Topic: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard divorce
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 74269 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 22, 2022 08:18 AM
I am going to do an article on if Amber Heard has the chart of a sociopath. I think there is something really wrong with her and I think this whole thing was a hoax. It takes a super sick person to do that!------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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vansio Knowflake Posts: 2300 From: the outskirts of Delphi Registered: Dec 2017
posted May 22, 2022 09:19 AM “For everyone confused: Kate Moss is Johnny's ex. She could not testify till now, because she is not relevant to the case. She had to be brought up first by someone. If Johnny himself mentioned Kate, he would have been objected by Amber's team, since the relationship she had with Johnny has nothing to do with how Johnny acted in his relationship with Amber. Amber brought up Kate Moss herself and Johnny’s team did not object, therefore she is now relevant.” IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted May 22, 2022 12:47 PM
Thank you for the recommendation Vansio. I wanted to address your earlier comment that the aether had swallowed up. The one about male to female sexual abuse vs female to male sexual abuse. First, I would completely agree that I think that male to female sexual abuse is more common. But, I do think that female to male sexual abuse is a bit like the issue of domestic violence that we are talking about here with Depp, etc. I think it happens more than people tend to realize, but that it is way under-reported by men. My ex best male for over a decade, himself was the victim of being sexually taken advantage of by a woman. We were camping and he went to bed in his sleeping bag/tent very high on a cocktail of E and LSD, and as he was trying to sleep, a woman who had her eye on him for awhile (from High school), and who fully knew that he was in a close, loving,, committed relationship and currently high AF, went into his tent and sleeping bag, and started to ride him. He felt both very ashamed and guilty after, in relation to this. He was freaked out that his girlfriend was going to break up with him. He had never cheated previously and had never had even come close. He really loved his girlfriend (and I long got the sense that they were twin souls). I felt I should talk to his girlfriend (who later became his wife) and explained to her, he was very high and out of his mind at the time, and I don't think he would have gone along with it otherwise. (Incidentally, he has Scorpio Moon in the 8th, which can indicate difficult, painful sexual experiences with women and/or Yin polarized people). In the first year of my relationship with my partner, she was ridiculously/extremely highly sexed. There were MANY times wherein I really did NOT want to do it with her, because we had already done like at least once to thrice that day. I would be reading a book or the like, and she would take the book out of m hand, throw it across the room and try to have her way with me. At first, I would tell her no and really mean it (because I was tired, drained, and/or just wanted to focus on other things). But invariably, I would just go along with it because it was easier than protesting/arguing. If I had been a woman and she a man in this situation, some people might call that low key rape or at least, disrespect of another's boundaries. With other women, I never had any experience like my ex best friend, but I have had low key experiences here and there with various women that if I had been a woman and they men, it could be construed as sexual harassment or the like. For example, I've had a couple of women who were friends or acquaintances either grab my butt or slap it, with no just prior physical-sexual initiation on my part towards them and outside of a context/situation of mutual romance. Surprised by the actions. I don't do this to women. I may flirt a bit, but I don't get physical unless I am sensing a very strong mutual attraction and interest. And if I'm a hugging a woman who is a platonic friend, I don't then suddenly grab her butt in both hands, like has happened to me. Point being, there seems to be a bit of a double standard or some hypocrisy in place here. Probably because males tend to be more flattered or ok with this kind of female attention to them. If it happened all the time, like it sometimes does for some or many women in relation to men, I could see that getting really old, real quick for me personally. I can't say that I was honestly upset/distraught by the butt grabbing or slapping mentioned earlier, but yeah, if it happened all the time, I'd probably start to feel that way. A type of sexual violence that is perpetrated on men fairly commonly by women, is that of a man being told by the woman, "Yeah, I'm on the pill or some kind contraceptives", fully knowing that they aren't and with the intention to get pregnant by the man, to trap him into a long term, committed relationship when he otherwise might not be interested in that with her. This is extremely wrong/unethical and while it may not be violent rape or the like, it is an extreme disrespect of another's freewill and very life. This is the core and fundamental problem of rape itself. Both men and women have about equal amount/degree of ego on average, but how they express and attune to same tends to be very different. With men, it tends to be more overt/obvious and/or more forceful. With women, it tends to be more subtle, indirect, manipulative, and/or cunning/conniving. This is just how male and female bodies tend to be wired differently. Basically, all this to say, I think this is yet another area of humans and reality that is more shades of gray and complex than many people perceive it. But a lot of people like simple black and whites. Like men are bad or brutish and women are good or more noble. Women who have had difficult/upsetting experiences with men, especially tend to like these black and white, simplistic versions of reality. People like StillatLarge who clearly is a woman that has major, major anger issues towards men. For folks like her, men are guilty until proven innocent--and probably not even then--probably more just plain automatically guilty. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Knowflake Posts: 9767 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 23, 2022 09:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by vansio: @pixie, what came to mind when reading your Q is the gagging nature of blwjobs, akin to “Shut up”. Maybe to say “suck my dick” is a gag about perceived dominance. (double meaning). It’s not effective.
