Topic: Theme songs for your current transits Part 2
Aries Eagle Moderator Posts: 2315 From: 🔥Sol Invictus🔺 Registered: Jan 2013
posted December 25, 2019 12:27 PM Sag. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 25, 2019 12:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aries Eagle: tMoon Sag.
Your vid is not allowed in my country. Try listing this url next to yours. - IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 25, 2019 12:43 PM
… He surprised his wife. How Truly Beautiful. (music) Andrea Bocelli - Return to Love (Christmas Version ..) [5:54] IP: Logged |
Aries Eagle Moderator Posts: 2315 From: 🔥Sol Invictus🔺 Registered: Jan 2013
posted December 25, 2019 12:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: Your vid is not allowed in my country. Try listing this url next to yours. -
Thanks Mirage
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 197743 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 31, 2019 05:12 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 29528 From: Here Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 12, 2020 10:49 PM
The mood feels kind of fitting for the transits today: Alanis Morissette - Uninvited IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosion unregistered
posted January 13, 2020 12:39 AM
Been re-feeling this shiznit of late, as I have started to miss her again after having that semi-recent dream of our reunion and intense, merging hug. Back when I recorded the below (sorry bout the bad audio quality--not a quality mic), I had just run into her unexpectedly and I was trying to not even look at her, and caught her looking at me a few times. This was during the full Moon in Pisces in September. Have no idea what is correlating with it of late. But, this song expresses so well the conflicted feelings, the sense of defeat, the sense of betrayal, and the general pain and heart ache. IP: Logged |
Aries Eagle Moderator Posts: 2315 From: 🔥Sol Invictus🔺 Registered: Jan 2013
posted January 16, 2020 04:46 AM
The moon is in LibraMood: كل شي عم يخلص ماجدة الرومي IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted January 16, 2020 09:23 AM
quote: Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion: Been re-feeling this shiznit of late, as I have started to miss her again after having that semi-recent dream of our reunion and intense, merging hug. Back when I recorded the below (sorry bout the bad audio quality--not a quality mic), I had just run into her unexpectedly and I was trying to not even look at her, and caught her looking at me a few times. This was during the full Moon in Pisces in September. Have no idea what is correlating with it of late. But, this song expresses so well the conflicted feelings, the sense of defeat, the sense of betrayal, and the general pain and heart ache.
Oh nooo. You lost your relationship with wife? I'm soo sorry for your pain. You did a GREAT job singing Hallelujah by L.Cohen.
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GalacticCoreExplosion unregistered
posted January 16, 2020 07:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: Oh nooo. You lost your relationship with wife? I'm soo sorry for your pain.You did a GREAT job singing Hallelujah by L.Cohen.
No, we're still going strong. My core partner/spouse, "R." and I have been together for 18+ yrs, and for the last 11 years have had a mutually agreed upon open option, which for the last 9 or so years I largely and mostly stayed away from for various reasons (karmic, spiritual-energetic, etc). That all changed this past June when I met her, "H.", the other love of my life. Due to a lot of synchronicity and some guidance messages, I strongly suspect that my core partner (who I know beyond a doubt is my Twin Soul) and the person I fell in love with this past June are two Souls that are part of the same half of Spirit aka the other half of OUR Spirit. Hence "H." the "ex" is also my Twin Soul. Not only that, but unlike my core partner and I, we shared a direct past life together (Egypt) that was very intense and unusual as to the degree of closeness and all level merging. (This is our first human experience together for my core partner and I). But in that "past" life, I ended up leaving Egypt/the Earth to go with my out of system buddies, and though I tried to keep in touch (telepathically) with my beloved, she was devastated and felt like I ripped out her heart. Hence, karma, and all, it was my turn to feel the pain of seeming rejection and abandonment, and boy did I feel it ever. Haven't experienced anything as emotionally intense and painful before or since. Very strange for self to become that attached to someone in general, and let alone over just a period of a couple months. I tend to be fairly non attached towards others. A semi-recent dream suggests that we will reconcile. I deeply desire, and yet am scared crappless by this possibility/prospect. Thank you for the kind words about the song. It was in the style of Rufus Wrainwright, which I prefer over Cohen's original (Buckley's is pretty good too). Unfortunately the microphone is not so good on that camera--it got "overpowered" at one point. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted January 18, 2020 04:39 PM
