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Author Topic:   The New Deception: The "Sexy, Spiritual, Successful, Goddess"

Posts: 14009
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted February 04, 2020 02:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion:
Yeah, I understand that it's more complex and relative than that. It's like when we generalize about Sun Signs, etc, when we don't know the full chart or aren't good at reading a full chart in a balanced synthesis kind of way.

Most of us have a number of different colors in our aura, even in the mental layer alone, let alone the emotional layer which is always changing according to mood and interaction with the environment and others.

Some of us are veritable walking rainbows of color aurically.

But yes, I was over generalizing because that is all the information that I have about your ex in possible relation to his aura. Nice blues, purples/violets, bright golden yellows, nice emerald or blue greens, rose pinks, or the like would counter balance and off set some of the more immature or limiting tendencies of a lot of red.

It's like when I talk about the potential slow vibratory expressions of Saturn, Mars, and Pluto. I almost always add the caveat that these will be particularly noticeable and worse, when there is at the same time a lack of strong Sun, Jupiter, Neptune, and/or Venus in the chart, at the same time. Having one or especially more of the latter strong at the same time, will offset some of the more immature and/or limiting tendencies.

But I tell you this truthfully, if a person has only strong focus on Saturn, Mars, Pluto, and Mercury, with little to no focus on Sun, Jupiter, Neptune, and Venus AND is in a male body all simultaneously, chances are, unless they have used spiritual will to change their tendencies, 8 out of 10 times, such a person will be attuned to rather slow vibratory consciousnesses. Most people/the average person may not know it, because such types can be very good at hiding their dark sides from others and the public at large.

You know I feel our conversation is about lighting up issues that my husband has and not about lighting up issues that my ex has bc quite frankly he is in the past and irrelevant to me at this point and my husband is my present and future. I feel we were meant to have this discussion so I can have more clarity on how I can help my husband.

My partner has sun conjunct Saturn in libra but saturn is exalted in libra so at least there is that. For both their strongest planet is VENUS according to the Pullen report at least. My husband's chart ruler is Venus in Leo in the 4H but it square mars conjunct uranus right on his DC, his venus trines his neptune and semisextiles his Pluto. His venus in Leo is in mutual reception to his sun in libra.

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Posts: 14009
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted February 04, 2020 02:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My husband has JUPITER in the 5H conjunct JUNO trine his AC in Taurus, he is very creative and when he is not angry he tends to have a very grounding effect on me and we joke around a lot.

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posted February 04, 2020 02:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Makes sense Hypatia. I don't won't to go off topic anymore on this thread though. If you start another thread about this, definitely would join you over there.

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From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted February 04, 2020 03:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Okay, well I feel this flower essence fits the spirit of the original post so I am posting it here:

"Silverweed flower essence helps to let go and detach from fixations of the lower self. By breaking through to deeper understanding and awareness and the realisation that virtue is based on the golden mean between the extremes. Being ethically minded, we choose to live lightly in our bodies and on the Earth and with calm composure master our behaviour, so that we do not become overly consumed by our passions and thereby dissipate our energies. We go back to basics through deep contact with our true inner driving forces, the forces of nature and life and trust all our needs will be met when we walk the middle way that creates a strong foundation for right living."

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From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted February 04, 2020 03:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion:
Makes sense Hypatia. I don't won't to go off topic anymore on this thread though. If you start another thread about this, definitely would join you over there.

Do understand that going off topic serves a higher purpose often in helping bring light into something that needs it, that is why in my threads that I start I don't get upset if people go off topic. Also going off topic is something that happens naturally all the time in real life in person, I prefer to go with the flow bc if things are flowing in another direction is probably for a reason but I do feel the purpose of our conversation has been served and thank you for your feedback and sharing your knowledge on colors, it was helpful.

