Topic: Brainstorming Saturn in the 12th house.
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 11058 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted October 05, 2023 04:22 PM
Feeling separate from others because of your restrictive/conservative approach, dealing with loneliness because you want to stick to the rules, doing things properly isolates you from others and makes you less popular,success will come with loneliness,your "square" persona means that you are likely the ONLY one who is going in the straight and narrow path. And it's very alienating.The position you are at in life doesn't allow you to relate to everybody, your ambitions/goals require solitude or distancing yourself from others, leaving the country of your birth for work/ necessity and being alienated from the people you know, being alienated because of your social standing. An increase in standing individuates you from others and makes you singular( and prone to loner tendencies), you are the authority(and in so assuming that role) you create inevitable physical/emotional distance between you and others. The father/structural support system is inaccessible to you or you have to be your own support because nobody else will, Dad moves away from you or you from him, you don't relate well with authority figures or fail to understand their motives, when you are the authority your motives are less clear to others ,reputation comes into disrepute because people don't really understand you,fame/infamy makes you unrelatable, you are unable to share your burdens with others. They are yours and yours alone. Circumstances you find yourself in end up making you feel physically or emotionally "alone". 🤔 IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 30075 From: Here Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2023 05:52 PM
I’ve only had the transit. Once when I was little, and it opposed my Aries. I’ve been through all that. Violence, etc. Pluto was there, too. That’s when my anxiety started, and gradually became really bad. As an adult, the transit brought similar things, only it was my sister, not someone engaged to my mum. Pluto in the third house. I use placidus, but I’m wondering about whole sign. I think placidus is it, because with my sister, it started with an 11th house feeling, and then as it got worse, 12th house. One man from first transit, taught her how to fight, and she used that as an adult, too. I’ve also just realized that mum became an alcoholic during the second transit. The first one, she tried marijuana, but nothing more. It made her cry, so she didn’t try it again. IP: Logged |
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 11058 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted October 14, 2023 03:50 AM
@ teasel That's interesting. 🤔. Thanks for sharing. I use whole sign. But I do notice that when the transit is close to planets in the early degree of a house,the effect intensifies because it is usually manifested as actual events. Planetary aspects actualize things. Saturn in 12th can certainly make us feel more vulnerable and alone. Not to mention depressive and reclusive. Maybe because of the confining nature of Saturn that blends well with the isolated nature of the 12th? I would also think that our sense of boundaries (Sat) becomes unclear(12th) or unknown with Saturn in 12th. Its like that falls away. And with that is the inability to put up a strong front. Maybe this period is meant to align us to what serves to protect us rather than cage us? I.e. the two can be confused as when we are living in quiet desperation, we can slip into depression without anyone external being the wiser. So the dissolution or melting away of boundaries (Sat) allows others to see what is REALLY going on.But the danger is that the loss of boundaries could be the influx of those who seek to take advantage. Those who will use this period to take advantage of our guard being down? Whilst for those who have been feeling enslaved by Sat or putting self-imposed boundaries to nullify or retire spontaneous self expression because of fear of disapproval ,this transit could spell freedom. When our boundaries become less clear, we feel more free to do things that are deemed "outside of the box" . And throug that, we also defy the expectations of society🤷🏿♂️ This is liberating for someone who has lived with internalized pressures from family or friends to be something other than what they are. Have them be filled with guilt for not living up to that etc. This transit melts this awareness of what is "expected" and what is "frowned upon" away. Now one can do what one feels and be able to shrug off the "ridicule" that may follow more easily . Why?Because Saturn in 12th would make one less aware of societal pressures and related restrictions. Less sensitive to the disapproving eyes and associated body language. So loss (12th)of parental authority(Sat) may be good. Or the overstepping (12th) of the inner authority(Sat) would also not be so bad. Especially if the latter was too restrictive. One may lose(12th) favour with "upper management" (Sat) in both the literal or figurative sense of the word. True. But connect more closely with Source. Be done with pleasing known secular authority to discover a transpersonal one☝🏿 One may lose(12th) reputation (Sat) or be considered "controversial" because of contravening an unspoken(12th) boundary (Sat). Sat is also the structure in terms of friends. So that may also go under a change. Since Saturn in 11th meant condensing your networking circle.This transit may result in further losses because of people no longer wanting to be associated with you- seeing their reputation as compromised when associated with yours? Etc. One may lose(12th) their place in society (Sat) which will give one an opportunity to redefine one's image as one wants. Not as one is "expected" to. So when Saturn reaches house 1, the pressure internal is to live up to ones authentic self cultivated from the previous transit through loss of "favour" and deep introspection.🙌🏿🙏🏿 IP: Logged |
