Topic: Let's look at Dwads and Duads again!
KoreAbyss Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Apr 2016
posted December 27, 2016 03:16 AM
DWAD chart: Easily calculated on when you choose "harmonic chart" in the drop down box and then put "12" in the day box. DWAD is 12th harmonic.This is when you consider every 2.5 degrees of any sign to start with ARIES and so on. DUAD chart: A bit more difficult to calculate. You need an astrology program (unless you feel like doing it with a calculator) to give you the precise degree a planet or point is but you can see it's general sign in this handy chart. This is when you consider every 2.5 degrees of the sign to begin with it's current sign and so on. Alright, so I was just reading on another thread in astrology for beginners about the difference between dwads and duads. Pretty interesting, right? Well, let's have some fun with them! I know a guy that has Mars in Leo. Now, I'm sure you all have a million things jump to mind about Leo Mars. Of course this Leo influence will have a lot to do with his personality but if we ask him about himself he'll tell you that he used to be very shy, He still is shy but not as bad. Leo..shy? His mars is in the DWAD of Virgo. Oooh well that makes much more sense. Which DUAD is it in? Sagittarius. Score +1 for DWADs? What was his mother like? Well there is a school of thought that says a Male's chart is opposite a Female's chart when it comes to the MC/IC (this has proven pretty accurate for me). In a Female's chart the IC represents mother while the MC represents father. In a Male's chart the IC represents father while the MC represents mother. His mother was apparently quite shy as well. His Moon is also in Leo with his MC in Cancer (ruled by Moon). The DWAD of his MC is in Virgo. He says he got that attitude from his mother. Curiouser and curiouser! Okay so what's this guy say he is like in relationships? He gives too much and his partner's will be selfish or self centered. Okay cool so his DSC is in Aries and that totally follows but his DWAD DSC is in Leo. That makes even more sense, dontcha think? I could go on and on but let's see what you come up with? Please, share whatever you like about DWADs and DUADs. I'd love to read about your findings and I'll be putting more stuff I find soon. This might just end up being a dumping ground for "oh, dwad's explained it quicker!" IP: Logged |
KoreAbyss Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Apr 2016
posted December 27, 2016 03:30 AM
Just found something else. Another friend has a father who is super manipulative. This man is like a salesman, trying to get people to invest in dealings he knows are shady. My friend's natal IC is in Gemini and his DWAD IC is in Scorpio. Doesn't that seem to make a lot of sense? I'm super psyched up about this haha. Seems so fun and accurate. He describes his mother as very strong, natal MC in Sagittarius but his DWAD MC is in Taurus. Seems accurate as well. IP: Logged |
charlie Knowflake Posts: 5032 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted December 27, 2016 06:17 AM
What is more prominent: dwads or duads??IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted December 27, 2016 06:27 AM
Aww, yes let`s!Dwads are actually the signs in the 12th harmonic chart, which I believe could be potentially an important harmonic, as it reflects the sign-relationships of the zodiac we use. so bringing together the major aspects conjunction, opposition, trine, square, sextile plus quinkunx and semisextile. I`ve also found it fascinating in synastry-terms, though for some reason I got distracted from investigating it further. my sign placement - Dwad - Duad
Sun: Sag - Aqua - Libra Moon: Aqua - Libra - Leo ASC: Sag - Gemini - Aqua MC. Libra - Taurus - Scorpio Mercury: Sag - Aqua - Libra Venus: Cap - Gemini - Pisces Mars: Sag - Gemini - Aqua Well despite feeling the 12th harmonic/ Dwad chart is an important chart, I don`t see all that Gemini-stuff in me, not at all, especially not in terms of Venus.
The 12th harmonic is more important imo in terms of aspects, but not signbackground. (just in terms of my own perspective of course, not as a general statement) Oh and btw in my chart the IC is more representative of my Dad and the MC of my Mom. Though I actually donīt think that it can always be easily differentiated like that.