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posted February 04, 2020 08:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I just want to comment briefly on the sex being spiritual part.. when I talk about sexuality I don't just mean the physical act of sex.. Kannon is right in that it's an intangible exchange of energy. I'm at the end of a Pluto conjunct Sun transit and I would say I know my own (sexual) power now in ways I never have before. And the irony is, when you're aware of and connected to your own internal source of power, you don't need to try to take it from others or constantly give it away. I remember reading at some point Scorpio Suns are "very sexual but not promiscuous", or even necessarily sexually active.. and that's very much been my experience with this transit. I won't go into details, because they're all secrets

For a long time I was caught up in various forms of addiction, manipulation, control.. but yoga is actually where I started to find internal release from that and have been able to integrate the shadow so to speak. Our physical sexuality is an always present energy, but we can't just shun and banish the shadow, we have to bring light to the darkness and spirituality is that light.. It's a light that's always been there (otherwise there would be no shadow) but when we actively align ourselves with it magical things can happen. 

Sex appeal is not just about nudity (I actually have similar views on that as GCE, in that I don't see what makes it such a huge deal), and I find it upsetting to shut down a body-positive outlet of marketing which women are largely in control of.. J-Lo dressing that way at the super bowl to sell a rich guy's product and a woman building a brand for herself promoting self empowerment and healthy self image are not the same thing. Just my opinion, though I understand many disagree. 

Also, I wrote the "bring light to the darkness part" before reading these most recent posts so promise I'm not trying to copy you hypatia lol

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Posts: 14009
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted February 04, 2020 10:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^^^Okay I never watch the super bowl but decided to youtube half time, I mean J-Lo and Shakira are just dancing, I don't see the issue.....they are singers who dance after all. The only thing I noticed was that when J-Lo and Shakira were dancing together they had this really cheesy gold and silver outfit lol. Maybe I missed something bc I did not watch the whole thing and just a clip on youtube though...

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From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted February 04, 2020 11:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by firemoon:
And the irony is, when you're aware of and connected to your own internal source of power, you don't need to try to take it from others or constantly give it away.

When I desire to MERGE my soul with someone I am not trying to take their power away or give away my power BUT this act of merging requires a certain degree of surrender from both parts so each willingly gives up some power. The dissolvement of the ego occurs while you are surrendering to each other in that moment and I guess that is why sex can be spiritual when that surrender happens from both parties, in that moment you give a piece of you to the other and the other gives a piece of them to you, in some cases you may give all of you to the other and surrender fully.

But even spiritual sex has a shadow side and can be addicting is my experience but I feel regardless is the only type of sex that I can truly enjoy personally.

Now I get what you mean that Pluto on the sun is about finding your power that comes from within and not having a need to get your power from any source outside of yourself...this is true self-mastery.

But with spiritual sex there is some relinquishing of power so the egos get dissolved so the souls merge to some extent and then this bond happens and this desire to merge with the other and the bond that results from it is what drives you to want to procreate with them. Merging is a type of sacrifice just like carrying a fetus for 9 months and giving birth is a type of sacrifice and just like raising this child correctly and trying to parent well and commit to this other person until they become adults to take care of them is a type of sacrifice, you are giving up some of your life to create and sustain the life of another and it all starts with the desire to merge....

I guess I just feel conflicted about the pros and cons of all of this lol...

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posted February 05, 2020 12:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^I understand what you mean about merging with a sexual partner, but I’m talking more about how we interact with people on a daily basis, not just those we’re actually sleeping with.

Women are taught from a very young age if we act certain ways or dress certain ways we are “asking for it”.. this leaves us vulnerable to being exploited and taken advantage of in those ways. What I’m advocating for is women taking their power back (not “taking” men’s power, just re-claiming their natural right to their own) and for better or worse the reality is money is a part of the bigger picture.

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Posts: 14009
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted February 05, 2020 01:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by firemoon:
^I understand what you mean about merging with a sexual partner, but I’m talking more about how we interact with people on a daily basis, not just those we’re actually sleeping with.

Women are taught from a very young age if we act certain ways or dress certain ways we are “asking for it”.. this leaves us vulnerable to being exploited and taken advantage of in those ways. What I’m advocating for is women taking their power back (not “taking” men’s power, just re-claiming their natural right to their own) and for better or worse the reality is money is a part of the bigger picture.

