Topic: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard divorce
PlutoWasHere Knowflake Posts: 583 From: The Nether World Registered: Mar 2021
posted May 21, 2022 03:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosionV2: Did you watch any of that first trial? It is amazing to me that she won. She was so arrogant, dismissive, cold, haughty, and rude from the footage I have seen……I've known a fair amount of Virgo Asc's. She doesn't really look Virgo Asc at all to me. They tend to be more melanated, thinner bone structure, sharper features, etc…
I agree, she doesn’t come of as a very warm and likable person. She has something very “made” about the way she appears. That doesn’t make her an abuser though. I think first impressions and instinctual responses often are very truthful but they can deceive. My eldest son has a mild form of autism and it’s easy to judge his first responses harshly because they’re not what you would expect. I do think she has some kind of personality disorder but that doesn’t nescessarily make her the evil mastermind of this obviously very toxic relationship. With regard to Virgo ascendant, I’m still leaning towards a Mercurial Rising and her somewhat cold, aloof and “made” look still points to Virgo for me. I also think there are plenty of celebrity Virgo Risings that align with her features, like Sharon Stone, Brooke Shields and Renee Zellweger. IP: Logged |
angryant2021 Knowflake Posts: 94 From: Registered: Feb 2021
posted May 21, 2022 05:02 AM
quote: One of his exes testified against him, Ellen Barkin. I don’t think Vanessa and Winona testified officially under oath. They released supporting statements. It could be tricky sometimes to determine where abuse starts in close relationships. If he would say he lightly hit her as self-defense. I think it could be fair. However, it could damage his public image and opinion, and legal outcome
Sorry to jump in, but I believe Ellen barkin was rejected by Depp and only ever got to sleep with him? From her testimony she just sounds like a bitter old woman. IP: Logged |
rockwell Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Mars ♈︎ Registered: Sep 2021
posted May 21, 2022 07:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by PlutoWasHere: I agree, she doesn’t come of as a very warm and likable person. She has something very “made” about the way she appears. That doesn’t make her an abuser though. I think first impressions and instinctual responses often are very truthful but they can deceive. My eldest son has a mild form of autism and it’s easy to judge his first responses harshly because they’re not what you would expect. I do think she has some kind of personality disorder but that doesn’t nescessarily make her the evil mastermind of this obviously very toxic relationship.With regard to Virgo ascendant, I’m still leaning towards a Mercurial Rising and her somewhat cold, aloof and “made” look still points to Virgo for me. I also think there are plenty of celebrity Virgo Risings that align with her features, like Sharon Stone, Brooke Shields and Renee Zellweger.
I totally agree with you that you shouldn't judge people too quickly. However, Amber triggered me when I first saw an interview with her years ago... She shows in some interviews clear microexpressions of barely contained aggression and I can feel how thin her official "likeable" facade is and how easy it would be to set off an explosive reaction. Subconsciously, one of my first reactions was that this woman is potentially dangerous and I wouldn't want to be around her. Virgo ascendants always come across as very "clean" to me, especially in their appearance and "perfect" facial features. They have this "we have it all together" vibe and can be perceived as "controll freaks", critical or very anxious and as overthinkers. They often have this concerned facial expression. I could be wrong but I don't get these vibes from Amber when I see her interviews. Except for her aggressive temper she has something of a wild child, a textbook Texan woman, a rebel, a ranegade and gives me a "I couldn't care less" and seemingly more "relaxed", "joking" attitude, not dissimilar to Scarlett Johansson. That's also the reason why I support GalacticCoreExplosionV2 and think that Sagittarius, Leo or Aquarius would be good choices for her rising sign. Sagittarius would make Uranus fall into her 1st house and maybe even Neptune. There is a stark contrast with Amber Heard between her early and later interviews. She portrays herself very differently. I believe Kate James was right when she said that Amber changes her whole style and personality according to her environment which makes it harder to find out her actual rising sign. That woman is a chameleon.
