Topic: The Septile
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 27, 2019 12:53 PM
Graham, what are your thoughts on the tridecile? 108 degree aspect?IP: Logged |
Graham unregistered
posted August 28, 2019 01:07 AM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: Graham, what are your thoughts on the tridecile? 108 degree aspect?
The following comments apply to all planet cycles :- 1. The faster moving planet is being shaped/changed by the slower moving planet. 2. How it is being shaped (for all those born between the previous and next conjunctions) is revealed by the sign, house and degree locations of those two conjunctions. ... In effect, the previous conjunction reveals "where the two-planet-task/change is coming from" (i.e.. what is changing) - and the next conjunction reveals "where it is going to" (ie.. what the result will be). 3. How each individual born during the change cycle is being shaped will be revealed by the phase relationship, sign, house and degree of the two planets at the time of birth. 4. If the faster-moving planet has not yet reached the degree of opposition with the slower-moving planet, the person has not yet fully grasped/understood the shaping-message. And the phase relationship will reveal the extent to which he/she has done so. 5. If the faster-moving planet has moved beyond the degree of opposition with the slower-moving planet, the person has fully grasped/understood the shaping message and begun to behave accordingly. And, the extent to which he/she is "walking the walk" will be revealed by the phase relationship.
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Graham unregistered
posted August 28, 2019 02:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: Graham, what are your thoughts on the tridecile? 108 degree aspect?
The following comments apply specifically to the 108-degrees tridecile aspect. 1. If the faster-moving planet has moved beyond the degree of opposition with the slower-moving planet, the person will be exemplifying/walking-the-walk of whatever evolutionary change is revealed by the previous and last conjunctions of the two planets. ... And, if it has not yet reached that point, the slower-moving planet will be 'actively persuading" the person to to recognise the need for that change in his/her behaviour. 2. The decile = 10th harmonic = 5th harmonic x 2nd harmonic = externalising (2H) an (internal) ability to consciously recognise patterns (5H). ... So, this is a person whom David Hamblin might describe as "consciously striving to create order out of chaos" - with the 2H being the striving/effort element that attracts the attention of (and feedback from) others, which the person can then use to (appropriately) modify his/her behaviour. ... Hence, such people are able to "see" connections between things that others consider to be unrelated - and are able to grasp (via the external feedback) how to explain them in a way that enables others to "see" what they otherwise would not. 3. I suspect that the both the 5th and 7th harmonic aspects indicate an ability to "create order out of chaos" - but the pattern recognition is done consciously by the 5H person and unconsciously by the 7H person. ... Hence, the (seeming) irrationality that astrologers currently associate with the Septile aspect. 4. The 108 degree aspect is in either a (waxing) First Quarter phase or a (waning) Disseminating phase. ... In the waxing phase, the chart-owner is likely to be opinionated (and changing his/her views will be difficult). But, in the waning phase, those views will have become "set in tablets of stone" (and changing them - or the resulting crusader behaviour - will be impossible).
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 29, 2019 03:03 PM
Thanks Graham!"3. I suspect that both the 5th and 7th harmonic aspects indicate an ability to "create order out of chaos" - but the pattern recognition is done consciously by the 5H person and unconsciously by the 7H person. ... Hence, the (seeming) irrationality that astrologers currently associate with the Septile aspect." The whole relationship between chaos and order fascinates me! maybe this is my attraction to septiles and also quintiles. Biseptile 102 Squine 105 Tridecile 108 IP: Logged |
Graham unregistered
posted August 30, 2019 11:30 AM
Squine = 7/24ths = 7/(3Hx8H) = 105degs 00mins ... 19/65ths = 19/(5Hx13H) = 105degs 14mins So ... is 105degs 07mins a 24th harmonic aspect, or a 65th harmonic aspect?