Thank you! That could actually fit with the real life women I've known who liked to use that phrase. Someone else said excessive Yang energy could inspire that, and though I can only speak for one, she did have an Aries sun and stellium (not that I think anyone with an identical chart would automatically do so). Though Amber hated it when Johnny did try to deescalate the situation (leaving, silence, being diplomatic). But given her other ways to insult his manhood, it was probably just one weapon in her arsenal to tear him down (and likely would've used looks and the like to attack another woman, which I'd bet money that she does). x I have a lot of Yang in my chart (including a moon-Mars-Uranus as part of a stellium, all on the Scorpio cusp, at least it would be if it were sun...but then my sun is also on the cusp, me and my Scorpio best friend from my youth used to share a birthday between us because we were only born 3 days apart). I could be trollish, but more in a prankster, playful, sometimes culture jamming way. I love pranks, but I think a bucket of water on the top of a door or pulling a chair out from someone before they can sit is not only mean (and bullying if done on a regular basis), but lacking in a creative mind. I can also laugh over many things if they're imaginary, as it's just so wrong, like a video game of shooting kittens from a cannon was hilarious to me, but I might literally kill someone who did that for real. I try to watch it (for better and worse, sometimes it builds up...) because in the vast majority of cases I don't mean to do more than tweak a bit, and if they laugh, so much the better. It bothered me when people took it so personally (also, I don't want to be confused with those poor souls who actually are crude idiots and mean it, not seeing themselves as joking but speaking plainly, though they'll say it's a joke if they get in trouble, just as others will try to deflect retribution for their online cruelty with hearts and peace signs, which makes it hard to believe those who really do mean well or just joking). But after years of people having melt downs simply because you didn't agree with everything they said (even what they said about you when they don't know you), including on fictional TV shows, I realized that strict adherence to that meant leaving the internet (and leaving it to the babies that cried that most) so I'm not as careful as I used to be...but I do still practice a little caution (but if I'm really tired then I can forget to apply my filter). Heck, I've had people get upset because I complimented them and they assumed I was being sarcastic, sheesh. (I'd also find out that people saw slights where none was intended, and I might not know it for years, I wonder how many I still don't know about.) And I recall my volunteer time at a shelter. The actual workers had their door closed as they were in a phone meeting with others when one of the residents set his phone to make farting noises and left it outside the door. I just rolled my eyes at it, but (in addition to remembering a handful of immature pranks I participated in as a kid and/or drunk) figured there were worse ways to fight the boredom (and it didn't break any rules I knew of), and if it bothered those inside (who might not even be able to hear it), they could take it or kick it down the hall easy enough. I had other duties besides micromanaging the residents. So it's not like I'm "better than that" it's just it's too crude for my taste, but just worth a shrug...yet after the phone meeting when they came out, they were furious (and yelled at me for allowing it, at which point I had to struggle not to laugh), and only then did it become funny to me (both their reaction which was over the top to me, and apparently everyone in the phone meeting could hear it but none would ask who was making that noise for several minutes beyond pausing as another fart sound erupted, probably thinking someone was on the toilet for the entire meeting). x As for insults...mind tend to be snarky or creative (though rarely Shakespearean, and if so, it will be literally in a spirit of silliness). If I could think of brief examples, I would share, but all I'll say is that it tends to be mockery while I laughed, especially if it hit home (and was for things like against the neighbors that tried to make me and mine homeless over hateful religious reasons). Even when not there usually isn't much in the way of vulgarity. Astrologically speaking, it was probably my Libra sun and stellium affecting my Sag stellium, but also that I wanted to live with my grandmother, who did not swear that much, rather than my parents who did swear a lot, and I thought my using vulgarities would prove I belonged with my parents instead... Speaking of mom exploited feminist sensibilities as well as the belief that a child is best with the mother (so she could get the child support, and also hurt others, from her soon to be ex to her own mother, the grandmother who wanted me, and I wanted to live with my grandmother). Her feminist lawyer team knowingly and willfully used an "advocate" to lie in my name on the stand when I refused