: Because she has a histrionic personality disorder. Copying and mirroring other people is one thing they do. Kate James - her former PA - said this in court: “When I first met Amber, her clothing style was what I would call preppy [...] Very soon afterwards that also drastically changed, almost overnight, as she tried to morph into a bohemian way of dressing, wearing more and more silver jewelry, eventually adding a repertoire of hats, which also appeared to me to be mimicking Johnny’s style.” James also shared that she helped Amber Heard transformed her duplex apartment [...] When James visited Depp’s home, she was shocked at the resemblance.“I couldn’t believe how similar it was to what Amber was in the process of trying to create. It was almost identical,” she added. Heard reportedly asked Laura to also purchase a typewriter when she realized that Depp owned one. James found Heard’s changes “bizarre.”
I’ve never heard about that disorder. I need to look. I’m coming to think she is just using possible public opinion manipulations to save her image and career. IP: Logged |
Librapurr Knowflake Posts: 1689 From: Registered: Jul 2019
posted May 20, 2022 02:52 PM
Also, let’s not forget they both have bunch of advisers, lawyers, and people who care about their money by their sides. There’s a big possibility their actions and words don’t come directly from them.IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 20, 2022 03:02 PM
I know what you're saying Librapurr. And yeah, I know he is no angel, but almost all of his exes have come out and spoke up about how not only did they not experience that with him, but that he was incapable of that in their opinions. That says A LOT. Guys who have tendencies of abuse towards women, rarely ever do it to just one woman. It is often a serial, repeating pattern issue. I do believe that she probably brought out his worst/darkest side, but that is why he would constantly try to leave the situation, so that he wouldn't do anything he would regret. And pushing someone back who is attacking you or the like, is not the same as initiating punches in the face, kicks to the groin, etc. IP: Logged |
DualGemV2 Knowflake Posts: 1080 From: Toronto, Ontario Registered: Aug 2016
posted May 20, 2022 03:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosionV2: She seems to be digging herself a hole further and further into ASPD, the more she persists with lies/deception/gaslighting. She is hardening her heart in other words. She may have started off more within the "milder" spectrums like HPD, NPD, and/or BPD, but seems to be moving more towards ASPD.
I think Depp knew this going into the court, Capircorns, Virgos and Tarrus are among the most stubborn of people. Even if there wrong, they've convinced themselves there right and will continue that path. If you can trap them into there own can win the argument half the time by being versatile and trying something outside of the box of what they'd expect (Gemini perspective). quote: Originally posted by Librapurr: ... I don’t really believe when he claims he calmly moves her out of the way and doesn’t react at her anger outbursts. His history shows he is not that calm.
I agree to this point as well, outside of the court you see Depp over due the "nice guy" image. All this trial has done has shown what a verstile actor he really is. Throw him in any situation and he'll put on the act...then act the part out of it. I have no doubt his interaction with the public, Heard and in the courtroom are all three diffrent acts/shows. Regardless of the outcome, I'm sure Depp is already claiming partial victory. In terms of the case goes..He's already won the court of public opinion. If he losses, Depp will have to pay $100 million. He has a net worth of $150 million. So he'll still have $50 million left. I bet he's willing to right off $100 million at the expense of clearing a bit of his name ..which he has to a certain degree. If he does win the case then he's accomplished the goal of "battering and starving Amber Heard". She only has a networth of $10 million and will have to pay Depp $50 million. I know how another Gemini whould think. My Planets ========================================= ☉‘ ♊, ☽ ♈, ASC ♑, ☿ ♊, ¡÷ ♉, ¡ö ♋ , ♃ ♒, ♄ ♏, ♅ ♐, ♆ ♑ IP: Logged |
rockwell Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Mars ♈︎ Registered: Sep 2021
posted May 20, 2022 03:37 PM