A woman should never be raped even if she is outside walking around naked in an alley but this doesn't take away that walking around naked in an alley by yourself is a terrible idea and should be avoided at all costs. Just bc is not our fault if something awful happens to us doesn't take away the responsibility we have to ourselves to be cautious bc there are bad people in the world and people with issues or that sadly come from a culture were raping a woman who is not from their culture and is walking around alone at night is celebrated. Ofcourse I am not saying to dress like a nun, I wear tops that show cleavage outside of work occasionally, but is good to be aware of your surroundings and be cautious that is all.

Now I agree we need to take our power back in general and how we interact with the world. I understand what you are saying, the space we hold ect our voice.

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posted February 05, 2020 02:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by firemoon:
^I understand what you mean about merging with a sexual partner, but I’m talking more about how we interact with people on a daily basis, not just those we’re actually sleeping with.

Women are taught from a very young age if we act certain ways or dress certain ways we are “asking for it”.. this leaves us vulnerable to being exploited and taken advantage of in those ways. What I’m advocating for is women taking their power back (not “taking” men’s power, just re-claiming their natural right to their own) and for better or worse the reality is money is a part of the bigger picture.

I totally agree with you. I haven't read everything, just skimmed this last page. I shared what I did yesterday, because I realized that was why this other woman was bugging me: the way she was selling herself. It had nothing to do with *her*, it was "what men like" that she kept talking about. She describes herself as a sexy spiritual goddess.

I actually like yoga, when I do it, and should be doing it more often. I also shared that one blog post yesterday, because it felt like we were doing that to each other (everyone, going back and forth), only over spirituality instead of men, and people here are kinder than they can be elsewhere.

Sex appeal isn't about nudity. I used to be called "sexy" a lot, and I was mostly covered up. I wasn't comfortable with my body, and I wish that I had been. On another site, a few weeks ago, people were talking about how they didn't want to see actresses and pop stars walking around half-naked. I said that I didn't care what they wore, as long as they wanted to be wearing whatever they had on, and felt good.

My attitudes have changed over the years, like I used to be against prostitution. I hated that the first go-to for a woman to repay a man, was usually sex - or thought of first, even as a joke. But I realized that it wasn't going anywhere, and that some of the women enjoy themselves, so it should be safe and legal for them. I remember guys saying that there would be more rapes if it weren't for prostitutes. I told them they weren't making a great case for their gender.

I'm so sorry that you thought I was upset with you, and I'm glad that you stayed.

Originally posted by hypatia238:

I guess I just feel conflicted about the pros and cons of all of this lol...

So do I.

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posted February 05, 2020 04:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by hypatia238:
A woman should never be raped even if she is outside walking around naked in an alley but this doesn't take away that walking around naked in an alley by yourself is a terrible idea and should be avoided at all costs. Just bc is not our fault if something awful happens to us doesn't take away the responsibility we have to ourselves to be cautious bc there are bad people in the world and people with issues or that sadly come from a culture were raping a woman who is not from their culture and is walking around alone at night is celebrated. Ofcourse I am not saying to dress like a nun, I wear tops that show cleavage outside of work occasionally, but is good to be aware of your surroundings and be cautious that is all.

Now I agree we need to take our power back in general and how we interact with the world. I understand what you are saying, the space we hold ect our voice.

I don't just mean literal rape, I mean overly aggressive sexual attention, unsolicited advances, etc. 

Perhaps this woman in particular really was looking for those things all along.. I kind of doubt it, but maybe. However to assume in most ads made by a woman, directed (mostly) at other women, the primary objective is always going to be to lure in attention from the opposite sex is just a strange viewpoint to have imo. If she was literally talking about doing these things as a way to attract men (like teasel mentions this other person doing), that would be one thing. But just merely existing, looking good at the same time, and talking about what she finds enjoyable is not enough to make me think it's purely ego driven. 

She doesn't have to be an expert on meditation or yoga to have an interest in it. Helping others is how we help ourselves.. Gaining popularity is a way of being able to reach more people. 

teasel, thanks for your reply and for sharing that article, I totally agree as well

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Posts: 14009
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted February 05, 2020 12:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by firemoon:
I don't just mean literal rape, I mean overly aggressive sexual attention, unsolicited advances, etc. 

