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Author Topic:   The New Deception: The "Sexy, Spiritual, Successful, Goddess"

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posted January 30, 2020 11:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What I was saying in the last part of my post, reminds me a lot of what Cayce's guidance said for a person receiving a Life reading and going over their various astrological patterns/indications:

"...We find in Mars a high, exalted opinion of self; which is well, but abused--as it may be in Pluto or Mercury--may become a stumbling stone rather than a stepping-stone to advancement in this present sojourn."
Excerpted from reading 3126-1

Cayce's guidance was basically saying that it's ok to think well, and even highly of oneself, as long as it doesn't lead to a person mistreating, judging, etc others out of a sense of superiority or the like.

Basically saying like I did earlier, that ego is ok, as long as it doesn't become an active hindrance and lead to anti-Love feelings, thoughts, actions, and interactions. The more a person starts to attune to Love, the more the ego parts of self will start to naturally weaken/dissipate.

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Kannon McAfee

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posted January 30, 2020 01:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kannon McAfee     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion:
... But I've found the only way to "defeat" or "overcome" the ego, is to gradually weaken it by attuning more and more to pure Love. Meanwhile, I've become aware and have come to accept that as long as I'm connected to a human animal physical body, I will always have some ego...


Ego blocks love in the preservation of self. Love cannot be known without unity consciousness.

This, as well as the 'new deception' theme of the article relates to Neptune influence and what we do with it. Neptune being the higher octave of Venus takes us beyond mere basic social graces or surface level beautifying and helps us tune in to unity consciousness through compassion. The difficulties with handling the stronger Neptune influences seem to come mostly from ego-based resistance. I'm experiencing it even now as I've learned to let go of more ego during my transit of Neptune opposite my Asc & square MC.

Soul Stars Astrology by The Declinations Guy
Expert birth chart rectification

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posted January 30, 2020 02:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by firemoon:
I'd have to agree, is this article not just another way of suppressing and shaming female sexuality? 

Older women can express spirituality "purely" because they're not also seen as being sexual? A younger woman's choice to not hide her beauty automatically means she's vain, cruel, and manipulative?  

As the author is a woman this article is a great example of just how deep and pervasive these beliefs can be amongst both genders in literally any context. Just to play the devil's advocate here

I started doing hot yoga regularly a year ago and let me tell you.. it was gross, clumsy, and I'm sure downright unattractive in the beginning. Yet my ego was never in the driver's seat. I know now getting your body into shape, showing some skin while doing it, and delving deeper into spirituality can actually all coincide.   

I actually have problems with people of any age - and any gender - acting as though they're more spiritual or better than the rest of us.

About a decade ago, I joined a group for women who were trying to work on building their intuition. It had "psychic" in the title, but I was just trying to work with what I already had. The other night, I saw a post from a woman who said something like, "If you don't believe in spiritual attacks, then you aren't psychic". I thought I'd missed something, because she was obviously defensive, but I told her I'd never claimed to be fully psychic, and had never seen it as a competition.

I see guys complaining about young women earning money through their looks, and it annoys me. They assume that they bring nothing else to the table, and one girl I know, who streams and posts videos to youtube, said she's tired of wearing ugly sweaters to cover herself up, just to prove to these guys, that she isn't an e-girl. She's going to wear whatever she likes, and enjoy herself.

When I responded before, it was purely in response to the subject title. I know a woman who fits the whole thing, to a T. I don't care what she does, it's when she goes on about how much better she is than other women - and what she hears from men, that they love about her (that the rest of us don't do enough of, or at all) - it bugs. If a man doesn't like me for me, then he isn't the man for me. I'm not going to yoga it up, and starve myself, wear clothes I'm not comfortable in, and keep my opinions to myself, just to land a guy who would make me unhappy. A lot of the time, she doesn't bother me, but when I'm hearing this stuff, and then I read about yet another woman being murdered by her husband? I don't give a crap what men want.

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posted January 30, 2020 04:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 30, 2020 05:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Heh, just remembered this:

I consider that 2-minute skit a lot more spiritual than many things preached by say new age celebrities on ships that you have a pay a thousand dollars to attend or all too many televangelists (side note, the boy in this goes to Catholic school and helped an Orthodox Jew to make it, which is also beautiful to me).

