Topic: Guess the Ascendant :)
WhiteBirds Knowflake Posts: 233 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 10:45 AM
quote: Originally posted by Brenda_S: As others mentioned I'm not sure why I feel Aquarius/Saturn too. I think it's also your features. I don't think it would take away from the fiery energy that hypatia and Dumuzi mentioned since that would put your moon at 29 Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp. Plus you have quite a few squares in your chart. Also Uranus would oppose your 4th house ruler (Mercury) which would explain what Dumuzi stated. And your rising ruler in 11th would explain the freeness I mentioned. And Saturn conjunct your ascendant. Fifth house ruler potentially being moon (in Scorpio) would also explain the Scorpios you attract. And especially with 7th house ruler (Sun) in fifth, your fifth house would be more significant to you. Your moon possibly squaring your ascendant would explain the intensity expressed... And Mars opposing your first house Saturn conjunct would certainly describe that 'abrupt' character you mentioned. Mars kinda putting a shortstop to Saturn's lingering nature would result in that. Like stopping something before it having a chance to actualize. So the Saturn/Mars opposition must be somewhere strong in your chart. Hence Aquarius rising. But Sag still feels like it's there somewhere. I'm not sure if it's your moon being at the cusp and possibly squaring you ascendant or if it is in fact your ascendant being Sagittarius. I need some more hints. But I strongly feel Scorpio/Aquarius-Saturn/Sag. And Aquarius rising would cover for these three. I'd think.
All this has been very interesting, thanks! I would never have thought of Aquarius, because I do not know anyone of this sign, only my father. What kind of personality would a person have with a cancer sun and an ASC aquarius? Thank you very much for your help, I do not know how to thank all this ![]( IP: Logged |
WhiteBirds Knowflake Posts: 233 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 11:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by Dumuzi: yeah actually, patterns of signs in families are very commonmy mother is a libra sun, my older brother is a libra sun/mercury/venus and i'm a libra venus/ascendant my mother and i both have a 1st house venus (hers is in scorpio and not conjunct her ascendant like mine though) my father has a leo sun and mercury im a leo mercury, younger brother is a leo moon (my older brother is a leo mars, but has a different father) my mother has an aries moon and so do i, father has virgo mars i have virgo sun older brother has a sag moon younger brother has a sag sun and venus i have capricorn mars my younger brother has capricorn mercury my younger brother has a gemini mars (retrograde) and while gemini isnt in our immediate family our grandmother had at least a gemini sun and same with one of our uncles etc in vedic you can break it down even further to the nakshatras lining up so yeah your mothers planets could easily reflect yours and your ascendant
Wow, how exciting is astrology ![]( I also have a biological brother. He's a Capricorn Sun, with a moon in Leo. I'm posting my mother's chart, and my brother's. This is my mother: (with unknown time) This is my brother: (with unknown time) IP: Logged |
WhiteBirds Knowflake Posts: 233 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 11:08 AM
quote: Originally posted by MMarie: Not sure. Really go by gut feelings but after looking at your chart and reading other comments I am even more convinced it could be SAG rising with Uranus and Neptune in your first house giving you the airy qualities of Aquarius/Pisces. If I am right what’s in your first house is stronger or more apparent in your looks? and could be why I guessed SAG/Pisces. Also, I read that mutable signs give the effect of looking different in pictures - one picture you could look a certain way then look like someone else or different in another picture... “mutable” looks. I get a bit of this sense between first 2 pictures and 3rd. Do you feel like your looks can change? I do not see though Gemini or Virgo as your ASC because I do agree with the added Fire in your chart narrowing it down to SAG (mutable fire)!
