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Author Topic:   Some random thoughts on Mars in 7th house ☝🏿

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posted October 19, 2023 05:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for frida     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don’t think anyone with Mars in 7th house here mentioned being married, or in a long term partnership?

Mars in Pisces in the 7th house here, along with strongly aspected Sun and Mercury on Aquarius Descendant.
Saturn is transiting my 7th house currently, still in the early phase, so dating has been even more frustrating than usual - I am very selective (I had many long term relationships and I’m the happiest when partnered)

We mentioned pursuing in a few posts here… I realized two things that keep repeating and that men confirm - I come across as reserved and at the same time I tend to initiate and pursue. Now Mars in the 7th house shouldn’t be reserved, unless I look at it as a soldier with armor, I don’t know? Anyone else here reserved? Mine is Pisces, so maybe that’s why - I pick up on energy and subtle signs, so I probably have a barrier that people sense. I also have Moon in 12th though. I went out on dates with two men recently, and neither could really read me and were surprised that I “pursued” afterwards.

I also realized that most men feel intimidated, several told me that :/ Mars energy? Probably, and amplified by other placements in the 7th house. But I also don’t get it and don’t know what to do about it, if I can even do anything. I am quite peaceful and I always smile (Leo rising). Even my most significant ex who was incredibly intelligent and good looking, told me he felt intimidated Not because of something specific I was doing, he felt I was the kindest, gentlest woman and I gave him so much space (Aquarius)… but I think I make men feel exposed, and they don’t like it. Maybe it’s too much work for most.

Maybe someone can relate, I don’t know if it’s Mars or other things… this Saturn transit is killing me, I very much dislike being single so I analyze things even more 👎

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posted October 19, 2023 10:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for frida     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:

I don't attract a partner who is assertive,passionate or even aggressive. And that's because I am that partner. All the partners I have attracted in the past have been more Venusian and passive. Not Martial.

I've been re-reading the posts, and thinking... This caught my attention, because I love "Venusian" men, just not passive. I don't know why. I don't have anything Venusian in the 7th either, and my 5th is in Sagittarius. I've always had assertive partners, but I am also bisexual (just prefer men for long term relationships) and as mee_chryssa pointed out in one of the posts, Mercury in 7th can make person attracted to androgynous looks, which is the case for me (Mercury on Desc). It's hard for me to separate Mars influence in my 7th house...
But because I look for assertiveness, I overlook most Venusian men... until I met a Taurus some time ago, with 5 planets, including Venus in Taurus and I cannot go back to typical masculine men :/ He was assertive enough, but as Venusian as it gets. I still fall apart when I remember him. There are really not many men like that out there anyway! Most heterosexual men try to suppress or hide feminine qualities.

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posted October 22, 2023 03:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by teasel:
Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t see this. Around 2*55 Scorpio. So it’s almost whole sign.

I think there should be some type of notification sent through to our emails when someone responds? Because I also miss posts where people have responded to what i said.

So currently the transit of Mars IN Scorpio is now in your 1st house of self identity. How is that going? It opposes the Dsc by being conjunc the Asc.

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posted October 22, 2023 03:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@ Frida.

If you have Leo Asc,then for me you have Mars in 8th. Not 7th. I use whole sign and I wonder if looking at where Saturn (ruler of your Aqua 7th ) as well as additional planets in Aqua,would shed some light as to why men find your intimidating?

I know that Saturn ruling 7th house already casts a very serious energy on the house of partnerships. So perhaps the partners are picking up on that? And ofcourse the placement of Saturn will dictate whether this has a strong or weak influence on your attitude in terms of partnerships and relatonships.

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posted October 22, 2023 09:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for frida     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
@ Frida.

If you have Leo Asc,then for me you have Mars in 8th. Not 7th. I side whole sign and I wonder if looking at where Saturn (ruler of your Aqua 7th ) as well as additional planets im Aqua,would shed some light as to why men find your intimidating.

