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Author Topic:   Johnny Depp and Amber Heard divorce

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posted June 01, 2016 09:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for theunknown     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@alegna: there's no evidence that she has been involved with her gay ex all along. She has plenty of gay friends so partying with them is just her scene. Johnny is not like a partner that gave a fig about the marriage either. He disappeared for a month without contacting her. You want her to sit there and sob? Why is the burden of family morality on the women?

"Johnny tends to get moody and difficult and go into himself when things aren't right in a relationship," says a source who knows Depp. "When he gets like that, he can act nasty. It doesn't made for a good marriage."

Depp's own quote on the day of the hotel incident with Moss
"It was a bad day. It was just feeling on display, feeling like a novelty, really. And it was being around people who only talked about the work and the money and you just think, **** you. **** you. And then you walk into this hotel you've never been at, that someone's booked you in, and you go, "Blaaaagghh - I can't stand it anymore, man. I hate it!" I would have been much better off in a barn with a bottle of wine and some hay. There was a part of me that was just like, **** it. I don't want to be stared at, I don't want to be poked at, I don't want to be prodded. You just want to live simply and not be ****** with. So it just mounted and mounted and I socked a vase or something. It felt good, felt right. It just seemed like the right thing to do, smash a couple of things. And it was. (2003)"

I think these quotes really reflect his capricorn moon trine pluto.

@teasel: yes, and in this case, since she is also bisexual, people will have more reason to say she lacks "family values" and excuse violence.

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posted June 01, 2016 09:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for theunknown     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by alegna:

You are comparing this to cases of extreme violence where women got seriously hurt.

Amber's bruise was not there when the police arrived, nor did ahe make any accusations at the time. It's more likely that the bruise was self inflicted at a later point in time.

The bruise is only a minor injury , in any case, you can barely see it. The whole thing is over the top to a ridiculous degree.She probably sustained worse injuries having her botox jabs

if she indeed was suffocated, and this is just an if, then she can't seem to prove to you, can she?

I have known a few women who were/are in terribly abusive relationships and rarely do they have so visible bruises like the case of Rihanna ....

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posted June 01, 2016 09:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for alegna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i was talking about the case in point-amber's bruise -it has nothing to do withRianna or anyone else's injuries.

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From: Bella's Hair Salon
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posted June 01, 2016 09:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
When the violence occurred:

Transiting sun conjunct his Nessus, transiting Mars opposing his Nessus. Transiting Dejanira conjunct her sun.

I do NOT believe asteroids can or should be used to establish guilt. However, that is intriguing. The theme matches the news.

I don't mean to put her on trial, if anything I think she is sincere, but it's a curious thing to me that she put up with abuse so long before doing anything about it.

Also the timeline will make people doubt her sincerity:

* On May 23, Heard files for divorce from Depp citing irreconcilable differences. In the divorce petition, Heard, 30, asks for spousal support from Depp, 52.

* May 26: Johnny Depp has asked a court to determine that he should not pay spousal support to his estranged wife Amber Heard, who filed for divorce after 15 months of marriage.

* May 27: Heard alleges Depp abused her and goes to court to get a restraining order

She asks for money before the restraining order? Anyone else find her priorities a little odd?

Or maybe he responded to her request for money so violently that she only felt she needed the restraining order afterwards.

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From: Bella's Hair Salon
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posted June 01, 2016 10:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

^ That was Sept, 2015.

^ Valentine's Day this year.

It's just hard for people to understand how she could act like that while being verbally and physically abused.

Stockholm Syndrome? If the allegations are true.

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posted June 01, 2016 10:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for alegna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It is odd-something just does not smell right. I think he was set up and she is the abuser. It seems the whole marrige was a sham from the get-go.She wanted his money and he-flattered by the attentions of a much younger woman-stupidly fell for it hook , line and sinker

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posted June 01, 2016 10:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for missblyss     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't really understand what is hard to believe about a woman getting abused and still loving and having moments of outward connectedness and happiness with a man. It happens ALL the time. Women do not always flee on the first sign of abuse. I've known a good amount of women who didn't, more who let it persist than immediately walked away. And the abuse is not always "flaring", there can be great periods of love in between the outbursts..

