Topic: The Septile
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 04, 2019 01:50 AM
The Septile AspectThe septile aspect is 51 degrees and 26 minutes – or one seventh of a circle. Seven is the number of transcendence and overcoming, a rising above problems so that we may seem them in the bigger picture. In speaking of septiles anything I say can also be applied to the bi-septile -- 102 degrees and 52 minutes -- and the tri-septile -- 154 degrees and 18 minutes. The orb on any of these should be no more than two degrees, with one degree being preferable. Of course, if you have several of them in your chart, you can always know which one will be the strongest by looking at the one with the closest orb. All three of these septile frequencies have to do with destiny – something bigger and more far reaching than the conscious self. The best way to handle them is to go with your impulses where they are concerned – follow your guidance, and do what you feel an urge to do. Don’t let a need for justification stand in your way. the universe is trying to tell you something, and all you have to do is sharpen your ears and allow yourself to flow with the energy. The septile can also make us feel that we need to do something in a particular way, and even if another way may seem more practical or accepted, we need to follow the way that feels right to us. Here is an example: I have Venus and Mars in a septile aspect. The Venus/Mars pair of planet signifies EFFICIENCY, according to Marc Edmund Jones, in other words, how we get anything done. Venus and Mars is the urge to take action toward completing something. Mars is always how we begin anything, and Venus is how we end it. And it is true that I often get the urge to do something, RIGHT NOW, and I may not have any reason why. But I’ve found that if I go ahead and get it done it feels very good. By the same token if I fail to follow through on one of these urges, it can create inner psychic turmoil, cause discord and disharmony. The septile is asking us to allow ourselves to sympathetically vibrate with incoming cosmic energy, and if we just let go of our questionings and inhibitions and go for it, we get led to someplace we need to go. The septile is an energy we need to submit to, and to be taken over by. My friend Sandra has Uranus and Neptune in a septile aspect. That pair has to do with spiritual obligation – taking on a responsibility for the good of humanity. She has hosted a Shaman from Brazil who comes and stays at her house, and who does healings on people. She is very drawn to the poets Shelly and Byron, who wre a unique (Uranus) idealists (Neptune), and an inspired (Uranus) visionaries (Neptune). She has the impulse, I’m sure, to be like them. The Uranus/Neptune pair is cosmic – it looks beyond mundane limitations, its vision piercing the veil of materiality and searching out the hidden realms. Give in to it, Sandra. Another friend, Linda, has a Moon/Saturn septile which means that when she has a persistent (Saturn) feeling that keeps coming up, she needs to give it attention, check it out, see where it takes her. Also that unexplainable difficult or negative emotions can arise in her that are trying to lead her to some new realization or awareness. Its also good to check out septiles in your progressed chart, for they can show periods when you can receive new guidance to meet particular challenges. Most of the work on septiles has been undertaken by John Addey, Charles Harvey, Mike Harding and David Hamblin. In general, septile symbolism is associated with inspiration, visionary experiences, and connection with divinity. “Septile is related to the inflowing of inspiration, of some kind of ‘higher vision’ which comes from perceiving the unity. It is traditionally associated with religious and mystical experience, and with sacrifice to some higher ideal." IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 04, 2019 01:06 PM
Chart Ruler Septile SeriesJupiter In Sag at5d42 Uranus In Sag at 5d15 Septile Capricorn at 27d08 (Guinevere in Capricorn at 27d20) Biseptile Pisces at 19d16 (Moon in pisces at 21.d4) Triseptile in Taurus at 11d23 (Osiris in Taurus at 12d44) Quadseptile in Cancer at 3d3 (Isis in Cancer at 4d37) Quinseptile in Leo at 26d19 (Ambrosia in Leo at 26d00) Senseptile in Libra at 18d27 (Church in Libra at 19d26, Arthur in Libra at 20d03)
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Gemini Blues Knowflake Posts: 1439 From: The future... or the past. I get them confused... Registered: May 2014
posted August 04, 2019 01:40 PM
I have Sun Moon septile about 1/2 degree orb. How would you interpret that?
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 04, 2019 02:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gemini Blues: I have Sun Moon septile about 1/2 degree orb. How would you interpret that?
I am fascinated by septiles so I re-read up on them periodically.. I would interpret moon septile sun as someone who is spiritual and makes decisions that don't come from a logical place but essentially from a 6th sense. This person makes decisions that his logical mind may not understand but it comes from a place more powerful than him that he cannot ignore, he lets a higher power guide him and listens to his gut. Life is more mysterious this way, there is this theme of not feeling in control and like something is pushing you one way or another and you feel you have no choice but to listen to that. Does this makes any sense?
