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Author Topic:   Harmonics and Numerology

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posted July 26, 2020 10:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ashes2Phoenix     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Conducting some research into whether there’s resonance between one’s Life Path number as seen in numerology and the corresponding harmonic. Particularly for those with master numbers 11 and 22, there Harmonics reflecting the traits they must develop in order to ascend or who they are/how they are applying their gifts after ascension.

Please post your life path number and whether the harmonic corresponding with that number has any resonance to you and your life path.

Example: If you’re a life path 5, look to the 5th Harmonic chart.

If you’re a life path 1, you would just look at your natal.

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posted July 26, 2020 06:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am life path 8 ... and the 8th harmonic chart has been a significant behavioural trait* throughout my 71 years of life.

[ * 8th harmonic behavioural trait = persisting with something beyond the point that others consider to be reasonable, rational or worthwhile.]

In my natal chart, the 8th harmonic aspects are :-

Uranus opposite Jupiter, sesquisquare Mercury, semi-square Pluto ... Mercury square Pluto, semi-square Jupiter ... Jupiter sesquisquare Pluto. ... Uranus opposite IC, square asc/dsc ... Jupiter opposite MC, square asc/dsc.

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posted July 26, 2020 07:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MMarie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have life path 11 and never looked at my 11th harmonic chart until now. It looks rough to me haha...moon conjunct Uranus in Virgo opposite Venus in Aqua. Mars in Scorpio square Pluto and Venus in Aqua. Sun in Virgo also and ascendant in Pisces. Also my north node in natal is Aqua but in this chart north node in Leo.

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posted July 27, 2020 12:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by MMarie:
I have life path 11 and never looked at my 11th harmonic chart until now. It looks rough to me haha...moon conjunct Uranus in Virgo opposite Venus in Aqua. Mars in Scorpio square Pluto and Venus in Aqua. Sun in Virgo also and ascendant in Pisces. Also my north node in natal is Aqua but in this chart north node in Leo.

Within the astrological community, a generally accepted meaning/behavioural trait for the 11th harmonic has not yet been identified. ... However, in his 2019 book (Harmonic Astrology In Practice) David Hamblin suggested "defiance, dogged persistence" - and listed Donald Trump + Winston Churchill as examples of natal charts in which the 11th harmonic aspect is strong.

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posted July 27, 2020 11:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MMarie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Graham:
Within the astrological community, a generally accepted meaning/behavioural trait for the 11th harmonic has not yet been identified. ... However, in his 2019 book ([b]Harmonic Astrology In Practice) David Hamblin suggested "defiance, dogged persistence" - and listed Donald Trump + Winston Churchill as examples of natal charts in which the 11th harmonic aspect is strong.


Thank you graham! That is very interesting! I would have to sit and think a bit more about how this chart applies to me. I am a bit defiant 🤔.... if that’s what you mean by what you said above.

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posted July 27, 2020 12:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for charlie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Life path 5

Harmonic 5

-moon conjunct Uranus in Pisces
-opposite Libra Sun and Virgo Neptune

-Scorpio Venus conj Scorpio Pluto
-Taurus Mars conj Asc

Looks horrible to me

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posted July 27, 2020 12:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Librapurr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Life path 11. My Harmonic 11th might be much easier than my natal. No Scorpio, less Saturn and Pluto - more Jupiter; instead of Virgo- Leo (yes, please). It moves couple my personal planets to my natal NN sign.
Libra Mercury with trine and sextile, only wide opp with moon. - I wish my Mercury would be that easy . It doesn’t resonate. My Mercury is definitely pretty Scorpio.
Venus looks much more fun.
I wouldn’t mind to develop/have much of my harmonics traits.

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posted July 28, 2020 12:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for silhouette007     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Seventh path
Seventh harmonic
gemini Sun , moon, venus, Jupiter,  mars, juno,
ac in  Pisces
Sagittarius  mercury,   neptune and vesta
scorpio  saturn, north node, uranus.
virgo  in pluto
mc conjunction to mercury, neptune and uranus
  a lot of gemini and mercury too.

I could be an agent.really this link i read said
didn't specify type of agent. 7s like to find truth. 007 took that job, james bond.
travel agent fits though.

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posted July 28, 2020 03:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In my opinion/experience :-

5th harmonic trait = a Mercury/"rational" ability to see patterns that others do not.

7th harmonic trait = a Neptune/"irrational" ability to see patterns that others do not.

They seem to differ only in that the 5H person gets there via some kind of conscious A-Z step-by-step logic, whilst the 7H person somehow just "knows" that A is connected to Z.