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posted January 30, 2020 07:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by teasel:
I actually have problems with people of any age - and any gender - acting as though they're more spiritual or better than the rest of us.

About a decade ago, I joined a group for women who were trying to work on building their intuition. It had "psychic" in the title, but I was just trying to work with what I already had. The other night, I saw a post from a woman who said something like, "If you don't believe in spiritual attacks, then you aren't psychic". I thought I'd missed something, because she was obviously defensive, but I told her I'd never claimed to be fully psychic, and had never seen it as a competition.

I see guys complaining about young women earning money through their looks, and it annoys me. They assume that they bring nothing else to the table, and one girl I know, who streams and posts videos to youtube, said she's tired of wearing ugly sweaters to cover herself up, just to prove to these guys, that she isn't an e-girl. She's going to wear whatever she likes, and enjoy herself.

When I responded before, it was purely in response to the subject title. I know a woman who fits the whole thing, to a T. I don't care what she does, it's when she goes on about how much better she is than other women - and what she hears from men, that they love about her (that the rest of us don't do enough of, or at all) - it bugs. If a man doesn't like me for me, then he isn't the man for me. I'm not going to yoga it up, and starve myself, wear clothes I'm not comfortable in, and keep my opinions to myself, just to land a guy who would make me unhappy. A lot of the time, she doesn't bother me, but when I'm hearing this stuff, and then I read about yet another woman being murdered by her husband? I don't give a crap what men want.

I definitely agree about people acting more spiritual than others.. I don’t believe in spiritual power hierarchies. 

I was raised in a religious environment so the idea that spirituality can’t be “pure” if there’s any sex appeal is nothing new. There was a lot of guilt and shame surrounding sexuality and dressing in clothes that didn’t hide my body. I needed an “excuse” to own or express my sexuality (for me that was drinking, which turned into a serious problem, and led to many other problems) and it’s not until the last couple years in my late 20s I’ve been able to shed the shame and stop apologizing for being seen as attractive or showing skin.

My point about yoga was I don’t do it for anyone other than myself. Of course if there's someone posting a million pictures to advertise say a yoga mat, that’s one thing.. but to make it seem like anyone who does yoga is in it for superficial reasons is not entirely accurate. I don’t wear less clothes during yoga in hopes of attracting a man, I do it because it’s literally too hot otherwise.. it's not an open invitation to be hit on and it's not about validating my ego either. 

I can understand why you'd be annoyed by this person you're mentioning, if someone started talking about how women should be doing more of certain things to get certain reactions from men, I would probably automatically try to tune them out..

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posted January 30, 2020 10:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by firemoon:
I don’t believe in spiritual power hierarchies. 

Like just in the physical, or also in the larger reality (including all the nonphysical) as well?

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posted January 30, 2020 10:57 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by anonymidarkness:
Lol ya'all must have watched too much Porno!...

it's especially funny when it's totally random
you're reading a thread and all the sudden someone goes



and i'm like, ok, yes

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posted January 30, 2020 11:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion:
Like just in the physical, or also in the larger reality (including all the nonphysical) as well?

In both. I think people tend to model larger nonphysical power hierarchies after already existing (or pre-conceived) social constructs, and then use them as a justification for maintaining or taking that physical power. For example this can be seen time and time again with Christian missionaries attempting to turn cultures or nations they wished to colonize into docile and obedient followers through religious ideology. Or with certain nations "playing God" in order to rescue "victimized" groups, when all along they have their own agendas.  

For the purposes of control, equally important to cultural hierarchies are the domestic power hierarchies. This article mentions "the dark feminine", which she defines as manipulating others through the use of sexuality. When in reality, if women lose access to their sexuality and don't know their own power in that way, they are the ones able to be easily manipulated. 

Thank you for asking that question, not sure if I've explained it very clearly but that's the danger I see in labeling certain expressions of spirituality as "lower" than others. 