Perhaps this woman in particular really was looking for those things all along.. I kind of doubt it, but maybe. However to assume in most ads made by a woman, directed (mostly) at other women, the primary objective is always going to be to lure in attention from the opposite sex is just a strange viewpoint to have imo. If she was literally talking about doing these things as a way to attract men (like teasel mentions this other person doing), that would be one thing. But just merely existing, looking good at the same time, and talking about what she finds enjoyable is not enough to make me think it's purely ego driven. 

She doesn't have to be an expert on meditation or yoga to have an interest in it. Helping others is how we help ourselves.. Gaining popularity is a way of being able to reach more people. 

teasel, thanks for your reply and for sharing that article, I totally agree as well

I agree with you!

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posted February 05, 2020 01:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I understand Hypatia. Problem is, I tend to do it overmuch and am trying to reign in that tendency some.

You're welcome. Though we are more or less strangers in the material sense, I think you probably know that on a deeper level I care for you in a more personal way, for some reason(s). (Possibly other life and/or nonphysical connection).

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Posts: 14009
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
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posted February 05, 2020 03:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion:
I understand Hypatia. Problem is, I tend to do it overmuch and am trying to reign in that tendency some.

You're welcome. Though we are more or less strangers in the material sense, I think you probably know that on a deeper level I care for you in a more personal way, for some reason(s). (Possibly other life and/or nonphysical connection).

Thanks for saying that. I get what you mean, I was wondering the other day if we have a 12H stellium in composite bc when I talk with you here I kind of get lost in our conversation like I feel my head going to that 12H place, like it feels I kind of slip into another dimension were time doesn't exist type of vibe.

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posted February 06, 2020 12:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmmm, I have no idea, but tis an interesting question. Wouldn't be surprised.

At the same time, it might be a somewhat general effect as well? Oftentimes when I write longer posts, I kind of get into a meditative, Hemi-Sync like state, and it's like I'm channeling in a sense. I'm not channeling any outside entity or anything like that, but my Expanded self level--I just let it flow.

Because it's often a fast vibratory consciousness and often fast vibratory information--for an intuitively sensitive, Neptunian like yourself, you'll feel it more strongly than most. It resonates you and then a "frequency following response" is created, which is exactly how binaural beats and Hemi-Sync audio works, it sets up a resonant pattern, and as you tune in/listen to it, it starts to resonate the person to that pattern.

Because the information is coming from a no time/space or all time/all space state, that's why you're feeling that kind of expanded, spacey like state. Basically you're shifting into the 5th, 6th, and/or 7th centers to some extent. Most people spend most of their time/focus in the first 4 centers, unless they are meditating or in some sort of altered consciousness state. The more one phases into a faster vibratory state, the more expanded and "different" it tends to feel.

When I meditate, I often notice this energetic shifting/phasing in very noticeable and visceral ways--almost like shifting a manual geared vehicle. It's palpable, and I often feel this expanding sensation.

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posted February 10, 2020 11:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mystic~Melody     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
G Core, I met a young man and fell a little in love with him many years ago after spending a little over a day with him at a job. By the end of a week of knowing him I was pretty convinced he was my decades deceased grandfather in new incarnation. I felt this intense comfort and love in his presence and he would pull old red handkerchiefs to wipe the sweat from his brow, a favorite memory of mine regarding my grandfather. There were quite a few other memory moments and this young man ended up telling me about the movie, "The Notebook" and how much he loved it. I "pshawed" it, saying it was cheesy etc and that love like that didn't exist anymore. Unlike most young men who would cave to that kind of "oh, you like some sappy chic flick" flavor of response, this young man (my Poppy? lol) told me gently that he DID believe and it WAS possible and that I should believe too.

I went home and watched it again and my heart was touched deeply. I started to think about the only boy who had ever loved me since I was a teenager and who loved me still (as a friend) and who I had always loved and thought about as the best adult person I had ever known. I realized he was STILL the best adult person I had ever known and started deeply missing him. He called me a month or two later and thus began my love story written in Soul Unions called, "In Love with my Best Friend".