If a 24H, it's about "pleasure in persisting" ... if it's a 65H, it's about "an unrelenting search for one's identity". ... Yet, most astrologers would not question/doubt the validity of using a 30-arc-minute orb for the squine. ... And, since an unrelenting search (for anything) involves persistence - the squine interpretation seems "close enough", so the generation of astrologers that will see the potential value of questioning aspect orbs may not yet have been born. IP: Logged |
Graham unregistered
posted September 25, 2019 10:21 AM The above video may be an example of the 7H ability to recognises patterns unconsciously ... (in the way that the 5H seems to be the ability to recognise patterns consciously).
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 25, 2019 01:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by Graham: The above video may be an example of the 7H ability to recognises patterns unconsciously ... (in the way that the 5H seems to be the ability to recognise patterns consciously).
Fascinating Graham! Perhaps this is why septiles via transit make you act "irrationally" bc you are subconsciously picking up on a pattern that you know is not working so you then make a decision that feels "irrational" to break away from it. This gives this fork on the road vibe and like you are making a decision that comes from your higher self or a higher power. IP: Logged |
Dons2angelss Knowflake Posts: 938 From: Virginia, US Registered: Jan 2019
posted September 25, 2019 09:50 PM
Question, I know the septile will show as a conjunction in the 7th harmonic, but what does the bi and triseptile show up as? IP: Logged |
Graham unregistered
posted September 26, 2019 12:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: Fascinating Graham! Perhaps this is why septiles via transit make you act "irrationally" bc you are subconsciously picking up on a pattern that you know is not working so you then make a decision that feels "irrational" to break away from it. This gives this fork on the road vibe and like you are making a decision that comes from your higher self or a higher power.
I agree with your hypothesis, but suspect an "irrational" decision = a decision not involving "rational" Mercury thinking.So, 5H = Mercury reasoning ... 7H = Neptune knowing. On the two occasions in my life when I have been aware of the 7H influence, I (or, rather the higher Neptunian-Self that had temporarily walked-in) seemed to "know" how all the other people involved in the event would behave ... which was the key to producing the outcome desired by "me"/the Neptune-Self. ... And, my guess is that 'knowing" came from subconsciously observing their behavioural patterns over a long period of time. ... Hence, the (unconscious) Neptune-Self did know something that the (conscious) ego-self was not aware of.
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Graham unregistered
posted September 26, 2019 12:55 AM
quote: Originally posted by Dons2angelss: Question, I know the septile will show as a conjunction in the 7th harmonic, but what does the bi and triseptile show up as?
To ascertain how a natal aspect will show up in a harmonic chart, we multiply the degree distance of the natal aspect by the harmonic number - and subtract 360 degrees from the answer (until the remainder is less than 360 degrees)*. So :- Septile = 51deg26 ... x 7 = 360degs ... = conjunction. Bi-septile = 102deg52 ... x 7 = 720degs ... -360degs = 360degs ... = conjunction Tri-septile = 154deg17 ... x 7 = 1080degs .. -720degs = 360degs ... = conjunction. But, the 14H will show up as an opposition - because 25deg43 x 7 = 180degs = opposition. [*For example, natal squares will show up as squares in the 7H chart - because 90degs x 7 = 270degs?]
