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  The New Deception: The "Sexy, Spiritual, Successful, Goddess" (Page 3)

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Author Topic:   The New Deception: The "Sexy, Spiritual, Successful, Goddess"

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posted January 31, 2020 10:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by anonymidarkness:
There is no need to cut it out or even keep it really, in the bigger picture it doesnt really matter

This is the bigger picture, if I were talking about a specific ad or bringing up piece after piece of anecdotal evidence to fit my narrative, that would be a different story.

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posted January 31, 2020 11:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Mystic~Melody:
In response to some earlier posts... I saw the point of the article being that "selling sexuality" as "spiritual" is the problem. I did not see it saying "sexuality is not spiritual". "Selling love" as "spiritual" would also be a problem, and not the same as saying "love is not spiritual".

Selling sexuality is not spiritual.

Sharing our sexuality in an honest, honorable, conscientious manner in the environments we choose is good. Using our sexuality to manipulate (for monetary gain, followers, ego boosts, to get ahead in the rat race) is not spiritual. I'm not even saying that might not be necessary for someone at a survival level (like a woman using her sexuality to trap a man to pay her bills or ***** on the street for money to feed her children or dress a certain way to get the same opportunities in the "business" world as a man etc) but that is an entirely different conversation. And NOT spiritual.

It is only spiritual in the sense of sacrificing selling our soul for the greater good that our small self/ego tells us/believes is the only way to the greatest good. If I manipulate and pretend I am enjoying some rapist so he thinks I won't press charges (therefore he doesn't have to kill me) and I can survive to go back to my nursing job and bringing food home for my house full of children, am I bad? Not necessarily.

If I read five books on spirituality and have naturally physically superior genes, a comfortable upbringing with not too many challenges or fires to walk through so far in life, and I'm able to gain more followers by presenting the idea that if people listen to me they too can have superior metabolism and live on a tropical island some day if they just believe and send me money for my book... and I don't *really* help people *that* much... am I bad? Probably.

If I had a challenging experience, had times when my body wasn't at optimum health and through all of the things I read and learned and practiced was able to not only bring myself back but maintain it for a decade after using the wisdom and information I have to share, and also share pictures of where I am today and just happen to behave and look fabulous and sexy, while being excited and impassioned about wanting to share the wisdom that helped me with others and I accept compensation for my hard work, am I bad? NO.

If the second scenario gains more followers and notoriety than the third scenario due to using a "sex sells" and shallow "candy" approach even if it makes others less healthy in the long run, as opposed to a more holistic and wholesome approach that actually feeds and nurtures others with true spiritual nutrition, and that "candy diet" spreads through and permeates our society (as it has) is that bad? Oh hell yes.

I believe this is what the author of the above article is expressing.


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posted February 01, 2020 12:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion:

With all that said. Our focus is best directed to ourselves and how we live or don't live, and much less on others and their choices. The latter can also be rather nonspiritual when it becomes about judgment or condemnation (i.e. involving any personal, ego sense of, "I don't LIKE THESE people", etc).

It is and can be a fine and tricky line between addressing spiritual truths in an impersonal, self detached sense, and partaking in judgment of the condemnation kind (which so many religious folks seem so attuned to). If there is any doubt about one's motivations or intentions, best to err on the side of silence.

There aren't many people that I dislike in the world. The woman I mentioned: I don't think she's horrible. I think she actually has good intentions, and thinks that she's helping people. Whenever something inconsequential is bugging me, there's always something else behind it.

I no longer think of myself as spiritual, though. I have my feelings on things, but there are people in the communities who think they're better than some of us, because we pay attention to politics. I tend to mute a lot of groups now, or avoid them, otherwise I'll end up arguing about how Roe v Wade could be overturned, and all of the awful stuff going on, that they don't care about, because they are doing just fine. It is possible to be as kind as possible, and to be politically active. I've found just as much ego in the spiritual communities, as I have everywhere else. When I was in a really bad way, I felt almost feral, and I lost a lot of faith in anything out there, and in people. I was told by some, that what was happening was my own fault. People raved about the law of attraction. I remember a Capricorn I don't like, complaining that I couldn't be bothered to respond to their comments on an astrological aspect of mine - I was just a thoughtless, selfish Aries, according to her - as I sat in my chair, shaking, after being pulled out of a room by my hair, and having part of my top ripped off in the process. That was September 2013. I was just really over it all.