to lie for them (and that if I told the truth about Dad then I would about Mom as well, when they wanted me to demonize Dad far worse than he deserved while portraying Mom as an angel when she was more of a demon), and as a result, they silenced a girl's voice and placed her in an abusive home. That kind of feminism is toxic, and a reason to me on why it shouldn't always be supported, even if you're of a type of mindset that only females matter. (Some feminist heretics have suffered greatly, one writing a book about how she came close to suicide over it, and sounded like typical high school mean girl dynamics as described by sociologists, only with an idealistic paint job adapted for college). I'm not going to condemn the man and elevate the woman when the evidence doesn't support it because some say it's "internalized misogyny" when it's not (just as white supremacists call whites that don't fall into line with them as having "white guilt" and other insults slung at them, yes, I do see it as very similar, and despise some feminists--feminists, not women--as much as I do white supremacists--supremacists, not whites). I don't succumb to peer pressure like that. I'll spare the speech on the Wheel of Karma, and how many are perpetuating it (and millennia old pseudo-justice systems based on tribe--which can include racial and gender identity groups of both Left and Right--than transcendant ideals or even shared culture) rather than fighting it as they think. IP: Logged |
rockwell Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Mars ♈︎ Registered: Sep 2021
posted June 01, 2022 03:23 PM
Johnny WON IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 22342 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 01, 2022 03:26 PM
Disgusting.IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 22342 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 01, 2022 03:32 PM
I never want to hear “Why don’t victims come forward!” again. Never. IP: Logged |
Librapurr Knowflake Posts: 1689 From: Registered: Jul 2019
posted June 01, 2022 03:41 PM
«The seven-person jury also awarded $2 million in compensatory damages to Heard, but $0 in punitive damages. The jury has awarded Depp $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages in his defamation suit against Heard.”Interesting, the lost side still gets something. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 158898 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 01, 2022 04:17 PM
Victim come forward? Heard didn't "come forward." Heard was acting. And badly. Depp was the victim. IP: Logged |
DualGemV2 Knowflake Posts: 1080 From: Toronto, Ontario Registered: Aug 2016
posted June 01, 2022 04:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by Librapurr: «The seven-person jury also awarded $2 million in compensatory damages to Heard, but $0 in punitive damages. The jury has awarded Depp $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages in his defamation suit against Heard.”Interesting, the lost side still gets something.
It will probably go towards the legal fees, the true monetary winners in this case are the lawyers on both sides, the "symbolic winner" is Depp. I doubt Heard's legal team will ever be hired on to defend a high profile case anymore...what a disaster. Her legal team must have known that having her testify would seal the case. Even OJs defense team (first OJ Simpson trial) knew it wasn't a good idea to have him testify and just having him speak to the court whould lose the case and un do everything!!!. So they kept him quiet and seated the entire trial. Why Heard's legal team decided to have heard testify is beyond me...once heard started to testify I knew the case was over. In my head I weighted that Depp had a 70% chance of winning. My bases is on the fact you have a versatile Gemini vs a stubborn Earth sign. The stubborn earth sign will go on with the same rhetoric... The versatile Gemini will find ways around the Earth Sign. But if the Gemini is so-so obviously in the wrong and did something that is so undeniably wrong...the stubborn Earth sign will destroy the Gemini. If I got drunk stole a Porsche then street raced hit and run 50 people and was prosecuted by a Taruus or'd bet I'd be hung for that and get the maximum sentence...there's so many levels of undeniable wrongdoing here. But if it's a vague case with a lot of room to maneuver the Gemini will be versatile enough to win. Keep in mind this was a Civil Case not a Criminal Case. I think Earth signs rule Criminal Cases...Civil Cases who ever is the best actor and appears more believable. My Planets ========================================= ☉‘ ♊, ☽ ♈, ASC ♑, ☿ ♊, ¡÷ ♉, ¡ö ♋ , ♃ ♒, ♄ ♏, ♅ ♐, ♆ ♑ IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted June 01, 2022 05:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: Victim come forward? Heard didn't "come forward." Heard was acting. And badly. Depp was the victim.
+ 1, 000, 000, 000, 000. (Apparently, I have a lot of aspects of self/personality..) IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted June 01, 2022 05:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: Disgusting.