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 22, 2020 11:02 PM
The fist recorded case of Coronavirus was on December 1 2019 on this day I see this happening transit wise..December 2019: Saturn conjunt Pluto. Saturn sextile NEPTUNE January 2020: Neptune Semi-square Uranus (unexpectedly spreading to other parts of the world)*Kannon pointed this transit out Saturn conjunt Pluto Neptune septile Saturn (fork in the road, how we chose to respond to the now global crisis) March 2020: Saturn conjunt Pluto Jupiter starts to conjunct Pluto and joins cappy stellium, making situation escalate further and world starting to really take notice, leaders start to act more aggressively with trying to contain spread, this starts to impact commerce and business more, businesses shut down, people are instructed to stay home. Septiles are fork in the roads and have to do with character development. Is the 7th harmonic and is a very fated spiritual aspect. This septile in January may have more to do with a fork on the road in the context of how the world will chose to respond to this crisis and this will impact our character development and spiritual growth collectively and in turn our future. January 19, 2020 Neptune Septile Saturn 1.03 orb Saturn conjunt Pluto ^Thoughts: How do we respond to this crisis? Saturn (fear, scarcity thinking, survival mode) or Neptune (faith, kindness and compassion)? Perhaps we chose to respond with Caution (saturn) to serve values connected to Neptune the higher octave of love (universal love, protecting each other, valuing life and the life of one another)? I feel we chose to respond to crisis with caution but to serve the Neptunian values of universal love, I remember feeling good about this and pleasantly surprised with how the world CHOSE to respond and feeling proud of humanity. Its an aspect that highlights the concern of survival (saturn) but in a collective way (neptune) and the septile is testing us by putting us in a fork in the road and asking us "how are you going to handle this collectively?."
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 23, 2020 01:56 AM
January 19 2020 Transit"Saturn septile Neptune: Inspired by the combination of control and restraint with idealism, caringness and mystical significance; inspired by the idea of self-abnegation in the cause of humanity; able to express this creatively, depending on other aspects." This septile will happen again exact July 20, 2020 during a new moon in Cancer. IP: Logged |
Graham unregistered
posted March 23, 2020 03:40 AM
Perhaps the 7th harmonic (non-intellectual pattern recognition) is impelling the world to finally see/understand how we really are "all in this together".If so, it may be worth interpreting it in the context of the current Neptune-Pluto evolutionary cycle ... which (imo) is moving humanity towards a one-world-government "of the people, by the people, for the people". IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 23, 2020 11:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by Graham:
Perhaps the 7th harmonic (non-intellectual pattern recognition) is impelling the world to finally see/understand how we really are "all in this together".If so, it may be worth interpreting it in the context of the current Neptune-Pluto evolutionary cycle ... which (imo) is moving humanity towards a one-world-government "of the people, by the people, for the people".
Yes! I like the "we are in this together" interpretation ![]( I just realized yesterday Pluto is tri-vigintile Neptune. I am currently exploring the possibility that when two planets are vigintile it makes those two planets operate in a higher level from its most evolved place. Tri-vigintile and Septile coincidentally are really close together in aspect (51.25 & 54). This aspect could also give us a clue perhaps to how we are responding to this global threat collectively. Then again if vigintile means Open Doors to Higher Worlds and Pluto rules death and Neptune infectious and contagious diseases maybe this whole thing is about some souls moving on to a higher plane OR to help us evolve to a higher level spirituality depending on how we chose to deal with situation (saturn septile neptune). I mean is interesting how saturn septile neptune and pluto tri-vigintile neptune are happening around the same time.
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Graham unregistered
posted March 24, 2020 11:46 AM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: Yes! I like the "we are in this together" interpretation ![]( I just realized yesterday Pluto is tri-vigintile Neptune. I am currently exploring the possibility that when two planets are vigintile it makes those two planets operate in a higher level from its most evolved place. Tri-vigintile and Septile coincidentally are really close together in aspect (51.25 & 54). This aspect could also give us a clue perhaps to how we are responding to this global threat collectively. Then again if vigintile means Open Doors to Higher Worlds and Pluto rules death and Neptune infectious and contagious diseases maybe this whole thing is about some souls moving on to a higher plane OR to help us evolve to a higher level spirituality depending on how we chose to deal with situation (saturn septile neptune). I mean is interesting how saturn septile neptune and pluto tri-vigintile neptune are happening around the same time.
Perhaps the septile/7th harmonic is the door through which Neptune can communicate with the person ... and the vigintile/20th harmonic is the door through which the person can communicate with Neptune. 20H = 4H x 5H = effort x conscious recognition of patterns = working to create order out of chaos. 7H = intuitive/unconscious recognition of patterns.
