Topic: Tupac rising sign?
LittleWing Knowflake Posts: 822 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted April 09, 2017 08:51 PM
Hmm any guesses? IP: Logged |
soren unregistered
posted April 09, 2017 09:41 PM
i ruined my ibook battery charger... ironically it overheated and melted, when i added a bead at the head when it overbends and snaps, i added a bead to prevent that, but instead it meltedmy time... has... come my last info to depart.. (there is another comp that i can use less often).. is.. i matched him and i was thinking it was virgo.. but i kept looking.. there was this strange sensation around virgo, and made me want to jump on that conclusion.. but i kept on looking.. not jumping to any conclusion too soon, and finally found, probably aqua nevermind, what she said below but definitely not leo (or sag)
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colorful butterfly Knowflake Posts: 2074 From: USA Registered: May 2015
posted April 10, 2017 12:11 AM
Oh wow, I am thinking maybe leo or aries. Defiantly a fire sign of some sort. It would be nice to really know though.IP: Logged |
LittleWing Knowflake Posts: 822 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted April 10, 2017 04:37 AM
Oh no!!! Sry bout the charger! You know I felt a strong Virgo theme too and I searched at different relationships close that he had- and at least with his females they had a lot of Virgo- mom had moon Virgo, jada had sun/ moon and other people. I also saw aqua influence a lot too! Many close friends had mars in aqua like him and Venus or other placements of it! Aqua in 1st would make his mars be chart ruler which would give him that fire. But I feel like he had a lot of Scorpio vibes to me- his Pluto in Virgo so I also felt like that could be 1st too. I really wish we knew this- I know his mom would have known his time exactly, it seems having him was a very special event as it was after she got out of jail. Rip to both but I hope we conyinue this convo!!! He was so gorgeous (yummy) IP: Logged |
soren unregistered
posted April 10, 2017 05:09 AM
quote: Originally posted by LittleWing: Oh no!!! Sry bout the charger! You know I felt a strong Virgo theme too and I searched at different relationships close that he had- and at least with his females they had a lot of Virgo- mom had moon Virgo, jada had sun/ moon and other people. I also saw aqua influence a lot too! Many close friends had mars in aqua like him and Venus or other placements of it! Thang would make his mars be in 1st which wouldn't give him that fire. But I feel like he had a lot of Scorpio vibes to me- his Pluto in Virgo so I also felt like that could be 1st too. I really wish we knew this- I know his mom would have known, it seems having him was a very special event as it was after she got out of jail. Rip to both but I hope we co tinie this convo!!!
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LittleWing Knowflake Posts: 822 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted April 10, 2017 05:58 AM
lol I edited it I hate auto correct! AhhhIP: Logged |
soren unregistered
posted April 10, 2017 05:59 AM
quote: Originally posted by LittleWing: He was so gorgeous (yummy)
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soren unregistered
posted April 10, 2017 06:02 AM
"Real [people] do what they wanna do, [lame] [people] do what they can"-Tupac IP: Logged |
soren unregistered
posted April 10, 2017 06:46 AM
i might keep looking at this, for now i have it definitely not some:gemini. gemini has an electric look. he doesnt have the same way cancer. they look like they are occupying a space in the back of their head. he is not like that leo. leos have a strong eye to shoulder connection. also like they are a bird rising. (maybe virgo, libra..) scorp. scorps to me have a look like you just punched them in the private area. he does not share this. sag. sag looks like you are grabbing their b*tt cap. i cant say the things i described for this one. but he doesnt share it. (cencored) aqua same pisces... low chance but possible et :ok spent some time.. not libra, not pisces. (not as emotional, down mood).