Yes! I feel that my appearance can change depending on my mood ![]( IP: Logged |
WhiteBirds Knowflake Posts: 233 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 11:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by Dumuzi: just so you know i guessed sag mostly because it gives you a 12th house moon and pluto which can indicate an absent mother for one thing and issues regarding both parents for another and would put (in whole sign) saturn into your 4th house which can indicate a rough childhood i was going based on the adoption information
My biological mother has been absent in my life, but my adoptive mother has been very present. I think my father figures have been the most absent, because my biological dad died when I was 5-6 years old, and my adoptive father has always been far away from me. IP: Logged |
Dumuzi Knowflake Posts: 3729 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 11:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by WhiteBirds: Wow, how exciting is astrology ![]( I also have a biological brother. He's a Capricorn Sun, with a moon in Leo. I'm posting my mother's chart, and my brother's. This is my mother: (with unknown time) This is my brother: (with unknown time)
they both have something in sag which is interesting (though he has something in leo and she has something in aries, though id count his moon more than her nn) and imo can make sag more of a possibility
they also both have aquarius, libra, and capricorn energy (if you had an air or earth possibility my guess would be one of those which brenda mentioned, but i keep leaning towards fire)
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WhiteBirds Knowflake Posts: 233 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 11:23 AM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: If you are adopted and you have Sag rising, there is the potential you have IC in Pisces which means Neptune rules your IC and the potential that your moon in scorpio would fall in the 12th, both of these indicate a mystery behind your bio mother and ancestry or where you come from.You should post your chart with Sag AC at 15 degrees and maybe with aries AC at 15 degrees so we can see how everything would look like.
Wow, it made me shudder what you said about the mystery behind my ancestry ![]( This is my chart with Sagittarius to 15: This with Aries to 15:
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Dumuzi Knowflake Posts: 3729 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 11:26 AM
quote: Originally posted by WhiteBirds: My biological mother has been absent in my life, but my adoptive mother has been very present. I think my father figures have been the most absent, because my biological dad died when I was 5-6 years old, and my adoptive father has always been far away from me.
moon can just indicate biological mother i have a friend who had a stepmother but her mother died 12th house sun and moon also saturn can show the harsher bits of childhood leo ascendant would fit a good deal of things too though putting your sun in the 12th, i just dont feel that my friend with benefits is a leo ascendant and he's very in your face loud "look at me" and i could see the leo show being stronger with the sun hidden awayin the 12th you do have something about you that reminds me of my fiancee and she's a sag sun (with uranus and saturn conjunct) and aquarius rising... which is why i keep going back to sag her moon is aries but like i said i dont see aries with you theres a childishness you lack (and she has heavy scorpio so even factoring that in i think id still get that sense from you) if you didnt have a fire void id consider cap or aquarius more, but you do and it feels there all the same
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14655 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted November 28, 2018 11:53 AM
quote: Originally posted by WhiteBirds: Wow, it made me shudder what you said about the mystery behind my ancestry ![]( This is my chart with Sagittarius to 15: This with Aries to 15:
You know the year your mother left you Tr Jupiter in Capricorn opposed your SUN in Cancer conjunct IC if you have Aries rising. Jupiter can be a planet of release. With Tr Jupiter right on the MC when she left you opposing your SUN on the IC, something tells me she released you so you could have a better life (MC). MC is our direction in life and where you are heading, maybe she felt you would have more opportunities if she gave you up, specially since planet jupiter is known to carry that energy of expansion and opportunities. With tr jupiter opposing Sun on the IC, is like she released you from your roots so you could have more opportunities and a better life. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14655 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted November 28, 2018 12:09 PM
Lets say your mother left you when you were 3 years old late September before Winter hits so you would be somewhere warm. The neptunian side of me is trying to create a nice picture, were she did what she thought was best for you.This is one possibility: Tr Pluto would be in your 8th (loss) Tr Chiron would be on your DC (Pain) Tr Jupiter on your MC opposite your SUN conjunct IC (releasing you from your roots for a better future) Now it would be interesting to see how the transits for Sept 20 1996 were doing in her own chart? What was saturn doing in her own chart? Saturn was in Aries at 4 degrees so it was opposing exact her natal Jupiter in Libra. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14655 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted November 28, 2018 02:35 PM
You met your parents, adoption was signed and you traveled for your adoption all while transit pluto was conjuncting your Northnode. I guess pluto brought big life altering changes to your life that helped you get on your northnode path and move forward.The day you met your boyfriend tr pluto was potentially squaring your AC/DC axis if you have Aries rising. Further there was a huge aries stellium transit approaching your AC or conjuncting your AC in Aries: Sun in Aries at 9d Venus in Aries at 6d Uranus in Aries at 5d Mars in Aries at 11d ^All that was squaring your Sun conjunct IC too.