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 24, 2020 10:27 PM
I had a dream last night, it was an astral travel experience. I am starting to have those again I think bc Tr Neptune is conjunct my moon and Tr Neptune is tri-vigintile pluto right now. Vigintiles open doors to higher worlds. I also noticed I tend to have astral travel experiences with people I have asteroid pairs with that are vigintile/septile and were endymion and selene are strongly featured. I met with Boston Rob in the dream world, it was a very nice dream. We made out lol. I was not into him in real life, I have never had a crush on him but after this dream I feel something for him like I feel I care about him, we definitely connected on a soul level, it felt like we accidentally ended up going on a date and really connected. I decided to take the initiative to give him my number in the dream and told him something along the lines of "no rush but at some point we should hang out again," he acknowledge he had a beautiful time with me and that it was special in a surprising way. Later on many hours after the dream in the middle of a busy day I thought of him again like this feeling he also remembers the dream and was thinking of me. I don't think he is my other half, I don't really believe in twin souls to be honest but a soulmate yes, sure, why not. Regardless it was a lovely dream and I am glad we met in the dream world, it was fun plain and simple. Naturally as an astrologer I have to look at his chart and our composite and our davison to see why I felt a connection with him and what could have triggered this astral travel experience... So here it goes ladies and gentleman.... His Psyche SEPTILES my EROS EXACT His Eros sextiles my Psyche (by 1d) Tr Pluto/Mars/Jupiter are on his Eros His Isis conjuncts my Osiris EXACT His Osiris tri-vigintiles my Isis (under 1d, 53.2/54) His Osiris conjuncts my Moon (My moon septiles my Isis, my Isis septiles my Osiris) Tr Southnode/Tr Pholus/Tr Osiris are conjunct his SUN Natal Mars in Gemini in the 12H conjuncts my Northnode Exact Natal Mars in Gemini is part of two yods in his natal chart He has Selene conjunct Endymion exact on Regulus on his natal (he must astral travel a lot) My Endymion SEPTILES his SELENE conjunct ENDYMION (yep this was indeed an astral travel experience) My Endymion conjuncts his AC My Selene conjuncts his Northnode His DC ruler Saturn conjuncts my EROS exact His Psyche is in Gemini and all my soulmates seem to have Psyche in gemini, I have DC in gemini. Is a very prevalent repetitive pattern in my life so worth mentioning. I have chiron inconjunct saturn and his sun on my cupido completes a YOD. He has Sun inconjunct Saturn and my Chiron completes a Yod for him and it turns into two yods and the two yods are connected. His Jupiter conjuncts my Serendip (e.g. happy accident) and Tr Endymion was on this. Tr Sun and Tr Serendip were right on my IC and square his SUN. Now Davison:
Chart Ruler MERCURY conjunct VENUS square the Nodes (skipped step) and inconjuncts the moon, tr saturn in aquarius will eventually trigger a yod to this from the 5th and go on to activate our eros conjunct psyche in davison on the 5H (our mercury conjunct venus falls on my chart ruler Jupiter conjunct Uranus) Valentine trine and sextile the nodes (point of thales) Jupiter conjunct Northnode AC conjunct Saturn (fall on my SUN) Neptune falls on my Southnode Mars falls on my Venus conjunct Mars Eros conjunct Psyche 7 degrees wide but given our synastry eros/psyche contacts worth mentioning ----------------------------------------------------- I am not attached to any outcome about this actually, I don't have any attachment to this in any way but quite frankly it felt like a psychic dream when I told him "No rush, but we should hang out again." The no rush was very strong, like I really meant it, and it was like take as long as you need to type of thing. I feel that was like a soul contract we made in that dream, I don't know if we will meet in this life or in the next but this is the sense I got from this astral travel experience. Eros septile Psyche Eros sextile Psyche Isis conjunct Osiris Isis tri-vigintile Osiris (very close to been a septile actually 53.2) Endymion septile Selene