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Posts: 268
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posted July 28, 2020 06:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for nomad-monad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm lifepath 11 but not sure how to interpret harmonics. Maybe someone can guide me.

Natal left, 11th on the right.

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posted July 28, 2020 08:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
originally posted by nomad-monad :-

I'm lifepath 11 but not sure how to interpret harmonics. Maybe someone can guide me.
Natal left, 11th on the right.

Thanks for asking this "elephant in the room" question, n-m.

My understanding is each harmonic chart relates to one specific behavioural trait, and that the behavioural traits of every harmonic chart are contained in the natal chart. ... But, it is difficult to see the higher harmonic behavioural traits in the latter because non-harmonic astrology programs draw connecting lines only for conjunctions/H1 : oppositions/H2 : trines/H3 : squares/H4 : quintiles/bi-quintiles/H5 : sextile/H6 : septiles/bi-septiles/tri-septiles/H7 and semi-squares/sesqui-squares/H8. ... So, harmonic charts were introduced (by John Addey, back in 1976) as a mechanism for identifying the non-ptolemaic/harmonic aspects IN THE NATAL CHART that cannot be easily "eyeballed".

Thus ... harmonic aspects are meant to be interpreted in the context of the natal chart (where the focus is upon all behavioural traits applicable to the chart owner), and harmonic charts are meant to be interpreted as stand-alone charts that focus on one specific behavioural trait of the chart owner.

Planets that are conjunct in your 11th harmonic chart will either be conjunct in the natal chart, or[b] forming an 11th harmonic aspect there. In harmonics, the maximum orb allowed for a conjunction is [b]always 12 degrees ... For example, (in your 11H) Pluto is conjunct Saturn, Mercury plus Mars and Mercury is also conjunct Saturn - but Mars is not conjunct Mercury or Saturn. ... And, in the natal chart, Pluto is making 11th harmonic aspects to Saturn, Mercury plus Mars; Mercury is making another 11H aspect to Saturn - but Mars is not making a (within orb) 11H aspect to Mercury or Saturn.

So ... using David Hamblin's interpretation of the 11H behavioural trait as "defiance, dogged persistence" ... natal Pluto (in Scorpio/6th), natal Saturn (in Sag/7th) and natal Mercury (in Pisces/10th) are working together in a way that causes you to be "defiant or/and doggedly persistent" - and that tendency is exacerbated by natal Pluto's (11H) contact with natal Mars (in Sag/7th).

However ... since you have now been living with these 11H natal contacts for X years, you are in a better position than I to ascertain how that behavioural trait is modified by the signs and houses involved.

Unfortunately though, when looking at your 11H chart as a stand-alone (of your "defiance, dogged persistence" behavioural trait), we are thwarted by the fact that harmonic charts do not use harmonic orbs - despite John Addey having made clear (in 1976) that those orbs are an essential requirement when using harmonic aspects in astrology.

Consequently, the first step (if using harmonic charts) is to ignore any aspects that are wider than those recommended by John Addey. [He gave that recommendation as a calculation - by which the conjunction orb is divided by the harmonic number of the aspect. So, the 12 degree conjunction is divided by 2 for the opposition/2H; 3 for the trine/3H; 4 for the square/4H ... 27 for the 27H, etc.)

Step 2 is to then ignore any aspects involving the angles - since even a one arc degree inaccuracy of these in the natal chart would result in a 27 arc degree inaccuracy in the 27H chart.

Step 3 is to ignore the signs and houses in the harmonic chart, as these are never used by practitioners of harmonic aspects in astrology. ... (Although these are used in the branch known as "harmonic astrology", which is based upon the concept that H1 to H12 are specific charts of the natal House 1 to House 12 respectively.)

Comment on what is valid in the stand-alone chart added at 13:30PM (Forum Time) on 29th July ... and referring to the 11H chart posted by nomad-monad at 06:05PM on July 28th (with 40% orb factor) :-

In the stand-alone 11H chart, the 40% orb factor produces maximum orbs of 4 degrees for all aspects ... So, for example, the redline squares from Sun to Venus and Neptune are drawn - but that of the Sun-Mars opposition is not (despite being within the 6 degree maximum orb recommended by John Addey. ... Hence, when using Astrodienst Harmonic Charts, care is required to ensure that "all, and only" aspects with valid harmonic orbs are interpreted.; aspects to angles are ignored completely and sign/house placements are not used/interpreted.