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Gemini Blues Knowflake Posts: 1439 From: The future... or the past. I get them confused... Registered: May 2014
posted August 04, 2019 03:12 PM
I think I have a well developed sense of intuition. I find that there are times where I do things without really knowing why and accepting that there must have been a reason I wasn't aware of. It's not an overwhelming theme to my life or anything, just often enough to be a curiosity.There are times in my life where I'm interested in the spiritual and times where I put it aside. I wonder from time to time why God has led me down some of the paths I've taken, and placed before me the people I've met. I am utterly convinced that some of the most important people in my lifetime, such as my parents, knew me before I was born, and it was planned that we would be here for the time that we were. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 04, 2019 03:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gemini Blues: I think I have a well developed sense of intuition. I find that there are times where I do things without really knowing why and accepting that there must have been a reason I wasn't aware of. It's not an overwhelming theme to my life or anything, just often enough to be a curiosity.There are times in my life where I'm interested in the spiritual and times where I put it aside. I wonder from time to time why God has led me down some of the paths I've taken, and placed before me the people I've met. I am utterly convinced that some of the most important people in my lifetime, such as my parents, knew me before I was born, and it was planned that we would be here for the time that we were.
Beautiful. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 04, 2019 11:53 PM
Astrological Aspects - The Septile Series and Destiny, or Fateby Robert Wilkinson As I've mentioned in this article about the Basics of Astrology, there are really only four factors involved in the craft. There are planets, signs, houses, and aspects. The planets are our "lights" symbolizing the different parts of our personality makeup, and each planet has a duality of function. The planets all occupy a sign. The 12 signs are the filters through which the lights shine, whether in healthy or dysfunctional ways. Thus a Sun in Aries is illuminated by Aries experiences and people, whereas a Sun in Virgo is illuminated through Virgo experiences and people. Venus is what we like, both in art, people, and life. Venus in Taurus likes Taurus types of art and people, whereas a Venus in Sagittarius likes Sag types of art and people. Saturn is what we fear, and our bottom line regarding boundaries and responsibility. Saturn in Virgo finds its limit through Virgo experiences, Saturn in Aquarius finds its limit through Aquarian experiences. The houses represent the various areas of life. The first house, or Ascendant, indicates our self image, the second house is our values and wealth, our seventh house our partnerships, the eleventh house our friends and ambitions, and so on. Each house has a sign quality, sometimes two. This is determined by the time of birth, and shows our bias in that department of life. Then there are the aspects, the angular relationships between the planets and various points in the chart. These show us the relationship between the departments of our inner self as well as our outer life, and indicate when the timing on critical choices will occur. Through the aspects we can find out when we will be challenged, when things will proceed harmoniously, when things will specialize or hit a fork in the road or finally come to fruition. Each aspect series results from division of the circle by the numbers 1 through 12. 1 results in the conjunction, 2 in the opposition, 3 the trine, 4 the square, 5 the quintile, 6 the sextile, 7 the septile, 8 the semisquare, 9 the novile, 10 the decile (or semi-quintile), 11 the elftile, and 12 the semi-sextile. There are harmonics of these, of course. For example, in the specializing series represented by the Decile and Quintile, there is also the Tredecile (108 degrees) and the Biquintile (144 degrees). All four of the aspects in this series show unique specializations, whether partly developed uniquenesses (decile), fully developed uniquenesses (quintile), interactive complementary uniquenesses (tredecile), or interactive fully developed uniquenesses (biquintile). I know that some books credit the quintiles with qualities other than what I've just offered. Though there is general acceptance of the better known angles (dating from Ptolemy), there is some confusion about the more obscure aspects, such as the quintile, septile, and novile series aspects. I've just given you what I believe are some qualities of the quintiles, since 5 represents specialization, expansion, and "quintessence." I originally outlined the basics of the septile and novile series aspects in my 1978 book "Astrology and the Spiritual Path," out of print for many years. (There is another by that name, but it was published years later by another author.) Today I will offer you some insights about the septile series aspects, so that you can apply some of your observations about these "forks in the road of destiny." Hopefully, this can help you understand why things can be so weird at times, why there seems to be no reason for some things to happen, and why often all of our thinking and reasoning and explaining still doesn't help us choose when confronted by critical decisions. In the septile series there are the septile (51+ degrees), biseptile (102+ degrees), and triseptile (154+ degrees). Due to the non-rationality of the numbers produced when the circle is divided by 7, it is assumed that these aspects represent the non-rational points in the cycle. Thus on a personality level they show as obsessive or compulsive behavior, irrationality or strange inexplicable points in the process. And of course, as you know if you've been reading this column for any length of time, when operating as a transit they represent critical "forks in the road of destiny," where we must choose which way we will define our personality and therefore our future. 