Seriously? Why and how so? And please use holistic logic and evidence, and not emotionally based subjective beliefs. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 158898 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 01, 2022 08:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosionV2: Seriously? Why and how so? And please use holistic logic and evidence, and not emotionally based subjective beliefs.
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Librapurr Knowflake Posts: 1689 From: Registered: Jul 2019
posted June 01, 2022 08:54 PM
Last night, experts said it would be 0-0 because the jury couldn’t relate to their Hollywood relationship and lifestyle. Also, how good his lady lawyer is. Scorpio Mars, Gemini moon, Stellium in Leo. She managed to outshine Amber. She has tr. Jupiter sq. Jupiter! Her presence by itself and hugging him many times were good for the jury to show JD is women-friendly and not intimidating. A smart choice.
quote: Originally posted by DualGemV2: [B] It will probably go towards the legal fees, the true monetary winners in this case are the lawyers on both sides, the "symbolic winner" is Depp. I doubt Heard's legal team will ever be hired on to defend a high profile case anymore...what a disaster. Her legal team must have known that having her testify would seal the case. Even OJs defense team (first OJ Simpson trial) knew it wasn't a good idea to have him testify and just having him speak to the court whould lose the case and un do everything!!!. So they kept him quiet and seated the entire trial. Why Heard's legal team decided to have heard testify is beyond me...once heard started to testify I knew the case was over. In my head I weighted that Depp had a 70% chance of winning.
Apparently her team thought she was way better at storytelling. They tried to go for a story a regular small town girl felt in love with a druggy celebrity. In theory, it had to work for the juries who should relate to her more than to the superstar with rock-n-roll lifestyle. But she couldn’t portray this character. I think if they they gave her a different character to play she would do better.IP: Logged |
LovelyAries86 Knowflake Posts: 2699 From: Venus Registered: Dec 2012
posted June 01, 2022 10:51 PM
*sigh* Looking at some of these earlier replies makes me sick. 🙄🙄 Stop jumping on bandwagons before having the facts just because someone has a vagina. Amber is a POS - and women of her ilk aren't rare these days. So very glad that Johnny was vindicated today!! 💜 May God restore everything for him TEN FOLD & guide him in choosing more wisely in love.  IP: Logged |
LovelyAries86 Knowflake Posts: 2699 From: Venus Registered: Dec 2012
posted June 01, 2022 11:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: I am going to do an article on if Amber Heard has the chart of a sociopath. I think there is something really wrong with her and I think this whole thing was a hoax. It takes a super sick person to do that!
She is an absolute S O C I O P A T H. 💯💯💯 Her being Taurus Sun/Venus, I'd have guessed she'd be much more stable & kind. Wrong!! IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 22342 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 01, 2022 11:35 PM
"the UK high court ruled that johnny depp was an abuser and now the US court have said that she wasn’t lying about the abuse. that’s 2 different legal systems that both agree on him being an abuser." IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted June 01, 2022 11:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by LovelyAries86: *sigh* Looking at some of these earlier replies makes me sick. 🙄🙄 Stop jumping on bandwagons before having the facts just because someone has a vagina. Amber is a POS - and women of her ilk aren't rare these days. So very glad that Johnny was vindicated today!! 💜 May God restore everything for him TEN FOLD & guide him in choosing more wisely in love.
+1 I did believe her for a hot minute (years ago, when that first edited video came out), until my intuition told me to look deeper, and I did. That deeper look told me she was a liar through and through*, and as more and more evidence came out--this turned out to be true. * Her vibe reminds me some of an ex who turned out to be a literal pathological liar. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 158898 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 01, 2022 11:45 PM
I call your Twitter nonsense as a “source” and raise you this, from the same feed:Yes they ruled against the other 2 complaints but found simply on the one that said they spilled wine and set up a scene . On the other hand JD won all 3 of his defamation points finding he is NOT an abuser. IP: Logged |
LovelyAries86 Knowflake Posts: 2699 From: Venus Registered: Dec 2012
posted June 01, 2022 11:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosionV2: You know the real reason why A.H. won that first trial? For the simple reason because she was riding on the coattails of the "Me too" movement which was in full swing at the time. Literally the only reason. It was perfect timing and a perfect storm. She should not have won that first trial at all.