Then ... focusing upon what is valid in this 11H Astrodienst Chart ... we can use the Chiron-Saturn-Mars triangle to explain how stand-alone harmonic charts are interpreted :-

1) All astrological indicators in the chart relate solely to the specific behavioural trait that it symbolises. So, the (11H) chart is telling us only about the natal chart owner's "defiance, dogged persistence" behavioural trait.

2) So, Chiron-Saturn (in opposition) are each working in a way that hinders the others ability to use this trait positively - and the Moon (in easy aspect to both) is helping them to do so. ... (In other words, this "easy opposition" triangle is interpreted in exactly the same way as any other "easy opposition triangle - but the interpretation relates solely to the behavioural trait of "defiance, dogged persistence".

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Posts: 848
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posted July 28, 2020 03:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dons2angelss     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Life path 4

Ive never really resonated with this number and don't think the description suits me at all. I think that's why I've never been a big fan of numerology. In my 4th harmonic I have a grand trine between Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn but I'm not seeing how it's related to the meaning of number 4 in numerology in my life. Maybe I'm missing something?

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Posts: 268
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posted July 28, 2020 06:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for nomad-monad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Graham:
So ... using David Hamblin's interpretation of the 11H behavioural trait as "defiance, dogged persistence" ... natal Pluto (in Scorpio/6th), natal Saturn (in Sag/7th) and natal Mercury (in Pisces/10th) are working together in a way that causes you to be "defiant or/and doggedly persistent" - and that tendency is exacerbated by natal Pluto's (11H) contact with natal Mars (in Sag/7th).

However ... since you have now been living with these 11H natal contacts for X years, you are in a better position than I to ascertain how that behavioural trait is modified by the signs and houses involved.

Let's see if this makes sense (to both you and me, when I read it again later.)

I think I can safely say that the defiant/persistent notion fits me fairly well.
Defiance/Persistence have propelled me to certain discoveries about myself and how I relate to "spiritual"
as well as "material" problems of my world-positioning in order to find their solution.
It keeps me going because I have always had a strong feeling of responsibility to first find, and now do, what I do best.
This turned out to be art.

In short, Mercury (my Ruler) has always been a kind of guiding post - the ruler indeed on what to be persistent with and what to defy.
Most of my persistence have been about channeling energy to Mercury by way of 'clearing the system' from debris that hinder this flow.

I see the 7th Saturn as having been a block for the circulatory energy
to finally reach around to the 10th from the ASC.

There was an emphasis on Defiance most clearly up until my late 20s
by way of the 6th Pluto intensity never accepting either a 'mediocre' position of 6th-routine life
nor the faux-powerful (7th) authorities trying to put me on a 'track' that is not my own (not true Saturn, but people wearing the Mask of Saturn).
Maybe Pluto's connection to Sun-Venus midpoint helped make me obsessively aware that I needed to be over there in the 10th, rather than in the 6th
- the trine as a window from 6th to 10th.
In order for that to happen, the first expression of 6th needed to die and be reborn - this happened when Saturn passed the 6th.

Grinding that 6th-7th passage-block persistently first opened up awakening on the spiritual side
(probably Chiron conj ASC 'unlocked' here) which exponentially began to power up the ASC.

Understanding my material positioning followed swiftly in terms of my 'career-shift'
from business admin to art around age 28/29, which is my 10th house Sun/Venus/Jupiter/Mercury career.
I think this subsequently relate to nourishing my 12th NN as the 'materializing of the Neptunian' in the Taurean soil,
which is also where I have my Sun/Moon midpoint.


Absolutely Persistent:
Before, persistence was more uncertain (persistent searcher).
Now it is more certain (persistent finder).

Absolutely Defiant:
Before it was crude and screaming.
Now it is more polished and Socratic.

This was quite poorly written.
I've made the point though to clarify that Defiance/Persistence seem accurate
in terms of describing something integral to me
that I need to consistently 'grind' in order to fully realize
what I've decided pre-incarnatively as my 'soul-service' this time around.
I wouldn't have reached the point I'm at,
nor would I be very good as an artist
without a deeply ingrained persistence and defiance.

Originally posted by Graham:
Comment on what is valid in the stand-alone chart to be added asap tomorrow, as I now have to sign off the forum for today.

However ... it would be helpful if you could replace your image of the 11th harmonic chart with one having an orb factor of 40% and containing only planets, Chiron, the Moon Nodes and (since they cannot be excluded at the Ac/Dc + Mc/Ic.