7 is Saturn's number, so that's why it is assumed these points deal with "destiny." Since "character is destiny," as you make your character by your choices you forge your destiny our of the mass of potentials you could choose into the concrete choices that reveal your ability to respond to your karma. This is the true "response-ability" that we accept as a result of Saturn's lessons. Any planet septiling, biseptiling, or triseptiling any other planet has hit a fork in the road of that process, a point where reason and rationality may not serve your ability to choose. The septile, falling 51 degrees 25 minutes from any given point, shows the first or last fork in the road relative to the conjunction. The waxing septile comes after the first internal crisis of growth at the waxing semisquare and precedes the productive period shown by the waxing sextile. The waning septile comes after the final productivity of the waning sextile phase of the process and the choice at the waning septile precipitates the internal crisis at the waning semisquare. It is a point of emergent choice showing which way the process will develop, or final choice before the disintegration of the old form, forming the seed that will grow anew at the rebeginning of the next conjunction. The biseptile, falling 102 degrees 50 minutes from any point, is said to be a point of "exteriorization of destiny." While sounding very dramatic, in fact it is simply the next fork in the road of the process that starts at any conjunction, or the next point where the irrational elements of being will show up. It is the natural decision point after the crisis of the waxing square before the productive period of the waxing trine, and usually involves some deep stuff, since it falls in the fourth house relative to any point. The waning biseptile has the same irrational "exteriorization of destiny" qualities, but since it falls in the ninth house relative to any point, it is the culminating fork in the road to seeing the truth of a thing, and it precedes the culmination point of the waxing square. The triseptile comes in at 154 degrees 16 minutes, and indicates more of a non-rational, cooperative-collective point in the process, since it always falls in the sixth or seventh house relative to a point. It is like the other points in quality, except that it usually involves other people who are also at a critical fork in their own cooperative road. These are points of adjustment, refinement, shifts in how and who you related to, and show you how others are or are not a part of your larger "destiny." A final important note: if you have two or more planets in a septile, biseptile, or triseptile to each other, they will naturally create resonant "void points" where other septile series aspects fall. These are trigger points for irrational conditions or personality "destiny" elements to come forth in the life. Though these periods can seem very weird indeed, they are points of choice, decision, and movement where reason may fail even though major things are in motion. For example, you know that because of the Neptune septile Pluto we're in the midst of The Grand Irrationality. Over the past few months it has stimulated points at 7-11 Virgo, 29 Libra-3 Scorpio, 19-23 Sagittarius, 12-16 Aquarius, 3-7 Aries, 25-29 Taurus, and 15-19 Cancer. If any of these points are strong in your chart, you have all the other points also active. These have been progressing forward about 1 to 3 degrees a year due to the movement of Neptune and Pluto. Since I have a planet in mid-Aquarius, it shows that planet will be influenced by any transitting planet occupying these points. Thus Pluto is in a long term waning septile to my planet, and Jupiter will be waning biseptile my planet in late October and early November when it occupies the Scorpio points, and so forth. The septile qualities will be more in evidence every time the transitting Moon occupies any of these points, and will obviously affect the areas of my chart where the planets occupy and what sectors they rule. It works that way for all of us. The link to the Grand Irrationality can help you find out if your generation is one being influenced by this long term pressure. And if y ou know how to calculate aspects, take a look at your chart to see where your different planetary irrationality zones are, as it may help you the next time they activate.
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Graham unregistered
posted August 05, 2019 09:44 AM
quote: Most of the work on septiles has been undertaken by John Addey, Charles Harvey, Mike Harding and David Hamblin.
So ... should we be using (John Addey's recommended) harmonic orbs to identify the septiles in a chart?* ... 12 degrees for the conjunction, and - for all other aspects - 12 divided by the harmonic number ... which gives an orb of 1deg43mins for the septile/7th harmonic. And, the more recent recent evidence-based research by David Cochrane seems to not support the long-held view that the septile is about intuition and inspiration ... preferring instead to use "sustained attention" *Note for information/clarification :- 1) The 27th Harmonic aspect is 13deg20mins - so 4/27ths = 53deg20mins, which is within 2 degrees of the septile (1/7th) 51deg23mins. 2) the 27H = the kind of bliss/ecstasy that comes from being "at one" with each of the two aspecting planets. For example, the Sun (conscious self) would receive, and instinctively trust, the messages received from the Moon (subconscious self). IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 05, 2019 11:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by Graham: So ... should we be using (John Addey's recommended) harmonic orbs to identify the septiles in a chart?* ... 12 degrees for the conjunction, and - for all other aspects - 12 divided by the harmonic number ... which gives an orb of 1deg43mins for the septile/7th harmonic.
