Topic: Chiron transit natal sun
visions Knowflake Posts: 646 From: france Registered: Feb 2010
posted March 26, 2020 07:03 AM
Hello,i will have chiron transiting my 8th house aries sun in june and before uranus transiting natal 8th house taurus chiron...... so i am very stressed about this transit combo, what's your experience with this transit ? IP: Logged |
Graham unregistered
posted March 26, 2020 01:44 PM
Since no other member is likely to have the same natal chart as you, visions ... what do you hope to learn from their experiences of these transits?For example ... I was born with a 3rd house Chiron at the anaretic degree of Scorpio, within 2 degrees of a 3rd house Scorpio Sun and making a 6-arc-minutes orb qcx to a 9th house Uranus (at the anaretic degree of Gemini, and on MC). Hence, the natally-stamped Chiron that transits my 8th house is probably delivering a very different message/lesson for me than the natally-stamped Chiron that transits your 8th house. IP: Logged |
implosions Knowflake Posts: 712 From: canada Registered: Aug 2017
posted March 26, 2020 02:09 PM
I'll chime in!Chiron passed through my natal Sun Sign back in 1996-1999. I was a child at the time, and this was during my grade school years of a private religious school. Now I will say this, when looking at Chiron dealings, I don't advise to look at it solely as a 'wounded' space or even specifically a place we heal others-- these are aspects of a larger whole. (TDJacobs talks about it best, IMO). Chiron is, especially in my experience, more of an energy antenna. The place in our charts (or collectively, via transit) that we are supremely sensitive to energy. I've been seeing how, depending on the natal placement, that's the sign you'll be extremely 'aware' of, unable to not have them get under your skin. They will certainly make you FEEL things, that's for sure. By transit, as it was in Scorpio for me, in a religious school ... Lets just say there was a lot of highlighting that people did not enjoy. I have a lot of Scorpio energy already, and I always felt that people were hyper aware of me (though this could me being hyper aware of others). I was also bullied quite horribly during these years- almost more so by closer relationships (it passed through my 7/8th houses) than the general populace. So a transit over the sun may make you hyper aware of how people pay attention to your solar energy. It could be you feel a bit 'on the spot' or you yourself are just more hyper-conscious than other times. As Graham said, it's best to look at what else will be affected! House placements, what other aspects the transit will make and what aspects the planets being transited will make. Good luck! IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 26631 From: Here Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 26, 2020 02:24 PM
I have the conjunction natally, and that sounds like something I experience. ^^ IP: Logged |
visions Knowflake Posts: 646 From: france Registered: Feb 2010
posted March 26, 2020 02:30 PM
well sorry, but i have issues to understand what you wrote implosion but i have to pay attention to bullying for sure as i have neptune square neptune right now making me weak and very sensitive to others people and cand attract crueltyIP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 26631 From: Here Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 26, 2020 02:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by visions: well sorry, but i have issues to understand what you wrote implosion but i have to pay attention to bullying for sure as i have neptune square neptune right now making me weak and very sensitive to others people and cand attract cruelty
I’ve attracted cruelty, at different points in my life. I’m trying to wake up right now, and woke up feeling anxious, so I’m trying to distract myself. I will say the hyper-awareness doesn’t always have truth to it (the feelings). I’m not awake, and am having trouble saying what I want to say. I might try again later. IP: Logged |
implosions Knowflake Posts: 712 From: canada Registered: Aug 2017
posted March 26, 2020 04:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by visions: well sorry, but i have issues to understand what you wrote implosion but i have to pay attention to bullying for sure as i have neptune square neptune right now making me weak and very sensitive to others people and cand attract cruelty
Hmm, perhaps another way to look at it is that you may feel your ego is on shocking display (and in the 8th house, mostly likely with your close relationships of all kinds). Uranus transiting Chiron as well will probably feel a bit uncomfortable- but it's also a great way to look at your own sensitivities to how you feel security in your relationships. Uranus will help you break out of old habits or subconscious patterns and offer times to try something different or unconventional. Chiron passing over the Sun will probably be highlighting the issues that Uranus will bring up for you. How do you behave when your relationship security is threatened? How do you control them or nurture them etc. IP: Logged |
visions Knowflake Posts: 646 From: france Registered: Feb 2010
posted March 27, 2020 02:26 AM
hello implosions,what you say about shocking display behaviour talk to me very meuch, chiron is 5° aries right now and my sun is 9° aries and i feel a urge to express myself even if i look a rebel or weird for other people right now uranus will be conjunct my natal 8th chiron but at the same time will be in trine with natal saturn in virgo, i have chiron conjunct moon in taurus trine saturn in virgo in my natal chart. I hope saturn will stabilize the uranus shaking ground effect
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implosions Knowflake Posts: 712 From: canada Registered: Aug 2017
posted March 27, 2020 02:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by visions: hello implosions,what you say about shocking display behaviour talk to me very meuch, chiron is 5° aries right now and my sun is 9° aries and i feel a urge to express myself even if i look a rebel or weird for other people right now uranus will be conjunct my natal 8th chiron but at the same time will be in trine with natal saturn in virgo, i have chiron conjunct moon in taurus trine saturn in virgo in my natal chart. I hope saturn will stabilize the uranus shaking ground effect
I would say with a trine from Saturn it will definitely help! There will be a natural understanding of how to deal with it, both on a realistic level (Saturn) and an emotional level (moon/chiron). IP: Logged |
visions Knowflake Posts: 646 From: france Registered: Feb 2010
posted March 27, 2020 03:36 AM
uranus will apply a trine to my virgo ascendant(15°) as well as it will move thoughout moon (13° taurus)/chiron(9° taurus) conjunction but my natal uranus is 20° scorpio...IP: Logged |
implosions Knowflake Posts: 712 From: canada Registered: Aug 2017
posted March 27, 2020 04:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by visions: uranus will apply a trine to my virgo ascendant(15°) as well as it will move thoughout moon (13° taurus)/chiron(9° taurus) conjunction but my natal uranus is 20° scorpio...