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KoreAbyss Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Apr 2016
posted December 27, 2016 06:38 AM
Interesting! I'm not sure which is more prominent or influential. I think at this point we should keep our options open and just see what comes of our analysis. Ceri, you don't see all that Gemini in your chart, hm... I wonder if we could make more connections with it though. Would you put up your natal and your 12th harmonic chart so we can look into it further? I could say what I think and we could see if it has any significance if you'd like. I would like to! Also, I wanted to start a thread about it in synastry too. Should we? I think it's a great idea! IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted December 27, 2016 07:08 AM
Yes, I am absolutely up for it, I do see the aspects but not really the Gemini signature in my social life. And yes yes yes to synastry! IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted December 27, 2016 07:13 AM
my natal ---------- [/URL] my Dwad/ 12th harm. chart --------------------------- [/URL]
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KoreAbyss Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Apr 2016
posted December 30, 2016 08:12 PM
Hm...Ceri, Your personality does exude lots of Sag, higher mind and I can see the Gemini since the axis is all about taking your vision (Sag) and putting it into words (Gem). You do both. You have big ideas and then you talk through it and share it with others (all of us appreciate it too!)
What's your DUAD chart look like? I have to install a free program that will do it for me. I've done it using a calculator before but I don't wanna do that again hahaha. IP: Logged |
SalemsEnd Knowflake Posts: 78 From: The Pleiades Registered: May 2016
posted December 31, 2016 12:33 AM
I've known my duads for a while, but I didn't know the dwads was the 12th harmonic. So thanks for that! Too easy Oh look, more Gemini. Lol.~ Natal sign, dwad, duad: Sun: Leo, Gemini, Libra Moon: Gemini, Gemini, Leo Mercury: Virgo, Taurus, Libra Venus: Virgo, Gemini, Scorpio Mars: Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini ASC: Capricorn, Scorpio, Leo I can't tell though because the influence could be explained by other things, you know? E.g. -Scorpio duad of Virgo Venus + Gemini dwad...I have pluto square Venus and mercury conjunct and parallel venus. -Leo duad of moon, libra duad of sun....but my moon is in the 5th house, and sun in the 7th. -Sag dwad of Mars...but I have my mars making a tight trine to Jupiter... etc, etc, etc. There could be some validity to it. I've always said my mother is a secret Virgo, despite the fact that she's actually a Pisces, has zero Virgo planets and nothing in the 6th house. In her 12th Harmonic she's a Virgo Sun, mercury, and Mars. Unless she's just channelling her opposite sign, which people DO do, I've observed. It's certainly worth some more exploration and experimentation though. Interesting stuff. IP: Logged |
Electro DGX Moderator Posts: 2181 From: Mars Registered: Jul 2015
posted December 31, 2016 02:58 AM
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Ceridwen unregistered
posted December 31, 2016 06:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by KoreAbyss: Hm...Ceri, Your personality does exude lots of Sag, higher mind and I can see the Gemini since the axis is all about taking your vision (Sag) and putting it into words (Gem). You do both. You have big ideas and then you talk through it and share it with others (all of us appreciate it too!)
What's your DUAD chart look like? I have to install a free program that will do it for me. I've done it using a calculator before but I don't wanna do that again hahaha.
Hmm yes, but the talking bit is also my Mercury. Sure Geminis like to talk, but there is a whole of other symbolism attached to Geminis, which I lack. The lightheartedness, the curiosity (I have), the swift changes of focus (to experience something new), the noncommittal conversation-skills - obviously that is generalized. And yes, I CAN be conversational, communicative etc, but I am more "fixed" in doing so, and like to stay with one topic for longer than the "generalized/ typical" Gemini would. I could even see the Gemini-traits in terms of my Sun or ASC, but Venus? Nope. Does not fit me. my Duad chart [/URL] IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted December 31, 2016 06:41 AM
I remember I once did a short analysis on twins here, using the Duad charts (following Alice Portman`s example). Sure I was not completely right, but it was an interesting exercise. IP: Logged |
Lerena Knowflake Posts: 1388 From: Registered: May 2015
posted December 31, 2016 10:47 AM
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MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 2579 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted January 01, 2017 12:37 AM