Thank you for your kind response and clarifications. Modern-group-marriages are so foreign to me. My head {and Heart} can't wrap around what that experience must be like? Guessing, 'you have to be there'? LOL!I'm happy that your relationship with your wife is still good. (music) {Not} Getting Married Today (Madeline Kahn, broadway from Company, hilarious!!!) [4:17] IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosion unregistered
posted January 19, 2020 10:42 AM
To Mirage: My core partner has a Aqua Sun, Venus, and South Node and is a Venusian with also very strong Jupiter and Sun. I have Aqua Venus in aspect (all close) with only the outer Planets, and Venus rules my Moon, MC, 3rd, and is in my 7th. I have a pretty highlighted Jupiter (which Cayce's guidance referred most often as "universal consciousness or strength [in the spiritual sense])". In essence, we are more Aquarian and Jupitarian in combo than the average when it comes to relationships and connections. It's not primarily about sex or lust with/for us. It's more about an over arching spiritual perception about the true nature of reality, Souls, etc. Sex can be a means of strengthening connection if mutual love is there, and in those rare cases it's a beautiful and merging kind of experience. Unfortunately for us, there are a percentage of people into polyamory that basically use it as an excuse to be sex addicts. Which besides being psychologically unhealthy, is also a great way to increase chances of STD's and other diseases. I'm just into my 40's and can count on my hands the number of partners that I've been fully intimate with, and only ever had one experience that resembled a "one night stand"--except that it was very different than the usual (we were backpacking on the AT in the winter during a polar vortex with the lows into the -0 degree F temps, and she was ill prepared for the conditions and I was well prepared. I feel like I came into her life to help her out--there was almost nobody else on the trail at the time. We spent all night talking, and when we finally went to sleep, she started to make moves on me, and at first I resisted and just tried to show her affection, but I felt like my redirection/rebuff wounded her, and so I decided to give her more of self as I felt that was what she needed at the time. We spent another day and night together before parting ways as it warmed up. Gave her some of my equipment and contact info [as she planned to be out there much longer than I did]). I've decided to go back to not engaging in the open lifestyle (my partner has for whatever reason, started to back away from it more and more herself, and she was more active in it for longer than I), with the exception that if "H." ever comes back into my life. I love this person so much. If she would be open to it, I would like to be handfasted with her at some point. I cannot legally marry her, and in any case it (legal marriage) is less important anyways, but I would still like to have some sort of outer ritual with loved ones involved to represent how I feel. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted January 19, 2020 08:52 PM
GalacticCoreExplosion, Thank you for your very interesting post.A few months ago I had come across videos on polyamory relationships. Spent some time with those. Listening to various dynamics they faced. Especially when it came to 'emotion-involved' exchanges among them. Dealing with jealousy. {I myself wouldn't have been able to do that.} Recall how in the '60s there had even been a popular Hollywood movie with folks who lived in same house that way. I remember the dynamics with them. There had been a married couple, with consort under their roof. The wife tolerated it, as long as his 'emotions' were towards HER. Of course, the Mormons have been advocates of that lifestyle, with ability to have multiple wives, sister-wives, and raising large households of baby-daddy's children together under same roof. I have a Juno r Scorpio in the "11th"-- haha, *raises eyebrow* candidate for group{H11}-marriage{Juno}? LOL. Interesting to contemplate? But, back to the vids mentioned. Venus in midTaurus H5. {won't delineate}
HUMOR.. -- Honestly, I'd most-likely have a serious problem sharing "my"(Taurus) spouse with another person (female or male) if My Heart was in love with him-- except!, if we were in a handfast relationship, AND he were to be a much-younger handsome man-- and, he'd be there with me, lingering beside me on my death-bed, while I was 'unable' to move the body-- in order to get-up-the-energy to ~strangle him??? !!!!!rofl!!!!! I mean, ~~nahhhhh. .. I'm NOT into violence.. ~Nope!! ~~~ I'd just NEVER speak to him EVER again if he did that-- yup, which, of course is much-easier to DO when you (or) he is a corpse???? *alien* LOL end/humor------ Nah. Honestly, I think it would just really hurt my feelings. {ref our convo in other thread, started by Moongaze} Even in dating-- Some women have fun with playing the players, but I've never respected 'players' at ALL. I'd just ignore to have my own fun, and leave 'those' types alone to themselves. I prefer deep conversations about 'things' that matter. I really really like to deeply get to know people. Scorpio H11. *Heart* GCE. Great if that works for you and wife, really. Wishing you much Love in your Life.