It is about 6 years later now and we are married. I believe my soul mate/friend/grandfather arrived in my life to lead me to the one thing I had been praying for and talking to him about every time I lay my head crying on the hope chest he made for me while he was still incarnated as my grandfather.

I Believe.

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posted February 10, 2020 11:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mystic~Melody     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, I agree with teasel's article COMPLETELY and also agree with whoever said that a woman should be allowed to be comfortable wearing whatever she wants to wear, as long as it is truly what her pure soul desires, not some brainwashed mentality that has led her to that decision. This isn't always so easy to differentiate.

Just pondering... for example... were "yogis" sexy? Or has yoga just taken on a more "sexy" flavor due to the progression of our culture in a specific direction? That being said, a healthy body is a work of art and should be honored as such.

I was telling my husband the other day that the "fruits" are seen by the predominance of "sexy". It used to be that art was multi-faceted just like people. Some art was sexy because the artist chose to give it that energy or flavor, but it was balanced. Not all art was meant to invoke sexuality. In our world there is a lot more of it. Is this due to an authentic expression of Self? Or is it due to expression of (s)elf?

Just some things to ponder. I think a lot. There is MUCH to consider.

Again, the article teasel posted says it all.

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posted February 10, 2020 07:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

What a beautiful, moving, and heart warming account Mystic-Melody!

Thank you for sharing this. I'm going to see if I can find the full account over there.

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posted February 11, 2020 05:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Personally I think yoga has probably always been sexual, and it’s our mainstream culture that sees female sexuality as something to be ashamed of, if a woman chooses to “own” or activate it on her own terms.

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posted February 11, 2020 07:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You really don't see the hypersexualization of our society, and how that has been purposely facilitated to keep us resonating over much in our slower vibratory centers?

In some of the deeper and older Taoist and some Yogic traditions, it was talked about how the redirection of the red, sexual energy of the 1st center, via the Kundalini (which is just the electrical forces of the body concentrated in the super conductive spinal fluid), to the higher centers of the 6th and 7th centers was part of the path to immortality and true/full enlightenment.

Which funny enough, the Edgar Cayce readings echo and confirm with the caveat that attunement to universal love has to also be present.

As to self and self's views of female sexuality, I'm about as progressive and open minded as they come. My partner and I have been together for 18+ years, and for 11 of those years, we have had a mutually agreed upon open option.

But for about the last 9 of those years, I stayed away from this option (until recently and briefly), while for much of that time my partner (a female) dated and dated plenty (though, in most cases it never went past 1 or 2 dates. However, she did have a few longer term, more serious partners, and I became a sounding board and counselor to any heartache or relationship problems that arose, and arise they did).

I'm not part of any repressive, patriarchal type mind set in the least bit, and yet, I see wise and discerning use of one's sexual energy and influence as a sign of spiritual maturity and a practical thing for BOTH genders or whatever one identifies as. However, I also don't believe in controlling others, and very much believe in freewill. The best one can and should do, is to give well reasoned advice and hope for the best.

Things are not so black and white or absolute as feminism and feminists vs everyone else. It's kind of a silly and one dimensional characterization of this much more complex, multi-dimensional, and nuanced topic.

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posted February 11, 2020 07:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've never even claimed to be a feminist, have actually tried to explain how my views differ and are far more complex than taking a black and white standpoint. When I'm talking about women re-claiming their power, it seems all you hear is me saying I want to take power from men. That's not the case.

Yes I think sex has become highly commodified, but bringing spirituality into the equation and re-directing the financial flow of control.. imo does not equate to encouraging a "lower vibrational frequency".

You may not have a patriarchal mindset but honestly I find your remarks about spiritual maturity (not the first time you've used similar terms) to be a bit patronizing and condescending. I'm also a Capricorn sun, Aquarius Venus.. This really has nothing to do with traditional views on relationships or our number of sexual partners, that's taking it far too literally.