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WhiteBirds Knowflake Posts: 233 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 05:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by moongaze: Just on pure appearances, Leo was the very first thing that came to mind and then Scorpio. It's something about your eyes. Very cat-like and seductive, but it's as if you're hiding something too. There's this deep, penetrating quality about them that made me shift into Scorpio.
Thanks!! Maybe what you saw in Scorpio is my moon Leo I think it would be very possible as ASC. IP: Logged |
WhiteBirds Knowflake Posts: 233 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 05:46 PM
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WhiteBirds Knowflake Posts: 233 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 05:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by SoulOfABird: Right off the bat I want to say Scorpio ... but you have a Scorpio moon 🧐 you just scream Scorpio to me. Like if Scorpio was represented as a person it’d be you.. but since you have a Scorpio moon I think the world id trying to throw me off, so I feel you may be a Leo rising, or possibly an Aquarius rising. Because Im an Aquarius rising myself and people have mistaken me for a Scorpio rising... but honestly Im gonna go with Leo.
Thanks a lot!! It seems that the battle is between Aries, Leo or Sagittarius ![]( IP: Logged |
WhiteBirds Knowflake Posts: 233 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 05:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by SoulOfABird: Im not a complete expert on astrology like a lot of people on this site, but I just want to say it is soo hard to guess someones ascendent, because in my case, for the longest time I was going off my mothers memory of my time of birth. It gave me an Aries rising... I totally didn’t agree with it. I felt odd even saying I was an Aries rising. I finally found my birth certificate and it was a whole couple hours different from the time my mother gave me. I ended up actually being an Aquarius rising. Personally I don’t really identify much with my Aquarius rising, but the rest of my chart (house placements) made soo much more sense! Ive had people on websites guess my rising and people rarely get it right! Rarely people think Im an Aquarius rising. It’s strange... and Im sure in real life people might think Im a Pisces rising based on my personality. I did not expect to be an Aquarius rising. I guess what Im trying to say is. Rising is super tricky. I think the rest I don’t seem like my Ascendent is because Ive got a whole stellium in the 1st house, which may conflict with my rising sign. You may possibly have this too. It’s so hard to say. There are so many possibilities. That’s why rising sign is hard to guess your rising may be a sign you don’t relate to or nobody else guessed. I think what’s most important is the whole chart as a whole. Because the rising may be in a sign you don’t expect.
Thank you very much for your advice, SoulOfABird (we have a similar user name ) I also agree that it is difficult to guess the ASC, but it is my only hope to approach my birth time and find my chart. Because it's totally impossible for me to know what time I was born ![](
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WhiteBirds Knowflake Posts: 233 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 06:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dumuzi: they both have something in sag which is interesting (though he has something in leo and she has something in aries, though id count his moon more than her nn) and imo can make sag more of a possibilitythey also both have aquarius, libra, and capricorn energy (if you had an air or earth possibility my guess would be one of those which brenda mentioned, but i keep leaning towards fire)
Wow!! Then Sagittarius is very possible as my ascendant? ![]( IP: Logged |
WhiteBirds Knowflake Posts: 233 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 06:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dumuzi: they both have something in sag which is interesting (though he has something in leo and she has something in aries, though id count his moon more than her nn) and imo can make sag more of a possibilitythey also both have aquarius, libra, and capricorn energy (if you had an air or earth possibility my guess would be one of those which brenda mentioned, but i keep leaning towards fire)
Wow!! Then Sagittarius is very possible as my ascendant? ![]( IP: Logged |
Dumuzi Knowflake Posts: 3729 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted November 28, 2018 06:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by WhiteBirds: Wow!! Then Sagittarius is very possible as my ascendant? ![](
it wouldnt shock me at all, no, but neither would leo though like i said you seem more subdued than that the only thing that would surprise me would be it not being in a fire sign IP: Logged |
astri Knowflake Posts: 311 From: Registered: Nov 2018
posted November 28, 2018 06:33 PM
I personally guessed Libra, but then again I don't know much about all the zodiac signs actually...But ultimately, since you've moved, it is your relocation chart that matters which can change the ascendant from the one in the natal chart.. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14655 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted November 28, 2018 08:12 PM
