Originally posted by mirage29:
First of all, Child of Venus--Happy Birthday, Child of Venus (Apr 22)!
{{Just stepping forward with an offer of some of my thoughts, and observations, from real people's charts in my own personal life..., and, things I've read and 'caught' in my own adventures through astrology.
NOTE, I'm not a pro.}}
You've made it through your Saturn 1st-pass return... He'll "ALMOST" meet himself one more time, then turn around and be done.
Usually people experience 3 passes of Saturn at their returns.... haha, you got spared?!! *grin* You got it in 'concentrated form' with these incredibly intense skies of the past several years.
Sagittarius-- You have Uranus-rx 26+ Sag on GC H5 and a Neptune Cap also in that 5th House relating to lusty-strange Romantic-attractions and hookups?!!
(risk-attracting magneticAttractions squares with Eighth (sexual) house Venus?)
Also 5th is House of Gambling, and Entertainment-field (ha! LasVegas) (including Children and your Creative Projects).
{Right now transiting Pluto has been plowing through your H5. tSaturn will want to button-up some 'real' relationships once into your 5th (going backwards to resolve 'real estate'?H4, and deep psychological issues. Even things involving your parents.)
{I've found (in some cases) that the presence of Pluto in the later part of the 5th House pertains to pouring and giving efforts towards the benefits of children in society, too. Just sayin'}
You have a mini-trine (presence of intuitiveness) on your Air Moon 12+ Aquarius in H6capr, trine Mars Gem H10taur, sextile 5th-house-ruler Jupiter in Aries (Mercury-Jupiter-NN Aries H8pisces).
{caution: Jupiter Aries can also be too-expansive, take too-MUCH of a risk, is over-optimistic, etc. Also very generous and freedom-loving.)
You also have your Beautiful Venus Pisces in H8 pisces, blessing that Bankers House, with Jupiter there as well.
Venus H8 Pisces... square your H5 Neptune... being deceived romantically and losing a chunk of your finances because of that?
Also sexual additions.
But really good social-wise for your community building efforts? (should you go that route ... asteroid LasVegas H11 in Caring tribal cancer, in Gemini H11)
{Maybe I'm assuming that you're a woman... but I'd want to (from personal wound-experience of a H8 Jupiter Cancer) want to caution you(m/f) about spouses/partners of all types, contracts, etc., who would take advantage of your 'wealth'-making -attracting.
Guard your assets; make sure they're not "just" using you for your money. Watch your back(bank), minimize what could be losses-- I've seen research that applies this to the 'women' usually. "Just in case"... it is wise advice?
They don't call Las Vegas, "Sin-City" and "Lost Wages" for nothing?}
Careful also of Chiron in H10... attached to your Mars (and mini-trine).. quincunx the Neptune H5 sextile Pluto Scorp H3-libra. (Going after the 'shiny objects' that might not be 'real' but only illusions. Things Not as-they-seem... which is the fantasy and lure of the advertised LasVegas? LOL)
Mercury (Aries) in the Pisces 8th makes you a good natural investigator (rules your natural Venus 2nd, and your Virgo-detailed H2). A psychologist too!
Natal Pluto in H3 gives amazing ability of deep insights that even bypass normal thinking processes.
You're about to have a "shift" in your chart. Ascendant 26+ Leo. The transiting North Node (now Virgo) will change to LEO, touch your Ascendant/Descendant and travel through your H12 (karmic house, hidden treasures), for nearly two years, -- focusing on the more Humanitarian Serving Axis of H12/H6sn).
ADD-- H12 also house of asylums, hospitals; secret skeletons you prefer to hide; nefarious crime, mobsters, hidden-things in your unconscious H12, and things lurking in subconscious H6-- H12 Cancer, ruled by Moon?
Be Careful of your romantic Affairs partners... make sure they're legitimately 'available' and not-already-attached? stay safe!}
... After that time, the North Node will arrive in your groups and networks, and Hopes and Dreams and aspirations.
Being intellectually-oriented here ... may not apply to you.
You have a H9 Sun (the International House, Jupiter's natural Faith House, ability to shine light on HIGHER Love some day?)...
By now, your Progressed Sun is in Gemini??
I could see .... taking a trip to LasVegas that would be 'education-oriented'(Gem) fact-finding, fact-gathering, to (~say) eventually write (tJupiter will be in H3 again) an article on gambling and having luck/believing in luck, what goes into it?
General investigative fact gathering things similar to that.....
Attend a social event where you could LEARN, and maybe even 'give' to a community somehow. Let that 'giving' teach you more about your self, your hidden talents.
Your progressed Asc is probably in Virgo, nearing a change to Libra?
As far as a 'move' is concerned (using the asteroid), I'd say do a relo-chart WITH the asteroid included and transits to see if there could be any more information for you to glean for yourself, and what you want to accomplish with such a move.
[b]The month of August 2017, with FM ECLIPSE 'to' your OWN Moon Aquarius H6capr, while tSaturn turns around nearly-touching your Saturn Sag.
AND the NEW MOON ECLIPSE 'to' your Ascendant 26 LEO.... WOW. A New you? A new image.
Wishing you EVERY Good Luck and ALL the Success in your sojourns.
With so much LOVE.
For your Venus Pisces, H8....
(music) Evangeline (Little Big Town) [4:33] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6R_A1X_cJI
I'll add a more upbeat song later. Take Care.
*Please no whole quote yet... Adjusting for mistakes or ADDING to my script here.*
*Thanks. I won't delete.*[/B]