There are some well-known "spiritual" authors, who get on my nerves, and I really don't like them. I'm not ashamed of it, either. One in particular, who found a "hook" and really launched himself - his people even used Tinder to market something. He's like Trump: you can't say anything against him (or simply disagree), without his followers acting like you've committed a mortal sin in not seeing how pure and wonderful he is.

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posted February 01, 2020 12:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I hear yah Teasel. In my own experience, "spiritual", New age type folks can be extremely hypocritical and even more extreme with their egoic type behaviors.

I call it the Pharisee Effect. It becomes more about a belief system and set rules, than about the Spirit of things (i.e. deeper intention/motivation or Love). There is a very strong tendency to project their shadow onto others.

I have been booted off lord knows how many spiritual forums just for impersonally disagreeing and rubbing too many or certain people the wrong way. I go out of my way to disagree respectfully, not get personal (I do once in a great while a little, but it's rare, and rarely ever done in anger or re activeness, but as trying to act as a reflection to the person's rudeness, inconsideration, etc).

But, that didn't and doesn't seem to matter. It's disagreeing with their beliefs and perceptions that bother them most, which is funny because I truly don't mind people disagreeing with my beliefs and perception if they do so in a respectful manner i.e. stick to the information/subject at hand and don't make it about me and my supposed lacks.

In fact, to some extent, I welcome some active, impersonal, good debate. I think holistic logic based debate can help to keep the mind sharp and balanced and can be productive (as long as ego doesn't get too involved). And good points via holistic logic or repeat direct experience is extra points in my book.

Banning, booting people, etc whom are sincere, just being themselves with their own unique perceptions and experiences, is an extreme form of intolerance, power tripping, control and desire to hurt that person. Basically it's a big social message, "you cannot be too different from the majority and the group think. You have to conform, or else". When the Black Sheep Effect, meets with the Pharisee Effect, it's rarely pretty, and the sheep often gets sacrificed.

It rarely ever comes from a place of love, unless the "offender" in question is truly trying to cause trouble within the group. What I guess most call trolling. I have never actually tried to troll anyone in my life, because I'm just too damn sincere.

So yes, based on repeat experience, I very much agree with you. And that is what often happens when people try to repress/suppress ego, rather than accept it and/or actively, consciously transform it. It goes into the shadow, and then comes out unconsciously in some truly bizarre, illogical, extreme, abusive to others, etc ways.

This whole experience of being booted/banned from groups, is not a new one for self by any means. Happened during my last dive (incarnation) here in Egypt. Was extremely stressful for self then. With the ruler of my 12th square the ruler of my 11th, I apparently attract a lot of hidden enemies (as well as tend to stir up peoples shadows very strongly--ruler of the 11th, conjunct the Sun, ruler of the chart).

This site is kind of unique in that it doesn't have a p.m. system. Normally what happens is that I'll attract a certain amount of people that tend to deeply respect, appreciate, and/or find wisdom in my communications, but I'll also attract some folks that come to REALLY dislike (more like despise) me in a personal way. Usually these gang up behind the scenes (via pm etc), or somewhat publicly depending on how much support they have, and before I know it, I'm disappeared.

It's been quite an interesting life amongst my fellow humans.

"The trolls and bots have their forum spaces/places, but the sun of Jupiter hath no place to communicate and rest".
(well, at least self amuses self).

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posted February 01, 2020 01:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think if I’m honest what bothers me about this article- big picture, is it seems to be targeting women for owning their own sexuality (figuratively and literally). Essentially saying if a woman is in an ad where it shows her body and the profits go to herself she’s narcissistic and manipulative. In a spiritual utopia nothing would be for sale, everything would be free.. But unless we’re going to prohibit images of women’s bodies and sexuality in advertising altogether, someone is always going to be in control of how those images are portrayed and where the profits go. Love is quite literally sold to us too.. We can either be in denial about that or we can start looking at how women might actually be able to influence and change some of these societal gender stereotypes from “within” the system.

I’m not a hard line “feminist” in the way many men think of that word (especially here, my god I see nothing has changed lol). But I really would rather not get wrapped up in nasty or petty debates and just for the record I’m happy to agree to disagree if anyone thinks I’m way off base.

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posted February 01, 2020 03:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
One last random thought... 

In the article she said she noticed something was off and she was selling herself short when she started getting "excessive predatory and thirsty comments from men". 