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posted June 01, 2016 10:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I hope you guys won't get into heated arguments on something we don't know any facts about.

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posted June 01, 2016 11:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Belage     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I read the posts about Amber having mercury square Neptune and went back to check her chart. The square is almost exact (1 degree orb), and I also notice her mercury is quincunx Pluto exactly.

My experience and observation of people with mercury square Neptune are that these people do have an issue with telling the truth. Even when presented with the facts of their lie, they will stick to it in a way that is unrealistic and disturbing and make you doubt your own reason.

As for the exact quincunx to Pluto, I am not so clear how to interpret it. Quincunx have more of a seesaw effect, so she could be abusive verbally, or she could be abused verbally, or both.

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posted June 01, 2016 11:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Belage     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Faith:
When the violence occurred:

Transiting sun conjunct his Nessus, transiting Mars opposing his Nessus. Transiting Dejanira conjunct her sun.

I do NOT believe asteroids can or should be used to establish guilt. However, that is intriguing. The theme matches the news.


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posted June 01, 2016 11:26 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Orange:
I hope you guys won't get into heated arguments on something we don't know any facts about.

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posted June 01, 2016 12:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Belage     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Faith:
When the violence occurred:

Transiting sun conjunct his Nessus, transiting Mars opposing his Nessus. Transiting Dejanira conjunct her sun.

I do NOT believe asteroids can or should be used to establish guilt. However, that is intriguing. The theme matches the news.

I don't mean to put her on trial, if anything I think she is sincere, but it's a curious thing to me that she put up with abuse so long before doing anything about it.

I kept rewriting my answer so I had to delete it.

The lineup is more complicated. On that day, Transit Nessus and Transit Dejanira are SEXTILE!! Thus working together!!

While transiting Sun was conjunct his Nessus, transiting Nessus was square his Nessus!
Also, transiting Lie was approaching a conjunction of their Venus/Venus/Mercury conjunction and that transit became exact around the time that Amber made the abuse allegations.

My take is that on that fateful day of May 21, they had an argument. Depp may have verbally abused Amber with Transiting Sun conjunct his Nessus in airy Gemini. He probably felt abused himself with Transiting Nessus opposing his Mars/Uranus and sextiling Amber's Sun. And let's not forget Transiting retro Mars squaring his Mars/Uranus aspect and quincunxing Amber's Sun.

With transiting Lie conjunct their Venuses, I am not convinced the abuse was physical and a pattern throughout the marriage.

If indeed Depp physically abused her throughout their marriage, in the end, with her hard working karmic Mars in Capricorn, Amber will be vindicated and will exact a price for what he did to her. But if he did not abuse her and she is just trying to make quick money out of the marriage, her Mars in capp will not serve her. Mars in capp gives ultimate rewards, but always through hard work and dedication.

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posted June 01, 2016 12:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for florence     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by maira:
Looking at her birth chart, I know someone wit a Sun-Pluto opposition in the same houses - sun-moon in 10th, pluto in the 4th; he came across as a plutonian, but he externalized the abuse, and considered himself to be the kindest person who was getting abused by others. From the chart, I'd say that she is a victim, although before looking at the chart, I tended not to believe her story.

I've known someone with sun opp Pluto who was very manipulative and likewise thought he was being abused by others. For sure, it can be harnessed for better but I always look side-ways at this aspect now. However, if it's her aspect, as a sun aspect she'd likely attract a man to externalise this? So it doesn't really reveal much other than that either or both are likely to feel the victim and yet be the abuser.

I actually believe he did physically abuse her but even early on into their r/ship seeing one pic of them together she seemed to have a power he didn't. It's no excuse though.

For some reason it reminded me of the heather mills and paul McCartney marriage - he abused her by all accounts, she was called a gold-digger, she emanated more power over him in public and it was fought out in public.

