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Author Topic:   The New Deception: The "Sexy, Spiritual, Successful, Goddess"

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posted February 11, 2020 10:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SecretGeek     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
We have a body, soul, and a human spirit.

The body and soul combined (self) versus the human spirit (not self) are in contrast to each other.

The Holy Spirit is something different.


Where the soul and human spirit are bound together at conception is the heart.

The soul contains access to the mind, will, and emotion.

The human spirit contains access to the conscience, wisdom, and communion.


Humility (unselfishness) is when the human spirit is master to the soul.

This is how we can access the spiritual faculties in our human spirit.

We switch between one another all the time without even knowing it.

When we eat (selfishness), the soul becomes master.

If we pray before eating to give thanks, we switch back and forth very quickly.


The title of this thread is “The New Deception: The Sexy, Spiritual, Successful, Goddess”.

“Sexy” and “Spiritual” are in contrast to each other.

The sexy is controlled by the body and soul.

The spiritual is controlled by the human spirit.

It's impossible to access our soul and human spirit at the same time.


When we become deceased, the human spirit returns to the Source.

The soul persists.

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posted February 12, 2020 03:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by anonymidarkness:
[b]^ Tao is not concerned with Kundalini. It is downward flow of energy, infact both Tao and Tantra are not concerned with Kundalini, and in Tao there are no concepts, the moments concepts are uttered, the experiencing gets downgraded... Zen too is not concerned with upper flow, the whole focus is on lower chakras, and the Hara, and yeah you won't be feeling extraordinary, or like you've conquered entire universe(Ding!! Ding!! For Yogis with "spiritual universal loving" egos), but then again both paths are different btw

And Tao is very natural, when you are horny you **** , when you wanna drink, you drink, you simply live, and no you don't give a **** about ETs . But that said, there are different kind of personalities, the ambitious ones gravitate towards yoga, ones who have no desire to conquer the universe gravitate towards Zen and Tao, (and well I've tried Zen techniques, and they grounded me very much back to reality, but me I have always loved mountains, to climb them reach the very top, feel the "what next?" feeling, meet some ETs, drink some wine with them...

Ime/o, there are sects and flavors within sects and flavors, if you dig deep enough. There is enough of a "spirit" of this or that to generalize, but that's like generalizing nations or Sun Signs--not always fully accurate.

Most major belief systems have many different minor branches/sub categories, whether speaking of Hindu, Buddhism, Christian, Taoist, Jewish, Muslim, etc, and it can be downright amazing how much different branches from the same over arching belief system can differ.

It's almost like humans can't really agree on much of anything sometimes...


Yeah, if I agreed with you on everything what would I talk about here though?

GCE - world's gonna end with an asteroid,
anonymi - YuSS!!
gce - aND THEN WE'LL live happily ever after
anonymi- YuSS!!

GCE - this doesn't bloody make sense...
anonymi- YUSS!!!

I can't help it I guess ...

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posted February 12, 2020 05:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion:
Spiritual maturity or lack thereof is a thing. As an aura sensitive that is apparent and the colors and their vibratory patterns never lie. There are always auric correlations between relative degrees of consciousness maturity or lack.

The ultimate or zenith for a human, is a completely clear Light aura. This symbolizes/shows that the person has made themselves a pure channel for Source and pure Love consciousness. When I deeply meditate, sometimes my guidance shows up as clear/white light flashes.

But I wasn't saying that a person can't have lots of sex or sexual partners and not be relatively spiritual mature.

To me, it's more nuanced than that. It's all about the inner intentions and motivations which makes something constructive or limiting for that person.

But GENERALLY speaking, I've found from looking at unusually mature people, that they tend to use that energy more wisely and with discernment. In other words, rather than letting their body control them and their actions, they control the body. Similar goes with other body type reactions and impulses like anger, etc.

Speaking as a fellow Capricorn Sun, who also has been under the Saturn Pluto conjunction, but who isn't any longer, there are tendencies of both Saturn and Pluto for control. This is well to watch in self.

None of what you said earlier, did I take as any kind of "attack on men". Especially in the context of you seem to have been debating/arguing most with fellow woman. I mentioned my own personal background and larger context to say that the following views don't come from a patriarchal type one.