Yes I use an orb of 1d3 (1.5) for septiles but for example a septile between sun and moon maybe you can use a wider orb. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 05, 2019 11:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by Graham:
And, the more recent recent evidence-based research by David Cochrane seems to not support the long-held view that the septile is about intuition and inspiration ... preferring instead to use [b]"sustained attention" [/B]
The more recent research of one astrologer does not IMO disprove the views of other astrologers and their research on septiles. The way I see it you have to look at everyone's perspective on Septiles and then gravitate to the theory that matches your own personal experience with septiles the most. I have definitely felt the power of septiles via transit when it activates my SOUTHNODE septile PLUTO in my chart by conjuncting my Southnode. It matches Robert Wilkinson's views on Septiles, I don't feel I am in control, I make decisions when septiles are active that come from something more powerful than me and I cannot ignore it, I have to submit to it. You can call septiles "infinite wisdom." It helps you access this infinite wisdom so to speak, your higher self that has access to this infinite wisdom. You end up making decisions that you don't know why you are making them and you feel you cannot do it differently, you feel a VERY strong need to obey it and it can feel like you are in an "irrational point" of a fork bc your intuition is completely taking over your decision making, he put it nicely "a point where reason and rationality may not serve your ability to choose." Its not a choice that comes from reason, it comes from "infinite wisdom." BTW I Just felt this inspiration now to call the septile "infinite wisdom." Recently I met someone in early June and we have become very good friends. ON our first date at some point I Told him "I am not going anywhere" followed by "there is no rush we have plenty of time." I remember been shocked I said that bc when that came out of my mouth, it did not feel like it came from my reasonable mind at all. When I said that I was not saying that myself. Its hard to explain but it came from a place of infinite wisdom, I wasn't in control when I said, it just came out. Weeks later I was checking my progressed composite chart with him and we have SUN conjunct AC exact in Sag at 24 degrees and 30 years from now our Sun conjunct AC will still be in conjunction under 2 degrees. ^That day I said that Transit Neptune in Pisces was activating my Septile Series with my Chart Ruler Jupiter conjunct Uranus. Tr Neptune was Biseptile my chart ruler Jupiter that day under 1d and is still in orb biseptile my chart ruler but by 1 degree. IP: Logged |
Graham unregistered
posted August 05, 2019 12:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: The more recent research of one astrologer does not IMO disprove the views of other astrologers and their research on septiles. The way I see it you have to look at everyone's perspective on Septiles and then gravitate to the theory that matches your own personal experience with septiles the most.
That particular astrologer (David Cochrane) would claim that his research is evidence-based ... and that the evidence does not support the current perspective of astrologers on a variety of things. ... Although it is too soon yet to know if he is right, one should still be wary of automatically rejecting the possibility that we/mainline astrologers may be wrong.
quote: I have definitely felt the power of septiles via transit when it activates my SOUTHNODE septile PLUTO in my chart by conjuncting my Southnode. It matches Robert Wilkinson's views on Septiles, I don't feel I am in control, I make decisions when septiles are active that come from something more powerful than me and I cannot ignore it, I have to submit to it. You can call septiles "infinite wisdom." It helps you access this infinite wisdom so to speak, your higher self that has access to this infinite wisdom. You end up making decisions that you don't know why you are making them and you feel you cannot do it differently, you feel a VERY strong need to obey it and it can feel like you are in an "irrational point" of a fork bc your intuition is completely taking over your decision making, he put it nicely "a point where reason and rationality may not serve your ability to choose." Its not a choice that comes from reason, it comes from "infinite wisdom." BTW I Just felt this inspiration now to call the septile "infinite wisdom." Recently I met someone in early June and we have become very good friends. ON our first date at some point I Told him "I am not going anywhere" followed by "there is no rush we have plenty of time." I remember been shocked I said that bc when that came out of my mouth, it did not feel like it came from my reasonable mind at all. When I said that I was not saying that myself. Its hard to explain but it came from a place of infinite wisdom, I wasn't in control when I said, it just came out. Weeks later I was checking my progressed composite chart with him and we have SUN conjunct AC exact in Sag at 24 degrees and 30 years from now our Sun conjunct AC will still be in conjunction under 2 degrees. ^That day I said that Transit Neptune in Pisces was activating my Septile Series with my Chart Ruler Jupiter conjunct Uranus. Tr Neptune was Biseptile my chart ruler Jupiter that day under 1d and is still in orb biseptile my chart ruler but by 1 degree. [/B]
Infinite wisdom is a quality that I would assign to Neptune rather than to an aspect ... and transit Neptune was indeed the activating planet delivering the message (which your natal Jupiter was prompted by Uranus to spontaneously express). However ... the only point I am trying to make here is that, in order to determine the correct interpretation for septiles (or any other aspect), we must be sure that our examples/perspectives are not tainted by another aspect (due to wide orbs that facilitate overlapping) or the nature of the planets, signs and houses involved. For example, the 180th harmonic is 2 degrees. So, 50 degrees and 52 degrees of separation = an EXACT 180H ... but both probably fall within the orb allowed for a septile by most astrologers.