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PlutoWasHere Knowflake Posts: 583 From: The Nether World Registered: Mar 2021
posted May 21, 2022 12:18 PM
@rockwell, to me her “vibe” seems of as well. But not enough for me to be sure. However I do agree with GCE, when it comes to abusive behavior, it doesn’t stop with one partner. Eventually the truth will come out. I can’t be sure but because she has such an adaptable appearance I’m biased towards the mutable signs for her Rising. Her energy doesn’t feel very fixed to me. She has her Sun in Taurus (Fixed Earth) and her Moon in Libra (Cardinal Air). A Leo or Aquarius Rising in combination with her Taurus Sun would give her more fixed energy. Especially if she would have a Leo Rising because than her chart ruler would also be fixed. With Aquarius Rising her chart ruler would be in Sagittarius, so that would make more sense. Still a mutable Rising seems more likely to me. Either Sagittarius or Pisces Rising ruled by Jupiter or Virgo or Gemini Rising ruled by Mercury. To me, she has more of a Mercury energy than Jupiter. Mercury is the two faced trickster, fast and nervous, witty and humorous. It would also mean that her chart ruler is in Aries. If she has a Jupiter ruled Rising sign, her chart ruler is in Pisces. There it’s in domicile and will give her a softer and more fluid energy. Her chart ruler in Aries just makes more sense to me. So it’s either a Virgo or Gemini Rising. I was leaning more towards Virgo but she could be a Gemini Rising. It would put her Lilith in her first house and her Venus could be conjunct her Ascendant. Of course I can’t be sure but for now Virgo or Gemini are my best guess. IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 21, 2022 01:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by PlutoWasHere: I agree, she doesn’t come of as a very warm and likable person. She has something very “made” about the way she appears. That doesn’t make her an abuser though. I think first impressions and instinctual responses often are very truthful but they can deceive. My eldest son has a mild form of autism and it’s easy to judge his first responses harshly because they’re not what you would expect. I do think she has some kind of personality disorder but that doesn’t nescessarily make her the evil mastermind of this obviously very toxic relationship.With regard to Virgo ascendant, I’m still leaning towards a Mercurial Rising and her somewhat cold, aloof and “made” look still points to Virgo for me. I also think there are plenty of celebrity Virgo Risings that align with her features, like Sharon Stone, Brooke Shields and Renee Zellweger.
In my view, a lot of people don't actually have the Rising Signs that hteir physical birth time gives. And celebrity charts are notoriously inaccurate. I'm talking from being close to people, knowing them really well, reading their full charts, etc when it comes to Virgo. As well as having combed through much of the world's astrological literature that talks about the physical archetypes of the Rising Signs and Planets in relation to same. Because Virgo is a mutable sign, it is more easily alterred from its basic archetypes by Planetary factors, cusping, etc. But one thing I have consistently noticed about people who truly have Virgo Rising, is that they are often more melanated than Heard. The caucasians often have a meditteraian type look or background. Like my full brother and I look rather different and he has Virgo ASc and I have Leo. I look very Celtic-Germanic as one would expect from reading the literature, doing a lot of observation of more correct charts, etc. My brother on the other hand, though we have the same parents, looks more like southern French or something like that. He's a full 1 to 2 scales higher up on the Fitzpatrick complexion/melanin scale, has green-brownish eyes (vs my light gray blue), has medium brown hair, and as mentioned can naturally tan much easier/better than I. I repeat, this is an extremely common observation among more accurate charts of people who truly have Virgo Asc. Very strong aspects from Sun and Moon from amplified areas of the chart to the Virgo Asc can offset this though. For example, I know someone with Virgo Asc with Gemini Moon in or near the 10th, with a close square to his Virgo Asc. He is not as melanated as that pattern talked about in the above. Darker than me certainly, and has dark hair, but somewhat pale skin (can still tan better than I) and bright blue eyes. This is indicated by the combination of Gemini and especially Moon, from an amplified area of the chart, so strongly shading into his Asc energies directly. Plus, his chart ruler, Mercury is in Sag, a more "sanguine" type indication. I've been doing this stuff for a very long time and have a pretty good grasp on it. The beauty of physical looks/genetics is that unlike character/personality, freewill can't really change it except through things like plastic surgery, etc. Hence, these are more telling indications than things like personality traits. It is very important to note that astrology doesn't cause any of this, but only correlates to and reflects it symbolically. Genetics/hereditary is what causes it--astrology is only like a symbolic map or clock which points to indications that reflects what is already there on either a consciousness and/or physical level. It does also apply to other ethnicity's, but relatively so (for example, a black person with Leo or Cancer Rising, will tend to be lighter/less melanated than one with Taurus or Capricorn. Most of the observations out there in book forms, because of history, prejudice, etc, etc, is about the caucasian ethnicity, which is probably one of the most varied too when it comes to pigmentation. One only need to compare a stereotypical Higherlander Scot to a more stereo typical, very dark/tan Middle Easterner (yes, still caucasian!) to see this. IP: Logged |
