posted September 18, 2016 04:12 AM
Originally posted by mymeyou:
I checked my solar return chart for the next year and if I stay at my place on my birthday I will have uranus in 8th house. Did anyone had any experience with that. I will also have solar return uranus in opposition to solar return jupiter in 2nd house.
I will have to pay more on insurences and taxes so I expect to "loose" some money. When would it indicate death or accidents? I will also have mars in 6th house which could be a sign for surgery.
I have Uranus in 8th and Mars in 6th natally.So i can only comment from that perspective.
Uranus in 8th has one detach(Uranus)from sexual intimacy (8th). Or is sexually drawn or intimate with someone(8th) who shares their ideals(Uranus)
From a more psychological point of view(8th) it could suggest the instinctive detachment/freedom(Uranus) from the area of life that Uranus rules in the chart.
If Uranus rules the 1st, you could find yoursef feeling like you dont know who u are anymore.
If ruling the 2nd, you want to give or throw away things that were once valuable to you.
If ruling the 3rd, you sense a distance between yourself and siblings or change your mind about what you thought you knew. Etc
Mars in 6th suggests a pioneering attitude(Mars) towards the things of the 6th.
It may suggest someone who may be the suffer(6th) from achne, headaches or poor eye signt(Mars)
A gym(6th) fanatic or ethuisiast(Mars)
The 1st (Mars)to get a job(6th)
Danger(Mars) at work(6th)
The 1st(Mars) to start a business(6th)
The winner(Mars) of a job(6th) or most suitable candidate for it etc.
It may also suggest that there could be health issues(6th) related to the head or mental area(Mars).Or that one may suffer some challenges(6th)with regards to the area lf life that Mars rules i.e
If Mars rules the 1st, a possible sickness of the body
If Mars rules the 2nd, a possible cash flow issue
If Mars rules the 12th, trouble sleeping
If Mars rules the 11th, disputes with friends
With death or accidents, i would look for more cross links between houses.
I had a car accident when Mars arced to oppose my natal Asc. Mars rules my 1st house and transiting Uranus/Neptune were squaring my natal Mars in the 6th at the time.Solar Arc Moon(in the 3rd) was squaring Pluto and transitin Mars was squaring natal Pluto and conjunt the Ic.