not taurus. not virgo (sorry) not sag. (had to make sure) does he look lunarian? that would be on his asc possibly. not libra. not balanced/sophisticated (as it appears) but anyone else can still weigh in IP: Logged |
colorful butterfly Knowflake Posts: 2074 From: USA Registered: May 2015
posted April 10, 2017 10:41 AM
Ok so I can not post his chart but here is his placementsSun in Gemini Moon in Aries Mars in Aquarius Venus in Gemini Mercury in Gemini Jupiter in Scorpio Uranus in Libra Neptune in Sagittarius Pluto in Virgo NN in Aquarius Chiron in Aries I still think fire sign for rising, he would have to had something to give him that leo edge to want to be on stage. I don't see Virgo, I have Virgo rising and without the Leo in my chart there is no way you could get me to go out on stage. Of coarse Leo midheaven could have this affect too but that would make him Aries rising. IP: Logged |
colorful butterfly Knowflake Posts: 2074 From: USA Registered: May 2015
posted April 10, 2017 05:19 PM
You know to be the rapper that he was , the way he put his words together were a form of poetry. Wander if he was Pisces rising? The other placements could be what gave him more of the raw edge that he had. NN in Aquarius would have meant SN in Leo hence the stardom? IP: Logged |
colorful butterfly Knowflake Posts: 2074 From: USA Registered: May 2015
posted April 10, 2017 05:40 PM
So looking at his Vedic chart , His SN was in Cancer ( leo western) was in Ashlesha which means a shrewd business man, the embracer, entwiner, can be healer or poisoning. His NN is in Dyshanthia which means to march to the beat of your own drum which was also conjunct to his mars. His rising sign per Vedic could have been in Poorva Phalguni (virgo western) which means the fruits of past life. My NN conjunct Saturn is in this and I am still trying to figure it out. From what I do know is that in a past life you did something really good and in this life you are given those things back. A Vedic astrologer told me that my chart is very powerful for wealth and gains. Still waiting???? Looking at this, I do think he had a Virgo rising. This part of the Virgo would give him the want to be on stage too but would have made him short tempered. Even the later part of Virgo would have given him a business edge to him as in contracts. IP: Logged |
Sulkyarcher Knowflake Posts: 1561 From: Registered: Dec 2013
posted April 10, 2017 05:44 PM
He seemed like a Yang rising sign, fire and air.IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2114 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted April 10, 2017 06:07 PM
The way his voice sounded and the sheer passion in how it came out with such assurance says fire asc to me. 🔥🔥🔥Now I know why I had such a connection to him. Those Gemini placements ❤️ IP: Logged |
LittleWing Knowflake Posts: 822 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted April 10, 2017 11:23 PM
K it seems our intuition collectively is leaning towards Virgo! That would make Scorpio be ruler in 3rd which with his Jupiter and Neptune - poetic writing and intense/ thinker/ speaker. His neighborhoods/ childhood was dark at times and surrounded by plutonic things/people. 4th house would have sagg- moved around a lot- revolutionaries in his family 8th house- Aries-Moon!!!! I see this! Of course then he would have that Gemini stelluum in 10th!! So heavily plutonic if Pluto was in first (Virgo), Scorpio was in his natural house(3rd), and moon in 8thhh. Ding ding ding I think this is very close!!!
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colorful butterfly Knowflake Posts: 2074 From: USA Registered: May 2015
posted April 11, 2017 12:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by LittleWing: K it seems our intuition collectively is leaning towards Virgo! That would make Scorpio be ruler in 3rd which with his Jupiter and Neptune - poetic writing and intense/ thinker/ speaker. His neighborhoods/ childhood was dark at times and surrounded by plutonic things/people. 4th house would have sagg- moved around a lot- revolutionaries in his family 8th house- Aries-Moon!!!! I see this! Of course then he would have that Gemini stelluum in 10th!! So heavily plutonic if Pluto was in first (Virgo), Scorpio was in his natural house(3rd), and moon in 8thhh. Ding ding ding I think this is very close!!!