Interesting... I honestly never researched the arguments for placidus vs whole sign systems. I can just say the whole sign system for my chart doesn't make sense to me. Almost every planet changes the house if I use whole sign (ASC at 27*). For example that leaves my 12th and 4th houses empty, whereas by any objective measure, those two areas are some of the most active ones in my life. Having a busy 7th house, I had different long term partners that carry energy of each individual planet there - including literally an Aries with Pisces rising.

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posted October 23, 2023 07:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I hear you. An empty house however does not mean that there is nothing happening in as far as the areas of that house are concerned.I would look at where the ruler of that house is.

For instance, if you track the ruler of the 4th house (as per whole sign)is in Scorpio. Mars(Scorpio ruler) is in the 8th house (as proposed).

The 8th house is anti-death(7th is 12th from the 8th) and so it's about longevity in mortality,procreation. It is also anti darkness (7th is sunset and 1st is sunrise).

And so the 8th is about being able to see things even when it gets dark I.e. the 8th house is the house of secrets or things revealed to you that are subversive or unknown to others.

On the theme of mortality and longevity, the 8th house also covers generational wealth I.e. inheritance/legacies and wills etc. In that the person "lives on" through the wealth they pass on to others.

Children (though procreation/adoption) could also be seen as a "legacy" because of title inheritances and being heirs to fortunes or stuff left behind by the deceased.

8th covers rebellion.As it contradicts the 7th house of corporation and "others".The 8th is about non-conformance and independence.

Mars has much in common with the 8th house. Mars is also about independence and non-conformance.

Mars is about passion and the spirit in which we do things(invigoration- Sun is vitality). Mars is about sex and the drive to (as a man) "incept" someone OR (as a woman)birth something into life/ existence.

So with Mars in 8th we find a very resilient spirit,an individual who doesn't give up easily, a force to be reckoned with(even aggressive) and very focused/intense and strong in what their passions are and what they want.

Mars in 8th is not a wilting flowers /wishy washy or timid. There is a surety beneath the surface that is easily surfaced in the wake of a challenge. The desire for life is strong and can (ironically)make one drawn to dangerous /challenging pursuits that may(by default) put one in harm's way.

The sex drive is strong,the passions are strong and so is the self-will to do what one wants,when they want. This is a person that is not easy to control or dominate and can come across dominating because of their passionate spirit.

Ruler of the 4th in 8th would suggest an emotional nature (4th) that is tied to mortality(8th). You come from a family bloodline that are survivors! There could be secret knowledge on health matters or the preservation of life that is passed down from parent to child (especially the mother's side).

Maybe there is a an ancient knowledge of spirituality,Wizardry/Wicthcraft etc. This knowledge on how to use energies as resources in creating what you want.

Mom(4th) could leave you an inheritance. OR the family home (4th) could be left to you? Maybe her personality is largely transferred to you? OR Mom is eccentric or rebellious in some way? Maybe she raised you in ways unconventional and outside social conventions? Etc.

The desire to have kids or continue ones bloodline/traditions is strong for people who have the ruler of the 4th in 8th house. This in particular Mars. You could birth very strong personalities- children who are rebellious or have a very strong sense of self-authority.

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posted October 23, 2023 08:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
7th is Sunset and things in the dark. Mars is anger.Perhaps retaining secret resentment for partners? Or partnerships have underlying anger or tension?

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posted October 23, 2023 11:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for frida     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow, @Aries23Degrees, I love reading your posts - you are such a deep thinker and always insightful! And thanks for taking time to share your thoughts so elaborately!

Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:

... very resilient spirit,an individual who doesn't give up easily, a force to be reckoned with(even aggressive) and very focused/intense and strong in what their passions are and what they want.

That sounds intimidating enough!

Well, I don't want to hijack the thread or change the topic. So I will briefly say that some things resonate with me, but not enough for me to switch to whole sign, especially considering other planet placements. I'd argue that the "force" and resourcefulness come from a different place. I have Sun (ruler of the 1st) and Mercury on Desc in Aqua, all trine Pluto, square Uranus and sextile Neptune. That's a lot of complex energy and along with that Mars, high on otherworldly love, I'm sometimes afraid I'm screwed in terms of finding a partner who matches it. I'm trying hard to figure out how to accept the possibility to remain alone, though just a thought of it breaks my heart :/

Have you seen this article?

Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:

7th is Sunset and things in the dark. Mars is anger.Perhaps retaining secret resentment for partners? Or partnerships have underlying anger or tension?

Secret resentment - probably not. 7th house are open enemies. I think the energy is very straightforward there. Even the underlying tension... I'd say there's passion and energy, possibly anger, but it is expressed freely.

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posted October 23, 2023 12:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Librapurr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My 7th ruled by Mars and the most people have had hard mars to my placements. First, I liked them as I needed to see strong interest to be active and show it myself. Doesn’t matter what type of relationships it is. Platonic and romantic often end up to be kinda similar engaging, and burdensome or consuming. And we often go through some **** together and have similar troubles what keeps up coming back to each other.
More like Karmic debt, and It’s often some drama if we need to walk the separate ways.

Probably, it’s often hard to distinguish whether I talk about platonic or romantic lol
I might have hard time to support weak linked connections.
However, I often end up feeling used and abused, or feeling that they’re around me for the wrong reasons, becoming too demanding, shallow. I need more space, I cannot get Libra needs.

Also, Venus co-rules 7th, my connections also have Venus influence, but women are often come across eventually as more aggressive and Martian like toward me. And I feel like men often come across as more introverted and Venusuvian. And might be a little intimidated or upset by me sometimes.

Sometimes, I think there’s something wrong and should be the opposite. I want to see men to be more straightforward and assertive, and women to show more good feminine qualities toward me.
When I would need to kick someone arse, I often thought like my female friends or family would be more helpful than male lol But males are usually more handy and energetic as mars qualifies.

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posted October 24, 2023 03:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by frida:
Wow, @Aries23Degrees, I love reading your posts - you are such a deep thinker and always insightful! And thanks for taking time to share your thoughts so elaborately!

Secret resentment - probably not. 7th house are open enemies. I think the energy is very straightforward there. Even the underlying tension... I'd say there's passion and energy, possibly anger, but it is expressed freely.

🤗. I wouldn't want to convince you of whole sign.I think it is up to the individual to decide what works for them

I mostly ask clients if they don't mind me interpreting their placements using whole sign. And if they don't agree with that interpretative stance,we stick to Placidus.

What I notice when using whole sign in natal is that the sign energies are like night and day. For a Leo Asc (like you for instance), whe Saturn enters Aqua 0, things can get very sombre on the relationship front very quickly.

This is no matter the degree of the Asc in Leo. The exact orb aspect will intensify the effect i.e. Saturn on Dec opp Asc degree will usually be a relationship break-up or cool off. But the momentum buildup usually starts at Saturn 0 Aqua.

The degree orb opposition is the culmination and manifestation of all that I.e. the partner moves out, travels because of work, becomes increasingly emotionally distant, is restricted from the native in some tangible capacity as a partner etc.

The article takes Mars (aggression) and puts it in the 7th house(partners) and then concludes that the partners (7th) will be aggressive (Mars). And although that is but one interpretation of it,it doesn't cover the whole picture.

What if Mars is the Asc ruler?The native will be the "aggressor". And when the 1st house ruler is placed in the 7th,the native (1st) imposes on the partner (7th). So they are likely to attract a more passive partner. Not an aggrsive one.

If however the ruler of the 7th house is Mars. And Mars goes into the 1st house of self,the native(1st house) will likely attract a domineering partner (7th). And this contradicts the notion that Mars in 1st automatically makes one the aggressor(as conventionally believed). It will if Mars rules the 3rd, 6th or 8th house. But not when Mars rules the 7th or 12th house☝🏿

Take you for instance,you mentioned that people find you intimidating. Infact ,this was the start of the conversation and set the premise of the interpretation.

With Sun in 7th, the classic texts will say "You will attract an egotistical partner or one that will be very domineering".

The logic being that Sun is masculine energy and domineering. Whilst the 7th is placating,compromising & acomodative energy. So Sun in 7th would suggest that the partner will be a domineering(Sun) because the planet is in a house that desires compromise (7th). So there may be some bullying experienced in the marriage etc.