______ t Moon in Sag right now, still in my H12 scorp t Mars in Sagittarius was crossing my m-BML Sag H12scorp and is currently IN the degree of my Ascendant Sag as we converse here. Will have crossed into H1 Sag tomorrow before Sunrise, EST. tSun in last of Cap is approaching sextile to BML tJupiter Cap 11+ H1sag, trine Venus Taurus 12+ H5. (music) You Belong To Me (Carly Simon) [3:54]
Today has been Dolly Parton's Birthday. t Mercury Aquarius approaching trine Sun in Gemini (music) Love Is Like a Butterfly (Dolly Parton) [2:21] *flower* (music) I'd Like To Get To Know You (Spanky and Our Gang, 1968) [3:01] IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosion unregistered
posted January 21, 2020 12:42 AM
Hi Mirage, Thank you for the reply and for the humor. Yeah, it's definitely not for everyone, or even most people. I think both people need to be rather Aquarian and/or Piscean like in attunement for it to work, as well as have a very secure and solid relationship. IP: Logged |
Aries Eagle Moderator Posts: 2315 From: 🔥Sol Invictus🔺 Registered: Jan 2013
posted January 21, 2020 04:36 PM
The moon in Sagittarius which means Majida El Roumi - Kalimat / ماجدة الرومي - كلمات IP: Logged |
Aries Eagle Moderator Posts: 2315 From: 🔥Sol Invictus🔺 Registered: Jan 2013
posted January 23, 2020 05:05 PM
Can't get enough of this singer, must be the transiting Exalted Venus. Majida El Roumi - Kon Sadiki / ماجدة الرومي - كن صديقي
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GalacticCoreExplosion unregistered
posted January 23, 2020 09:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aries Eagle: Can't get enough of this singer, must be the transiting Exalted Venus. Majida El Roumi - Kon Sadiki / ماجدة الرومي - كن صديقي
She does have a beautiful and powerful voice. What is she singing about? IP: Logged |
Aries Eagle Moderator Posts: 2315 From: 🔥Sol Invictus🔺 Registered: Jan 2013
posted January 24, 2020 05:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion: She does have a beautiful and powerful voice. What is she singing about?
You can see the translation by clicking "cc" and change the settings auto translate to english. IP: Logged |
Aries Eagle Moderator Posts: 2315 From: 🔥Sol Invictus🔺 Registered: Jan 2013
posted January 24, 2020 05:22 AM
And the Exalted Venus continues. فايا يونان IP: Logged |
Stawr Moderator Posts: 9377 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 26, 2020 01:37 PM Kelly Clarkson-What Doesn't Kill You Make You StrongerThe Saturn and Pluto Square Sun transit easing off and then having a bunch of planets in my 9th house of optimism. IP: Logged |
Aries Eagle Moderator Posts: 2315 From: 🔥Sol Invictus🔺 Registered: Jan 2013
posted January 30, 2020 05:41 PM
tSun sextile Sun, tMoon conjunct Sun tMars trine Sun. Two Steps From Hell - Cloud Maker IP: Logged |
StubbornVirgo Knowflake Posts: 2950 From: Welcome to Mercury Registered: Jul 2015
posted January 31, 2020 02:04 AM
Gym Class Heroes - The Fighter ft. Ryan Tedder Sia - The Greatest IP: Logged |
StubbornVirgo Knowflake Posts: 2950 From: Welcome to Mercury Registered: Jul 2015
posted January 31, 2020 02:10 AM
^ Transiting Saturn conjunct Cap ASC & transiting Pluto conjunct Cap ASCA long haul transit, but I've been drowning for the last couple of weeks. Transiting Uranus square natal Venus in Virgo too, so it's not like I'll allow anyone to help me. I've broken down more times than I can count, but I keep pushing on because that's all that I know. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 29528 From: Here Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 31, 2020 04:00 AM
SV! I'm just about to try to sleep, but I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I could help. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 29528 From: Here Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 01, 2020 01:07 AM
James - Sit Down. Because of Saturn and Pluto. I felt fine all day, and this evening. I have one bad memory that made me cry, and now I'm feeling aggravated. It's like it's all bunched up in my solar plexus and stomach. This is the Day ~ The The: Laid: - and Suede ~ Beautiful Ones just because I like them. General Public ~ Tenderness: I think I'm going to watch "The Lost Boys", and "Clueless" and over the weekend, I'll work on some goals for February. I might try that Hemi-sync meditation I found, too, Galactic. The Lost Boys - Soundtrack - Cry Little Sister IP: Logged |