posted October 18, 2022 02:47 AM
I can see how you feel this way. It reads easily in very obvious waysI can see why you think the 8th house is the end all be all.
Constantly, looping back to the same place.
You are burning off karma in spades!
As a person who believes in karma and reincarnation,
You obviously know that there is no running from Saturn/karma.
You definitely have quite a bit of geometry going on and I think it needs to be addressed.
I’m a Venus/ Pallas anaoretic Aquarius so bear with my perspective. I like to work with patterns.
Sometimes it is quite easy to get stuck or fixated when all you can see is dark.
But in darkness you can find light!
In astrology or spirituality you are almost always missing pieces of the puzzle.
Sometimes you have to look for what’s not there. Instead of focusing too much on what’s smacking you in the face.
So let’s look at the chart:
Since this is your chart…it is your story.
I’m listening to the things you are saying and I can see them
We have your obvious stellum, the sun and south node in the same house. Your asc ruler there too. Chiron sitting in your second. Pluto squaring your asc/desc and widely opposing your moon.
These are very prominent!
But let’s also look at some other points as well that are very interesting.
I know most people do not consider points or axis’s in geometric configurations. I am also aware that people tend to be tight with orbs. And lastly point on point theory gets very fuzzy on expression of energy.
With such a huge emphasis on the 8th we must look much deeper at that area and how the aspects will deposit energy.
As you can see your south node lyes in the house of issue. The north node sitting in your 2nd. They both square your asteroid Lilith and widely square your Jupiter. There is a lot of projection from the moons shadows and points. The fact that the actual moon and Mc sits right at the midpoint of asteroid Lilith and the sn is very interesting. And the fact that ic is opposite it is as well. Collimation of karma for sure since Jupiter squares your nodes.
Now how does this actually feel?
You have Jupiter in your Capricorn 5th house.
Do you work a lot?
I am sure loosing your job is very hard..especially being a Virgo ascendant. You probably are very efficient and you have a lot of your identity wrapped up in you work. Or at least that is what’s being projected on you by your ascendant.
Lilith in cancer 11th house.
Do you feel emotionally isolated from the team,collective, groups of friends?
Cast out?
Have you put everything into work and neglected being social?
Has this affected your romantic pursuits?
Do you find that you are acting out the Aries archetype because you care for others burdens and find that you neglect to spend time venus-ing your 2nd house of what you own?
Chiron is there and it needs you to focus in that direction more often.
Pay attention to your 2nd. Healing and your nn are there.
Let’s look back at that 10th house moon. It’s conjunct your Mc in Taurus.
Once again we are seeing Taurus.
Taurus moon on the Mc is asking for you to nurture emotions in your life’s purpose.
The fact that you have Pluto widely straddling the ic on one side and vesta on the other,Opposite your moon tells me that you may have felt exploited in expressing your nurturing emotions in your home life.
Perhaps you’ve been a target for narcissistic people, energy vampires or had difficulty in your relationships with women. Being used or drawn in by guilt into co dependent cycling. Are you being blocked in your use of feminine energy?
The ic is square Juno which is conjunct the descendant.
Possibly loosing one’s self easily in your relationships.
With Pluto squaring even tighter maybe this happens through jealousy or control issues.
Vesta-eternal flame-sacred sexuality opposite moon-emotions.
Are you not able to express your need for spiritual union emotionally?
This also seems to be an undercurrent in your easy aspects:
asteroid Lilith sextiling your Venus.- feeling isolated from the collective while in romantic relationships.
Saturn/mercury/mars sextiling Venus -mental exhaustion and jaded due to the conflicting push/pull energies of your 8th house matters in relation to your values and romantic relationships.
Vertex/Neptune sextiling Saturn/mercury/mars- I’m going to get here in a minute.
Neptune/vertex trining moon/Mc- odd events easily changing your fate and affecting your emotions and life’s purpose. Fogginess to see the point of carrying out the work.
Your pain deserves to be acknowledged.
You are doing very big shadow work and clearing karma.
You must find a way to bridge the gap of your anti-vertex to the moon. They are both moon orientated after all.
Live with intent and conviction in your Venus traits.
You do have Venus in Taurus after all. So use it.