Well all I can tell you is my experience. Call me crazy or immature, but I've had other addictions and believe they were related to major blocks in my sexual energy.. Under this Pluto-Sun transit I have actually surrendered control, quit my addictions, and experienced a "sexual awakening" of sorts, which I wish and hope everyone is able to experience in their lifetime without shame or condemnation. People often confuse "being sexual" with being promiscuous or having lots of sex, but I've only had one partner in the past few years and it hasn't been consistent. So I've also been learning the art of sexual transmutation (despite this being a "male only" concept, I hope you get what I mean.. and if you don't, that's part of the problem). Which can become very achievement oriented and/or it can be channeled spiritually as well. I see no reason it couldn't be both at the same time.

I see nothing inherently wrong, greedy, manipulative, immature, etc. about starting with the physical body as a means to climb into higher levels of consciousness, health, wealth or happiness.. Yoga is part exercise, part meditation, and part primal tantric dance.. I won't apologize for that, nor do I think anyone else should have to. Even if they're making money from it. 

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posted February 12, 2020 10:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Firemoon,

Sometimes when people experience stress, trauma, or the like while they are focused in the physical, part of them detaches/un-grounds from their physical body as a sort of defense mechanism.

Part of a deeper healing process can be to reconnect/re ground into the body, and to experience all that entails, including things like sensual pleasure, sex, etc. Yes, nothing wrong, immature, or what not with that. Like I said, a necessary part of a deeper healing and attunement process.

My personal view and experience is that sex between two people who love each other is a very beautiful thing, and can be a spiritual type experience. I think when we experience our union with Source and the Oneness of the Whole consciously, it's like the ultimate sex/orgasm and merging. Sex with someone we love, who loves us, and more deeply connect with (i.e. all or most centers are connecting, and not just the first 2 or 3), is like a material reflection of that.

However, this doesn't change the fact that the huge majority of humans are far over focused in their first 2 centers at the detriment of stimulating the faster vibratory centers. What happens is that the Kundalini electric force of the body, gets over dissipated through the first 2 to 3 centers, rather than being allowed to rise up into the 4th or faster vibratory centers.

This, and our general lack of self/other love (especially in the universal, Oneness sense), is one of the major reasons why there are not more Yeshua truly, fully en-Lightened types running around. Because we choose to remain limited, and part of that is because we choose to allow ourselves to be overly controlled or influenced by the body. The body itself, has no connection to the faster vibratory centers except in the sense that the consciousness that is connected to the body can resonate the body to those levels. But the body cannot resonate the consciousness to those levels, it can only resonate to the first 2 or 3 Centers/levels--because those are ITS centers/levels. The rest are NONPHYSICAL in nature, awareness, and attunement.

When a person deliberately uses their sexuality and sexual attraction to connect with people's slower vibratory centers and to sell a product, it tends to have the effect to slow down both of their vibratory levels, just as having sex with random people or people where there is no real love between them, tends to slow down the vibratory patterns. It does so, because there is over FOCUS on those first 2 centers in such a case. Or, we could say astrologically, we are overly attuning to Mars, Saturn, Moon, and/or Pluto at the detriment of focus on Venus, Neptune, Jupiter, Sun, Arcturus, and/or the Galactic Core (the ideal being balance/integration/synthesis/merging between all, which is what the clear/white Light represents along with universal Love).

Personally, I want to see people/humans become more and more liberated (there sure is A LOT of suffering here, and this was something that as a child I could literally feel and weighed very heavy on my heart), and I've been on this exploration, guidance communication, and attunement path/process in a very holistic--body-mind-consciousness way, for a long time in just this life--starting at age 12/13 to now, 40.

So I figure out what's going on with humans and why they are so limited compared to so many other groups in the larger reality (ET's, whether physically or nonphysically focused), and outline all the various different factors that contribute or tend to hinder this liberation process, and what can help to free us.

The ego level of fellow humans rarely likes what I say, because what I say is inimical to that level of us, which IS SO tied in with the energies of the human animal body and this level itself. It senses, "Oh, you're trying to decrease me, well now I'm angry, etc". It's not really conscious or an entity unto itself, but it has reflexive reactions, like a simple program.

Anyways, one could write an entire small book on these related subjects, and still not address every single possible expression or nuanced part of all this, and how relative it can be for the individual. To some extent, for brevity's sake, I have to speak in generals and broadly.

Sincerely, I am happy for you and this healing path that you have started to walk. Just know that this is what is best for you now. What is best/good for us now, won't always be what is best/good for us later on. What I was talking about before in redirecting/raising the kundalini force to the 7th Center is the ultimate and ideal. However, most people are not called to that path in this life, and that's certainly fine.

