Topic: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard divorce
page one unregistered
posted May 29, 2016 04:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by Rosalind: First of all: I am certain of his innocence.Second of all: The chick is a liar and inconsistent about what she is saying. I think she has some mental problems. Nobody in his right mind would say that a man abused a woman when he wasn't even around. LOL. Also... the LAPD officers found her without any bruises of her face. The story is just shady and I have no doubt about his innocence. Now... I knew this crucial moment would come for him. It's not that karma got him after separating from Vanessa and his kids but he needed to learn something important. Not to fear what is real and not to trust what is not real. I do believe she made all that up to gain half of his money. She is 22 years younger than him. She could be his daughter. Not that Johhny is not hot or lovely but the chick wasn't for him.
She would have gained a lot more if she had kept her mouth shut and made a quiet settlement. She didn't. And he does have a history of this thing, with both Kate Moss and Winona Ryder. So yes, it's definitely possible. IP: Logged |
vesta Knowflake Posts: 3343 From: Stars Registered: May 2009
posted May 29, 2016 04:29 PM
I don't believe Amber, I think she is lying. IP: Logged |
Julz87 unregistered
posted May 29, 2016 05:26 PM
I agree with some of you, it just all seems so weird. She seems to have gone about all this in a very strange manner, police from what I read said they saw no disturbance - so its all so strange. She is coming off as a liar IMO and I hope this man doesn't take a big hit to his image because of this. Maybe this will open his eyes to the deep relationship she shared with Vanessa...I do agree that its about Karma though leaving her for what he thought was greener grass and karma always gets you..every time. IP: Logged |
vesta Knowflake Posts: 3343 From: Stars Registered: May 2009
posted May 29, 2016 07:36 PM
I looked at Johnny's chart. His progressed Amber, and Lie are conjunct Johnny's natal Midheaven and Amber's natal Sun and NN at 29 Aries Mars was rx and opposing her natal Venus ( ruler of her sun) on the day she filed report Ambers natal chart shows a very tight Nessus and lie conjunction in Leo her 1st house conjunct Johnny's progressed ASC. Looking at the transits Mars was rx as 29 Scorpio and conjunct the asteroid Bilk at 1 degree Sag this is Johnny's point of truth. The transiting asteroid lie was conjunct her Venus and ruler of her Sun. Which is conjunct Johnny's Mercury ( communication) and his Venus ( women in his life) Today I saw That Pallas Athena was conjunct Nessus with Neptune and the moon in Pisces. IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 7877 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted May 29, 2016 08:15 PM
This is the song that made Venessa Paradis famous, back in 1987. Omg she looks adorable and sooo young. She still to this days looks younger than her age.
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Lilithsquared Knowflake Posts: 120 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted May 30, 2016 09:43 AM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: Is there any evidence/proof of abuse by him ? I mean, a video caught him in action? I might be missing something... I havent followed this closely. I pnly saw a few pictures of a brown eye. Because those pictures of a brown eye dont prove anything. Anybody could have done that to her. She could have hired someone to punch her. She could have punched herself. Remember, Depp is worth $400 mln, and she only married him for 15 months.
i believe she said she has video evidence of one of the incidents of when he abused her. Depp is shady to me. There's the (close to conspiracy ) story of a guy that went missing when he was about to testify against Depp for instance, etc. rtner-anthony-fox-disappearance/ Also, apparently he was abusive to Winona (not physically at her but breaking things in her vicinity. She was still traumatized by it filming Black Swan and kept apologizing to Natalie Portman filming the scene where she terrorized a room, because she remembered what it felt like), also the Kate Moss hotel story, etc.
It's not exactly a stretch that an already violent (also, at least previously alcoholic, drug using) man would break at a stressful moment and lash out.
quote: Originally posted by Julz87: I agree with some of you, it just all seems so weird. She seems to have gone about all this in a very strange manner, police from what I read said they saw no disturbance - so its all so strange. She is coming off as a liar IMO and I hope this man doesn't take a big hit to his image because of this. Maybe this will open his eyes to the deep relationship she shared with Vanessa...I do agree that its about Karma though leaving her for what he thought was greener grass and karma always gets you..every time.