Let’s go back and take a look at that Neptune/vertex sextiling your Saturn/mercury/mars. - the fog of these life altering events makes it even easier to loose track of your mental focus and it feels as though you take one step forward and two back.
I’m aware that people do not like to include the angles in geometric patterns but it is hard to ignore.
This point and even closer your sextiling of Uranus and sun creating a yod pattern to your ascendant.
Having Aquarius Uranus in the fifth sextiling your sun in Aries 8th house. They may jive but they don’t know how to relate to your ascendant.
The ascendant is the apex of the yod.
Your ego (sun) being independent ( Aries) along with your freedom loving uranus in Aquarius are both in the 5th and 8th (romantic) houses. Forming an apex right at the ascendant.
Tho sextiling energies mesh while the ascendant is left in the dust.
The sextiled planets creates pressure on the ascendant (apex).
A yod is a closed formation.
With yods Energies can feel blocked and a feeling of not being able to move forward or express the energies can be stifling. Especially in areas that pertain to the ascendant.
Yod bearers will feel like they are constantly battling for stability in the outward expression of the apex (ascendant).
They will have trouble expressing the apex (ascendant) until it is activated.
This can happen in transits,progressions and synastry.
At the point of activation, the yod bearer will feel a collimation of all these energy’s hitting the apex all at once. It can be very overwhelming.
It is not uncommon to go through a catharsis mentality.
Anxiety,depression,panic and suicidal thoughts can accompany a period called a dark night of the soul..
Large events can lead a person to emotionally surrender to where they feel it is worthless to try and fight back.
This is the time you will need to try to focus on finally expressing your ascendant. (Apex).
Due to the blocked energy in the past you may feel this is impossible and have fear in trying again.
Pluto is currently transiting your Neptune/vertex and approaching your Uranus in the next few years.
Activating this yod.
Triggers your dark night of the soul.
Pluto is a huge transit for change. It wants to release energy.
It comes with a death and rebirth.
But there’s some Neptune fog.
Neptune on vertex is a spiritual pathway.
With transiting Pluto it’s a catalyst for it.
But Transiting Neptune is activating your Saturn/mercury/mars stellum.
It can make this energy even more of a challenge to find expression.
Even more pressure.
So we go back to the apex.
The release point of a yod sits opposite the apex.
This is your descendant/Juno.
It’s the midpoint between your stellum and vertex/Neptune.
That’s interesting.
Juno/descendant also squares national Pluto.
We see transiting Saturn conjunct the descendant and Juno.
And transiting pluto conjunct the natal vertex/Neptune .
Transiting Saturn is currently sitting at your descendant axis..maybe just past.
This is the cause of you feeling your at your wits end.
All these heavy outer planets are transiting this yod. Stifling your need to break free from a cycle that has hurt you your entire life.
Your ic trining your Saturn/mercury/mars. Both sextiling your Neptune/ vertex. Making it the midpoint of those points.
The home (ic) is in easy aspect to your Pisces stellum. It’s being transited by Neptune. Their midpoint being Neptune/vertex.
Creating even more confusion on how to move forward. But causing events that are still holding you back.
Easy aspects can cause a trap.
A false security that makes it easy to stay in unhealthy patterns.
Neptune tends to do the same.
Then we have the moon/Mc trine Neptune/vertex.
They both sextile Saturn/mercury/mars and transiting Neptune.
Your stellum and transiting Neptune are hitting the midpoint of your natal Neptune/vertex and your moon/ Mc.
The natal moon and Neptune in aspect can make a person very sensitive. You possibly feel very intuitive,feel things with all your senses and it can make a person feel like they are teetering on the verge of revolution or insanity.
With the midpoint of these combined energies hitting your Saturn/mercury/mars stellum and transiting Neptune I’d imagine it would send your mental radar into sensory overload.
Be careful about numbing your senses.
Mars- highs Saturn- lows … dulling your senses (mercury) or creating a fog (Neptune) to dull one’s emotions (moon).
Yet another comfortable trap.
Then we have natal Sagittarius Pluto (4th) Trining Aries sun (8th). They are sextiling Aquarius Uranus (5th conjunct 6th house cusp). Uranus being the midpoint of Pluto and sun.
Pluto in your home (4th) is making a comfortable aspect to your ego (sun) in the house of its natural rulership (8th).