Were those comments solicited/her fault, for posting a picture of herself meditating in a tank top and yoga pants? Was that brought about by her own narcissism, or is the problem a bit more complex.. 

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posted February 01, 2020 11:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mystic~Melody     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Core and Teasel, I'm just pleased as punch you two enjoyed my words. Thank you for the nice "Likes".
Firemoon, I really enjoyed hearing more of your (and others') thoughts on the topic too!

I just love it here.
I missed it.

Happy weekend, Everyone!!

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Kannon McAfee

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posted February 01, 2020 06:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kannon McAfee     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by firemoon:
One last random thought... 

In the article she said she noticed something was off and she was selling herself short when she started getting "excessive predatory and thirsty comments from men". 

Were those comments solicited/her fault, for posting a picture of herself meditating in a tank top and yoga pants?

No, of course not. The men are responsible for what they say/type. And because this isn't about fault/blame, but about recognizing consciousness energy output and exchange. She decided she wanted to change the image she put out there and stopped trying so hard to 'look' both sexy gooddess and spiritual at the same time. She decided to change how she thought of herself in real terms instead of getting caught up in image and vanity.

Being so invested in your image is always always always ego -- being concerned about what others think of you or how they see you. Ultimately you cannot control that and she found that out, didn't she?

A big shift occurs when we stop trying to project an image we want people to associate with us and instead invest in the inner self, the real substance, the soul, the conscience.


Was that brought about by her own narcissism, or is the problem a bit more complex.. 

It's more complex than that. Narcissists don't engage in much if any sincere self-reflection.

This woman decided real self-esteem and authenticity are better than resorting to images of playacting at meditation and holding up a carefully crafted image. There's nothing wrong with taking a selfie. But don't you think it's worth a second look if you're more concerned about how your selfies look than you are about your honesty and integrity?

Soul Stars Astrology by The Declinations Guy
Expert birth chart rectification

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posted February 01, 2020 07:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Kannon McAfee:
It's more complex than that. Narcissists don't engage in much if any sincere self-reflection.

This woman decided real self-esteem and authenticity are better than resorting to images of playacting at meditation and holding up a carefully crafted image. There's nothing wrong with taking a selfie. But don't you think it's worth a second look if you're more concerned about how your selfies look than you are about your honesty and integrity?

I’m sorry but, how is wearing a tank top and yoga pants trying too hard? If it was just a picture of her face would that make it less vain?

If she’s trying to build a business or brand, of course she’s going to take (staged) pictures imitating the real substance of her product/content. She’s not trying to look sexy and spiritual at the same time, she IS sexy and spiritual at the same time. No effort required. Her body and sexuality do not negate the authenticity or integrity of yoga, meditation, or anything else spiritual she wishes to portray. The reality is if no one was allowed to make money off of anything spiritual, many less people would have access to it in a capitalist society.

It was nice stopping by, and it really is a shame I can’t stay because this forum helped me a lot in my spiritual evolution.. but these types of toxic viewpoints and conversations are far too prevalent and I no longer have the energy or “fight” in me to engage.

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posted February 01, 2020 08:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ This is hardly a fight though it might hit closer to home for a female yeah. And this and the thread down there are the only topics that have popped up in recent times, funny how they coincided with your return .

There's nothing wrong with taking a sexy selfie and putting on the net. If it gets the job done, it gets the job done, it is definitely possible to show off your cleavage in it and also to develop spiritually, one has needs based on time. Narcissism doesn't necessarily go against spirituality, a narcissist becomes a narcissist because thats what works in the world, and no one else but the narcissist knows the pain of being trapped inside their ego too, they are trying to find themselves too remember, just in a different direction, perhaps had they been in the "right" direction, perhaps they'd make a better progress considering their self-interest.

Funny thing how the writer decided to put this article on the net and get some pats on her back though don't you think there is some point in where I'm going ?

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posted February 01, 2020 09:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Many very talented and insightful (female) astrologers have left the site, that’s why there have surely been less debates, there are less people with any opposing viewpoints.. If those people were still around, I’d stick around too.

It’s actually sad, because I used to really like this place and it’s not the same without them. But I wish everyone here well, I just see things differently than I used to and can’t pretend otherwise, as rare as these gender conversations might be here now..