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 05, 2019 12:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by Graham: Infinite wisdom is a quality that I would assign to Neptune rather than to an aspect ... and transit Neptune was indeed the activating planet delivering the message (which your natal Jupiter was prompted by Uranus to spontaneously express).However ... the only point I am trying to make here is that, in order to determine the correct interpretation for septiles (or any other aspect), we must be ensure that our examples/perspectives are not tainted by another aspect (due to wide orbs that facilitate overlapping) or the nature of the planets, signs and houses involved. For example, the 180th harmonic is 2 degrees. So, 50 degrees and 52 degrees of separation = an [b]EXACT 180H ... but both probably fall within the orb allowed for a septile by most astrologers. [/B]
This is a very simple example of my experience with septiles that I have had recently. My experiences with septiles are more dramatic when it hits my southnode which septiles my pluto but I don't want to go into it bc it would force me to talk about very important stuff from my past I am not in the mood to talk about and tr neptune was not involved in those examples and infinite wisdom also was part of those experiences, it just had a more compulsive quality to it bc pluto was part of the septile. At the end of the day like I said I read everyone's perspective and then look at my own experience and draw conclusions this way. Research even when evidenced based is not always right and there are things that are not evidenced based that are true or work. My mercury in virgo Retrograde in the 9th has her own process and must experience things for herself to find them valid. Also I understand your point about the orbs yes but I do feel sun and moon and angles can feel wider orbs and I do feel you have to listen to your intuition too as some people can feel wider orbs like my moon in pisces square neptune. Also, I don't feel all minor aspects are equally impactful, it depends on the natal chart! like if you have septiles in your natal chart you will feel septiles more in synastry or transits but if septiles don't resonate with your natal they may not impact you as much. IP: Logged |
Graham unregistered
posted August 06, 2019 04:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: This is a very simple example of my experience with septiles that I have had recently. My experiences with septiles are more dramatic when it hits my southnode which septiles my pluto but I don't want to go into it bc it would force me to talk about very important stuff from my past I am not in the mood to talk about and tr neptune was not involved in those examples and infinite wisdom also was part of those experiences, it just had a more compulsive quality to it bc pluto was part of the septile.At the end of the day like I said I read everyone's perspective and then look at my own experience and draw conclusions this way. Research even when evidenced based is not always right and there are things that are not evidenced based that are true or work. My mercury in virgo Retrograde in the 9th has her own process and must experience things for herself to find them valid. Also I understand your point about the orbs yes but I do feel sun and moon and angles can feel wider orbs and I do feel you have to listen to your intuition too as some people can feel wider orbs like my moon in pisces square neptune. Also, I don't feel all minor aspects are equally impactful, it depends on the natal chart! like if you have septiles in your natal chart you will feel septiles more in synastry or transits but if septiles don't resonate with your natal they may not impact you as much.
1) Does your natal Neptune aspect that natal Pluto-SN septile? 2) Perhaps the only reliable way to obtain an accurate interpretation of any aspect is to monitor events created by progressions and transits to the natal charts of ourselves and those whom we know well.
3) The influence of the planets does vary from person to person, with the Sun and Moon tending to be felt earlier than the other planets. But, when attempting to assign a meaning to a particular aspect, tight orbs are required - to ensure that everyone is feeling the influence of that particular aspect, rather than one which overlaps it.
4) My own experience with (and gut-feeling about) minor aspects accords 100% with your's ... but the astrological community does not yet have the evidence required to confirm that this belief is correct - or that Ptolemaic/Major aspects are more influential than minor aspects.
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 14811 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 06, 2019 11:16 AM
quote: Originally posted by Graham: 1) Does your [b]natal Neptune aspect that natal Pluto-SN septile? 2) Perhaps the only reliable way to obtain an accurate interpretation of any aspect is to monitor events created by progressions and transits to the natal charts of ourselves and those whom we know well.