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capricorncheriscty Knowflake Posts: 925 From: Registered: Nov 2017
posted October 16, 2018 08:42 PM
So the DWAD is the 12th harmonic? And Duad is just like decans but smaller and with all the zodiac? Hm. Didn't know that. Thanks for this information!IP: Logged |
Lerena Knowflake Posts: 1388 From: Registered: May 2015
posted October 16, 2018 11:47 PM
After proper rectification of my chart, some of the information I posted in my earlier post is actually wrong. Because I wanted to re-post what is mostly the same information, just with a few differences, it felt a bit redundant to have nearly the same thing in two different posts so I edited my initial post here. I'm not sure how the dwad for Neptune was wrong, but I corrected it in my updated list. The dwads and duads for my Ascendant and Midheaven are the differences.Planet - Dwad - Duad Sun in Taurus - Libra - Scorpio Moon in Gemini - Pisces - Taurus Mercury in Aries - Sagittarius - Sagittarius Venus in Taurus - Gemini - Cancer Mars in Aries - Aries - Aries Jupiter in Virgo - Taurus - Libra Saturn in Aquarius - Scorpio - Virgo Uranus in Capricorn - Scorpio - Leo Neptune in Capricorn - Scorpio - Leo Pluto in Scorpio - Sagittarius - Cancer Ascendant in Scorpio - Aquarius - Virgo Midheaven in Virgo - Taurus - Libra If Venus being trine my Midheaven wasn't enough of a connection to my Midheaven, there's its dwad and duad to further drive the connection home. And, can you tell that my Mars is in Aries yet?  My duads are an interesting mix of signs that I don't have represented in my natal chart. The one sign that seems the least represented is Pisces, but I actually feel like I have less in common with Sagittarius, though this information seems to indicate otherwise. As for dwads, I don't know enough about the 12th Harmonic to really comment. But, Venus in Gemini? Having that in my 12th Harmonic just feels weird. I'm probably just biased because Venus in Gemini doesn't generally have a good reputation. What I initially had as the dwad and duad for my Ascendant and Midheaven: quote: Ascendant in Scorpio - Pisces - Libra Midheaven in Virgo - Cancer - Sagittarius
The updated dwads and duads for my Ascendant and Midheaven are more accurate than these.IP: Logged |
sassaqua Knowflake Posts: 995 From: Oz Registered: May 2011
posted October 17, 2018 06:53 AM
Awesome thread! I know nothing and will learn so much 
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StoneMoon Knowflake Posts: 581 From: Registered: Apr 2018
posted November 22, 2018 04:32 PM
I have been reading up on these myself. I definitely feel the duads resonate well, especially in synastry. There is a point in my chart that I love to have hit, and I assumed it was simply because it completes a grand trine. But, it also happens to be my Sun duad sign and degree. IP: Logged |
sassaqua Knowflake Posts: 995 From: Oz Registered: May 2011
posted November 22, 2018 04:37 PM
Can someone explain where this "day" box is on I cannot find it.Also, with that chart, is it correct that you read it horizontally to your sign, then down to the degree?
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StoneMoon Knowflake Posts: 581 From: Registered: Apr 2018
posted November 22, 2018 06:02 PM
Sass,When you choose the harmonics chart, then look a few lines below the chart choice. Have you ever set the date for the transits? Input 12 on the day section of the date. Does that help?
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StoneMoon Knowflake Posts: 581 From: Registered: Apr 2018
posted November 22, 2018 06:03 PM
yes- so my Sun is 26'50 Cancer in natal. In duad, I am 22ish degrees Taurus. IP: Logged |
sassaqua Knowflake Posts: 995 From: Oz Registered: May 2011
posted November 23, 2018 01:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by StoneMoon: Sass,When you choose the harmonics chart, then look a few lines below the chart choice. Have you ever set the date for the transits? Input 12 on the day section of the date. Does that help?
No.. still cannot sort it. "A few lines below the chart choice" - where's the chart choice? The menus are: Chart Type (where to choose the Harmonics Chart) Chart Drawing Style Start Date House System I don't see anything that says "day field" or looks like anything for a "day". IP: Logged |
StoneMoon Knowflake Posts: 581 From: Registered: Apr 2018
posted November 23, 2018 07:33 AM
On Start Date, you then are giving three fields to the right- the first is the day, the second is the month and the third the year. In the day field, enter 12!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 133368 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 27, 2018 11:02 AM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Consciousness Newflake Posts: 12 From: Registered: Dec 2019
posted November 03, 2020 02:21 AM
Hello, I like duads IP: Logged |