Eta, I have a theory the Saturn-Pluto conjunction has brought these themes to the surface on a collective level, and my Sun happens to be exactly on it. That’s why I came back here, to talk about that transit.. but instead got sidetracked by these threads and now feel I’ve said all I have to say.

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posted February 01, 2020 09:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Faeries are also sexy creatures, free spirits with naughty laughter and tiny waists. Who doesn't want to be a fairy...

and all the mythological goddesses has always been portrayed as sexy femme fatales.

Gods are mostly sexy, naked and with a 6-pack, even the older ones have super bods, hence the saying " handsome as a Greek God".

Being healthy and fit is sexy, it shows discipline and control, so eating right, be in control of yourself, doing yoga in the nature and sitting on a firm butt while meditating is alluring to young people, people want to partake in the movement and be cool like that.
Mind, body and spirit.
I don't see anything wrong with it, myself.

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posted February 02, 2020 12:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Your examples exist, but plenty are not all sexy or beautiful. They can be freaks, dragons, demonic beings (ever see a pic of Kali?), crones (either wise and/or terrifying), and nightmarish. Being hybrid animal is a common theme. Some, including of the Old Testament of the Bible, were not meant to be looked upon anymore than a gorgon is (and Jesus was apparently so plain looking that he had to be betrayed by a kiss).

Of course many had a habit of changing their appearances the same way we change our clothes. Many have both a beautiful and a terrifying form to choose from (and I want to bring up as I did last time about the Loathly Lady who often becomes beautiful, but only after her ugliness is endured, a lesson not to judge by appearances, and in some cases I love how the moral is that it's for the woman to decide when she's beautiful and ugly rather than the man, assuming that's a component, and in other cases the choice is a woman who is ugly but faithful, or beautiful yet treacherous), and some, like the goddess Hel, has one half of her form beautiful and the other half that of a rotting corpse. And plenty of beautiful goddesses could also be evil and deliberately meant to corrupt humanity, though the binary view isn't quite so common outside a few religions that became dominant. (Quick example is Tlazōlteōtl , a goddess for those of you who want to commit adultery, or those who have gotten venereal diseases, might want to keep in mind. )

Can't forget how vain goddesses (and jealous gods) can create so many problems. The story of the golden apple comes to mind ("to the most beautiful" is one version) which led to wars and ruin among mortals as the goddesses were more concerned about their vanity than anything else.

And more than once (though not in many years) many have assumed my name is meant to be "cute." In actuality it comes from a nickname my grandmother gave me as a child but that is neither here nor there. Thing is pixies are dangerous, not cute (though in actuality, even in early Disney, Tinkerbell was more dangerous than many remember) and some believe that the word "pixie" comes from the same word as "perilous" (though unknown and many other linguistic theories also exist). Though sometimes beautiful, they're also well known for glamors and their appearances can't be trusted (some say the same of the gods, btw, from the Gnostics speaking of the Christian god to others who warn of the seductive illusions of the world which are also often represented by spiritual entities that are often best avoided). They only got romanticized around the early 20th century, and horror movies about leprechauns have yet to catch up with their more scary origins.

Plenty of faerie critters like making their red caps by dying it with your blood. Or being a beautiful mare that then drowns you and eats all but your liver. Plenty will blind you (as in ripping your eyes out) just for trespassing upon a dance of theirs, and their appearances are as likely to be fearsome and animalistic, even demonic, as they are to be beautiful. (Same for vampires, actually, and there are also faerie women who look beautiful but will drive their victims to madness and act in many ways as vampires who drink your soul instead of your blood, though some will take your blood as well.) One type of faerie woman was beautiful in the front, but was actually just hollow wood (like a body mask) if seen from behind, though I can't remember what those were called.

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posted February 02, 2020 05:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
On second thought I wouldn’t feel totally right “leaving” though without saying sorry to teasel, if we somehow got off on the wrong foot in this thread.. My comment about this type of thinking being common among both genders wasn’t directed at you at all.. I basically meant that if faced with enough negative backlash or predatory energy for not adequately hiding her sexuality (the hiding it is the part that takes effort, not the embodying it) as a defense/survival mechanism women will often shame themselves to re-gain approval (not unlike what anonymidarkness was saying).

PixieJane, I definitely remember you from when I used to hang out here and am glad to see you’re still around, you’ve always had a lot of interesting perspectives on things.