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posted January 31, 2020 12:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I see what you're saying. Would mention though, that I've read a lot of mystic, psychic, NDE, etc type materials over the years, as well as had a fair amount of direct nonphysical oriented experiences/perceptions, and one of the commonly found "archetypes" within these across a broad range is that the nonphysical is set up and based on something that we might call or think of as "vibrational resonance and frequency".

And that as the vibrational rate increases, the corresponding dimensional and consciousness states that are ordered in same, become ever more expanded, pure Love, and Source attuned in a more and more conscious sense.

It's not a "hierarchy" in that any authority is pulling the strings and sending consciousnesses here or there, but rather a type of consciousness "physics" that is automatic, no different than gravity or electro magnetism in our little dimension. We just simply get attracted to the levels to which we vibrate to. We cannot perceive the levels that are faster vibratory than we are at in a beingness sense. We however, can easily perceive the "levels" that are slower vibratory than what we are at.

And no one is doomed to stay stuck at any one level. We progress or retrogress by how we use our will/focus. When we use it in positive, creative-constructive, and loving manner, we raise the vibratory rates of our consciousness and phase to those more expanded, consciously Love and Source attuned "levels" for lack of a better term.

If say approximately around a hundred or more different sources from across a couple centuries are all describing a similar thing..

It just might be true more objectively perhaps?

And yet, it is both true and untrue. The above is the relative, temporal reality. The underlying, fundamental, original reality is that we are all completely One within and from the same Source of which we are part of. There was never any true "separation" from each other or that Source, but rather only in our perceptions through the development of distorted beliefs which came about via limiting choices and interactions.

Hence, there is no greater nor lesser between any of us, and we all (or the majority of us) eventually wake up from our self imposed slumbers of forgetfulness.

Ah, ah, relating this to astrology? Well, actually, we see it echoed in astrology as well, especially when we approach it from Cayce's "Planetary sojourns" in the nonphysical concept. Each Planet represents one of these major "afterlife" dimensions that is either more or less expanded in consciousness than another.

They go in order from the slowest vibratory, to the fastest vibratory: Saturn, Mars, Moon, Pluto, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter, Sun, Arcturus. Pluto being less a specific dimension (I so far think, am not sure) and being more symbolic of a process, than a specific state.

In that sense, a Soul phasing here from the dimension/consciousness level that Arcturus symbolizes and correlates with, certainly is going to be far wiser, more perceptive, loving, etc on average and as a tendency than a Soul phasing here from say the Saturnian or Martian represented dimensions/consciousness levels.

How else do we explain those rare "old/wise Souls" that we probably all have met at least one of? Those ones whose eyes are clear and sparkle, and who just radiate Love, kindness, positivity, centerdness, peace, and who seem to know and intuit so much beyond their years.

Or what about psychopathic types who were that way from very young and who were born in healthy, well adjusted families with siblings with conscience and empathy, such as Dr. Hare reports in his seminal work, "Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us"?

I'm not interested in belief systems or dogma personally. I'm interested in the truth and nothing but the truth. The evidence very much seems to lean towards a type of impersonal, automatic hierarchy of less or more expanded consciousness in the temporal sense.

In some of the higher "mental" levels of the nonphsycial, the beings there will gather as a group and group meditate and pray asking for guidance, help, direction from beings and levels "beyond" them, and then one of these more expanded beings will appear temporarily as a teacher. They can only perceive that individual because the teacher type is somewhat consciously slowing down their rate of vibration, while also consciously uplifting the gathered group's temporarily so that they can be perceived more clearly. (Note, I do not use he nor she in the above, as these very expanded beings in my experience/perception and in those of a number of other sources, are fully integrated/merged beings when it comes to the Yin-Yang).

If you happen to ever meet one of these super expanded beings in person sometime (say during an OBE, in deep meditation, or the like), believe me, while you won't feel small, insignificant, or the like, you may feel like you have A LOT of growing up to do. It may, and should, engender/foster a sense of humility, as well as inspiration to keep plugging away at one's own growth process.

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posted January 31, 2020 12:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, I see what you're saying too. In terms of "psychic abilities" I think we all have an equal innate capacity but there are different levels of openness, different frequencies of vibration as you say.. which we can explore in a non linear way throughout our lifetime. 