rockwell Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Mars ♈︎ Registered: Sep 2021
posted May 21, 2022 03:06 PM
@GalacticCoreExplosionV2 I get what you mean. I've noticed that Virgo Rising can even have thicker eybrows and darker, coarse hair. Classic examples that fit your discription would be Emma Watson or French actress Julie Gayet...@PlutoWasHere Although Amber is tall and slim, which could indicate Gemini ascendant, I don't think she is one. The classic Gemini ascendant for me is Mick Jagger (Bless him :P). I like the Rolling Stones and remember Charlie Watts (Gemini sun) emphasizing in a documentary how adept Mick is with words. The ascendant is more than just a mask. Amber is more of a pretender. She's not particularly adept with words or language, nor do I feel the slight detachment that airy Ascendants often exude. If I had to bet it would be Sagittarius Ascendant with Uranus or maybe even Neptune in the 1st house. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Knowflake Posts: 9767 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 21, 2022 08:41 PM
I swore I was going to stay out of the circus of distraction, and the more YT and others tried to shove it down my throat, the more defiant I became by not clicking on it.Well, a clickbait title finally snared me. At least the clickbait title was honest (and I didn't even have to wait long for it), which is better than many (or even most). I did get curious enough to watch a couple of others. On Johnny's side, he knows he's being recorded, so his playing the mostly patient saint on the recordings don't impress me as much (I'm sure Amber would've done the same if she knew she was being recorded--I think someone said she did catch him recording him once and became violent over it, trying to destroy the evidence). As a rule of thumb (notable exceptions existing), I do think that it takes two to tango. My mom and dad were horribly violent, and I'd say my mom was worse than my dad, but only my dad was made to pay for it in court, and only he got arrested (despite that once my mom came out with a shotgun which he disarmed her of, but then he didn't report her to the police over that). I don't know what the case is with Johnny, because again, his knowing about the recording means he's going to act differently if he's as messed up as Amber clearly is. Maybe that's roughly true to his character, or maybe not. But what I can say is that Amber did not fear him, not the way she viciously provoked him again and again and even initiated violence, even when he tried to get away (and also faking having her toe injured so he'd open the door enough for her to slam the door open, knocking him down, that's vile abuse that should've landed Amber in jail as I have no patience for those who exploit the better sides of human nature to do them harm as it discourages the better sides from being acted upon, which are all too rare as it is today). but in all that, she also deliberately tried to provoke toxic masculinity out of him. For those of you who hate toxic masculinity, it's not just some men who promote it in boys, it's also women like Amber. Anyway, I'll get to my actual question next, the actual reason I'm posting here.
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PixieJane Knowflake Posts: 9767 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 21, 2022 08:43 PM
And yet the part I'm here to ask about in the probably vain hopes of an insightful answer (can be astrology or psychology)...Why do some women like to say, "Suck my dick!"? I can understand "eat me" or even "eat my ass" but a woman saying to suck her dick sounds bizarre to me. Amber isn't the only one, and I even asked one woman (after she calmed down) who liked to sling that at both men and women who annoyed her at why she used it, but it just aggravated her and I got no meaningful answer from her. Any women here use that phrase when angry, or know those who do? More likely to use it against men or women, or both equally? Can you say why? I presume it's related somehow to saying "**** you." Part of me thinks that maybe at a subconscious level they buy into "masculinity is strength and domination, while feminity is passive spinelessness" so that by asserting they suck her nonexistent manhood that they're "defying" being a "proper" woman (meek and submissive), unlike other women who can instead incorporate their actual anatomy in vindictive vulgarities. But it's just a guess on my part. I'm seeking to understand human nature here, not "calling you out." When people get mad, they sometimes get stupid, I understand that. When I get angry, I can also get immature or vicious, just not like that because it's too nonsensical to me (and I don't mistake femininity for weakness or confuse masculinity with power). Astrologically and/or psychology, why are there women who use that phrase? IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 21, 2022 08:58 PM