MysticMelody, thank you for the kind words I enjoyed reading your post too

anonymidarkness, thanks for being able to see the humor in it all

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posted February 02, 2020 10:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I love this thread!

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From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted February 02, 2020 11:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by firemoon:
I'd have to agree, is this article not just another way of suppressing and shaming female sexuality? 

Older women can express spirituality "purely" because they're not also seen as being sexual? A younger woman's choice to not hide her beauty automatically means she's vain, cruel, and manipulative?  

As the author is a woman this article is a great example of just how deep and pervasive these beliefs can be amongst both genders in literally any context. Just to play the devil's advocate here

I started doing hot yoga regularly a year ago and let me tell you.. it was gross, clumsy, and I'm sure downright unattractive in the beginning. Yet my ego was never in the driver's seat. I know now getting your body into shape, showing some skin while doing it, and delving deeper into spirituality can actually all coincide.   

The issue isn't been sexy here, the issue is selling spirituality with sex.

However, It is already kind of annoying how much sex is used to sell anything and this does not mean that I am ashamed of been sexy, I just find it insulting that humans feel they can manipulate other humans through sex so easily. It's patronizing and insulting I feel in general to both sexes but especially to man and soo over done and over rated, persuade me with facts.

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From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted February 02, 2020 11:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Also this notion that sex appeal gives women power puts us in a position were our power depreciates over time which is not empowering at all. True power grows over time like wisdom and skills.

That been said I will always take care of myself and try to look my best typically no matter how old I am bc why not be the best version of you inside and out but when we worry more about the outside more than our personal growth that is a red flag and an ongoing question is worth checking into periodically with ourselves.

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From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted February 02, 2020 12:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Also to be fair I don't personally associate Yoga with spirituality. To me is more about health and fitness, strengthening your core muscles and stress management ect and like I said earlier most yoga adds give me that health and fitness vibe....

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posted February 02, 2020 01:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My point and opinion is that just as love and spirituality are inseparable, sexuality is a part of the package deal as well. If we do try to separate and repress our sexuality, we are creating a shadow, the "dark feminine".. Black and white, madonna wh*re. That's when abuses of power can easily take place from both sides.

Originally posted by hypatia238:
Also to be fair I don't personally associate Yoga with spirituality. To me is more about health and fitness, strengthening your core muscles and stress management ect and like I said earlier most yoga adds give me that health and fitness vibe....

This is what I find offensive about the yoga topic. In the beginning/surface level, yoga is just about the physical. It's moving your body, burning calories, etc. As you go deeper and turn it into an ongoing practice it does become very spiritual. It's almost comparable to Tai Chi in that you're learning to harness and cultivate energy, as well as strengthen the mind-body-third eye connection. You learn to bring awareness to your breath and it becomes a "moving meditation". For me it can be a truly transcendent experience and has helped transform me internally in ways regular exercise never has.

It's also over 100 degrees in the room, and I'm not about to dress in layers to make myself look less vain or more modest. Focusing on what women should and shouldn't be wearing or what kind of "image" they should present is making a mockery out of the whole thing. 

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posted February 02, 2020 01:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks. But I'm not around much anymore. I've been dealing with a low grade but persistent flu that keeps me home so I've been coming around a lot more lately. Once the crud finally leaves my system I'll probably fade out again for the most part.

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From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted February 02, 2020 02:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by firemoon:
My point and opinion is that just as love and spirituality are inseparable, sexuality is a part of the package deal as well. If we do try to separate and repress our sexuality, we are creating a shadow, the "dark feminine".. Black and white, madonna wh*re. That's when abuses of power can easily take place from both sides.

This is what I find offensive about the yoga topic. In the beginning/surface level, yoga is just about the physical. It's moving your body, burning calories, etc. As you go deeper and turn it into an ongoing practice it does become very spiritual. It's almost comparable to Thai Chi in that you're learning to harness and cultivate energy, as well as strengthen the mind-body-third eye connection. You learn to bring awareness to your breath and it becomes a "moving meditation". For me it can be a truly transcendent experience and has helped transform me internally in ways regular exercise never has.

It's also over 100 degrees in the room, and I'm not about to dress in layers to make myself look less vain or more modest. Focusing on what women should and shouldn't be wearing or what kind of "image" they should present is making a mockery out of the whole thing. 

My perspective on this is far from black and white to be fair (I am not saying you think I am been black and white about this), I feel is all about finding a balance.