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 11058 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted June 05, 2024 03:41 AM
I found this from about the transit of Saturn in 12th house. And it was so accurate for my experience too thus far. Saturn transit through the 12th house. The art of introspection and zoning out!Saturn transit through the 12th house. The art of introspection and zoning out! I am just ending this transit after 3 and a half years almost. Pretty much since the moment I gave birth to my first child and then a second followed. They say Saturn transiting the 12th is about dissolution of your old lifestyle. For sure, the party going, globe trotting, irresponsible flirt slowly dissolved, but there was a good reason for it with two babies that need routines and constantly being stuck at home. Disconnection from the world and isolation: pretty much so, barely see anyone or go anywhere but the rest of the world had this experience this year too. They say Saturn in the 12th brings up a lot of past or unresolved fears, anxieties, worries. Check! They say Saturn in the 12th makes you confused, unmotivated and it is good to learn to be than just do. Felt that too these years, tired a lot more, frustrated that I can’t just organize myself and install new healthy routines, I want to but I don’t have the will power. So I do the bare minimum: work, take care of kids, then relax and listen to spiritual and self growth lectures, reseach, think deeply about many things. Sleeping became more eventful than awake life: every night is another crazy adventure involving my biggest pains from the past, old relationship hurts, unresolved guilt and yearnings from the distant past coming in my dreams to be relived or experienced vividly in another shape and outcome. First this was strange till I realised that my dreams act like a psychologist: helping me dive into these unresolved issues I had forgotten and thought never really affected me, and realizing the depths to which they did, and then reliving them over and over with changes until I started to reframe my perception and feelings about them. Such interesting period. So retrospective. They say you can’t or don’t want to work much, I actually worked consistently and a lot through it all, but Saturn was squaring all my natal planets in its stay there so I was busier than ever. It was hard to let go and rest when so many people rely on me for work and support. And I was tired.... a lot! My life force felt less for the first time in my life. After a night out, I would need 3 days to recover. After a a couple of hours of video recording, I could not even cook dinner for the kids... But I learned to be ok to leave the house messy for days and instead rest after work. I learned to delegate and do just the most essential tasks. I learned not care what the neighbors would say if I had piles of garbage on the front door and 3 feet uncut grass lawn... I learned that the kids won’t die of malnutrition if I don’t cook home meals and salads every night... You kind of let go, cause you can’t do it all...and if you hate yourself for it, tough luck, now you are sloppy and miserable about it... so just embrace your half discarnate and sloppy ways for a bit, just to make it easier on yourself... They say you would be unclear about what you want your life to be, or who you are. I was pretty clear throughout, I knew what I want and what I need to do, just somehow I could not get myself to do it, the motivation was short lived. I started working on some of these long term goals but they just kept dragging on because of external circumstances. They will be finally completed and given to the world when Saturn is in my first. They say you can stay in hospitals, prisons or self made prisons (feeling stuck, addiction, etc) during Saturn in the 12th. Mine was a baby prison (it is the sweetest) and struggle to control self undoing behaviors. It was hardest in the mind, feeling like I am on the verge of a breakthrough (in consciousness, In perspective, in feeling, in self awareness etc) but never really crossing that line, being dragged back into the old vibration. That has been my biggest hurdle with this transit. Like you are in limbo, waiting to be born, pushing, but somehow still stuck...(🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙆🏿♂️. This^^^^^^) I hope Saturn crossing into my first house this January will finally push me over the edge! And not to fall but to fly... 12 house Saturn transit can be a very deep time, if you like the company of your own thoughts, exploration of the deep reasons, the past, soul gazing, reading, studying, researching, spiritual work, contemplation, then Saturn in the 12th can be very special and enjoyable time for you. I had no big losses(except one pregnancy), no big regrets, just deep introspection into my psyche and the past, a lot of internal processing and enquiry. I had maybe some hidden enemies, but I wouldn’t know, they are hidden (12th) I found out about 2-3, but nothing too dramatic. I dealt with a bit of betrayal, but mostly introspecting on my own past betrayals and unwholesome treatment of others and myself. But I realized I was not in touch with my feelings, and I tend to downplay them and bury them: no water in my horoscope: I discovered through my dreams that many events which I brushed off as painful but not insurmountable, actually had effected and traumatized my soul deeply, or why else would I start dreaming about them on a loop and experiencing these all forgotten hurtful emotions as if they happened now... All the difficulties of the past which I thought were just the normal experiences of youthful immaturity (homelessness, immigration, drug abuse, unequal relationships, cheatings and betrayals, broken heart(many times), sexual assaults, 33 relocations in 20 years, poverty and putting one self in humiliating and illegal situations because of it... I mean doesn’t everyone go through these, no big deal, still alive, healthy and breathing.... people go through way worst.... that was my thinking about what I had experienced in the last 25 years. No big deal....there is way worse....Just keep walking.... Wow... Well my soul obviously did not think this way and she showed me, dream after dream after dream.... Now that I have crossed on the other side: into normacy, loving relationship, happy stable family life, thriving career and prolonged financial comfort, I was horrified at being reminded so vividly what I had lived through... and I am a bit in awe at my past resilience, to be honest. Somehow these dreams and the 12th house transit of self introspection helped me transform the guilt, vulnerability and shame I felt about my past self and come to terms with it, actually to even admire my self for the ability to keep my sanity and love. I allowed myself to cry the tears I never shed when I was in survival mode for years. But these were not tears of sadness and self pity, these were tears of relief and self compassion to that little girl who clenched her fists and never showed weakness. I turned to God a lot more and I found comfort in a personal communion with Higher power. 12 house Saturn transit can be internally very illuminating and cleansing... IP: Logged |
PhoenixRising Knowflake Posts: 3678 From: Registered: May 2011
posted June 05, 2024 10:31 AM
12th house is the house of masters, you have the last remaining lessons to be learnt of Karma and your mission will be accomplished in this life. Eternal life mentioned in the bible was poorly translated by scholars but in the greek ones it says clearly (aiowa instead of eternal life). It means your completion. Homework for us? What is the ion on the refrigerator of most Jewish homes? I am making that up. Your answer lies there in.IP: Logged |
Preppyarcher7989Wiff Knowflake Posts: 549 From: United States Registered: Jan 2024
posted June 05, 2024 03:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aries23Degrees: I found this from about the transit of [b]Saturn in 12th house. And it was so accurate for my experience too thus far. Saturn transit through the 12th house. The art of introspection and zoning out!Saturn transit through the 12th house. The art of introspection and zoning out! Saturn transit through the 12th house. The art of introspection and zoning out! My experience with Saturn transit through the 12th house. The art of introspection and zoning out! I am just ending this transit after 3 and a half years almost. Pretty much since the moment I gave birth to my first child and then a second followed. They say Saturn transiting the 12th is about dissolution of your old lifestyle. For sure, the party going, globe trotting, irresponsible flirt slowly dissolved, but there was a good reason for it with two babies that need routines and constantly being stuck at home. Disconnection from the world and isolation: pretty much so, barely see anyone or go anywhere but the rest of the world had this experience this year too. They say Saturn in the 12th brings up a lot of past or unresolved fears, anxieties, worries. Check! They say Saturn in the 12th makes you confused, unmotivated and it is good to learn to be than just do. Felt that too these years, tired a lot more, frustrated that I can’t just organize myself and install new healthy routines, I want to but I don’t have the will power. So I do the bare minimum: work, take care of kids, then relax and listen to spiritual and self growth lectures, reseach, think deeply about many things. Sleeping became more eventful than awake life: every night is another crazy adventure involving my biggest pains from the past, old relationship hurts, unresolved guilt and yearnings from the distant past coming in my dreams to be relived or experienced vividly in another shape and outcome. First this was strange till I realised that my dreams act like a psychologist: helping me dive into these unresolved issues I had forgotten and thought never really affected me, and realizing the depths to which they did, and then reliving them over and over with changes until I started to reframe my perception and feelings about them. Such interesting period. So retrospective. They say you can’t or don’t want to work much, I actually worked consistently and a lot through it all, but Saturn was squaring all my natal planets in its stay there so I was busier than ever. It was hard to let go and rest when so many people rely on me for work and support. And I was