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posted June 01, 2016 12:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DualGem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Premise is that Johnny is getting older as a Gem and he wants a stable long term relationship but with someone younger
just to feel young again.

Sometimes it takes time for a Gem to figure out what they want and when that happens it might be too late.

Thats why I think I made up my mind I will most likely be single, live with my cat and turn Software Engineering into the focus of the rest of my life, don't have time for anything else, lol.

The problem is since he's older he'll come off as a bit controlling.

Part of me thinks she wants to brake free of his grip and he's not to happy so he will turn to manipulation games and went ballistic.

I don't think he abused her per-say, he probability played mental manipulation games.

Geminis do that once the relation starts going sour or not the way they want it.

I don't think he physical abused her, but I'm sure she feels he can do so with the manipulation.

You don't know how a gem can change behind close doors if there not getting there way.

Gemini Sun,
Capricorn Rising
Aries Moon
Gemini Mercury
Venus Taurus
Mars Can

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Posts: 21731
From: Bella's Hair Salon
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posted June 01, 2016 12:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by missblyss:
I don't really understand what is hard to believe about a woman getting abused and still loving and having moments of outward connectedness and happiness with a man. It happens ALL the time. Women do not always flee on the first sign of abuse. I've known a good amount of women who didn't, more who let it persist than immediately walked away. And the abuse is not always "flaring", there can be great periods of love in between the outbursts..

I understand that.

But...I think other people don't? That's what I meant.


If this was more than just physical squabbles, which I think are fairly common in relationships...if Amber was really beaten and threatened and abused...that is Stockholm Syndrome, as far as I understand it.

I might delete this later, I feel weird saying it...

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posted June 01, 2016 12:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bluestskies88     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
she's lying. look at the bruises...they move each time there's a new photo that's being released. the LAPD was there on may 21st right after their 'fight', they found no evidence of domestic abuse. JD is not being charged with abuse either. so something is not right here. usually, cops would side with the woman right away for protection.

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Empty Spaces

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posted June 01, 2016 01:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Empty Spaces     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Boy I like him,but if he did that I cant accept and be on his side.Thats horrible!
For now I prefer to believe he didnt.

Oh by the way according to his chart we are soulmates lol

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posted June 01, 2016 02:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bluejay     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In Johnny's natal he has Saturn square Mercury and Venus, which also squares her Venus. His Capricorn Moon squares her Libra Moon, at least by sign. This seems fitting for a much older man marrying a young woman, and I can imagine he probably comes off as very critical from her point of view. Whether he really is or not, it might feel that way to her.

In the past he has been with quite a few women with Capricorn strong in their charts, so those Saturn squares and Cap Moon might not have felt so suffocating to them. I guess Amber's Cap Mars got his attention, but his Moon on her Mars might cause heated emotional arguments. With Amber being so much younger she probably feels like he nags and criticizes her, which can feel like constant verbal abuse. With their synastry I could see them both being harsh with each other when they disagree about the slightest thing. Having Mars/Pluto DW, neither one wants to back down.

I really think these are two people that can push each other's buttons, and bring out the worst in each other when they argue. Both of them are accusing the other as being the problem, but the truth is most likely in the middle, with both of them getting out of hand when angry.

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posted June 01, 2016 02:46 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DualGem:

Thats why I think I made up my mind I will most likely be single, live with my cat and turn Software Engineering into the focus of the rest of my life, don't have time for anything else, lol.

Cats can be demanding too, just FYI.

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posted June 01, 2016 02:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Belage     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Bluejay:
In Johnny's natal he has Saturn square Mercury and Venus, which also squares her Venus. His Capricorn Moon squares her Libra Moon, at least by sign. This seems fitting for a much older man marrying a young woman, and I can imagine he probably comes off as very critical from her point of view. Whether he really is or not, it might feel that way to her.