Sun in Cancer — Rising in SagittariusThe character of a person with the Sun in Cancer and the Ascendant in Sagittarius has creative power and a desire to create. Their arguments are reasonable and meaningful, and many have very deep roots. They form with love what is reliable and experienced, and in this lies true progress; They give the traditional true development. Often in their youth they radiate a kind of wisdom. They are constantly striving for further movement, but the radius of their movement is planned in such a way as not to lose sight of the starting point. They are sincerely oriented, and they are ready to offer significant assistance in this area. Being psychologists, they understand this occupation as helping people in life, and not just as a specialty. Cancers with an ascendant in Sagittarius attach great value to the home and children who are brought up in the spirit of adults. They spread peace; If only they are not irritated by someone’s stubbornness, pettiness or excessive youthfulness. They expand the universal relationship; They evaluate works of art in terms of longevity. They think for generations and are interested in others. They can, as members of the public, go from one court to another — in the interests of the cause. With regard to the profession, they have many opportunities. They are incorruptible; If something they do not like on it is visible; They can expose and deprive of confidence, but cruelly repent of it. ♋ Cancer Sun ☉ — ♐ Sagittarius Rising ☆ This is a complex combination of signs: you make the impression of a sociable person, a lover of fun, but deep down you are very sensitive. In order to protect yourself, you prefer to hide your subtle feelings behind a mask of sociability and sometimes superficiality. You do not trust other people and exercise excessive circumspection. Nevertheless, you are a fine, reliable friend, you can always rely on. You expect others to repay you the same, and feel deeply disappointed when they let you down. You are active and adapt easily to the new situation. You will make friends all over the world, but it will be difficult for you to establish personal contact with them. Others may find you superficial, but this is only partly true, because you are deeply sensitive. You deserve a good education that will help you acquire more self-confidence and beautify your speech. Otherwise, you will be permanently stuck on your small problems. Concentrate on the need to be a knowledgeable person. People are drawn to you, but your endless chatter about themselves can alienate them. You have a developed sense of justice, and your polite manners become defiant in the presence of enemies or when you are forced to defend yourself. You are optimistic and youthful enthusiastic, even in adulthood, you can sacrifice everything except independence, and feel uncomfortable in an unfriendly environment. You believe in peace, truth and justice and seldom get into trouble without sufficient reason. Youth can not be very happy because of the changes in relations between your parents or because of their failure. Relations with children are usually good, but there may be problems. You are very attracted to travel, and you can stay abroad until the end of your days. Dark Side of the Sign You are prone to exaggerations, hypersensitivity and hypochondria. True, you always have success, but when people know you better, they lose all sympathy for you and start to avoid you. You expect that others will live by your rules and act in accordance with your ideas. And how about learning to take art and not just take it? In work, you can only ruin the whole thing. You insist on doing everything in your own way, and you do not know how to obey at all. Working for yourself could be a solution, but what will teach you to do at least something good? You are full of unrealistic dreams and you refuse to make changes in your plans. Love and Family For you, suddenly flushed love often turns into a lasting friendship, which you are very loyal. But it does not always happen, and your love can end in a broken marriage and a break in commitment. Even in a marriage you can not endure restrictions. You are not at all a home type, and you can be an egoist with whom it’s hard to get along. You will most likely marry more than once, and one union will have a significant impact on your well-being and status. You will have few children, and the relationship with them will be difficult. It is likely that you will sever relations with one of your children. Love relationships are complex, because the lack of pride or idealism on the part of your partner makes you immediately lose any interest in it. The slightest flaw immediately repels you, and since most people are imperfect, it is almost impossible for you to find a suitable pair. Career and Money You are more likely to make sporadic attempts to excel in several areas than to work purposefully in anyone. If you put off work, it’s hard for you to start again. You use a direct approach to the business and usually achieve financial success, but do not like routine and you are bored