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posted July 29, 2020 11:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I have added the following to my earlier comments upon interpreting the harmonic chart as a stand-alone chart :-

Comment on what is valid in the stand-alone chart added at 13:30PM (Forum Time) on 29th July ... and referring to the 11H chart posted by nomad-monad at 06:05PM on July 28th (with 40% orb factor) :-

In the stand-alone 11H chart, the 40% orb factor produces maximum orbs of 4 degrees for all aspects ... So, for example, the redline squares from Sun to Venus and Neptune are drawn - but that of the Sun-Mars opposition is not (despite being within the 6 degree maximum orb recommended by John Addey. ... Hence, when using Astrodienst Harmonic Charts, care is required to ensure that "all, and only" aspects with valid harmonic orbs are interpreted.; aspects to angles are ignored completely and sign/house placements are not used/interpreted.

Then ... focusing upon what is valid in this 11H Astrodienst Chart ... we can use the Chiron-Saturn-Mars triangle to explain how stand-alone harmonic charts are interpreted :-

1) All astrological indicators in the chart relate solely to the specific behavioural trait that it symbolises. So, the (11H) chart is telling us only about the natal chart owner's "defiance, dogged persistence" behavioural trait.

2) So, Chiron-Saturn (in opposition) are each working in a way that hinders the others ability to use this trait positively - and the Moon (in easy aspect to both) is helping them to do so. ... (In other words, this "easy opposition" triangle is interpreted in exactly the same way as any other "easy opposition triangle - but the interpretation relates solely to the behavioural trait of "defiance, dogged persistence".

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posted July 29, 2020 11:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by nomad-monad :-

Defiance/Persistence seem accurate
in terms of describing something integral to me
that I need to consistently 'grind' in order to fully realize
what I've decided pre-incarnatively as my 'soul-service' this time around.
I wouldn't have reached the point I'm at,
nor would I be very good as an artist
without a deeply ingrained persistence and defiance.

Your analysis (and understanding of how to use harmonic aspects in astrology) is sound, n-m.

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posted July 30, 2020 12:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dons2angelss:
Life path 4

Ive never really resonated with this number and don't think the description suits me at all. I think that's why I've never been a big fan of numerology. In my 4th harmonic I have a grand trine between Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn but I'm not seeing how it's related to the meaning of number 4 in numerology in my life. Maybe I'm missing something?

What description of Life path 4 do you have, D2a?

In The Life You were born to Live, Dan Millman uses a numerology system that produces a 31/4 life path for your date of birth ... and defines the 4 as being about stability and process; the 3 as expression and sensitivity and the 1 as creativity and confidence.

That seems to fit with having the rulers of the 9th, 10th and 11th zodiac signs forming a Grand Trine (stability) in the 4th Harmonic Chart ("effort; tackling a problem") ... which is in the natal chart as a 30-60-30 talent triangle in the 6th, 7th and 8th houses - that connects with Venus (in Taurus/12th), to form a megaphone configuration.

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Posts: 848
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posted July 30, 2020 01:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dons2angelss     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Life path Number 4 has the energy of being the guardian of the limits. It does not attack, it protects and defends. The main goal for people with life path 4 should be manifesting order and giving completeness to an idea through hard work. In order to be successful, life path number 4 have to understand the value of service, learn how to live in the limits of the law and our material world. The following qualities are very common for life path #4: stability, respect, strength, durability, complying with traditions and laws. Being flexible could be a problem for people with life path #4. They often work hard to create systems and structures. Many people with life path number 4 are work addicts and result oriented, which makes them a very important part of any team.

life path 4Professionally they are good managers, engineers, accountants and bankers. People with life path number 4 often become politicians and work in commerce related fields. Status is very important for them. They are good in following the limits and working within a system. They might not have greatest ideas but they are very good in finishing the job. It could be very hard for people with life path number 4 to adapt to change. They often become very good in a certain niche. Even though life path number 4 is good in working within limits, they don’t like to be ordered what to do. People with life path number 4 can be compared to a tank which is slowly but surely is moving towards a goal. They can get irritated by chaos and when someone is not serious or ineffective. One can say that:

“People with life path number 4 are very good with routine work”.