Perhaps that has stifled change. To much comfort with Pluto. Also the fact that the midpoint (Uranus) too is in the sign of its own rulership in the 5th house (ruled by sun) in easy aspect creating a difficulty in utilizing Pluto and Uranus.
There is an impression that easy aspects are all good but as you can see how they do not create enough friction to stimulate change.
This can make it comfortable to fall back into comfortable patterns.
Now let us look at your moon/Mc (emotional life purpose) and see how it sextiles your natal Saturn/mercury/mars and transiting Neptune in the 8th ( death and rebirth).
Your emotional life’s purpose (10th) is in easy aspect to your stellum, being aspected by Neptune (fog).
It’s hard to see the emotional change that you you need to survive. It’s affecting your ability to move forward(mars), your mental ability (mercury) and your ability to find balance (Saturn).
Where is the rejuvenation of death and rebirth?
It is creating a revolving door of pain but where is the rebirth? Where do you rise from the ashes?
Look at this aspect again.
The sextile of moon and your Saturn/mercury/mars stellium both trine your part of fortune.
It’s a yod.
Yay another finger of god hitting these tender areas.
Triggering a tension for your emotional need for catharsis. And also blocking it!
So the part of fortune is too another calculated point. Most would tell you this wouldn’t be a proper geometric configuration. But I’m going to tell you why you don’t throw it out.
Your part of fortune sits on your far sun/moon midpoint.
The sun/moon midpoints behaving like an axis with a near and far point.
Your near sun/moon midpoint sits right on the relief point to this yod!
Your sun/moon midpoint also squares your vertex axis.
Your vertex axis is being triggered by transiting Pluto.
The sun/ moon midpoint is a balance of your Devine masculine and Devine feminine.
With the s/m midpoint ( enlightenment) squaring the vertex access ( sudden change of fate/ anticipated fateful choices) you come to a cross roads for change. Especially with Pluto transiting right over it!
Look for the activation on your sun/moon midpoint!!!
A square is a hard aspect.
It stresses change.
The midpoint squaring vertex and transiting Pluto seems like a huge catalyst.
With Neptune on the vertex it can bring spiritual enlightenment.
With part of fortune on the far sun/moon midpoint I see reprieve.
It is extremely obvious how restricting your chart is.
I don’t need to remind you how Saturn can influence this.
But what sign rules your vertex/Neptune?
And Saturn is not only restriction.
It’s discipline.
After all the pain you’ve experienced you’ve gained discipline.
Here’s a little secret.
I like to call Saturn the kiss of fate.
When one has disciplined oneself and learned Saturns lessons, you will receive your kiss of fate.
Saturn is the keeper of karma.
Saturn does not restrict indefinitely.
Actually , he’s so true to his promise that you can count that once you’ve learned his lessons, he will not Welsh on the karmic agreement.
The fact that vertex is in Capricorn kinda just shows how he gives you a sudden opportunity to do so.
A transit from Pluto is a huge push.
So what is karma..
What is the end...
There are a lot of popular theories going around.
I cannot tell you for sure.
You have:
Major life transits hitting all these problem areas in your chart
They are doubling their influence in larger geometric patterns connected to you natal ones.
Aries point being the end of a cycle.- your stellum sits right there. Gotta love that sabian symbol too.
Read the sabian for your stellum
The sun/moon midpoint being enlightenment- possible end of karma.
Ever hear theories about burning off karma and wonder what that last incarnation would be like?
It’s probably a real tough one.
The concepts of shadow work
How it integrates our polarization of things we put off or refuse to see.
How sun/moon midpoint is an integration of polarized Devine masculine and femininity
What are the theories of the Devine masculine and feminine integrating?
I hope by now you can smell it.
It’s the wet fart of karma yelling at you.
Focus on your self intigration and the other will come.
You can end the cycle if you can integrate.
2nd house of what you own-venus
North node-2nd house- Venus
Chiron-2nd house-Venus
Sun/moon midpoint - venus
9th house Venus in Taurus- Venus
Moon/Mc- life’s purpose- in Taurus- Venus
Don’t fall directly into the twin flame trap either.
You’d completely miss the point of working on yourself.
I hope this helps.