posted December 26, 2016 07:16 PM
Soren... I really appreciate how you described the Christian holiday as having been adapted from the pagans. That they celebrated the 'intention' of Jesus' Birth. And it gently doesn't matter really when He was born. What matters is that he came into this earth (like you and I) and his life and messages still apply today.Christmas (et al) is about Sharing...
Valentine is about Sharing...
We GIVE something FROM ourselves TO an Other.
Learning to DO the sharing, NOT out of a sense of obligation, but APPLYING yourself TO the action and intention of Giving, is what counts. You make a bridge from your material and your Consciousness TO an Other Person.
Learn to be a Cheerful Giver... and it Gives Back in ways you'd never expect. And these are LONG Lasting.
I saw the comment you made saying that some have called out 'The End' to age of Pisces (Jesus' Age), and that it is 'now' to 'only' be Aquarius. No god but your own self, is what I hear some teachers promoting. I think they missed the 'spiritual' part of it, somehow....
The Age of Aquarius.... is Called to Be The Age of TRUE Brotherhood and Sisterhood, and Neighborhood, and Planet'hood.
For us born in this age right now, we would have needed to learn and inbody the lessons of Compassion and Sharing (like at Christmas) first, before we Understand Aquarius. We need that ability or capacity to be moved within us, with Compassionate Hearts and Minds.... before our relo to the 'Hood of Aquarius.
Without Compassion.... and regard to the plight of other Humans (on the planet, including the planet and all that dwells upon it), this human race will cease to exist. Quietly... asking What would have killed it? .... (without judging, I say) selfishness, blinders. Being out for Number One as the ONLY one.
Jesus.... was from Piscean Age, but also is referred to in the symbol of Aquarius.
He is the clay figure of "The Man" of Flesh Pouring out Waters (Pisces), of Compassions from the lips of the Potter's Vessel... He (and we) are the clay vessel, fixed human-forms; our body, the outer Temple or House, for our living and eternal soul, and the Indwelling of The Spirit of God (aka MotherFatherGod; Love... and every positive attribute).
Jesus Laid Down His Life (his career, his reputation, his wants and ego needs). He was obedient to the plan of God for his life, when his flesh would have rathered him not to suffer the kind of death that was prophesied. He lay down his mortal life, all the fame and success and Power he could have had through his Magnetism and Sheer Attractiveness.... He gave up his biology, in order to follow and do a Service of supreme sacrifice for the Whole of Humanity. And, we owe NOTHING for this, except to accept it, and just Live. There is NO Requirement to feel guilty for this (as some religions like to harp and beat people up with a little too strongly, for a sensitive-few.... I know about that-- feeling like I was 'the blame' for everything. The leaf falls off the tree??, was my fault! *gives up* LOL).
The ONLY thing we Owe (Jesus) is TO Live our life, in similar manner... We think about not-just our self, but Others....We Love Ourself. We Love the Things of Spirit. We Love Others. We must be Strong.... for and to each other. Our future depends on it.
The Birth of Jesus is historically guessed-- from accounts of star formations, prophetic events in the sky, and governmental records of his existence.
... Jesus was most-likely a Pisces (~OR! LOL, 29Virgo/zero degree Libra!).
With the Pisces Sun birth time, he would have been also born with a powerful Pisces Stellium, cluster.... born to be sacrificed.
(see refs in 'Magi' post bumped in Div Div).
Rituals are just the OUTER representation of something that marks what occurred or is about to occur on the INSIDE.
{{You missed some of my Yule postings! LOL. }}
Even as I watched Yule youtubes... I could 'tell' the difference between the ones who really Knew and Understood what Power there is in the symbolisms, and sounds. They 'Knew' what their holiday was about.
Everything we do, works for something. It advances us.... sometimes if not right away, there's an outpouring later.
That's like Communion in the church... Not everyone discerns what the True meanings are, and how Rich the Power of that Symbol potential is, when we engage in re-enacting.
(Laughing here.... I think I could preach?! omg LOL!!!!! ha! A Christmas Inspired Sag Rising Chart here. --- ADD, I'm a supporter-type person. I've had training, and people do ask me questions and listen to me.... but I'm a one on one person. I've never been really a formal preacher-type. Maybe years ago? --- yeah, you'd have seen me jumping on fire all over the place! LOL... No. I think my place is in the audience, drawing down the anointing. Staying in my lane of abilities.) *reverie over*
Okay.... some silly Christmas-like proof???
EVEN one of my preBirth Eclipses happened ON Christmas Morning, about 20 mins past Midnight, while I was IN my Mother's Womb, who was in church right then for Midnight Mass. She was at the point of pregnancy where she was probably feeling the Quickenings in her womb right then. {"quickening", in obstetrics, is the perception of movement}. She felt the leaping and twirling of the developing baby within her womb.
(Oh! AND, to add that I was born on Pentecost Sunday, too!!! Zeal and Enthusiasm have always been a part of my Sag-rising nature.... with all the somberness, depths, and sensitivities of Water and Scorpio too-- H11 Scorp, H12 Scorp; stellium 8th CancerCusp)
Bottom line......? I am a Lover of the Divine, and a Poetic Soul.
Learn what the symbolism IS behind your rituals. Don't just go through the motions. LEARN, then 'own' what that is-- for your heritage, your belief system.
I think this song sums a lot of it....
(music) The Secret of Christmas (Bing Crosby, lyrics) [1:47]
"It's not the things you do at Christmas time, it's the Christmas things you do all year through."
Oh, It's not the glow you feel, when snow appears
It's not the Christmas card, you've sent for years
Not the joyful sound, when sleigh bells ring (ring ring ring)
Or the merry songs the children sing
The little gift you send, on Christmas day,
Will not bring back a friend you turned away
So may we suggest the secret of Christmas
It's not the things you do at Christmas time
But the Christmas things you do all year through.
*Thanks for reading...... I know it's long. I hope it was worth it.*
Send with Love.