I feel you have an important message to give to create that balance that I am speaking of and so does Kannon with the point he is making on the original post, we can learn from each other bc the truth is always somewhere in the middle. If we understood this we wouldn't be so divided politically, each side has wisdom to share and feels how they feel for a reason, its complicated.

I would never shame any woman for having had many sexual partners in her life, I despise the words "sl*t" or "wh*re" and I don't go around covering myself up but I don't go out of my way to show you as much humanly possible cleavage as I can master to show you without showing you my nipples given I am 34D and there are women who do that lol, its about balance and not obsessing about using your body to get attention bc when you cross a certain line with that it doesn't feel like it comes from healthy place or spiritual, it sounds like you are not doing that anyways and you are just been yourself and natural.

I have venus conjunct mars in leo in the 8h so I do exude a certain magnetism and sexuality specially when I feel attracted to someone and I dont suppress it, I am not suggesting people do that. Is a message of balance bc lets not pretend that sexuality also has a shadow side and can be misused and unbalanced in its expression like everything, there are sex addicts out there and people that watch porn all day and cannot stop masturbating.

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From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted February 02, 2020 02:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by firemoon:

This is what I find offensive about the yoga topic.

I don't know why you have to find that offensive. I find meditation to be a spiritual experience definitely but yoga on its own I see it more as a fitness experience and I way to connect more with your body and a mindfulness training tool. I love you approach it in a spiritual way overall but is not a requirement for everyone to approach it like this, regardless people will benefit from it.

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From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted February 02, 2020 03:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
firemoon I truly appreciate your opinion in this topic and love you had the courage to voice your opinion and think your input is valuable.

Many times I expressed opinions here over the years that were not popular and there were times that there was a lot of drama in lindaland and I felt truly uncomfortable been a member of this forum but I will not leave bc of others, as long as I find it valuable to come here I will continue to come here, it helps me to reflect about my life and personal growth stuff coming here, I see it as a type of journaling experience that I share with others and that others enrich by interacting with it and hopefully also learn from. There will be bad days and for a while there bad months and even though I miss a lot some members that have left (I mean that) I definitely don't miss the catastrophic level of drama that was been generated before they decided to leave. I could have left many times based on some dynamics that have gone down with me here on occasion were I felt poorly treated but I am not going to let people and their issues push me out of here. I choose to forgive and forget and try again but respect everyone's personal decision on staying or leaving ofcourse but I hope you stay.

Aries23 and you both have said that sex is driven by spirituality and I want to delve more deeply into this bc it sounds nice but I don't know at this point if I truly 100% agree with this. I am open to it but Pluto is entering my 2H and my values are been reevaluated right now about sex.

When Pluto was transiting my 12H sex was an act of surrendering the soul to another and falling in love for me yes but as it enters my 2H I see it more as a physical thing (I say this in a neutral non-judgemental way), I see it more lately as something we humans do to feel pleasure and release stress. IDK I am not convinced sex is inherently spiritual, or one thing or the other, is about how you personally approach it and this is influenced by your natal chart and now that Pluto is entering my 2H and Uranus is at the beginning of my 5H am learning that sometimes transits can over-ride natal tendencies in how you approach or view sex, Uranus in the 5H is more emotionally detached about sex and pluto in the 2H is more practical in how it views it too.

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posted February 03, 2020 12:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't think/feel that sexuality is anti-spiritual. Beyond the purely animalistic procreative-hormonal i.e. body based urge that is involved in sex and sexuality, there is a deeper layer, and that is of connection and merging.

I think the highest form of sexuality is union with the Divine/Source (and with the Oneness of the Whole). However, sex between two people who truly love each other, is pretty nice and beautiful too (but doesn't really compare to the ecstasy and joy of the above).

However, I don't think being overly centered in our first 2 centers, necessarily helps that. In fact, in a lot of cases, a lot of times, it hinders that. But the people behind the architecture and manipulation of our culture (the men that master propagandist Edward Bernays referred to as the hidden puppeteers of our society), constantly immerse us in such slower vibratory patterns--in order to keep us from focusing on faster vibratory patterns.

Why, it's simple, the more we resonate with the slower vibratory, the less spiritually powerful, intuitive, perceptive, conscious, etc we become. We become easier to control sheeple, rather than self realized beings with less and less fear that might stand up to a corrupt, destructive, overly selfish system and the corrupt, destructive, and overly selfish heads of same.