You think the judge would've given her a restraining order against Depp if there was no evidence? I think not.
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vesta Knowflake Posts: 3343 From: Stars Registered: May 2009
posted May 30, 2016 10:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lilithsquared: You think the judge would've given her a restraining order against Depp if there was no evidence? I think not.
The judge will order a restraining order under any allegations of abuse. With anyone This is only for protection if she is telling the truth. however, she is not In this case. So, please do not pre judge a man you know nothing about. There is a much larger story at play here than what you can see. Just wait he will be vindicated of all wrongs and you will see she lied.
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Lilithsquared Knowflake Posts: 120 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted May 30, 2016 10:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by vesta: The judge will order a restraining order under any allegations of abuse. With anyone This is only for protection if she is telling the truth. however, she is not In this case. So, please do not pre judge a man you know nothing about. There is a much larger story at play here than what you can see. Just wait he will be vindicated of all wrongs and you will see she lied.
Neither you and i have any idea really so your certainty that she must be lying is just amusing. Thanks. IP: Logged |
Bluejay Knowflake Posts: 824 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted May 30, 2016 10:55 AM
quote: Originally posted by vesta: So, please do not pre judge a man you know nothing about.
Vesta why don't you follow your own advice? You are judging a woman that you know nothing about, and calling her a liar. Yet you're asking others not to judge him? Actually there is evidence, including his own words that he has anger issues and a tendency to break things when angry. I don't think it makes him a horrible person, just someone that needs to work on anger management. IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 6145 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 30, 2016 12:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by Belage: Out of curiosity, I looked up asteroids Nessus and Dejanira, and also Lie to see where they are in the charts. Fascinating results!Depp: Nessus 2 gemini Dejanira 24 Cancer Lie 14 Aries Amber Heard: Nessus 21 Leo Dejanira 22 Aqua Lie 22 Leo So natally, Amber has Nessus oppose Dejanira and square her Venus, which looks to me like a marker for abuse. And her Nessus and Lie sit on Depp's ascendant, while her Dejanira is conjunct his Saturn in his 7th! Yes, looking at those aspects, I can agree as an astrologer that chances are Amber is telling the truth. Depp messed with someone who has exalted Mars. He's gon learn!
I have to go back and say that I am not so sure as an astrologer that Amber is telling the truth. The aspects I posted about can be interpreted in a different way. After all, it is HER Lie, conjunct HER Nessus that are in his 1st house. So it could be interpreted as her (Nessus) perpetrating abuse and her (Lie) lying on him. So far, his Nessus and Dejanira are not falling on any of her planets so we cannot say that he is abusing her. Unless they are falling on her ascendant or in her 1st house, but we do not know her ascendant... For all these reasons, I have to say that as an astrologer, I really don't know. I am missing an important information (Amber's time of birth) in order to make an informed interpretation. IP: Logged |
Lilithsquared Knowflake Posts: 120 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted May 30, 2016 12:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by Belage: I have to go back and say that I am not so sure as an astrologer that Amber is telling the truth. The aspects I posted about can be interpreted in a different way. After all, it is HER Lie, conjunct HER Nessus that are in his 1st house. So it could be interpreted as her (Nessus) perpetrating abuse and her (Lie) lying on him. So far, his Nessus and Dejanira are not falling on any of her planets so we cannot say that he is abusing her. Unless they are falling on her ascendant or in her 1st house, but we do not know her ascendant... For all these reasons, I have to say that as an astrologer, I really don't know. I am missing an important information (Amber's time of birth) in order to make an informed interpretation.