Personally, there was a time where I was extremely open or "awake" spiritually (tNeptune square Moon transit) and I'm not sure I'll ever get back to that level again, or that I even necessarily want to, to be honest. At least at this time, I've been grounded in finding my footing in the realm of physical power, which I've learned can definitely coexist with the spiritual realm even in a sexual context. 

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posted January 31, 2020 12:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I suspect that we (as those connected to a body) are meant to bring earth up to heaven and heaven down to earth simultaneously.

Or, in another sense, the slower vibratory and faster vibratory glands/centers/chakras in the body, can meet in the 4th/middle center of the heart.

Or, in visual terms:

. . . o . . .

Sounds like your Expanded self is trying to nudge you in that integrated, balanced direction.

Do you have strong Uranus in your chart?

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posted January 31, 2020 01:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah I would say that makes sense.. I've described it as trying to "bridge the gap" after taking a hard fall off of whatever spiritual cloud I'd been floating on. Now I just want to maintain access to both realms. Make sure my shadow side remains integrated and not projected.  

I don't have strong Uranus, the only major aspect it makes is a conjunction with Neptune. I have strong Jupiter though, Sag moon as chart ruler trine Jupiter, and Sag mercury conjunct the GC. Do you have a conjunction to the GC in your chart too? Just curious because of your user name.

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posted January 31, 2020 01:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by firemoon:
Yeah I would say that makes sense.. I've described it as trying to "bridge the gap" after taking a hard fall off of whatever spiritual cloud I'd been floating on. Now I just want to maintain access to both realms. Make sure my shadow side remains integrated and not projected.  

I don't have strong Uranus, the only major aspect it makes is a conjunction with Neptune. I have strong Jupiter though, Sag moon as chart ruler trine Jupiter, and Sag mercury conjunct the GC. Do you have a conjunction to the GC in your chart too? Just curious because of your user name.

Highlighting goes beyond aspects. Planets become very highlighted when they are in an Angular House or near the Angles (within orb of conjunction of same), and imo also the 5th House. I see the 5th House as another "power point" area of the chart, especially when a 5th House Planet is also making a major aspect (and I include inconjuncts more or less major) to the ASC degree.

Anyways, my handle isn't based on my chart. I'm not sure we can use Solar-Ecliptic based aspects for the Galactic Core--we would have to use the more 3D, Paran type aspects that are used for Stars ala Brady, or at least I think.

But, my Vertex is closely conjunct the G.C., and Saturn, the ruler of my Sun, Mercury, and co ruler of my Venus and DESC is closely square the G.C.

To be honest though, not sure it actually means anything besides the fact that these types of aspects just don't work with non ecliptic points. I see the Galactic Core as representing a ridiculously fast vibratory consciousness level, and comes closest to representing the pure white/clear light.

Currently, I'm having a hard enough time keeping self well and consistently attuned to the Golden Light levels as represented by and connected to the Sun and Arcturus (the latter being like the Sun, but more refined, faster vibratory, and more amplified), let alone the Galactic Core.

In other words, the Galactic Core (the consciousness that it represents and correlates to) is kind of beyond my pay grade at this point.

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posted January 31, 2020 07:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dumuzi:
i've been meditating daily for about 8 years now, once i learned a 3rd eye meditation technique that worked it became a habit

i havent noticed if not doing it affects anything after a while because it's not something i've stopped doing

glad it's not just me then

that's honestly how i saw it too, almost like a way to repress sexuality and make it seem like this negative thing

i understand people are more than just their bodies and people can be sexy without being conventionally good looking even when they carry themselves a certain way or present a certain image and i don't see anything wrong with that

if a woman is feminine in that way and sexual and beautiful that doesn't negate anything spiritual and sex can be a spiritual experience anyway so denying that side of spirituality just seems to be stuck in moralistic values that stem from repression

sex, particularly tantric sex, can be a deeply intimate and spiritual experience and sexuality doesnt just work on one level it's visual too so there's nothing wrong with that

i think it's more the things she said about "pretending to meditate" that were an issue, not women who look a certain way and actually do also care about what they're doing

and yeah like you said taking care of yourself, diet, exercise there's deep benefits to those it's not just shallow