Hi Rockwell, Yes, I could see those two actresses as having Virgo Ascendants. They have other features that are common to that Ascendant in an archetypal sense. Note the thinner lips, the sharp features, and the youthful looks. These are traits that are common, unless counter balanced/changed by other factors. Strong Venus, Moon, Taurus, Sun, and/or Leo shading into a Virgo Asc, though, can indicate more full or rounder features from the basic archetype. (Like fuller lips, and/or slower metabolism). IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 21, 2022 09:16 PM
I have noticed that the majority of women that say this or similar things, tend to be highly Yang themselves. I could see some of the explanations previously given as potential reasons. But also, I might consider subconscious memories of having been connected to a male body themselves (so called past lives). Or, in general, just a strongly Yang energy. Heard fits the bill. While she is technically a Taurus Sun, she is closely cusping Aries--the most Yang polarized Sign of them all. Then has Mercury in Aries (can come off as quite Yang in communication). And while she has Venus in Taurus, it is again cusping a pretty Yang polarized Sign (Gemini. But only moderately, not strongly like her Sun), then Libra Moon--a moderately Yang polarized Sign. And probably Sag Asc with Sag Saturn Rising and closest Planet to her Asc. The combination of Sag Asc with Sag Saturn Rising is quite Yang. All in all, her chart (especially if that is her true Asc sign) is significantly weighted to the Yang. In other words, on a Soul level, she is in a sense more male than female. She is like our Elfin Pisces here in that sense. (That is not a value judgment. I'm in a ltr with a woman whose Soul is Yang polarized--though less so than these two prior examples. And while I'm connected to a male body, my Soul is slightly Yin polarized. Because my soul is slightly Yin polarized, I actually tend to be attracted more so to women whose Souls are slightly Yang polarized.) IP: Logged |
stillatlarge Knowflake Posts: 792 From: TX Registered: Nov 2010
posted May 21, 2022 11:38 PM
The ignorance, lack of critical thinking and misogyny on this thread is shocking and disgusting. You're just trying to make the astrology fit your own bias. Women are like crabs in a bucket. That will never change. I don't miss this.IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 22, 2022 12:39 AM
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GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 22, 2022 12:47 AM
quote: Originally posted by stillatlarge: The ignorance, lack of critical thinking and misogyny on this thread is shocking and disgusting. You're just trying to make the astrology fit your own bias. Women are like crabs in a bucket. That will never change. I don't miss this.
You do realize that most of the posters on this thread are women, right? Most of the people on this forum are women. So just because people don't agree with you, they must have major issues? Secure people welcome debate and difference of opinion, and engage in it with holistic logic and impersonally discussing the facts, evidence, logic, etc. They don't do the above drama show of ultimatums, wholesale generalized character assassinations of those who disagree with them, etc, which is all highly manipulative. Let truth, logic, and evidence be your sword, not pure ego and the reactiveness of same. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 22342 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 22, 2022 02:52 AM
Why the Depp-Heard trial is so much worse than you realizeAmber Heard is just the first target of a new extremist playbook. What we’re witnessing here are the dramatically compounded effects of internet researcher Alice Marwick’s theory of morally motivated networked harassment, which holds that a group of social media users can justify any amount of abuse directed at a target if they feel their cause is morally right. At scale, this looks like, and effectively is, millions of people around the world lining up to eagerly subject one woman to untold amounts of abuse, public humiliation, and violent rhetoric. (Incidentally, this is exactly what Depp wanted to happen to her — so even if he loses the case, he still wins.)
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GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 22, 2022 03:17 AM
Sigh, Teasel. In actuality, Depp spent awhile being very long suffering and forbearing in relation to A.H. and her "antics" both during and after the relationship. He allowed himself to be a bit of a doormat, because he thought he "loved" her and that deep down, she loved him. I think at some point, he realized that he was deluded about that, especially for the latter part. She powerfully affected his career in an extremely negative way. He lost major, major roles and sources of income, not to mention court costs, etc Meanwhile, A.H. when she originally went to go get a restraining order, she also initially at that time, demanded 3 penthouses, a jacked up, expensive Jeep, and substantial amount of money from Depp. For a so called DAV, who ostensibly just wants to get away and distance themselves from their alleged abuser--quite curious demands from her part. She had her eyes on the money, for a long time.