Gemini stelluum in 10th would want him to speak to the world, he spoke threw his music. IP: Logged |
girlwiththerainysoul Knowflake Posts: 1800 From: Registered: Jul 2016
posted April 24, 2017 02:59 AM
I'm not sure of his AC, but for me he has a pisces moon 90%the guy faked his own death...strong pisces people find fame and everything else which comes with it too overwhelming
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soren unregistered
posted April 24, 2017 03:11 AM
here's apparently (maybe its a stunt copy) young tupac shaker delet even if you have your sun in positive sign, and house, if their asc is in a negative sign, they still have a cover of being negative. underlying in the depth, they might be some very positive sign. but with some negative horizon on the axis, the cover or outside of them seems reserved/refined/calibrated. and it goes for positive to inward IP: Logged |
soren unregistered
posted April 24, 2017 09:28 AM
not aries.. not leo.. not sag.... leaves gem, aqua, libra... he's a 4th house aqua asc. 5th in earth houses 4th in placidus. look them up on astrotheme. IP: Logged |
soren unregistered
posted April 24, 2017 09:29 AM
btw i got a different charger so IP: Logged |
@lycat74 Knowflake Posts: 266 From: Registered: Jul 2016
posted April 24, 2017 02:16 PM
This is soo hard. My top 3 are:Gemini Cancer Virgo I don't see him as a fixed sign rising, so I'm crossing those off. My top choice is Cancer because it comes across as very emotional, passionate and reactive person. If he's a Cancer Rising, his IC would most likely be in Libra. Tupac was very cultured and grew up in a conscious household. His family were Black Panthers, Tupac himself took ballet, went to a performing arts school, and wrote poetry. My 2nd top choice would be Gemini rising, this is because (depending on the degrees) his rising would square his Pluto in Virgo. His 3rd house would most likely be in Leo, which is why he's so bold and confident in communication abilities. Also because his IC would most likely be in Virgo; which can also explain his studious, education/learning/knowledge household/childhood environment. Plus his Pluto in Virgo may be conjunct the IC which can also explain his volatile childhood. His mother was an Aquarius who was jail while pregnant with Tupac, plus she had drug abuse problems. Pluto on IC intense childhood. Maybe Gemini should be my top choice hmmm My last choice Virgo Rising is because depending on the degrees may conjunct Pluto in Virgo. His 3rd House would be Scorpio, making him unafraid to speak out against the government. His 4th House/IC would be in Sag, possibly squaring his Pluto in Virgo. Insert my explanations above and it makes sense for his childhood. I'll add he also moved around a lot. He was born in NYC, went to performing arts school in Maryland, then moved to California.
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soren unregistered
posted April 24, 2017 10:16 PM
hahah it would be funny if littlewing is like to me uhh nooh i am really quite sure he is not an aquarius risingyou are just saying this because you are an aqua
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soren unregistered
posted April 24, 2017 10:20 PM
and then i'm like what? no. i know aqua rising. Albert einstien was an aqua rising. Similar to me "Abraham Lincoln?" "He was an Aqurius Asc" James Brown? Aquarius. "Alexander the great?" He was an Aqua rising. Cruella?" Probably a cancer. Riser. "The benying dutchess of cambridge?" DEfinitely not an aqua.
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girlwiththerainysoul Knowflake Posts: 1800 From: Registered: Jul 2016
posted April 24, 2017 10:51 PM
Water risingpisces or cancer but I sense a lot of jupiter influence on his ac too, overall goofy personality IP: Logged |
LittleWing Knowflake Posts: 822 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted April 25, 2017 12:01 AM
Soren! Hahaha! I love your analysis and in depth detevective work....BUT how could he have Taurus in his 4th or even in his 5th? I can't see that's. I don't see that! I really feel the Virgo rising though I would even perhaps venture into the gem rising as he was able to look like totally different ages and people at different times also his demeaners in interviews, etc were mutable and appropriate for whatever platform they were presented on. And having Taurus ruling the 12th would make more sense than in 4th and 5th- he secretly wanted stability (and food) not all that gangsta stuff but that would blow his cover. Here is a very Virgo /Gemini rising video of him: Also this one eating some food on his last bday- very reserved not really socializing or all up in the video. IP: Logged |