^^I Mean WOW IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 146161 From: Your Friendly Neighborhood Juris Doctorate. Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 31, 2020 12:31 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 28, 2020 01:32 PM
So I found out when my father's husband passed away this week: December 23 1994. He was 14.I checked my husband's transits for that day. Sun rules his IC..... Sun was septile transit PLUTO in SCORPIO at 29 degrees (scorpio is intercepted in the 6th house). Sun was bi-septile Tr Neptune on this day too so he has two transits involving septiles aspecting this IC ruler. He has Neptune in the 8th. IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 5735 From: Inside the Ring of 🔥 Registered: Nov 2016
posted June 26, 2020 12:01 AM
Hypatia, your post caught my attention, I'm not familiar with these, though I am fascinated by septiles and noviles because they are newish to me. Thank you for sharing the info on them! Astrodienst doesn't show them (icons) in the pdf grid idt. IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 5735 From: Inside the Ring of 🔥 Registered: Nov 2016
posted August 18, 2021 10:07 PM
I need to read up on the septiles too. I learned the fixed star Atria is septile w/ my vertex. I saw something earlier mentioned that vertex septiles aren't subtle, though may be seen as such. ^ looks as though I planned to before now. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 18, 2021 11:56 PM
You could use the 7th harmonic to explore your septiles, although I just do it manually. Based on the 7th harmonic I have Pluto conjunct exact South node at 17°, which suggests that I have Pluto septile South node in my natal chart. IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 5735 From: Inside the Ring of 🔥 Registered: Nov 2016
posted August 19, 2021 12:06 AM
Hypatia, The icons don't reflect in the charts without having to use my calculations. Are they reflecting as another aspect in 7th Harmonic? IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 19, 2021 12:45 AM
quote: Originally posted by MoonMystic: Hypatia, The icons don't reflect in the charts without having to use my calculations. Are they reflecting as another aspect in 7th Harmonic?
Yes in the 7th harmonic they will reflect as exact conjunctions! 😁 IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 5735 From: Inside the Ring of 🔥 Registered: Nov 2016
posted August 19, 2021 12:48 AM
thank you. Guess not, was wrong. I have tons of 1°+, squares, Oppositions and a lot of quintiles. A few trines. Otherwise I'm full. I did have one but doubtful it is significant. Pluto & DC.
Oh Hypatia, I do have Arabic Pt of Victory with my AC in I suppose septile. Go go go Sagittarius. I like the quintile with Mercury/Telephus, it explains a bit more for me.
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PlutoWasHere Knowflake Posts: 114 From: The Nether World Registered: Mar 2021
posted August 19, 2021 10:33 AM
@hypatia, thank your for this topic. Septiles are very interesting. I looked at my 7th Harmonic and found three in my own chart: Mars septile Mercury Neptune tri-septile Sun Uranus tri-septile DSC I found this article: Sun septile Neptune: Inspired by ideals of service to others; inspired by the idea of sinking one's individuality in a wider cause; seeing oneself as a symbol of something greater than oneself. The interpretation does resonate with me. I do feel like I am part of a greater whole and it is important for me to contribute to that in some way. Mercury septile Mars: Inspired by the idea of a rational approach to action and sexuality, and by the idea of forceful, dynamic, rugged communication; impulsively communicating with great force. The idea of a rational approach to action definitely appeals to me. But the part about rugged communication makes me chuckle a bit. I think it is not something I am aware of but people on the receiving end of my communication might experience the forcefull side more. I also have Mars parallel and antiscia Mercury, so it certainly is a theme. Mars is my H7 ruler so I wonder if that matters too. Uranus septile Ascendant, DC, Midheaven or IC: Thrilling, brilliant, wild, shocking, rebellious, a law unto oneself. Uhm, don't really know how to react to that one. ![]( IP: Logged |