with fiddling with small details. You are interested in all the sublime, and you can engage in research in the field of spiritual knowledge. You probably will have two professions. Although your youth is overshadowed by obstacles, in middle age you will be lucky. You will succeed in working with finances and in big business, but whatever you do, you will travel a lot. Your career will be solid and fruitful. Health and Immunity You love outdoor activities and sports, especially such kinds as hunting, shooting, running and horse riding. You have a strange attitude towards physical ailments: you believe that by ignoring them, you will make them disappear. Because of a strong strain, you are prone to nervous illnesses, but overall you have good health and you will live to a very old age. Maladies can spread to the throat, ears and bronchi, and rheumatism in the legs is also possible. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14655 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted November 28, 2018 08:12 PM
Sun in Cancer — Rising in LeoThe character of the person with the Sun in Cancer and the Ascendant in Leo covers the inner sensitivity and resentment with externally self-confident behavior that always gives an impression. They want to represent themselves in life, but they never know if they get it. They are convinced of themselves, but they are not left feeling that they have not sufficiently secured themselves. They seem to be completely open, and they like to seem like that; But in fact they are afraid of it. The tension that arises between the life core and the way they put themselves among others is not to be underestimated. Few people make so many "Freud errors" as they, which, incidentally, does not indicate a mental illness. Cancers with an ascendant in Leo have an extraordinary memory and are able to use it at the right time, an important weapon in the life struggle. This memory is amazing, because it does not focus on times or dates, but on gestures, scraps of words typical for a person or situation. This is also based on experience, which positively affects the second half of life; They not only learn from their own experience, but also use it, put it into circulation and distribute it; This is, in fact, their capital. If their capriciousness takes precedence, then their behavior in society is bad, even polite. They can suddenly yell at the waiter, suggesting that he cheated them. But then they immediately ask for petitions, showing in this a rare breadth. ♋ Cancer Sun ☉ — ♌ Leo Rising ☆ Although you are proud, noble, generous, kind and gentle, it happens that these wonderful qualities are not visible to the naked eye. The position of the Sun in your sign makes you keep its light under a chasm, not out of modesty, but from secrecy. You can be a wonderful, sincere friend who suddenly part with his friends for no reason, leaving everyone in perplexity. You know for yourself this secret of secrecy and do not like to spread about yourself. You need to sometimes retire, and you find that this acts on you in the most salutary way. Those who understand you will accept this in you, but do not be surprised when strangers or those who know you superficially, your behavior confounds. You are fair, endowed with many talents, you can rely on. You are a self-controlled and imperious person, you are pettish with pettiness, you love everything bright and beautiful. You are quick-tempered, but quick-witted and not inclined to revenge, magnanimously forgiving the offender. Dark Side of the Sign You like dramas and secrets and are quite capable of creating them yourself, using the most trivial situation in order to weave around her a web of intrigues. It is quite obvious that this can be a dangerous thing — one day an unsuitable person will come to you to train your talents in this area, and then a libel case can be brought against you. It will do you good. You believe that your tendency to embellish and exaggerate different kinds for everyone is only a boon, but in turn, hate to talk about yourself and your life. Could it be that while discussing others, will you be horrified when they begin to discuss you? It’s hard for you to share your hopes and feelings with others, so people who love you think that it’s almost impossible for you to understand. When they fail to understand you, you plunge into the abyss of regret, loneliness and think that you are neglected. Why do not you just express yourself and tell us what you do not like? People can not know what you are not telling them. Love and Family People are attracted by your kindness and cordiality. Even the worst enemy will have nothing to say against you and will have to admit that you are exceptionally generous. In an intimate relationship, you can be faithful not on duty. In love, you are too generous and you can sacrifice everything, and your attachments, and property. You may not be passionate, but always expansive and cordial. Everything you do, you try to do well, and therefore you also want to love sincerely. Your father means a lot in your life, and it is possible that many of the vicissitudes of fate have fallen on his lot. It is difficult for you to maintain good personal contact with him. It seems that you will marry twice