Yet, it is also well that humans have some inkling of what the ultimate and ideal actually is, so should they start to get close to that themselves, they will have a clearer understanding and perception of what is more helpful or less helpful. Essentially, I'm sharing what my guidance has shared with me. When I seek information/guidance/direction from guidance, I specifically ask and intend to connect with only the Source and Co-Creator level--what Cayce's guidance referred to as the universal, creative forces.

These know the ultimate, for they ARE the ultimate in a fully conscious sense, which is why when I tune into them/this level, I sometimes get flashes of a very bright, clear/white Light.

I've been cultivating this ability to listen to and truly hear these for a long time, and I've come to trust this relationship, because I've experienced a lot of verification (when information given could be verified).

Many are content with their intellect and it's perception, or the help of regular guides/helpers. Since none of these are fully out of the box themselves, they cannot truly and fully help a person out of the box. This is why directly communing with the Source/Co-Creator level is so important and so necessary.

Yet, because of the law of Like attracts, begets, resonates with, and likes Like, most are not naturally/innately inclined to do such. The lack of this application and experience in this world, makes the job of communicators (like self) harder, because the information such a type shares often sounds really out of left field to most humans, and again, also has a tendency to stir up people's shadows or prick their ego levels.

My whole life, people have been trying to get rid of me or shut me up, simply for speaking truth as I see it and impersonally disagreeing and outlining alternatives. I've been kicked off of lord knows how many forums, for speaking how I'm speaking now. To say that I long for the group that I came here from, is a understatement. And yet, self chose to come here, so I'm learning how to sleep in the bed self made.

Anyways, best to you and your path. I hope you continue to expand, heal, and become ever more happy.

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posted February 12, 2020 11:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Isn't it a "fate" of every "messenger" though as long as one is a "messenger" ?

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posted February 12, 2020 12:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It seems that the more intense and real the messenger, the more that ends up being the case. Lot's of examples to look at.

But fear of discomfort, not being liked, nor eventual bodily harm as my guidance dreams have shown me about probable future, will not deter me.

Self has two rather nice choices or outcomes--either gets to enjoy a nice nonphysical vacation. Or gets to come back in a souped up Ferrari "body" form. Either way, looks like a win win.

Thanks for caring, I guess LOL.

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posted February 12, 2020 01:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted February 12, 2020 03:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It works yes, but me no like following "it", like can't one work inch by inch on one's own? But it is true that that catterpillar would take a long time to reach the top. Its weird though, Hahahaha hahh! Like "bloody hell!" weird

I for one find it insulting that a Man is a "channel" at the end, but even this could be such, Hehh F*ck you

m*th*rfuckers! (Not you all, its for the "Source")

Apologies to the "Source" !

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posted February 12, 2020 04:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I do not "follow" though, the energies, like I do, but I don't like it, not a bit, perhaps thats why Gurdjieff found it necessary to strengthen "will" too...

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posted February 12, 2020 04:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I find it "harmful" to "talk" though, one starts taking it for granted, one starts turning into an exhibitionist in honest words to put it exactly, like hit the nail on the head so to speak! One starts meditating for "others" (yeah, great job, but once you bring the world in, you have to carry them around with you
, do things for them, NOT you, when the goal was YOU, for me its beautiful, but deviating from the path, unnecessary distraction so to speak, but then again they are very necessary, infact sometimes they speed up things, maybe I'm far too goal-oriented, or not? But I don't like it when something else pops up in the way, Not a bit!! ) )) ) )

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posted February 12, 2020 05:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Perhaps getting more consciously in touch with the Yin/feminine energy and learning how to surrender might be helpful...

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posted February 12, 2020 09:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Yeah I have realized it too, its weird tho aye, you do everything on your own, nothing happens, now you say fck this and follow the tides, magic in the air...

Saturnians are not used to it Galactic, I think this is why Moon does not get along with Saturn, one is used to effort now... and when the time to let go comes, now the jump won't come, I have actually already rowed the boat, but I jumped in to swim coz I thought there might be a way to make it "work", perhaps the yang has not been completely exhausted tho, it is absurd tho, when one can see the stupidity of it and yet one tries to walk on own's head, fcking absurd!! Okay off I go... This was a helpful convo Galactic, Thank You!

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posted February 12, 2020 11:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks GCE, I appreciate the kind words. But just to keep my reply concise and on topic.. the question I’m trying to address is whether in yoga ads the intention is to “look sexy” in order to sell something, or if looking sexy is a byproduct of the activity itself..

And I’d argue the “higher chakras” and consciousness can definitely influence the physical body, and I believe that feedback loop goes both ways.