That would be true if the ruler of the 7th house (Sun) was actually in the 1st house of self. Then the partner would impose themselves (7th) on the native(1st).

But if the ruler of the 1st house of self(as in your case) is in the 7th house of partnerships,it is YOU(1st house)who calls the shots(Sun). And are unlikely to attract someone as domineering as you. But may attract someone a little more passive and acquiescing.

The Sun in 7th(ruling the 1st) makes relationship/partnerships an area of life where you have a lot of influence and power. So it may be difficult to find a partner that "matches" that- this without it ending up being a power struggle. But you will notice that you do find a partner that will let you take the reigns and is even happy to do it.

It is usually someone who has Sun/ Mars/ Saturn ruling the 7th house and the ruler placed in house 1,3,6 or even 8.

With the Mars in 7th house brainstorm,I am still trying to find other ways in which this energy can manifest. I am also taking into consideration the houses that may affect the position.

If Mars rules the 12th and is placed I the 7th, foreign things(12th) tend to influence the union(7th) I.e. a distant person outside the marriage (an affair), misunderstandings because of being culturally "different" or even underlying issues that both of your are blind to or have a blind spot on etc. So these could also include unresolved or pent up rage that is subconsciously stored by either of you.

Maybe the partner has had a traumatic event that indirectly affects how they relate to u (abuse, rape, betrayal)that is stored that goes unacknowledged and puts tremendous trust issues into the current relationship etc.

In my case,the Mars in 7th doesn't work out as "aggressive partners" either.I (like you) have ruler of my 1st house (Aries) sitting in the 7th house of others(Libra). And there is no way that I will attract an aggressive partner. I don't. I tend to fight and have a lot of standoffs with aggressive people.

The partners that I have attracted thus far are very passive. Add to that,I am single and have been more single than involved for most of my life(another manifestation of a masculine planets in an otherwise "soft" house).

It means I have trouble compromising or seeing myself as a part of others. Mars insists on standing out even when in a group(Sun too). So these two will most times court singlehood because of their default "I" thinking and acting🤷🏿‍♂️

People with the ruler of the 1st house in 7th(this especially Sat,Sun,Mars) are the ones who will be the "leader"of tye relationship. They will not play passive.

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Posts: 10575
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posted October 24, 2023 03:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Librapurr:
My 7th ruled by Mars and the most people have had hard mars to my placements. First, I liked them as I needed to see strong interest to be active and show it myself. Doesn’t matter what type of relationships it is. Platonic and romantic often end up to be kinda similar engaging, and burdensome or consuming. And we often go through some **** together and have similar troubles what keeps up coming back to each other.
More like Karmic debt, and It’s often some drama if we need to walk the separate ways.

Probably, it’s often hard to distinguish whether I talk about platonic or romantic lol
I might have hard time to support weak linked connections.
However, I often end up feeling used and abused, or feeling that they’re around me for the wrong reasons, becoming too demanding, shallow. I need more space, I cannot get Libra needs.

Also, Venus co-rules 7th, my connections also have Venus influence, but women are often come across eventually as more aggressive and Martian like toward me. And I feel like men often come across as more introverted and Venusuvian. And might be a little intimidated or upset by me sometimes.

Sometimes, I think there’s something wrong and should be the opposite. I want to see men to be more straightforward and assertive, and women to show more good feminine qualities toward me.
When I would need to kick someone arse, I often thought like my female friends or family would be more helpful than male lol But males are usually more handy and energetic as mars qualifies.

What is your Asc? I thought you said Mars rules your Dsc? If that is so ,the Dsc is either in Sco/Aries. Where is Mars?

And add to that, you mentioned that Venus co-rules the Dsc ? That's not possible. Or do you mean Venus is on the Dsc? Mars/Venus can never co-exist as rulers of a house. It doesn't happen.

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posted October 24, 2023 10:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Librapurr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Technically the cusp is Aries. There’s Taurus in 7th also what I find influential as I attracted those placements much as Aries and/or somebody with prominent Venus.
If you stick with equal houses, it would not be relevant to you , but I find the second sign gives a significant layer to my Dsc. Unless my AC is actually Scorpio, but there were still much Aries placements.