In the past he has been with quite a few women with Capricorn strong in their charts, so those Saturn squares and Cap Moon might not have felt so suffocating to them. I guess Amber's Cap Mars got his attention, but his Moon on her Mars might cause heated emotional arguments. With Amber being so much younger she probably feels like he nags and criticizes her, which can feel like constant verbal abuse. With their synastry I could see them both being harsh with each other when they disagree about the slightest thing. Having Mars/Pluto DW, neither one wants to back down.

Interesting take. I agree with a lot of it.

My feeling is that with natal Saturn in 7th house, Depp took forever to tie the knot, which is fitting as Saturn delays marriage. But he should have married someone older, or someone with success of her own, not a pretty young thing like Amber who needs his spousal support, that's the dark side of Saturn in 7th, the marriage partner becomes a burden. He should have married Vanessa, as their relationship had all the hallmark of Saturnian tie. She was a star in her own rights and they had been together for 14 years with 2 children...

Another example of someone with 7th house Saturn: Warren Beatty, who married Annette Benning when he was in his 50s. She was much younger, but she had already established herself in Hollywood as a serious actress with 1 Oscar, 3 Golden Globes, 1 BAFTA and numerous other awards.

Saturn in 7th has to pick his marriage partner Or there is karma to pay.

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posted June 01, 2016 03:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Bluejay:
In Johnny's natal he has Saturn square Mercury and Venus, which also squares her Venus. His Capricorn Moon squares her Libra Moon, at least by sign. This seems fitting for a much older man marrying a young woman, and I can imagine he probably comes off as very critical from her point of view. Whether he really is or not, it might feel that way to her.

In the past he has been with quite a few women with Capricorn strong in their charts, so those Saturn squares and Cap Moon might not have felt so suffocating to them. I guess Amber's Cap Mars got his attention, but his Moon on her Mars might cause heated emotional arguments. With Amber being so much younger she probably feels like he nags and criticizes her, which can feel like constant verbal abuse. With their synastry I could see them both being harsh with each other when they disagree about the slightest thing. Having Mars/Pluto DW, neither one wants to back down.

I really think these are two people that can push each other's buttons, and bring out the worst in each other when they argue. Both of them are accusing the other as being the problem, but the truth is most likely in the middle, with both of them getting out of hand when angry.


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posted June 01, 2016 03:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bluejay     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I wonder if they had met after her Saturn return would things have gone smoother? It seems like the split is a result of her Saturn return since anything that's not solid will be torn down. It's been hitting his chart too. Marriages with that large of an age gap aren't easy anyway, and it's been tested early. I would've liked for him to stay with Vanessa too. If I was her, he never would've made Rum Diary . I remember seeing a scene when the movie came out and I knew Johnny and Amber would end up together.

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posted June 01, 2016 03:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
*edit. Never mind. There's no point in my response. Not when someone is already fixed on their own opinion.

Whichever way this turns out - which one of them is telling the truth - will be awful. If he's really hurt her, then he needs help. If she's lying, then she needs help.

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Posts: 176
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posted June 01, 2016 03:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for alegna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am sorry you had to endure such terrible treatment. Your family member sounds like a real psycho. Big hug

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posted June 01, 2016 04:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for maira     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by florence:
I've known someone with sun opp Pluto who was very manipulative and likewise thought he was being abused by others. For sure, it can be harnessed for better but I always look side-ways at this aspect now. However, if it's her aspect, as a sun aspect she'd likely attract a man to externalise this? So it doesn't really reveal much other than that either or both are likely to feel the victim and yet be the abuser.

I actually believe he did physically abuse her but even early on into their r/ship seeing one pic of them together she seemed to have a power he didn't. It's no excuse though.

For some reason it reminded me of the heather mills and paul McCartney marriage - he abused her by all accounts, she was called a gold-digger, she emanated more power over him in public and it was fought out in public.

The opposition is about integration; I have it also, with Pluto in 1st. Their whole story has a plutonian feel, and pluto is about control, and who has it. But Pluto is also very vulnerable underneath its veneer; maybe she thought she can handle it and she lost control at some point?

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