As for the rest, I enjoy some universal love and pure white light as much as the next person, but still don’t think sexuality (even in an impersonal context) has to be incompatible with that.

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posted February 12, 2020 11:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You're welcome Anonymidarkness.

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posted February 12, 2020 11:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Firemoon,

The author of the article seemed to think that previously she was using her crafted, sexy image to sell a product/herself. I respect her for being honest and objective enough with herself to realize that. I doubt she is the only one.

This topic kind of hits home, as I know someone who is in the business of selling their sexy image of how they will transform a person's life for the better because they are a Goddess and you to can be a Goddess if you buy my services.

In her case, she is most definitely quite enmeshed and entrenched in her ego and slower vibratory centers, but it looks like she is starting to phase out of that.

Anyways, I may disagree with a behavior or activity, but I will never try to forcefully control someone. Well, this thread has probably run around the same circles a few times at least already, so I'm taking a vacation.

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posted February 13, 2020 12:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And that’s one person, who has made a statement about an entire group and category of advertising based on her own personal perceptions and motivations. So I guess my question is, what are your thoughts on the article I posted on the last page? Similar “image”, similar concepts/themes.. Although she’s not explicitly selling anything in that article (it’s a blog post) I believe she also has a personal brand and charges for certain services. Is she also enmeshed in her ego and deceptively selling herself? Or is it possible she might actually have something genuine to offer..

Of course I respect your personal experiences and opinions, and your decision to take a break if that’s what you feel is best..

I don’t mean to imply this applies to you, but I think sometimes men resent that women can “get things for free” just by looking good.. regardless of whether that’s our intention or not. But the reality of course is more complex and nothing ever really comes without some sort of emotional/physical/energetic price when “free money” is involved. That doesn’t always mean women need to stop looking good in order to not "give people the wrong idea", sometimes it means the men doing that could learn to control themselves and adjust their expectations. Just a thought.

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posted February 13, 2020 05:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for firemoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
After further thought, I think another part of what bothers me is that men have been selling us our own sexuality via advertising ever since advertising became a thing. Hair, makeup, lingerie.. all incredibly lucrative and designed specifically to appeal to men. None of these things are questioned or looked down upon in mainstream culture. 

But a woman shows up in a tank top and yoga pants, saying she doesn't need a man to be sexy or successful, and that other women can do it too.. and she's a manipulative sl*t. Basically. 

Maybe a little over the top, but that's kind of how I see it.  

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posted February 13, 2020 04:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Firemoon! ^

Secret Geek.. great explanation *thumbsup*

Anony!.. Something you said reminded me of a vid I saw a long time ago, and found fascinating. They all move together, and the explanation of 'how' is philosophical, and talks about telepathy in a group.

(topic) Strange but Genius {Caterpillar Speed Trick} (Smarter Every Day 93, 2013) [5:03]

Saying HI .. to everyone else.
Y'all are impressive Geniuses!!!!

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posted February 18, 2020 06:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Xodian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Quite the controversial article to say the least. I guess it all comes down to what the concept of spirituality means to the individual and how said individual chooses to convey that aspect of themselves.

To me personally, spirituality is a very private matter; Something that I choose not to share with anyone other than individuals who are VERY close to me. Aspects of spirituality and philosophy define personal morality and introduces an obvious case of personal bias. Furthermore, it would take someone that I trust EXTREMELY well to encroach and influence those set to personal values.

Having said that, since there is an issue with personal bias when it comes to my spiritual beliefs, I choose to interact with the world in a more pragmatic and (dare I say it) Nietzschean way. In choosing this aspect to interact with the world, one must acknowledge the fact that personal morality does not plays a bigger part in the conception and operation of society and its individuals as everyone out there operates with a set of personal values.

If someone does not places a big deal on their sense of spirituality as a personal matter then its perfectly fine, SO LONG AS the individual in question chooses not to use it as an avenue of fraud, scam or worse... Extremism. You just need to look at cults like Aum Shinrikyo to see how spirituality can easily become a gateway towards manipulation.

There is no harm in an individual taking selfies while doing Yoga. If doing something like that brings a sense of personal empowerment to an individual, which in turn has a positive effect on their livelyhood WITHOUT having a negative effect on other aspects of their life, then there is nothing wrong with what they are doing.

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posted February 19, 2020 01:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mystic~Melody     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
GCore, though I’m sad I missed the post you removed, I enjoyed (as always) reading your words.
Fire moon, understanding more of your thoughts tells me we actually all agree.
Xodian, hello!! I remember you 🙂

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posted February 24, 2020 06:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted March 02, 2020 06:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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