what we put in our bodies is deeply important and exercise makes us mindful of our physical form, it's grounding, because we interact with the world because we have a material form even if it isnt the sum of what we are

i also thought calling those things "dark" or "low" was a bit pointless, because there's no objective morality to say that and being sexual doesnt equate with promiscuity, vanity, or manipulation anyway

the whole article was a lot of projection anyway, not all women who embody that kind of energy are just "faking it" for validation

beauty in and of itself being revered isn't at all wrong anyway

I use active meditations, passive ones can be a bit hard for kundalini, I have continuously done it for around 5 years maybe? Its only recently that I've been a tad irregular and the difference is maximum when one is irregular, I figured until it becomes a permanent state, persistent is a must, Osho points out not to get too attached to awareness though, funnily thats what happened to me for a while, its like anything that I did not do with awareness I had to do again and again, OCD-style, later I realized that this was just another **** state that I had fallen into and said "ahh this!! **** it!!!"...Regardless of the results, persistence is a must regardless, hehh..I see what I did there. It does create a discipline in one though yeah sort of... otherwise my gemini moon gives me a monkey brain

Funny thing though, I didnt quite get what you meant until Selenite mentioned the same, guess we are not the same wave level atm...tsk tsk tsk.. Pfft... hahh

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posted January 31, 2020 07:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Selenite:
it's especially funny when it's totally random
you're reading a thread and all the sudden someone goes



and i'm like, ok, yes

LOL, no one quite mentioned it even in LL's hey days a while back...

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posted January 31, 2020 07:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The fact is, Man needs development of all of the planets in the same measure, from Mars to whatever rules the head, if one wants to hang around, otherwise once the higher energy kicks in, its very easy to get lost, and life gets tough when you are open as hell, and they too are open...

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posted January 31, 2020 07:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And it is extremely ego-boosting when you can make things happen, but when it is happening without your will to even people who might be "not ready" yet, lets say thats why they killed Yeshua perhaps...

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posted January 31, 2020 07:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In a way one needs to learn to close oneself as well as open oneself at the same time, otherwise one suffers the same thing empaths face, its a beautiful state to be in, to be open, BUT it has its cons, and if they kill you coz you cannot move from one state to another, it is better

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posted January 31, 2020 01:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mystic~Melody     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In response to some earlier posts... I saw the point of the article being that "selling sexuality" as "spiritual" is the problem. I did not see it saying "sexuality is not spiritual". "Selling love" as "spiritual" would also be a problem, and not the same as saying "love is not spiritual".

Selling sexuality is not spiritual.

Sharing our sexuality in an honest, honorable, conscientious manner in the environments we choose is good. Using our sexuality to manipulate (for monetary gain, followers, ego boosts, to get ahead in the rat race) is not spiritual. I'm not even saying that might not be necessary for someone at a survival level (like a woman using her sexuality to trap a man to pay her bills or ***** on the street for money to feed her children or dress a certain way to get the same opportunities in the "business" world as a man etc) but that is an entirely different conversation. And NOT spiritual.

It is only spiritual in the sense of sacrificing selling our soul for the greater good that our small self/ego tells us/believes is the only way to the greatest good. If I manipulate and pretend I am enjoying some rapist so he thinks I won't press charges (therefore he doesn't have to kill me) and I can survive to go back to my nursing job and bringing food home for my house full of children, am I bad? Not necessarily.

If I read five books on spirituality and have naturally physically superior genes, a comfortable upbringing with not too many challenges or fires to walk through so far in life, and I'm able to gain more followers by presenting the idea that if people listen to me they too can have superior metabolism and live on a tropical island some day if they just believe and send me money for my book... and I don't *really* help people *that* much... am I bad? Probably.

If I had a challenging experience, had times when my body wasn't at optimum health and through all of the things I read and learned and practiced was able to not only bring myself back but maintain it for a decade after using the wisdom and information I have to share, and also share pictures of where I am today and just happen to behave and look fabulous and sexy, while being excited and impassioned about wanting to share the wisdom that helped me with others and I accept compensation for my hard work, am I bad? NO.