A couple times in my life, I have had a very interesting experience and "side effect". A couple of times I have gone in periods where I was meditating consistently for a couple months or more, and these meditations were deep, expansive, and Love attuned.

Somewhat to my surprise, at some point during these cycles, I completely lost all sex drive, interest, and focus. However, I didn't miss it in the slightest because I felt so unbelievably good, intune, aware, and ALIVE (as if vibrating with Life essence). It was like that powerful red energy of the 1st and 2 centers/glands, was getting redirected to my 6th and 7th centers and stimulating them beyond what they normally experienced. The one side effect that wasn't enjoyable was that my intuitive-empathy levels increased, and if I was around suffering, I would feel/experience it more acutely (as if it wasn't just theirs, but also my own).

Eventually I slacked off on the consistency of the meditation, and as I did, the sex drive and focus came back.

I found this all very interesting as again, this was not a goal or something I was shooting for, but like an automatic side effect. I later found references in the Cayce readings about raising the Kundalini to the Pineal and Pituitary glands, and this being a safe, natural, healthy manner of achieving celibacy. (rather than using the mind to supress/repress sex drive and focus, which imo, causes far more harm/damage than good, which is what a lot of priests etc try to do).

It reminded me of a teaching/saying attributed to Yeshua in the NT:

“For there are eunuchs who were born so from their mother's womb and there are eunuchs who became eunuchs by men and there are those who have made themselves eunuchs for the cause of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever can receive it let him receive it.”

Besides this quote, there are other hints in the NT that Yeshua was completely celibate. Going by my own repeat experience, and what Cayce outlined about Kundalini, it seems rather clear that Yeshua was raising his Kundalini to his 7th center, the Pituitary, and had neither no interest or need for sexual relations, and this redirection of that powerful red energy to stimulate these normally atrophied (in the energetic/consciousness sense) glands/centers, is part of what allowed him to achieve conscious Source Consciousness.

Obviously, without living a life devoted to Universal Love and positive service to others, one isn't going to achieve the above no matter how much they meditate. The deep meditation is the key to unlocking or fully facilitating same, if you're already using your freewill in such a manner consistently.

Guidance has told me that it takes a full 7 years, of constantly raising the Kundalini up to the 7th Center, in order to convert the physical matter body into the "body" of pure Light. To accomplish what Yeshua said about being in the world, but no longer OF it.

These are ultimates, and most Souls are not called to the ultimates in this life. But, it is worthwhile to know what the ultimates are and looks like, even if our path and degree of spirituality might be some or many degrees away from this.

It's clear that this subject is far from black and white. And it has nothing to with sex equaling "bad" or "good" in any simplistic or one dimensional sense. It does however have it's positive/constructive sides and it's non-constructive/limiting sides depending.

Like anything and everything else in life, much depends on a combo of the inner intention, motivation, deeper ideals, and conscious awareness of the individual involved as to whether or not it's constructive or limiting for them. For those knowing the ultimate and being called to same on their path, then indulging in sex--especially in the more purely body based types, is probably limiting.

Trying to incorporate some astrology into this...

Well, I have Pisces on the 8th, with the modern ruler of same, Neptune, in Sag and in the 5th extremely closely sextile Venus (ruler of Moon, MC, 3rd House, and Pluto), widely square Virgo Mars in 2nd (ruler of 9th and 4th) and Mars is conjunct Jupiter the traditional, faster moving ruler of the 8th and ruler of the 5th, which is retrograding back into the 1st.

Neptune is also widely square Saturn (ruler of Sun, Mercury, 6th, co-ruler of Venus and DESC), and trine the ASC.

Jupiter is trine Sun, chart ruler, Mercury, and MC. Maybe quintile Uranus.

I come from a karmic past of over indulging the sexual nature to the detriment of my spiritual attunement towards the ultimate. I have mostly learned my lessons.

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From: Tugsten Depths Province, SA
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posted February 03, 2020 01:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DRVM614K     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I believe what kannon is talking about is what in short I would call a watered down version of what ever spiritual practice(s) or aspect(s) coupled with plastic sex appeal. sounds like a narcissist's paradise.

I hope that doesnt sound to judgmental. this pluto saturn jupiter situation is right behind my asc and saturn not tryna come off as mean

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