@Librapurr: Did you watch the trial? There is a live stream online. Of course, both were prepared by their legal teams. That is not the point. Amber is still mired in contradictions, has virtually no evidence that Depp abused her (other than her own testimony) and was caught in lying under oath. From what she has shown so far, she is not credible. Even with preparation, legal advice and exercise you can't control body language, words, facial expressions and gestures 100% ALL the time. It's way too complex and exhausting. People who can read bodylanguage, highly sensitive people, or people who have been victims of domestic violence themselves will still be able to read you like a book and know if it's authentic or not. Amber doesn't come across as authentic.IP: Logged |
rockwell Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Mars ♈︎ Registered: Sep 2021
posted May 20, 2022 03:54 PM
@DualGemV2: This has nothing to do with Taurus or Capricorns' stubbornness. Heard has a personality disorder and massively overestimated herself. She really thought she could get away with it. Watch the cross-examination where Camille Varquez proves that Amber Heard is guilty of perjury (She lied about giving her divorce settlement to charity). She is under immense pressure and confronted with facts and still tries to deny bassically everything. The courtroom is in complete disbelief over Heards statements and you can see how even a pro like Ben Chew - who hasn't shown any facial expressions before - is shaking his head. What kind of personality would do something like that and show even signs that she is proud to have learned methods of linguistic manipulation (Amber: "I don't agree with that characterization.")? Amber ruined Depp's career with allegations that she was a victim of domestic violence. He lost movie roles worth $50 million (Thats why he's suing her for that amount.). Depp's primarly intention is to clear his name and rebuild his reputation. Not all Gemini's are the same and I would'd pretend to know or predict their actions just based on the same sun sign. Personality is way more complex than that. IP: Logged |
DualGemV2 Knowflake Posts: 1080 From: Toronto, Ontario Registered: Aug 2016
posted May 20, 2022 04:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by rockwell: @DualGemV2: This has nothing to do with Taurus or Capricorns' stubbornness. Heard has a personality disorder and massively overestimated herself. She really thought she could get away with it. Watch the cross-examination where Camille Varquez proves that Amber Heard is guilty of perjury (She lied about giving her divorce settlement to charity). She is under immense pressure and confronted with facts and still tries to deny bassically everything. The courtroom is in complete disbelief over Heards statements and you can see how even a pro like Ben Chew - who hasn't shown any facial expressions before - is shaking his head. What kind of personality would do something like that and show even signs that she is proud to have learned methods of linguistic manipulation (Amber: "I don't agree with that characterization.")? Amber ruined Depp's career with allegations that she was a victim of domestic violence. He lost movie roles worth $50 million (Thats why he's suing her for that amount.). Depp's primarly intention is to clear his name and rebuild his reputation. Not all Gemini's are the same and I would'd pretend to know or predict their actions just based on the same sun sign. Personality is way more complex than that.
Stuburness isn't exactly the best word...Pig Headed is a better word to describe. Name me a Gemini sun male that is not capable of seeing every posible outcome of a situation. That's a fundmental trait every Gem male has, it's engraved in the sun sign. Now how they use this ablity will differ depending on other placements...but that ablity is there. I know Depp used this ablity to reason throught... My Planets ========================================= ☉‘ ♊, ☽ ♈, ASC ♑, ☿ ♊, ¡÷ ♉, ¡ö ♋ , ♃ ♒, ♄ ♏, ♅ ♐, ♆ ♑ IP: Logged |
rockwell Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Mars ♈︎ Registered: Sep 2021
posted May 20, 2022 04:16 PM
quote: Originally posted by DualGemV2: Stuburness isn't exactly the best word...Pig Headed is a better word to describe.My Planets ========================================= ☉‘ ♊, ☽ ♈, ASC ♑, ☿ ♊, ¡÷ ♉, ¡ö ♋ , ♃ ♒, ♄ ♏, ♅ ♐, ♆ ♑
You make it sound positive when it's not. Again, she has a histrionic personality disorder. She is happy to be in situations where she is the center of attention. She even enjoys it, does dramatic things like making up stories or scenes just to get the full attention of others. IP: Logged |
DualGemV2 Knowflake Posts: 1080 From: Toronto, Ontario Registered: Aug 2016
posted May 20, 2022 04:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by rockwell: You make it sound positive when it's not. Again, she has a histrionic personality disorder. She is happy to be in situations where she is the center of attention. She even enjoys it, does dramatic things like making up stories or scenes just to get the full attention of others.