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posted October 24, 2023 12:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for frida     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This discussion is really helpful - thank you all, especially @Aries23Degrees!

I've looked at the charts of a few people I know (I can only understand astrology through examples, when I know the people).
Person 1) Scorpio Descendant, Mars - ruler of the 7th in the 1st house. I don't know enough details about this man's marriage, but I know that his wife called some really significant shots and I'd say she had quite some power in their relationship

As far as the house rulership goes when Mars is in the 7th:
Person 2) My ex has Mars in the 7th, rules 3rd (Aries) and 10th (Scorpio). Now, the meaning of the 3rd house ruler in 7th is hard to interpret for me - 3rd is one of the most boring houses But I can say that his way of communicating is at times soldier like, and that's no fun in a close relationship. He can be a real goofball, but also quite harsh. Ruler of the 10th in 7th - well, I think that's why we are not together anymore. His carreer was way more important that any relationship. He may mature over time and learn to balance those areas in life. It is also very important to him that his partner has a good career or a clear sense of direction. In more general terms, the matters of reputation, career, status etc. influence the relationships.

Person 3) My Mars in the 7th house rules 9th (Aries) and 4th (Scorpio). I don't really know about the 4th... but the 9th house influence is obvious. Most of my life I've had partners who can be considered "foreigners". I moved to a different continent for a partner (among other reasons), exactly when Uranus was transiting that Mars in the 7th. I forgot what it's like to speak my native language in a relationship. It is very important that I can travel with my partner, grow spiritually and that he has a thirst for knowing the world and different cultures.

Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
In my case,the Mars in 7th doesn't work out as "aggressive partners" either.I (like you) have ruler of my 1st house (Aries) sitting in the 7th house of others(Libra). And there is no way that I will attract an aggressive partner. I don't. I tend to fight and have a lot of standoffs with aggressive people.

I think that Libra descendant has a lot to do with attracting more passive partners. You explained really well the dynamics of having the 1st house ruler in the 7th, it really deepened my understanding! However in my case, with the 1st house ruler (Sun) and Mars in the 7th, I still attract very energetic people. Not agressive, though they were known to do crazy things in their youth, take risks, break their bones and such... and as grownups they are ready to stand up and fight if needed. But definitely not partners who wish to dominate in the relationship itself. That's a big NO for me. Impossible I personally want an equal. The older I am, the more open I am to have a partner who will let me take the reigns (I hope there really are some confident men out there) and who will have more nurturing attitude towards me and hopefuly our future family. Unfortunately, my experience with men is different - most need to feel like they have more power or intelligence or strength :/ Now I'm finding out that in their 40s so many are freaking out about aging, and I feel like many need to hold on to some power even more to sooth their fears. It's a cultural thing as well, so I prefer men from cultures where it's more acceptable for women to lead the way.

(I feel compelled just to clarify that people in general don't find me intimidating - they find me very feminine and soothing. It's the close partners and those I have a professional relationship with (all 7th house matters) that eventually sense they can't mess around or pretend even slightly 🤷‍♀️ )

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posted October 25, 2023 04:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That would make sense because it is they(7th) in close partnership with you that are feeling your Sun being there.

Sat is currently in Pis 0 degrees. It would be interesting to see how things work out for you right now.

Saturn is transiting your 8th(in my books). And given with said bout the 8th above , Saturn will put delays/obstacles or impediments in these areas of life. You will have to exercise restraint, patience and a great deal of stamina in relation to them.

Restrictions (Sat) in terms of accessing other people's money(8th) or administrative delays.

Obstacles(Sat) by way of being able to exercise independence or doing your own thing(8th). This may come in the form of obligatory requirements you'll need to fulfill.

Some tests(Sat) in terms of longevity/ will power. Setbacks that take the wind out of you or have you second guess your will power and passion for life.

Ofcourse after these tests are overcome, the resolve to live with more purpose and resolved is fixed. But you'll first be tried in the court of life(Sat).