3) The influence of the planets does vary from person to person, with the Sun and Moon tending to be felt earlier than the other planets. But, when attempting to assign a meaning to a particular aspect, tight orbs are required - to ensure that everyone is feeling the influence of that particular aspect, rather than one which overlaps it.
4) My own experience with (and gut-feeling about) minor aspects accords 100% with your's ... but the astrological community does not yet have the evidence required to confirm that this belief is correct - or that Ptolemaic/Major aspects are more influential than minor aspects.[/B]
I have Neptune near my AC at the galactic center sextile my pluto and forming a tsquare with Sun opposite Moon. Neptune is my strongest planet. Maybe we can say septiles that connect with Neptune directly or indirectly have this quality to it, infinite wisdom. IP: Logged |
Graham unregistered
posted August 06, 2019 12:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: I have Neptune near my AC at the galactic center sextile my pluto and forming a tsquare with Sun opposite Moon. Neptune is my strongest planet.Maybe we can say septiles that connect with Neptune directly or indirectly have this quality to it, infinite wisdom.
That may indeed be a sound hypothesis, hypatia. ... And/or those with a strong natal Neptune may be connected to the Universal Mind in a way that enables them to (effortlessly/unconsciously) "tap in" to it's infinite wisdom.
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Kannon McAfee Knowflake Posts: 4732 From: Portland, OR - USA Registered: Oct 2011
posted August 07, 2019 01:13 AM
I don't think it will surprise anyone by now that I'm skeptical enough to do my own work of verification before buying in with belief. I sincerely hold that astrology is not a belief system, so skepticism is a better lead than belief when practicing it as a science.Having had some interaction with David Cochrane and taken a look at his work on harmonics I am far more inclined to give credence to his perception than to Addey's. However, I think the pursuits of harmonics to the 16,000th by anyone is ridiculous and a waste of time, the pursuit of number freaks. What is not commonly known is that John Addey was not the originator of the computer-driven statistically based method of processing bulk astrological raw data towards intepretive conclusions. The originator of this was actually the Swiss astrologer Karl Krafft decades earlier. The reason we aren't talking about him is his work was later seen as leading to invalid conclusions. (The fact that he was a supporter of Adolf Hitler probably didn't help him.) Harmonics can be understood as a simple matter of diving the 360° circle by the numbers 1-12. Since the cosmos works on a base-12 system there's not much point going past 12 in my view. Just use the base harmonic as a general guide for any unique multiples. That brings in these minor aspects: 5th/quintile/72°, 7th/septile/51.4°, 8th/semi-square/45°, 9th/novile/40°, 10th/decile/36°, 11th/elftile/33.7°, and 12th/semi-sextile (a possible misnomer)/30°. You don't need separate harmonics charts to apply what can be learned about these aspects. It can be applied to the aspects as they show up in the natal chart. The septile has significance because it is the 7th harmonic and is not a multiple of a base harmonic. It also functions to effectively limit any over-expanded notions of the reach of the sextile as was common with the traditional astrology of the west (Lilly, etc). 51.4° + 2° for example = 53.4° and implies sextiles between any planets end at around 55° or so. (By the same token the bi-elftile/67.4° also helps to limit over-expanded notions of sextile on the long side to around 65°.) So we can see that harmonics are useful for more than just the notation of more aspects to interpret. At the least it gives a beginning framework for testing orbs. I have not yet worked with the septile/51.4° aspect, but one of the reasons I finally bought SolarFire was to be able to include them and do proper research. I will research such aspects within specified custom orbs and only on natal charts matched with detailed biographies. And that, I believe, is the better approach for research. I don't like the methods processing hundreds or thousands of charts in the attempt to sharpen interpretive meaning to a fine point. For that you need to use a pencil sharpener that fits one pencil at a time: biographies with events that are timed precisely so that any progressed aspect culmination an inform the research. Otherwise, I think western astrologers are better off taking cues from how harmonics are treated and applied in the far older, uninterrupted traditions of the Persian-Indian schools. ------------------ Soul Stars Astrology by The Declinations Guy Expert birth chart rectification IP: Logged |
Graham unregistered
posted August 07, 2019 05:01 AM
quote: Originally posted by Kannon McAfee: I don't think it will surprise anyone by now that I'm skeptical enough to do my own work of verification before buying in with belief. I sincerely hold that astrology is not a belief system, so skepticism is a better lead than belief when practicing it as a science.Having had some interaction with David Cochrane and taken a look at his work on harmonics I am far more inclined to give credence to his perception than to Addey's. However, I think the pursuits of harmonics to the 16,000th by anyone is ridiculous and a waste of time, the pursuit of number freaks. What is not commonly known is that John Addey was not the originator of the computer-driven statistically based method of processing bulk astrological raw data towards intepretive conclusions. The originator of this was actually the Swiss astrologer Karl Krafft decades earlier. The reason we aren't talking about him is his work was later seen as leading to invalid conclusions. (The fact that he was a supporter of Adolf Hitler probably didn't help him.) Harmonics can be understood as a simple matter of diving the 360° circle by the numbers 1-12. Since the cosmos works on a base-12 system there's not much point going past 12 in my view. Just use the base harmonic as a general guide for any unique multiples. That brings in these minor aspects: 5th/quintile/72°, 7th/septile/51.4°, 8th/semi-square/45°, 9th/novile/40°, 10th/decile/36°, 11th/elftile/33.7°, and 12th/semi-sextile (a possible misnomer)/30°.