Ah, so Uranus opposition as well, hm. It may just be that the style of unconventionality is more in areas of life that you find typically more 'secure'. Probably more grounded or physical based than say, the psychological aspect that usually comes with Uranus in Scorpio. Less of the mental and emotional realm, more of the physical and perceived world. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 27, 2020 10:53 AM
Transit Chiron conjunct SUN "Show your injuries" Valid during many months: During this time, a particular sore point of yours is disturbed-- a sensitivity or vulnerability that you may not be aware of, as this wound is part of your being. It was probably inflicted a long time ago, in your early childhood, and all that remains today is a scar-- a certain vulnerability or injury.So it may well be that you do not really notice anything when your old wound is disturbed as you react to this, as you have perhaps always reacted to such situations: You are distressed, hurt, you distance yourself, and forget the incident as quickly as possible. This can occur during conversations with friends, when together with your partner, or during exchanges with your colleagues at work. Nobody wants to do you any harm, you know that perfectly well; the hurt takes place unintentionally, and probably your counterpart notices nothing because you hide your feelings well. If you do not react by withdrawing as you usually do, but instead show that you have been hurt, you will be forced to explain some things in more detail-- not just to your counterpart, but also to yourself. In that case, you can use this incident as a key to a hidden or forgotten earlier painful experience. This will hardly reduce your pain, but will give you the freedom to behave differently in this typical situation (for you). If you are more open and understanding about your own hurt, other will understand you better in the future. That is, of course, easier said than done, as this sore point is presently very deeply situation. But this moment in time offers you an outstanding opportunity to stand far enough outside yourself to show your hurt. If you recognize the situation in question, and react to it, you will win new strength and confidence. *~ Transit Chiron sextile CHIRON "Sensitive to Moods" {removed} *~ Transit Uranus conjunct CHIRON "A bolt form the blue" Valid during many months: Your nerves are probably rather strained at the moment, simply because you feel unable to digest your experiences as quickly as they are happening. Being aware of this will help you to treat others with more consideration, and not to allow your own inner discontent to disturb them. If you can share your innermost feelings with your partner, you will be more able to use this time constructively. You are probably not as alone as you sometimes believe. Everyone, including the members of your family, work colleagues, and friends have to cope with losing ideals and changing values. Consciously being able to let go of deeply personal and painful old wounds-- whether by turning to some form of therapy or experiencing some kind of spiritual awakening-- will create space for a new sense of responsibility towards humanity as a whole. Only then can we broaden our horizons enough to see what is wrong with the world. The fight for personal freedom is always closely related to the conditions of the society in which we live. It is therefore now important that you use your creative potential to service the wider community. You could either joining a group or project which is particularly concerned with Human Rights, society's outcasts, or the environment. You could even help others by telling them of your own personal healing experiences. How you help is not important-- what is, is that you are able to see your own life within a wider context, so that your ideals and convictions can play a more central role. Reference for above are quotes from Astrodienst 'Free Horoscopes' {drop list} "Personal Daily Horoscope" .. authors are Robert Hand or Robert Pelletier
Every Thursday (until revoked) there is free access to all transits listed in your Personal Daily Horoscope Happy Birthday, Visions! (March 30)
#Asteroid Astrology forum IP: Logged |
visions Knowflake Posts: 646 From: france Registered: Feb 2010
posted March 27, 2020 01:03 PM
hello thank you mirage for the transiti won't have chiron sextile chiron but i will have chiron sextile midheaven after chiron transit over my sun IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 27, 2020 01:12 PM
.. oops, that's right, not chiron not sextile! thanksI'm intrigued by what it said about your Uranus conjunct Chiron. Seems very timely for the crisis of these Times. Hope you'll be able to make the most of it! Make A Difference!  IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 31, 2020 02:33 PM
*bump*Your other threads t Uranus trine Saturn .. to release from "toxic"? - IP: Logged |
Psyche23 Knowflake Posts: 72 From: Registered: Jun 2019
posted February 15, 2024 03:06 PM
I have a friend with chiron transiting his Aries sun (exact in the next few weeks) and Uranus on his Taurus chiron right now. Do you recall what happened during these transits? IP: Logged |