Nessus conjunct Lie though.. Say, if Mars conjuncts Saturn, Saturn inhibits the Mars. Could an interpretation of her Lie conjunct Nessus (opposite Dejanira no less) be seen as her (Dejanira) downfall/ victimization due to a falsified image of her Nessus/ a falsified image of her as an abuser? It's not like this incident is doing her any favors. IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 6145 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 30, 2016 12:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lilithsquared: Nessus conjunct Lie though.. Say, if Mars conjuncts Saturn, Saturn inhibits the Mars.Could an interpretation of her Lie conjunct Nessus (opposite Dejanira no less) be seen as her (Dejanira) downfall/ victimization due to a falsified image of her Nessus/ a falsified image of her as an abuser? It's not like this incident is doing her any favors.
Yes, there could be a number of valid interpretations. The thing about the Nessus/Dejanira symbols is that we all have in us the potential to play either one. After all, they are our planets. So if MY Pluto is sitting on someone's planet or ascendant, it's MY Pluto that's doing the Plutonic thing, not the other person's planet or ascendant that's conjunct my Pluto. That has been bugging me since yesterday, so I had to come back and revise my opinion. ETA: My interpretation of Nessus conjunct Lie would be that Nessus uses lies to achieve his goal. Those 2 planets work very well together. After all, in the mythological story, Nessus lied to Dejanira. ETA2: this is not to say that Depp doesn't lie. After all, he has Lie conjunct Jupiter.
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Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 4239 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted May 30, 2016 12:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by page one: She would have gained a lot more if she had kept her mouth shut and made a quiet settlement. She didn't. And he does have a history of this thing, with both Kate Moss and Winona Ryder. So yes, it's definitely possible.
I disagree. Both Kate Moss and Winona Ryder have a story of troubled personality and substance abuse. Especially Moss. She is a drug addict. IP: Logged |
LaceyLeigh Knowflake Posts: 1400 From: Registered: Jul 2014
posted May 30, 2016 01:32 PM
It's sad what astrology has become. Checking the charts to see if someone is an abuser or the abused - what a crock. Free will is a beautiful and sometimes a very ugly thing, people. I have also been a victim of parental and sibling abuse and no marks were left. Some people bruise easy, some don't. IP: Logged |
stillatlarge Knowflake Posts: 792 From: TX Registered: Nov 2010
posted May 30, 2016 01:49 PM
Never a peep to police about an assault- IP: Logged |
LaceyLeigh Knowflake Posts: 1400 From: Registered: Jul 2014
posted May 30, 2016 01:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by stillatlarge: Never a peep to police about an assault-
That doesn't mean it never happened.
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Sulkyarcher unregistered
posted May 30, 2016 02:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by LaceyLeigh: That doesn't mean it never happened.
I know what you mean, sometimes the abuser hides it, or lies about it. Although I'm holding my judgment about Johnny and the woman, I can definitely see abusers hiding, lying, or blackmailing their victims. IP: Logged |
theunknown Knowflake Posts: 3182 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 30, 2016 02:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by LaceyLeigh: It's sad what astrology has become. Checking the charts to see if someone is an abuser or the abused - what a crock. Free will is a beautiful and sometimes a very ugly thing, people. I have also been a victim of parental and sibling abuse and no marks were left. Some people bruise easy, some don't.
You know, I just wanted to open a thread and discuss how to analyze what's happening right now. Astrology itself cannot replace reality, evidences, lived lives. And it's obvious here, none of us know what happened and some people clearly jumped to all sorts of conclusion. It's easier to look at Depp because he's lived a longer life. He has a track record. I don't think anybody here has the right to call people names and disrespect either party (the way some posters here call Amber a "chick," ... Etc). One can speculate but acting like they know the truth is just sad, frost and foremost for the respective poster. I kinda regret that I created this thread now. IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 6145 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 30, 2016 02:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by theunknown: You know, I just wanted to open a thread and discuss how to analyze what's happening right now. Astrology itself cannot replace reality, evidences, lived lives. And it's obvious here, none of us know what happened and some people clearly jumped to all sorts of conclusion.It's easier to look at Depp because he's lived a longer life. He has a track record. I don't think anybody here has the right to call people names and disrespect either party (the way some posters here call Amber a "chick," ... Etc). One can speculate but acting like they know the truth is just sad, frost and foremost for the respective poster. I kinda regret that I created this thread now.