If the second scenario gains more followers and notoriety than the third scenario due to using a "sex sells" and shallow "candy" approach even if it makes others less healthy in the long run, as opposed to a more holistic and wholesome approach that actually feeds and nurtures others with true spiritual nutrition, and that "candy diet" spreads through and permeates our society (as it has) is that bad? Oh hell yes.

I believe this is what the author of the above article is expressing.

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posted January 31, 2020 02:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Very well said Mystic-Melody. So much of whether or not something (outer actions, behaviors, etc) is constructive or anti same, relates to our deeper intentions and motivations behind said actions, behaviors, etc.

If we are trying to manipulate others and their first 3, slow vibratory centers, then it certainly does become not spiritual by any definition. If we are so focused on materiel self gain (money, status, popularity, etc)--then it's not particularly spiritual.

The very definition and core of true and highest spirituality is Universal Love. Love considers what's best for others and the Whole/collective more than it considers the little self and it's wants, needs, etc.

Few people attune to this kind of level of Love, but look at Dr. King. Despite receiving constant death threats and having a strong repeating premonition that he wouldn't make it to his 40th year (even years before his assassination set up by the CIA), he persisted in his service to others, and not only for his fellow black people, but for all of humanity. He was doing all of this for ALL of us, and ultimately at the expense of himself materially speaking.

There are degrees of "spiritual" and "spirituality". But if we understand the ultimate, zenith examples, well it cuts through a lot of the belief system bs, unconscious shadow, and illusionary stuff.

Humans are extremely good at lying to themselves. In a collective, average sense, we excel in this above and beyond most other talents and activities. And nor do the ego parts of us like hearing potent truths, which is why when potent truths are brought up, so begin all the rationalizations, excuses, defenses, or "lalalalala I can't hear you".

This is why potent, constant truth tellers (like Yeshua, Dr. King, Susan B. Anthony, etc), are almost always done away with in some form or matter. Silenced, because the ego of others and of the collective shadow just cannot deal with having a mirror put up to it.

With all that said. Our focus is best directed to ourselves and how we live or don't live, and much less on others and their choices. The latter can also be rather nonspiritual when it becomes about judgment or condemnation (i.e. involving any personal, ego sense of, "I don't LIKE THESE people", etc).

It is and can be a fine and tricky line between addressing spiritual truths in an impersonal, self detached sense, and partaking in judgment of the condemnation kind (which so many religious folks seem so attuned to). If there is any doubt about one's motivations or intentions, best to err on the side of silence.

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posted January 31, 2020 02:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Mystic~Melody:
In response to some earlier posts... I saw the point of the article being that "selling sexuality" as "spiritual" is the problem. I did not see it saying "sexuality is not spiritual". "Selling love" as "spiritual" would also be a problem, and not the same as saying "love is not spiritual".

Selling sexuality is not spiritual.

Sharing our sexuality in an honest, honorable, conscientious manner in the environments we choose is good. Using our sexuality to manipulate (for monetary gain, followers, ego boosts, to get ahead in the rat race) is not spiritual.

You go girl, I mean you are right on. One thing is putting on make up and trying to look your best and taking selfies bc you want to have memories of your youth when you are older and another thing is selling spirituality through sex appeal, its not right and shows how we don't have limits as a society in the context of marketing and advertisement, willing to cross a line to just sell more and in the process compromising the integrity of what is been sold essentially, pushing us away more from truly growing spiritually if we feed into it from the the misplaced place they are selling it.

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posted January 31, 2020 02:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So how should yoga companies be advertising their products and services? Should yoga be portrayed in an inauthentic way to cut out the sex appeal?

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posted January 31, 2020 03:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by firemoon:
So how should yoga companies be advertising their products and services? Should yoga be portrayed in an inauthentic way to cut out the sex appeal?

When I google yoga ads I see a bunch of yoga ads that I feel are selling health and fitness which makes sense to me, I dont get the feeling they are using sex to sell spiritually but some ads are designed like that and have that vibe, I see those ads more on Facebook feeds.

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posted January 31, 2020 08:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by firemoon:
So how should yoga companies be advertising their products and services? Should yoga be portrayed in an inauthentic way to cut out the sex appeal?

There is no need to cut it out or even keep it really, in the bigger picture it doesnt really matter

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