Pure Facts. 👍🏾 Never should have won. Amber completely rode the coattails of the (now toxic) Me Too Movement. 💯 My gut was telling me NOT to jump on that bandwagon and I'm so glad that I didn't. As my gut never leads me astray. It also turned me off how that Movement was rudely *hijacked* away from (its creators) women of color who experience MUCH higher rates of domestic violence, homicide & rape than these entitled white women like Amber who are strangely determined to play victim. Just STFU already! IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted June 01, 2022 11:55 PM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: "the UK high court ruled that johnny depp was an abuser and now the US court have said that she wasn’t lying about the abuse. that’s 2 different legal systems that both agree on him being an abuser."
Again, as I pointed out earlier, she was riding on the coattails of the "Me too" movement, which was like a powerful wave sweeping through, and there was a lot of righteous anger towards especially males that were or may have been abusers towards women. Yes, there were some side cases of folks like Spacey who abused other males, but generally, it was very female and male focused. Isn't it interesting that now that this movement has subsided some, and with a new trial, Depp has won, as he should have before? Larger context definitely matters. But you have a set belief about things, and are egoically and emotionally invested to keep that belief "correct" at any cost, and aren't willing to question. As mentioned, I actually did first believe Heard when that first (highly edited) video came out. But hey, if all her completely fake, tearless, over dramatized "crying" in the courtroom, all her contradictions, the video footage of her snuggling with Franco, all the witnesses that vouch for Depp, etc, etc, won't change your mind, certainly anything I say, won't. IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 2113 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted June 01, 2022 11:57 PM
Deja Vu. I hadn't seen L.A.'s just previous post to mine, when I again pointed out to Teasel why she won previously. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 158898 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 02, 2022 12:14 AM
The jury not only agreed on all three but also on the malice element, which means by clear and convincing evidence—a very high bar to reach. There was no medical evidence for any physical injuries to Heard. Heard lied, and the punitive damages were to punish her for doing so. Crying with no tears shows how bad of an actress Heard truly is.IP: Logged |
PlutoWasHere Knowflake Posts: 583 From: The Nether World Registered: Mar 2021
posted June 02, 2022 01:14 AM
quote: Originally posted by LovelyAries86: …It also turned me off how that Movement was rudely *hijacked* away from (its creators) women of color who experience MUCH higher rates of domestic violence, homicide & rape than these entitled white women like Amber who are strangely determined to play victim. Just STFU already!
I’m not a fan of Amber and there is definitely more abuse suffered by female minorities. But your remark is mind boggling and hurtful. The “me too” movement is about raising your voice when your boundaries are being crossed. It’s about no longer blaming the victim. This concerns everyone: men, women, adults, children and people of all color and sexual orientation. Yes, there will be people that will try to make this all about themselves but that doesn’t mean that the issues that were raised are invalid. Telling people to shut up is the absolute opposite of what we need in society. Maybe you should think first before you post these type of reactions. IP: Logged |
LovelyAries86 Knowflake Posts: 2699 From: Venus Registered: Dec 2012
posted June 02, 2022 02:22 AM
quote: Originally posted by PlutoWasHere: I’m not a fan of Amber and there is definitely more abuse suffered by female minorities. But your remark is mind boggling and hurtful. The “me too” movement is about raising your voice when your boundaries are being crossed. It’s about no longer blaming the victim. This concerns everyone: men, women, adults, children and people of all color and sexual orientation. Yes, there will be people that will try to make this all about themselves but that doesn’t mean that the issues that were raised are invalid. Telling people to shut up is the absolute opposite of what we need in society. Maybe you should think first before you post these type of reactions.
It's actually you who should think about what you are saying instead of reacting based on your triggers. You glossed over everything that I said and made it ALL about yourself. Which is highly disturbing, but typical. Why aren't you more concerned about the Native Women being terrorized on their reservations or the Black Women literally being murdered every FIVE HOURS? Or the loads of women in the Middle East who are facing REAL oppression & abuse? Quite frankly, I don't give a damn about your feelings on this. Me Too was completely hijacked and turned into a White Woman's Movement and used as a tool to "get back at" WHITE MEN and be seen as superior to them. 🙄 With Amber Heard leading the charge for all to follow! It's absolute nonsense. Me Too indeed started out as something extraordinary, noble & great. 💯 A movement (created by a Black Woman) that sought to support women AND men of ALL cultures in finding their voice, their healing & their power. And I *fully* supported that. But what it represents TODAY?? No... it's totally ass-backwards, one-sided and toxic now. So yes! I encourage all the entitled, selfish liars & ungrateful brats to STFU and let the *real* victims lead this cause. 👍🏾 IP: Logged | |