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vansio Knowflake Posts: 2300 From: the outskirts of Delphi Registered: Dec 2017
posted May 22, 2022 03:20 AM
@pixie, what came to mind when reading your Q is the gagging nature of blwjobs, akin to “Shut up”. Maybe to say “suck my dick” is a gag about perceived dominance. (double meaning). It’s not effective. IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 22, 2022 03:37 AM
I think the real reason why so many people are so focused on this case, besides the fact that media is 24/7 shoving it down our throats from all sides, is because more and more people have come to realize what a corrupt world we live in, wherein so little justice ever happens. We know our governments are corrupt, we know our justice systems are corrupt, we know our financial/business arenas are corrupt. More and more, it's beginning to feel like something out of a Dark Knight Batman movie or the like. Starting to feel real dystopian like more and more. We feel utterly powerless in the face of so much injustice, deception, and corruption. Many people initially jumped on the A.H. was telling the truth train, and called for the canceling of J.D. Those many people, GOT their wishes. But, the more and more evidence that people have seen, the more and more people are siding with J.D. and this correction of injustice, this counter balancing of lies/manipulation/deception feels very satisfying to that part of us that feels powerless and realizes that so often, justice is not served in this world. So people latch onto this, besides the media aspect and besides the sheer psychological drama of it all (people tend to just love drama, especially relationship/intimate oriented drama--cue Novellas, Soap Operas, Talk shows, etc, etc). But yes, let's turn it into a giant pseudo feminist issue of how so many people are so women hating and just want to hurt a woman in the public. Despite the fact that MANY, MANY women are now on J.D.'s side, and many of whom who initially believed and/or sided with A.H. You know the real reason why A.H. won that first trial? For the simple reason because she was riding on the coattails of the "Me too" movement which was in full swing at the time. Literally the only reason. It was perfect timing and a perfect storm. She should not have won that first trial at all. This is a correction of injustice, and for all of us who feel powerless, it feels dang satisfying that something finally right/correct is happening in the world--even though in the grand scheme of things--this is not that an important of an issue (though males being abused and needing to come forward more, I would say does have some importance). IP: Logged |
vansio Knowflake Posts: 2300 From: the outskirts of Delphi Registered: Dec 2017
posted May 22, 2022 03:42 AM
Adding a point to remember, the “Me Too” Movement is about multiple people coming out publicly against a single, sole serial rapist.Meaning “that person raped me too” Hence, even Kevin Spacey being called out by more than a dozen male “me too” victims. Many of us have experienced sexual assault, however, the purpose of Me Too Movement shouldn’t be conflated.
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teasel Knowflake Posts: 22342 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 22, 2022 04:15 AM
Johnny Depp was jealous and controlling, ex-girlfriend Ellen Barkin says IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 22, 2022 04:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by vansio: Adding a point to remember, the “Me Too” Movement is about multiple people coming out publicly against a single, sole serial rapist.Meaning “that person raped me too” Hence, even Kevin Spacey being called out by more than a dozen male “me too” victims. Many of us have experienced sexual assault, however, the purpose of Me Too Movement shouldn’t be conflated.
Point being it was primarily and predominantly a female related movement and phenomenon. And A.H. certainly did ride the coattails of that movement, because while it started out as sexual assault specific, it morphed into harassment, abuse, etc. IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 22, 2022 05:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: Johnny Depp was jealous and controlling, ex-girlfriend Ellen Barkin says
Curious, did you automatically believe her? If so, why? Because she is a woman and Depp is a man? Is that all it takes? Evidence not needed? I ask, because I automatically believed A.H. at first. And boy, in hindsight, that wasn't very smart of me. Probably about the wrongest/most off I have ever been. IP: Logged |
vansio Knowflake Posts: 2300 From: the outskirts of Delphi Registered: Dec 2017
posted May 22, 2022 05:18 AM
Teasel, forgive me for saying this, but the way you post seems like you maybe haven’t watched the trial with your own intuitive neutral eye, perhaps mainly reading what other people write in coverage, headlines and news outlets. Barkin’s testimony was ~20 minutes long (short in comparison to other key witnesses). If I can find it in the live feeds, I’ll try to timestamp the original audio for you to review. They were FWB for three-four months. Her only witness of “violence” (rather aggression) was during the filming of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, when Jonny Depp threw a bottle in a hotel room during an argument with male friends, not at anyone in particular, she was across the room, though because of trajectory, was towards her. Not meant for her. This event also happened 30 years ago. Far reaching witness called on behalf of AH defense… IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 22, 2022 05:34 AM
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GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 22, 2022 05:40 AM
To add to what Vansio said about Barkin. Yep, and even that is assuming that Barkin is telling only the truth and nothing but the truth. Personally speaking, having been so off about A.H., I try not to assume that anymore. Now it is more, "evidence please". Why did I let myself get pulled back into this? Arggh. Must..pull..out of...the Moon's...gravitational-energetic field...
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vansio Knowflake Posts: 2300 From: the outskirts of Delphi Registered: Dec 2017
posted May 22, 2022 05:51 AM
..I’m hooked on the trial, GCE. Though, I’ve been watching it from a court-process “law nerd” position. Been a good way to waste time during my 9th House Saturn return. ;-)Can’t recommend the licensed-attorney and legal-commentator Emily D. Baker enough! IP: Logged | |