Who said I was making it positive? That's just one element of her. Both Depp and Heard have complex personalities that undermine the other. It was a toxic relationship from the start....and this is how it ends. ..And as I stated the "court of public opinion" is on Depp's side right now which is what he wanted. Everything else is a bonus win for him. My Planets ========================================= ☉‘ ♊, ☽ ♈, ASC ♑, ☿ ♊, ¡÷ ♉, ¡ö ♋ , ♃ ♒, ♄ ♏, ♅ ♐, ♆ ♑ IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 20, 2022 04:33 PM
+1 to Rockwell's recent posts. IP: Logged |
PlutoWasHere Knowflake Posts: 583 From: The Nether World Registered: Mar 2021
posted May 20, 2022 04:40 PM
@GCE, there already has been trial where they determined she was entitled to compensation. I’m not convinced he’s completely innocent. I suspect she has a first decan Virgo ascendant with his Mars/Uranus conjunct. This would put her Moon in natal H2, the mirroring of style and possessions. Her Jupiter in natal H7, marrying a wealthy spouse. And her MC conjunct her Venus, Lilith and Chiron seems fitting as well. IP: Logged |
rockwell Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Mars ♈︎ Registered: Sep 2021
posted May 20, 2022 05:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by DualGemV2: Who said I was making it positive? That's just one element of her.Both Depp and Heard have complex personalities that undermine the other. It was a toxic relationship from the start....and this is how it ends. ..And as I stated the "court of public opinion" is on Depp's side right now which is what he wanted. Everything else is a bonus win for him. My Planets ========================================= ☉‘ ♊, ☽ ♈, ASC ♑, ☿ ♊, ¡÷ ♉, ¡ö ♋ , ♃ ♒, ♄ ♏, ♅ ♐, ♆ ♑
Your characterization sounds like a couple who were simply toxic when they were together. However, this case is about domestic abuse which is more than just "complex personalities that undermine the other". There is a clear power structure in case of domestic abuse where one is the perpetrator and the other is the victim. The public opinion is on Depp's side because they see him as the victim, can identify with him and see him as the one who was deeply wronged and therefore want justice. They see Amber as the perpetrator - as the one who is aggressive, the one who has more than one victim (Whitney Heard, Tasya van Ree), the one who entered a relationship because she wanted money and fame from the start, the one who commited perjury, the one who is highly manipulative and therefore cannot be trusted. Depp is certainly no saint, but nobody has been able to prove that he was violent towards previous partners. Depp has the potential to become a figure of identification for men who have been victims of domestic violence at the hands of a woman and whom the authorities have not believed. I bet the Heard - Depp story will eventually be made into a movie.
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DualGemV2 Knowflake Posts: 1080 From: Toronto, Ontario Registered: Aug 2016
posted May 20, 2022 05:34 PM
@rockwell:Aren't we technically saying the same thing in a diffrent way? I have no disagrement with you. quote: Originally posted by rockwell: ...I bet the Heard - Depp story will eventually be made into a movie.
This is the only thing I will strongly disagree with you. Heard will instantly sue any producer for the rights to make it into a movie. My Planets ========================================= ☉‘ ♊, ☽ ♈, ASC ♑, ☿ ♊, ¡÷ ♉, ¡ö ♋ , ♃ ♒, ♄ ♏, ♅ ♐, ♆ ♑ IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 20, 2022 05:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by PlutoWasHere: @GCE, there already has been trial where they determined she was entitled to compensation. I’m not convinced he’s completely innocent. I suspect she has a first decan Virgo ascendant with his Mars/Uranus conjunct. This would put her Moon in natal H2, the mirroring of style and possessions. Her Jupiter in natal H7, marrying a wealthy spouse. And her MC conjunct her Venus, Lilith and Chiron seems fitting as well.
Did you watch any of that first trial? It is amazing to me that she won. She was so arrogant, dismissive, cold, haughty, and rude from the footage I have seen. Her body language also was very contradictory. She would say yes to something while her head was shaking no. Btw, interesting to note how different she was from that first one and this one--like where in the 2nd she tried so hard to appear super emotional, with all the fake tears etc. I've known a fair amount of Virgo Asc's. She doesn't really look Virgo Asc at all to me. They tend to be more melanated, thinner bone structure, sharper features, etc. Of course very strong aspects from highlighted Planets can modify this, and while say Jupiter in Pisces opposed Asc might indicate a taller stature and/or more weight or breadth, it wouldn't really correlate with a lightening up the complexion, hair, eyes, etc (that would correspond more with very strong/close Solar or Moon aspects to the Asc). J.D., though he has Leo Rising, I'm fairly sure, actually looks more Virgo Asc to me than she does (I think this is likely indicated by a likely later Leo Asc opposed Saturn and perhaps cusping Virgo some). Among caucasians, the lightest/fairest Signs are the Fire Signs, followed by Cancer, and then the Air Signs (especially Aquarius). The Earth Signs, in an archetypal sense, are the most melanated of all--especially Taurus. Then followed by Scorpio. Pisces is harder to pin down in the physical sense. It is easily altered by other factors, and in many ways, often fairly nondescript except for the eyes and aura (would say there is a general tendency towards attractiveness all in all though). Sun and Moon in relation to the Asc (as mentioned earlier) most often correlate with a lightening up. Mercury often indicates a bit more height, faster metabolism, thinner, more "geeky" or "nerdy" looking. Venus beautifies, averages out extremes, makes more proportional and harmonious--can slow down the metabolism some and in women indicate curves, Mars indicates greater ease of building muscle, fast metabolism, sometimes correlates with a reddish undertone to complexion, hair, etc (Sun as well, but more to the golden red and strawberry blondes or light brown with some reddish), Jupiter indicates greater