and will have children from both spouses. You will have a lot of children, the firstborn in infancy will need a very big care. If your spouse is Aquarius, you can have twins. The difference between them will be manifested when they grow up. Career and Money You completely trust people and want you to be trusted in the same way. You will do everything to be worthy of trust, which you have been given. You love responsibility and power and best deal with work on your own. Women in good standing can give you a helping hand. Your numerous abilities will find their best application in the field of fine arts or in work in public institutions. You love theater and have poetic abilities. Traveling around your home country can bring you well-being, and there will be a profitable occupation, requiring numerous trips. You could succeed in the work behind the scenes, but no matter in which area you succeed, you will have an artistic hobby. This propensity of your character must find its expression; Fortunately, you can combine your passion and profession. Health and Immunity You have a very strong body, and you quickly restore forces after illness. Nevertheless, despite your tremendous energy, you can overload your heart and back too much. Other organs to which attention should be paid are the throat and reproductive organs. You may also be prone to rheumatism. Usually you watch your health closely, and you should be all right with him. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14655 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted November 28, 2018 08:14 PM
Sun in Cancer — Rising in AriesThe character of the person with the Sun in Cancer and the Ascendant in Aries produces an ambivalent impression, as such people are slopes to the concealment. They show themselves stormy, basically they are not so. Although they want a lot to put in motion, but in fact they take measures. They mislead the partner, turning away from the ideal plans that have just been propagated. Cancers with an ascendant in Aries believe in a new one, it seems, with the last conviction, but when it turns out that for the sake of the new it is necessary to sacrifice the old, they refuse. So they often deceive the expectations of others. Their self-confidence is great, but all the time is eaten up by doubts. They can change their minds during one night, they can see the next day in a completely different light, if, say, a bad dream will happen. They, therefore, inhibit the movement itself and produce a contradictory impression of people who can not be relied upon. This is not true; One should not only take their first inspiration for their final decision, for their actual internal purpose. More fearsome some power-hungry. They believe that their inconsistency must be fully recognized. At home and in the wider environment, they are often tyrannical. Their capriciousness is entertaining, but tedious. But they are capable of creating something lasting, for which they are then ready and for many sacrifices. ♋ Cancer Sun ☉ — ♈ Aries Rising ☆ You are able to accept any challenge, especially when you learn self-control, patience and respect for the opinions of others. You are an irascible and lively man, loving risk and possessing the energetic spirit of the pioneer. Original and ambitious, you have the courage and practicality to achieve your goals. In the beginning, you can meet resistance, because others lack your insight. You are a born leader, and even when you succeed, you need someone who will follow you. You are always optimistic and young at heart. Sometimes independent to recklessness, you act impulsively, and then regret your action. You have pronounced inclinations and can be grumpy and irritable. Although you are a knowledgeable and inventive person, you do not know human nature well. You can be deceived in a person and see only what you want to see. You often change your opinions, but are very confident in them, as long as you have them. You are probably the only child in the family and in childhood suffered from a bad relationship with their parents. Your father may have found it difficult to provide the family with a livelihood. You will travel on family matters and in order to avoid misfortune. Relatives do not favor you, and relations in the family are strained. Dark Side of the Sign Any your phrase begins with the word "I" and ends with the word "me". You are powerful, selfish and consider yourself entitled to receive whatever you want, despite the fact that others may suffer from it. You are an assertive, impatient and arrogant person. If the subject matter does not directly concern you, you roughly interrupt the speaker, letting everyone knows that you are feeling hurt because you are being neglected. In a verbal fight, you exhaust your opponent to such an extent that he surrenders, only to silence you. You are jealous and love rivalry; Sometimes you are cruel, but never cunning — for this you are too straightforward and frank. You expect that you will be flattered, no matter how badly you behave. When you do not get what you want, everyone must suffer. You are unfaithful in love, easily succumbed to temptation. Your unhappy partners creep away, feeling used and discarded as useless. Nevertheless, when you