This is just one quote from what I've read about it but they're all pretty much the same. I really feel, especially looking back on my life, that I'm almost the antithesis of this person 😂. I'd die a painful death with routine work. I have to change things, especially professionally, often. Every two years or so. I've gone to school and earned certifications for home care work (CNA), welding (all types), accounting (the only one I was really bad at), and a few other skills and trades. I think it's more the rigidity part about this number that doesn't sit well with me. I'm definitely not good at staying within my limits and I wouldn't want to be a manager. I've had those opportunities and turned them down. Complying with traditions, absolutely not. I don't understand traditions and I have a terrible habit of not finishing what I start. I'm really trying to work on that one. I'm nit picking at the smaller things but in general, no. I haven't found a description that I can honestly say I relate to. I'm trying to find a different way I might be utilizing these qualities and I'm just not noticing because I'm not using them the way they're described here. This number in particular is actually what turned me away from numerology though. I don't like to set goals for myself either. At least not in a big way. I feel like I'm guided to where I need to be and I just follow my gut and intuition. Goals and sticking to them come hell or high water are so restrictive and limiting. Why would I do that to myself?

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posted July 30, 2020 01:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My life path is four. I'm not good with routine, at all. I work best when I'm so interested in what I'm doing, that I can't be distracted by anything else for long. In the past, when I was working on something, I'd be thinking about it at the dinner table, or when I had to do anything else, and I'd work until I couldn't stay awake any longer.

I do protect, and defend.

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posted July 30, 2020 01:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dons2angelss:

This is just one quote from what I've read about it but they're all pretty much the same. I really feel, especially looking back on my life, that I'm almost the antithesis of this person 😂. I'd die a painful death with routine work. I have to change things, especially professionally, often. Every two years or so. I've gone to school and earned certifications for home care work (CNA), welding (all types), accounting (the only one I was really bad at), and a few other skills and trades. I think it's more the rigidity part about this number that doesn't sit well with me. I'm definitely not good at staying within my limits and I wouldn't want to be a manager. I've had those opportunities and turned them down. Complying with traditions, absolutely not. I don't understand traditions and I have a terrible habit of not finishing what I start. I'm really trying to work on that one. I'm nit picking at the smaller things but in general, no. I haven't found a description that I can honestly say I relate to. I'm trying to find a different way I might be utilizing these qualities and I'm just not noticing because I'm not using them the way they're described here. This number in particular is actually what turned me away from numerology though. I don't like to set goals for myself either. At least not in a big way. I feel like I'm guided to where I need to be and I just follow my gut and intuition. Goals and sticking to them come hell or high water are so restrictive and limiting. Why would I do that to myself?

You sound like me, although I do like to set goals. I used to be on a site for that - only posting them for all to see, did nothing for my motivation. I didn't care about being cheered on, or peer pressure. I liked the community, and made a lot of friends, though.

I'm not interested in status.

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Posts: 848
From: Virginia, US
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posted July 30, 2020 07:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dons2angelss     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by teasel:
You sound like me, although I do like to set goals. I used to be on a site for that - only posting them for all to see, did nothing for my motivation. I didn't care about being cheered on, or peer pressure. I liked the community, and made a lot of friends, though.

I'm not interested in status.

I'm not interested in status either. Or material wealth or money or power of authority. I just don't care and I'm not going to break my back working to accuire something I don't care about. I work enough to get what I and my family need. Workaholic us probably the last word I'd use to describe myself lol. I do love being active though but, I have to have that balance if rest too. Balance is very important to me (libra moon) in almost everything I do.

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Posts: 127
From: New York,NY,USA
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posted July 30, 2020 01:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ashes2Phoenix     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Graham:
[b]In my opinion/experience :-

5th harmonic trait = a Mercury/"rational" ability to see patterns that others do not.

7th harmonic trait = a Neptune/"irrational" ability to see patterns that others do not.

They seem to differ only in that the 5H person gets there via some kind of conscious A-Z step-by-step logic, whilst the 7H person somehow just "knows" that A is connected to Z.


Based on your experience as presented above, the 7 life path does resonant with the 7th harmonic. A 7 must learn in this life to release logic and trust its intuition. The path of 7 is one of spirituality.

Your description of the 5th harmonic is new to me.

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posted July 30, 2020 01:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ashes2Phoenix     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dons2angelss:
Life path Number 4 has the energy of being the guardian of the limits. It does not attack, it protects and defends. The main goal for people with life path 4 should be manifesting order and giving completeness to an idea through hard work. In order to be successful, life path number 4 have to understand the value of service, learn how to live in the limits of the law and our material world. The following qualities are very common for life path #4: stability, respect, strength, durability, complying with traditions and laws. Being flexible could be a problem for people with life path #4. They often work hard to create systems and structures. Many people with life path number 4 are work addicts and result oriented, which makes them a very important part of any team.

life path 4Professionally they are good managers, engineers, accountants and bankers. People with life path number 4 often become politicians and work in commerce related fields. Status is very important for them. They are good in following the limits and working within a system. They might not have greatest ideas but they are very good in finishing the job. It could be very hard for people with life path number 4 to adapt to change. They often become very good in a certain niche. Even though life path number 4 is good in working within limits, they don’t like to be ordered what to do. People with life path number 4 can be compared to a tank which is slowly but surely is moving towards a goal. They can get irritated by chaos and when someone is not serious or ineffective. One can say that:

“People with life path number 4 are very good with routine work”.