There was nothing wrong with you opening up a thread on this.We analyze every damn thing through astrology on this forum. But somehow, abuse is supposed to be off limit?? That's why sometimes I stay away from certain subjects on astrology forums because there are always people who take things too personally and forget it's not about them. People should stay on topic by keeping their posts astrology related, and try to keep their personal issues out of the thread. Yeah, that sounds harsh, but it's the only way we can have unbiased astrological discussions and even learn something. But somehow it never seems to happen. I understand more and more why this science used to be part of secret societies and was not open to the general public.
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stillatlarge Knowflake Posts: 792 From: TX Registered: Nov 2010
posted May 30, 2016 03:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by LaceyLeigh: That doesn't mean it never happened.
Really? WHAT would? He was long gone by the time the police got there. What possible reason could there be for not telling them right after it happened if she was gonna file for divorce within hours and use this incident, literally? Could it be because they wouldn't have seen anything and because making a false report in California is a felony?IP: Logged |
theunknown Knowflake Posts: 3182 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 30, 2016 03:33 PM
Yes, Belage, I agree. I don't think abuses are the problem here. I don't have problems discussing abuses at all. Everyone, please link your speculation to astrology in your post. If you want to merely speculate please go to the comment section on all the tabloids and you'll find your fellow supporters.
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ilunatique Knowflake Posts: 790 From: Registered: Jun 2014
posted May 30, 2016 03:42 PM
she recovered so fast from all that abuse and fear, lol vanessa paradis stood for him, he didnt abuse in the past
lol, just lol. this is what you get for marrying a younger gold digger
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athenegoddess Knowflake Posts: 627 From: us Registered: Sep 2018
posted May 30, 2016 04:45 PM
He is having a mid life crises and he is abusive because he knows what he did was wrong plus he does drugs and drinks and looks awful now. She isn't lying. She said he wanted to pay her to be quiet about it but she refused.IP: Logged |
LaceyLeigh Knowflake Posts: 1400 From: Registered: Jul 2014
posted May 30, 2016 04:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by Belage: [QUOTE]Originally posted by theunknown: [b] You know, I just wanted to open a thread and discuss how to analyze what's happening right now. Astrology itself cannot replace reality, evidences, lived lives. And it's obvious here, none of us know what happened and some people clearly jumped to all sorts of conclusion.It's easier to look at Depp because he's lived a longer life. He has a track record. I don't think anybody here has the right to call people names and disrespect either party (the way some posters here call Amber a "chick," ... Etc). One can speculate but acting like they know the truth is just sad, frost and foremost for the respective poster. I kinda regret that I created this thread now.
There was nothing wrong with you opening up a thread on this.We analyze every damn thing through astrology on this forum. But somehow, abuse is supposed to be off limit?? That's why sometimes I stay away from certain subjects on astrology forums because there are always people who take things too personally and forget it's not about them. People should stay on topic by keeping their posts astrology related, and try to keep their personal issues out of the thread. Yeah, that sounds harsh, but it's the only way we can have unbiased astrological discussions and even learn something. But somehow it never seems to happen. I understand more and more why this science used to be part of secret societies and was not open to the general public. [/B][/QUOTE] It does become a problem when you use it to shame and blame a person because of the day/time they were born. "She has this in her chart, so she must be lying", "he has this in his chart, so it must be true", "she has Aries placements, she started it" It's ridiculous. You can find anything you want in a chart if you look hard enough. It was kept underground because it was a pseudo-science, and it still is. IP: Logged |
stillatlarge Knowflake Posts: 792 From: TX Registered: Nov 2010
posted May 30, 2016 04:57 PM IP: Logged |