You may not be able to access deeper understanding to questions you pose at this time. Authority figures and friends that you can resonate with, are scarce.

As a consequence of the above,the issue of procreation/sex/intimacy is thwarted or disrupted. You may not feel like engaging in sex or when you do, you find its not stimulating or fulfilling.

Another possibility is that the partner may not be in the mood or "off key" to you.Their family may be interfering in your coupling or else there may be issues at work/home that prevent intimacy from taking place I.e. fears about losing the job,future income and current bill stresses etc.

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posted October 27, 2023 12:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Librapurr:
Technically the cusp is Aries. There’s Taurus in 7th also what I find influential as I attracted those placements much as Aries and/or somebody with prominent Venus.
If you stick with equal houses, it would not be relevant to you , but I find the second sign gives a significant layer to my Dsc. Unless my AC is actually Scorpio, but there were still much Aries placements.

Oh, I see. Mars rules the 7th and Venus rules 8th(Whole sign). That is when Libra is Asc.

Saturn would be beginning it's transit in house 6(in your case). So issues pertaining to your job/health and area of life where you are of service to others, would be coming up.

You would be facing some tests and trying times during this period as Saturn transit has you feel like the work is piling up and you may not be getting assistance from colleagues. Or health issues slow you down and necessitate changes in your lifestyle.

When Asc is Sco, Taurus is cusp of 7th. So here Saturn transit would be affecting the 5th house of children, creativity and leisure pursuits.

If you have kids(or around kids), you play the role of disciplinarian. Of you don't have kids, questions of whether to have it not, surface a lot in your mind. You may take less pleasure in leisure pursuits that you found stimulating OR become more serious and determined in crystallizing a creative project (publishing your own book) etc.

When Saturn affected my 5th house, I got a degree. 5th house is also educational pursuits since it is 9th from the 9th house.

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posted October 31, 2023 07:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for frida     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nice analysis I know some astrologers use whole sign system. It just doesn’t work for me. But that’s a debate for a separate thread!
Just one obvious example - almost all of Leo is my 12th house using Placidus, and it is the 1st house using whole sign house system. There’s a huge shift when planets move from the 12th to the 1st house. Each time planets transit Leo, I’m lonely and feel invisible. It’s very obvious with Mars and Venus transits through Leo, especially retro like this summer. August is usually lame when Sun is in Leo - people have fun and I feel like I’m hiding under a rock

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posted November 01, 2023 01:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


If most of Leo is in house 12 and Solar transits 'illuminate issues of isolation, feeling invisible and being unnoticed " etc. then my focus would shift 1st to where the ruler of the 12th is and what is going on with it during that time. Maybe even Mercury (11th house social life), Venus and perhaps Saturn too(which tends to close things down)🤔

I am not enthusiastic in assuming that the Asc is likely the sign after the one given- not until all perspectives are exhausted and there are glaring contradictions that are clarified once the shift to the next sign is made.

Rectification can be tricky and is not one of my speciality areas (other Astrologers like Kannon McAfee cover that) so I don't like to assume.

I once had a client who had 29Ari Asc and by Placidus, most of his 12th fell in Aries. This case was tricky for me because whole sign placed a number of his planets back to the previous house.

But when I moved the Asc to Tau, things didn't fit as neatly as I thought they would. And as we conversed, I realized that the the ruler of the Asc was still Mars(situated in whole sign house 4 Cancer).

This was because whenever Mars in 4th Cancer got transit hits, issues relating to home, safety, emotional security, family relations etc. Would crop up.

For instance, when the last transit of Mars in Can hit his natal Mars, he initiated major renovations on his home. When the transit got exact to conj his natal Mars, he had some fallouts with the contracting company because he would buy building supplies that would disappear becuase of theft.

Mars rules his 8th house of "other people's money". And so he had to apply to funds/loan prior to that project. And the funds were approved midway through the reconstruction.

The transits have to tell the story reflective of the chart. This in particular transit hits to planets.