This is just one quote from what I've read about it but they're all pretty much the same. I really feel, especially looking back on my life, that I'm almost the antithesis of this person 😂. I'd die a painful death with routine work. I have to change things, especially professionally, often. Every two years or so. I've gone to school and earned certifications for home care work (CNA), welding (all types), accounting (the only one I was really bad at), and a few other skills and trades. I think it's more the rigidity part about this number that doesn't sit well with me. I'm definitely not good at staying within my limits and I wouldn't want to be a manager. I've had those opportunities and turned them down. Complying with traditions, absolutely not. I don't understand traditions and I have a terrible habit of not finishing what I start. I'm really trying to work on that one. I'm nit picking at the smaller things but in general, no. I haven't found a description that I can honestly say I relate to. I'm trying to find a different way I might be utilizing these qualities and I'm just not noticing because I'm not using them the way they're described here. This number in particular is actually what turned me away from numerology though. I don't like to set goals for myself either. At least not in a big way. I feel like I'm guided to where I need to be and I just follow my gut and intuition. Goals and sticking to them come hell or high water are so restrictive and limiting. Why would I do that to myself?

What is your North Node and where does it reside?

To also confirm, your a 4 and not a 22 right?

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Posts: 848
From: Virginia, US
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posted July 30, 2020 05:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dons2angelss     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ashes2Phoenix:
What is your North Node and where does it reside?

To also confirm, your a 4 and not a 22 right?

My nn sits right on my gemini ascendant. Aquarius on the MC, unaspected Uranus in 7H conjunct sn/descendant. Well, it makes a quincunx to Venus but I hardly ever feel that aspect.

Yes I'm a 4, 31

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From: Virginia, US
Registered: Jan 2019

posted July 30, 2020 05:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dons2angelss     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Graham:
I am life path 8 ... and the 8th harmonic chart has been a significant behavioural trait* throughout my 71 years of life.

[ * 8th harmonic behavioural trait = persisting with something beyond the point that others consider to be reasonable, rational or worthwhile.]

[b]In my natal chart, the 8th harmonic aspects are :-

Uranus opposite Jupiter, sesquisquare Mercury, semi-square Pluto ... Mercury square Pluto, semi-square Jupiter ... Jupiter sesquisquare Pluto. ... Uranus opposite IC, square asc/dsc ... Jupiter opposite MC, square asc/dsc.[/B]

How have these aspects shown up in your life? Where do you see the number 8 relating to this harmonic? I'm very curious about this considering I just can't identify with mine.

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posted July 31, 2020 12:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Graham     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dons2angelss:
How have these aspects shown up in your life? Where do you see the number 8 relating to this harmonic? I'm very curious about this considering I just can't identify with mine.

They have shown up as difficulties in everyday interactions with others ... in the context of my refusing to let go of something until it has been fully explored/understood is seen by others as "an annoying and undesirable" behavioural trait.

Dan Millman's number system has me as a 26/8 life path. ... 8 = abundance and power : 7 = trust and openness : 1 creativity and confidence.

The 8th harmonic behavioural trait made me ideally suited for my career (as an auditor of financial and management systems) ... in which I had considerable power; was perceived to be creative and confident when undertaking investigations and was trusted by others because of my openness/honesty when reporting the results of those investigations.

In reality though, that 8H refusal to let go of a concern until it had been fully explored/understood was the foundation stone of my success in that career. (Because I uncovered things that previous investigators had not.)

Note ... After writing the above comment, I realised that trust, openness, creativity and confidence are listed as the secondary traits of 17/8 ... whereas I am a 26/8, with secondary traits of vision, acceptance, cooperation and balance.

However, those are also traits which others perceived me to display (at the pinnacle of my career). ... And, so are the secondary traits of the 35/8 (freedom, discipline, expression and sensitivity) plus those of the 44/8 (stability and process).

But ... I do not know why all of the secondary traits of life path 8 manifested in the career which gave me "abundance and power".

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