This seems to me to be a grounded approach to using harmonic aspects in astrology. ... But, are you of the opinion that there is nothing of value to be learned from the higher levels of each harmonic? [For example, using the 7th harmonic is of value - but nothing of value will be learned from using the 14th, 21st, 28th harmonics.]
quote: You don't need separate harmonics charts to apply what can be learned about these aspects. It can be applied to the aspects as they show up in the natal chart.
That will be the case with your Solar Fire, my Sirius and some other commercially available software programs. However, (I think) those using the free programs cannot draw natal charts that show the 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th harmonic aspects.And not being able to see these harmonic aspects in natal charts - rather than via the harmonic charts - produced by free software programs is (I suspect) a significant barrier to many that would otherwise be inclined to consider using minor aspects in their astrological analyses and interpretations. quote: The septile has significance because it is the 7th harmonic and is not a multiple of a base harmonic. It also functions to effectively limit any over-expanded notions of the reach of the sextile as was common with the traditional astrology of the west (Lilly, etc). 51.4° + 2° for example = 53.4° and implies sextiles between any planets end at around 55° or so. (By the same token the bi-elftile/67.4° also helps to limit over-expanded notions of sextile on the long side to around 65°.) So we can see that harmonics are useful for more than just the notation of more aspects to interpret.At the least it gives a beginning framework for testing orbs.
Harmonics do indeed provide the astrological community with a method of honing the accuracy of their aspect interpretations. Here though, you and I disagree ... since, for example, you would consider 121deg56mins of separation to be a within-two-degrees-orb trine whereas I'd treat it as an exact 62nd harmonic aspect (21/62nds). quote: I have not yet worked with the septile/51.4° aspect, but one of the reasons I finally bought SolarFire was to be able to include them and do proper research. I will research such aspects within specified custom orbs and only on natal charts matched with detailed biographies. And that, I believe, is the better approach for research. I don't like the methods processing hundreds or thousands of charts in the attempt to sharpen interpretive meaning to a fine point. For that you need to use a pencil sharpener that fits one pencil at a time: biographies with events that are timed precisely so that any progressed aspect culmination an inform the research.
Again, this is a sound and grounded evidence-based approach to investigating the meaning of the septile. However, biographies rarely provide the kind of details about the person that we know about ourselves, family members and close others ... and (imo) that level of knowledge is required to ascertain a correct interpretation of an aspect.But, focusing on events arising from progressions and transits does seem a more reliable approach than focusing on the behavioural traits of the person. quote: Otherwise, I think western astrologers are better off taking cues from how harmonics are treated and applied in the far older, uninterrupted traditions of the Persian-Indian schools.
I do not have the knowledge required to comment on this.IP: Logged |
Aries Eagle Moderator Posts: 2007 From: Άρης Registered: Jan 2013
posted August 07, 2019 07:38 AM
I have a Septile between Mars and Jupiter yay gonna read about it. but the orb is 3 so it may not be Septile lolHow to find Septile aspect => go to extended chart selection > chart type choose Harmonic chart then enter 7 in day field... now conjunctions are your Septile aspect. Thanks Hypatia! IP: Logged |
StubbornVirgo Knowflake Posts: 2943 From: Welcome to Mercury Registered: Jul 2015
posted August 07, 2019 08:34 AM
quote: Originally posted by Aries Eagle: I have a Septile between Mars and Jupiter yay gonna read about it. but the orb is 3 so it may not be Septile lolHow to find Septile aspect => go to extended chart selection > chart type choose Harmonic chart then enter 7 in day field... now conjunctions are your Septile aspect.