If we're going to "re-direct" the energy from the 1st chakra into more productive and "higher level" pursuits, we first have to be aware of its existence and able to connect to it at any time. It may surprise you to know just how many women don't have that awareness or ability. For men it's a naturally given birth right in our society. Wanting the same for women isn't an attack on men, it's a desire for women to be liberated and transcend the exact hypersexualization you speak of.

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posted February 11, 2020 07:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Tao is not concerned with Kundalini. It is downward flow of energy, infact both Tao and Tantra are not concerned with Kundalini, and in Tao there are no concepts, the moments concepts are uttered, the experiencing gets downgraded... Zen too is not concerned with upper flow, the whole focus is on lower chakras, and the Hara, and yeah you won't be feeling extraordinary, or like you've conquered entire universe(Ding!! Ding!! For Yogis with "spiritual universal loving" egos), but then again both paths are different btw

And Tao is very natural, when you are horny you **** , when you wanna drink, you drink, you simply live, and no you don't give a **** about ETs . But that said, there are different kind of personalities, the ambitious ones gravitate towards yoga, ones who have no desire to conquer the universe gravitate towards Zen and Tao, (and well I've tried Zen techniques, and they grounded me very much back to reality, but me I have always loved mountains, to climb them reach the very top, feel the "what next?" feeling, meet some ETs, drink some wine with them...

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posted February 11, 2020 09:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Spiritual maturity or lack thereof is a thing. As an aura sensitive that is apparent and the colors and their vibratory patterns never lie. There are always auric correlations between relative degrees of consciousness maturity or lack.

The ultimate or zenith for a human, is a completely clear Light aura. This symbolizes/shows that the person has made themselves a pure channel for Source and pure Love consciousness. When I deeply meditate, sometimes my guidance shows up as clear/white light flashes.

But I wasn't saying that a person can't have lots of sex or sexual partners and not be relatively spiritual mature.

To me, it's more nuanced than that. It's all about the inner intentions and motivations which makes something constructive or limiting for that person.

But GENERALLY speaking, I've found from looking at unusually mature people, that they tend to use that energy more wisely and with discernment. In other words, rather than letting their body control them and their actions, they control the body. Similar goes with other body type reactions and impulses like anger, etc.

Speaking as a fellow Capricorn Sun, who also has been under the Saturn Pluto conjunction, but who isn't any longer, there are tendencies of both Saturn and Pluto for control. This is well to watch in self.

None of what you said earlier, did I take as any kind of "attack on men". Especially in the context of you seem to have been debating/arguing most with fellow woman. I mentioned my own personal background and larger context to say that the following views don't come from a patriarchal type one.

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posted February 11, 2020 10:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by anonymidarkness:
^ Tao is not concerned with Kundalini. It is downward flow of energy, infact both Tao and Tantra are not concerned with Kundalini, and in Tao there are no concepts, the moments concepts are uttered, the experiencing gets downgraded... Zen too is not concerned with upper flow, the whole focus is on lower chakras, and the Hara, and yeah you won't be feeling extraordinary, or like you've conquered entire universe(Ding!! Ding!! For Yogis with "spiritual universal loving" egos), but then again both paths are different btw

And Tao is very natural, when you are horny you **** , when you wanna drink, you drink, you simply live, and no you don't give a **** about ETs . But that said, there are different kind of personalities, the ambitious ones gravitate towards yoga, ones who have no desire to conquer the universe gravitate towards Zen and Tao, (and well I've tried Zen techniques, and they grounded me very much back to reality, but me I have always loved mountains, to climb them reach the very top, feel the "what next?" feeling, meet some ETs, drink some wine with them...

Ime/o, there are sects and flavors within sects and flavors, if you dig deep enough. There is enough of a "spirit" of this or that to generalize, but that's like generalizing nations or Sun Signs--not always fully accurate.

Most major belief systems have many different minor branches/sub categories, whether speaking of Hindu, Buddhism, Christian, Taoist, Jewish, Muslim, etc, and it can be downright amazing how much different branches from the same over arching belief system can differ.

It's almost like humans can't really agree on much of anything sometimes...

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