height and/or breadth--tends to show an increase in attractiveness but not in the same way of Venus, Saturn as mentioned previously indicates often a shortening of height, more slim/narrow/bony build, more melanin, sometimes health issues or lower physical energy--especially in youth, Uranus correlates with extremes--particularly of the body parts ruled by the sign of the Asc and/or of Uranus--sometimes indicates a significant increase in height (also slimness/fast metabolism, especially in youth because of all the nervous energy) but can also go the exact opposite way (extreme shortness), and neither Neptune nor Pluto seem to alter the physical much at all in any overt ways, but more of a vibe thing. With Neptune, dreamy and/or alluring is common and with Pluto intensity and charged vibe. IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 20, 2022 05:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by DualGemV2: @rockwell:Aren't we technically saying the same thing in a diffrent way? I have no disagrement with you. This is the only thing I will strongly disagree with you. Heard will instantly sue any producer for the rights to make it into a movie. My Planets ========================================= ☉‘ ♊, ☽ ♈, ASC ♑, ☿ ♊, ¡÷ ♉, ¡ö ♋ , ♃ ♒, ♄ ♏, ♅ ♐, ♆ ♑
I'd be more apt to think a Netflix type documentary might occur, than a movie. But, I do think you're right, that whatever media does try to come out--Heard will be all over that in a split second. Alright, I'm spending way too much time and energy on this topic. Going to bow out (for now--need a break) with saying that I'm glad the public tide has turned in Depp's favor. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 74269 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 20, 2022 07:01 PM
He is a fascinating person. He has Ceres trine his Moon which gives him a real warmth. His Mars/Pluto gives me a power and a sexiness. I think a guy who is warm and also powerful is very sexy. He is like leather and lace.------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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Librapurr Knowflake Posts: 1689 From: Registered: Jul 2019
posted May 20, 2022 09:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by rockwell: @Librapurr: Did you watch the trial? There is a live stream online. Of course, both were prepared by their legal teams. That is not the point. Amber is still mired in contradictions, has virtually no evidence that Depp abused her (other than her own testimony) and was caught in lying under oath. From what she has shown so far, she is not credible. Even with preparation, legal advice and exercise you can't control body language, words, facial expressions and gestures 100% ALL the time. It's way too complex and exhausting. People who can read bodylanguage, highly sensitive people, or people who have been victims of domestic violence themselves will still be able to read you like a book and know if it's authentic or not. Amber doesn't come across as authentic.
I know somebody who was a victim of domestic violence, and she believes AH because nobody believed her also as being victim. However, I don’t think she has the right reasoning here. I also watched videos what showed how incompetent AH legal team was. And I was surprised by that. I think they could do a better job. She could also. She showed some bad acting. However, Johnny looks way too good and authentic in many things. He could be sitting in the court playing captain Jack Sparrow. And we would be like ok, maybe, he is an actually pirate so drugs and booze are fine. quote: Originally posted by DualGemV2: I agree to this point as well, outside of the court you see Depp over due the "nice guy" image.All this trial has done has shown what a verstile actor he really is. Throw him in any situation and he'll put on the act...then act the part out of it. I have no doubt his interaction with the public, Heard and in the courtroom are all three diffrent acts/shows. Regardless of the outcome, I'm sure Depp is already claiming partial victory. In terms of the case goes..He's already won the court of public opinion.
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sashavittoria Knowflake Posts: 537 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted May 20, 2022 10:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by rockwell: There is a clear power structure in case of domestic abuse where one is the perpetrator and the other is the victim.
While I don't disagree overall, I have to vehemently disagree with the line quoted here. It is not always so black and white. There is not always a clear power structure. Sometimes two equally powerful, equally f***ed up personalities come together and victimize one another, both perpetrating abuse. Yes, even when one is a man and one is a woman. I really struggle with black-and-white reductions like what people want to make of this case, which I hope (despite all the negative effects) at least shows our society how very gray so many issues are. But "man judges before he understands." IP: Logged |
Librapurr Knowflake Posts: 1689 From: Registered: Jul 2019
posted May 20, 2022 10:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosionV2: I know what you're saying Librapurr. And yeah, I know he is no angel, but almost all of his exes have come out and spoke up about how not only did they not experience that with him, but that he was incapable of that in their opinions. That says A LOT. Guys who have tendencies of abuse towards women, rarely ever do it to just one woman. It is often a serial, repeating pattern issue. I do believe that she probably brought out his worst/darkest side, but that is why he would constantly try to leave the situation, so that he wouldn't do anything he would regret. And pushing someone back who is attacking you or the like, is not the same as initiating punches in the face, kicks to the groin, etc.
One of his exes testified against him, Ellen Barkin. I don’t think Vanessa and Winona testified officially under oath. They released supporting statements. It could be tricky sometimes to determine where abuse starts in close relationships. If he would say he lightly hit her as self-defense. I think it could be fair. However, it could damage his public image and opinion, and legal outcome.IP: Logged | |