Thanks for posting that! I have 3. Gosh. Sun-Moon Sun-Mars Moon-Mars IP: Logged |
Nadja Knowflake Posts: 563 From: Finland Registered: Nov 2018
posted August 07, 2019 08:56 AM
I've been really fascinated by harmonics recently, the 7th harmonic included. I don't have any really strong 7th harmonic aspects but there is a pattern of Sun septile Jupiter, Jupiter bi-septile Neptune, and Neptune tri-septile Sun. (Thanks Graham for pointing that out!) Orbs aren't all that close though, only 0°29' for Sun-Jupiter, but as much as 1°52' for Sun-Neptune.Additionally I have Venus tri-septile Saturn (0°37'). Given the discrepancies in the meaning of septiles, and not having formed my own opinion as of yet, I find it hard to interpret these aspects. But Sun-Jupiter-Neptune certainly looks very spiritual just going off the planets involved... Artistic perhaps. Inspired. Idk. Would fit. IP: Logged |
Graham unregistered
posted August 07, 2019 09:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by Aries Eagle: I have a Septile between Mars and Jupiter yay gonna read about it. but the orb is 3 so it may not be Septile lol
If you use a conjunction orb of 21degrees, the allowable orb for a septile is indeed 3 degrees - since 21degrees divided by 7 = 3degrees. ... However, there are some astrologers that consider 21 degrees to be too wide for a conjunction but 3 degrees to be ok for a septile ... and my advice would be to never seek a reading from them lol
quote: How to find Septile aspect => go to extended chart selection > chart type choose Harmonic chart then enter 7 in day field... now conjunctions are your Septile aspect.
That would be correct IF were using harmonic orbs to calculate harmonic charts. ... Have you confirmed that to be the case? [My understanding is that none of the chart types available at use harmonic orbs.] quote: Thanks Hypatia!
I agree 100% with this.IP: Logged |
Aries Eagle Moderator Posts: 2007 From: Άρης Registered: Jan 2013
posted August 07, 2019 09:36 AM
quote: Originally posted by Aries Eagle: I have a Septile between Mars and Jupiter yay gonna read about it. but the orb is 3 so it may not be Septile lolHow to find Septile aspect => go to extended chart selection > chart type choose Harmonic chart then enter 7 in day field... now conjunctions are your Septile aspect. Thanks Hypatia!
I did the calculation between Jup and Mars and the angle between them is 51 degree. yes i have it ![]( quote:
Mars septile Jupiter: Inspired by the uninhibited expression of physicality and sexuality; inspired by grand projects and noble aims; believing that 'man should be gree, when everywhere he is in chains'; expressing this message through one's actions and one's art.
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Graham unregistered
posted August 07, 2019 10:05 AM
quote: I did the calculation between Jup and Mars and the angle between them is 51 degree. yes i have it
And (after amending the gree typo to free), would those who know you well agree/confirm that the quoted astrologyweekly interpretation applies 100% to you, Aries Eagle? IP: Logged |
Aries Eagle Moderator Posts: 2007 From: Άρης Registered: Jan 2013
posted August 07, 2019 10:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by Graham:
And (after amending the gree typo to free), would those who know you well agree/confirm that the quoted astrologyweekly interpretation applies 100% to you, Aries Eagle?
Oh yeah, I have the 300 Spartans mindset at the battle of Thermopylae lol. Freedom! Septile is Inspiration and yes i'm inspired by uninhibited expression of physicality and noble aims. IP: Logged |
Graham unregistered
posted August 07, 2019 10:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by Nadja: I've been really fascinated by harmonics recently, the 7th harmonic included. I don't have any really strong 7th harmonic aspects but there is a pattern of Sun septile Jupiter, Jupiter bi-septile Neptune, and Neptune tri-septile Sun. (Thanks Graham for pointing that out!) Orbs aren't all that close though, only 0°29' for Sun-Jupiter, but as much as 1°52' for Sun-Neptune.Additionally I have Venus tri-septile Saturn (0°37'). Given the discrepancies in the meaning of septiles, and not having formed my own opinion as of yet, I find it hard to interpret these aspects. But Sun-Jupiter-Neptune certainly looks very spiritual just going off the planets involved... Artistic perhaps. Inspired. Idk. Would fit.
Each of these aspects will get activated (regularly) by the transits of Sun and Moon. ... Monitoring what happens during those active periods will enable you to identify how the natal Sun-Jupiter-Neptune configuration manifests in your life - and knowing that will enable you to "isolate and identify" the meaning of your septile aspects. [It's a long-term project that requires you to keep a diary - but you will be surprised how much it enhances one's understanding of astrology generally, and of ourselves specifically.]
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