Venus in Leo was miserable for me. Not at all what I was expecting this 5th house transit to be. Instead, I got delays in income and isolation from having a social life(a far cry from the interpretation of Venus transiting house 5).

And that's because Venus transiting Leo was square my natal Sat/Venus. And the latter planets emphasize "scarcity", "delays" and "disruption" in finance and social life matters, not "abundance"(as is usually the interpretative case when Venus goes into 5th).

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posted November 02, 2023 11:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for frida     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I hear you, but I really don’t know how astrologers reconcile the differences between these two house systems and the interpretations 🤷‍♀️
I’m sure my Asc is correct. I have many other examples… eg Jupiter transit through Taurus, 9th Placidus but 10th Whole sign. I’ve never traveled this much internationally, switching between languages and cultures.

I don’t know ☀️🤷‍♀️

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posted November 02, 2023 01:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Librapurr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
Oh, I see. Mars rules the 7th and Venus rules 8th(Whole sign). That is when Libra is Asc.

Saturn would be beginning it's transit in house 6(in your case). So issues pertaining to your job/health and area of life where you are of service to others, would be coming up.

You would be facing some tests and trying times during this period as Saturn transit has you feel like the work is piling up and you may not be getting assistance from colleagues. Or health issues slow you down and necessitate changes in your lifestyle.

When Asc is Sco, Taurus is cusp of 7th. So here Saturn transit would be affecting the 5th house of children, creativity and leisure pursuits.

If you have kids(or around kids), you play the role of disciplinarian. Of you don't have kids, questions of whether to have it not, surface a lot in your mind. You may take less pleasure in leisure pursuits that you found stimulating OR become more serious and determined in crystallizing a creative project (publishing your own book) etc.

When Saturn affected my 5th house, I got a degree. 5th house is also educational pursuits since it is 9th from the 9th house.

The first part is like my whole life as having Virgo placements.
I’m always in some kind of schooling. It’s interesting to know 5th is related to education.
Neptune here is giving me enough issues.

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posted November 16, 2023 02:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 30, 2023 04:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted December 13, 2023 10:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted December 13, 2023 11:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for the bump Randall.🙌🏿

My sister has Mars currently transiting the 7th house of "others" . This transit coincided with me coming to visit them at home(she's living with Mom). So I wonder if Mars is representing me? This since I am co-sharing?

Mom also has Sun in Sag. So the transit of Mars in Sag was conjunct when I landed home. Once again, could the MARS be me?

I asked my sister (Asc in Gem) if things are piling up at work? Because I still what to track what is happening with this transit in every sense.

She(on the contrary) said that things were winding down for Dec. That she is actually quite bored at work because there is less to do🤔

Now typically this transit would be aligned to her having relationship disputes or something similar? But so far, there is nothing that is suggestive of that.

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posted December 13, 2023 11:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for HomesickJourneyWoman     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have my natal Mars in the 7th in Gemini, Taurus Desc - I experience it as being turned on by conflict, in a way. A good argument is a turn-on for me, and I tend to relate to people by banter. I can talk to anyone about anything at any time. I can sort of skate over social situations, though I'm not a social person by nature. I'd rather outsmart than outbrawn, and I do it well.

However, it also attracts conflict I do not want. People react aggressively to me (esp as Mars is trine Pluto in Libra, and I'm a Scorpio Asc) even when I'm not instigating anything or just minding my business.

My natal chart
My draconic chart
"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting."
-e.e. cummings

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posted December 13, 2023 12:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Librapurr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I also relate to people by banter, but I often attract people who don’t understand boundaries.
And it’s annoying and upsetting that sometimes I still can feel sympathy to people who give me **** . (Probably Neptune doing)
I attract conflict I don’t want. Sometimes it’s just a sense of discomfort what escalates.

I hate to be a reason for conflict, but when the situation escalate, I tap into my Scorpio, Jupiter, and Uranus and jump on the top though in not very conscience way. And I might feel bad about it after. Sometimes I can feel my Libra part is bleeding and crying in the midst of it, but I know I have to stand up for my opinion.
I see the only solution is not to get involved in social situations. I’m tired I’m triggering to people.

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