posted December 26, 2020 03:58 PM
Originally posted by mirage29:
I see that you are from "Somewhere" ..
(music) "Somewhere" (Barbra Streisand)
Intense, borderline epic, and beautiful song there. Hadn't heard it previously. Thank you. As to "somewhere" in general, never gave it much thought, but in lieu of the above song, maybe a deeper dive is in order?
There was an interesting synchronicity that happened awhile back. I had just finished reading my future friend's book,Cosmic Journeys and hadn't told my partner about the part where Rosalind's guidance had taken her to the dimension of the "akashic records" and they showed her the probable future for the next thousand years. More specifically, it was around the year 2500 that Rosie was shown that Earth by this point had many overt interactions with many ET groups (most positive), but that a negative group was finally allowed to do what they wanted; directly, physically attack humans. It was an all out, unasked for war for our very survival as a species.
Keeping the above in mind, and that my partner didn't know the above. She had two very intense dreams spaced apart by some time that were connected to each other. The second dream was a sort of prequel to the first dream.
Anyways, 1st dream. She was in a future body that seemed well into the future because EVERYTHING was very different in the earth at this point. There was A LOT of communication and contact with many different ET groups. Humans had and used flying craft like the ET's. People were a lot more psychically and spiritually aware.
In this future life, my partner was a kind of Earth ambassador to the ET groups, in a sort of more cosmic UN type situation. She knew there had been attacks from a negative ET group and that humans were in a war with them to protect itself. The other ET's didn't want to interfere or intercede directly, but some did help by giving us some helpful information. She had been given some secret information that was pertinent to the war effort, but she was told to misdirect about this information so that the negative ET group didn't find out this info.
At some point, she met this one ET, who looked like Jeff Bridges (she didn't know it at the time, as she hadn't seen the movie, but this was a symbolic reference to his role in the movie "Starman"). He felt very familiar in some way, and she felt that she could trust him. While they were hanging out, this smallish silver flying machine came near her and she started to freak out because she knew that it was from the negative ET group and that its purpose was to read minds/collect data and as she had vital information to the war effort, she was scared that it would get this information.
She didn't know what to do and she started panicking. The friendly, familiar feeling ET decided to help her. He put his fingers up to her forehead area which calmed/blanked her mind, and then he put her to sleep. As she fell asleep in the dream, she woke up, and as she woke she knew very strongly, "That ET was you Justin!" (There is some question as to if I'm a true "ET" in this probable future, or because of some guidance I've gotten about my own probable future--it might actually be me in super conscious form ala Bob Monroe's "He/She" figure or Cayce's and the NT's resurrected Yeshua i.e. someone that was formerly connected to a physical human body, but who is now in a pure Light form that can interact with this dimension).
The 2nd, prequel, dream was connected to the same body and future as the first, but it was before the war, and mostly dealt with a group of female humans who were taken up in space to practice advanced methods of psychism and group melding. They practiced everything from telepathy to moving objects with their mind, both individually and as a group/collective. Why female? Because it was known and recognized at this point in time that generally, the female body was better at psychism and group melding than the male body.
Anyways, if Rosie's book and my partner's dream guidance is correct about this probable future, then it might be suggested that after humans finally kick this negative ET group out of this system--that ancient serpent and dragon that has been hindering us for a very long time now, that humanity's collective consciousness will sky rocket after this.
Leading to what Robert A. Monroe and some others have seen for the further probable future, that sometime from a thousand to thousand and a half years from now, EVERY human alive will be like a Yeshua in the flesh--fully awake and conscious to their Source nature and origin. True and fully grown up Sons and Daughters of the prime Creator, like Yeshua is and has been for a very, very long time.
To get there, one has to take Yeshua off the pedestal while still having immense respect for him. I also used to put Yeshua on a pedestal that was somewhat unreachable. I received a number of guidance messages indicating that I needed to take him off that pedestal. Mighty hard to fully follow in someone's footsteps if one places them on an unreachable pedestal (one of the major distortions/errors of the church).