need them, you will have time to inform them about it. Love and Family You are then sparkling and excited, then calm and quiet. You need to attract other people, but you rarely get satisfaction, delivering joy to people. Appearance is important to you, but you make the final choice with the mind, not with the heart. You are impulsive and purposefully seeking your chosen one. You may seem unstable, but this is because you are looking for the perfect love that you will never be able to find. You will never be reconciled to the imperfection of a real person. In material terms, you will succeed through marriage, and a representative of the opposite sex will bring a lawsuit against you. You will marry early or hurriedly and later you can repent of it. If your marriage falls apart, you are unlikely to make a new attempt. This combination of signs does not promote fertility, and you can have only one child or there may not be children at all. The only thing that you do faster than you fall in love is to stop loving, and this is the reason for your complex emotional life. Career and Money You like to have authority, and you can start your own business or go to work in any area where you can be a boss. You are a man of action and blossom in an atmosphere of politics or business. In the field of art, literature or music you will not be popular. You know exactly how to sell the idea to the public. Sports can also bring income. You are ambitious, but you will encounter difficulties, for the overcoming of which all your courage and will are required. You will make many business trips and can be a foreign agent or head some commission. You will achieve some success with decisive action or with business trips. You are qualified for professions related to military affairs or jurisprudence, although you have a certain propensity to work in the field of extraction and development of mineral deposits. Friends will give you great support and will contribute to your success. Health and Immunity You usually disregard your figure and health, indulge your whims in eating, put a lot of stress on the weakest parts of the body or ignore the need to reduce activity when you are sick. Thus, you are exacerbating ill health. You are prone to fever, migraine and inflammatory diseases of the internal organs. You can really help yourself if you use at least a little common sense and take care of your health. Which fits you more out of the three? None might fit you well, I didn't feel the interpretation of mine was good, bc its not taking into account my moon in pisces square neptune nor my sun in virgo square neptune so is not accurate, you probably feel all three don't describe you well. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14655 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted November 28, 2018 08:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by astri: I personally guessed Libra, but then again I don't know much about all the zodiac signs actually...But ultimately, since you've moved, it is your relocation chart that matters which can change the ascendant from the one in the natal chart..
Welcome to Lindaland Astri!!!!!!! ![]( I was born in the Dominican Republic, I lived in Miami for nearly two decades and have lived for 6 years in Colorado. My rising sign for the Dominican Republic and Miami are the same but for Colorado is different. I wonder which rising sing would you pick up if you see a pic of me now in Colorado, the relocation rising sign or my natal rising sign? IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14655 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted November 28, 2018 11:45 PM
As a LEO riser you can have the 12th house ruler be the MOON which conjuncts PLUTO the IC/4th house ruler falling in your 4th house, this would fit very well too.Actually with Leo rising and mercury in the 12th and moon ruling your 12th, I feel you appear expressive and fun but you probably have a hard time expressing your thoughts and emotions and keep a lot to yourself, further reinforced by moon conjunct pluto in scorpio in the 4th house. So if you have leo rising, you look like you are fun and extroverted but everything else about the chart would indicate you are actually introverted, quiet,keep to yourself and reserved. Does this make sense??? if it does then you are probably a leo riser but if it doesn't I feel we can then rule out leo. IP: Logged |
Brenda_S Knowflake Posts: 1128 From: Registered: Sep 2018
posted November 29, 2018 03:25 AM
I think her emotions being kept hidden is a given, with her moon in Scorpio conjunct Pluto. Unless of course it sits in a masculine house. But her 'thoughts' being kept hidden or difficulty expressing it would rather point to a Leo rising. IP: Logged |
Brenda_S Knowflake Posts: 1128 From: Registered: Sep 2018
posted November 29, 2018 03:42 AM
Her moon aspects her Mercury, she should easily be able to make sense of her feelings... And her Venus MC ruler opposes moon and aspects Mercury too and sits in the tenth. So I'd think at the end of the day she's got no issues publicly expressing how she feels/thinks, but in a constructive manner with the Saturn square. So I'm afraid it wouldn't be a good pointer, since other stuff cancels it out. IP: Logged | |