tired.... a lot! My life force felt less for the first time in my life. After a night out, I would need 3 days to recover. After a a couple of hours of video recording, I could not even cook dinner for the kids... But I learned to be ok to leave the house messy for days and instead rest after work. I learned to delegate and do just the most essential tasks. I learned not care what the neighbors would say if I had piles of garbage on the front door and 3 feet uncut grass lawn... I learned that the kids won’t die of malnutrition if I don’t cook home meals and salads every night... You kind of let go, cause you can’t do it all...and if you hate yourself for it, tough luck, now you are sloppy and miserable about it... so just embrace your half discarnate and sloppy ways for a bit, just to make it easier on yourself... They say you would be unclear about what you want your life to be, or who you are. I was pretty clear throughout, I knew what I want and what I need to do, just somehow I could not get myself to do it, the motivation was short lived. I started working on some of these long term goals but they just kept dragging on because of external circumstances. They will be finally completed and given to the world when Saturn is in my first. They say you can stay in hospitals, prisons or self made prisons (feeling stuck, addiction, etc) during Saturn in the 12th. Mine was a baby prison (it is the sweetest) and struggle to control self undoing behaviors. It was hardest in the mind, feeling like I am on the verge of a breakthrough (in consciousness, In perspective, in feeling, in self awareness etc) but never really crossing that line, being dragged back into the old vibration. That has been my biggest hurdle with this transit. Like you are in limbo, waiting to be born, pushing, but somehow still stuck...(🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙆🏿♂️. This^^^^^^) I hope Saturn crossing into my first house this January will finally push me over the edge! And not to fall but to fly... 12 house Saturn transit can be a very deep time, if you like the company of your own thoughts, exploration of the deep reasons, the past, soul gazing, reading, studying, researching, spiritual work, contemplation, then Saturn in the 12th can be very special and enjoyable time for you. I had no big losses(except one pregnancy), no big regrets, just deep introspection into my psyche and the past, a lot of internal processing and enquiry. I had maybe some hidden enemies, but I wouldn’t know, they are hidden (12th) I found out about 2-3, but nothing too dramatic. I dealt with a bit of betrayal, but mostly introspecting on my own past betrayals and unwholesome treatment of others and myself. But I realized I was not in touch with my feelings, and I tend to downplay them and bury them: no water in my horoscope: I discovered through my dreams that many events which I brushed off as painful but not insurmountable, actually had effected and traumatized my soul deeply, or why else would I start dreaming about them on a loop and experiencing these all forgotten hurtful emotions as if they happened now... All the difficulties of the past which I thought were just the normal experiences of youthful immaturity (homelessness, immigration, drug abuse, unequal relationships, cheatings and betrayals, broken heart(many times), sexual assaults, 33 relocations in 20 years, poverty and putting one self in humiliating and illegal situations because of it... I mean doesn’t everyone go through these, no big deal, still alive, healthy and breathing.... people go through way worst.... that was my thinking about what I had experienced in the last 25 years. No big deal....there is way worse....Just keep walking.... Wow... Well my soul obviously did not think this way and she showed me, dream after dream after dream.... Now that I have crossed on the other side: into normacy, loving relationship, happy stable family life, thriving career and prolonged financial comfort, I was horrified at being reminded so vividly what I had lived through... and I am a bit in awe at my past resilience, to be honest. Somehow these dreams and the 12th house transit of self introspection helped me transform the guilt, vulnerability and shame I felt about my past self and come to terms with it, actually to even admire my self for the ability to keep my sanity and love. I allowed myself to cry the tears I never shed when I was in survival mode for years. But these were not tears of sadness and self pity, these were tears of relief and self compassion to that little girl who clenched her fists and never showed weakness. I turned to God a lot more and I found comfort in a personal communion with Higher power. 12 house Saturn transit can be internally very illuminating and cleansing...[/B]
Thank you for this! Saturn will return to my 12th house around October for one last round, until about February/March, of 2025! It explains my feeling fatigue and just wanting to relax! A lot of the things that I want are delayed until next year anyway! 2025 and 2026 will mainly be about Saturn in the 1st house for me! ------------------ Happiness is easy to find. IP: Logged |
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 11058 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted June 06, 2024 03:35 AM
quote: Originally posted by Preppyarcher7989Wiff: Thank you for this! Saturn will return to my 12th house around October for one last round, until about February/March, of 2025!It explains my feeling fatigue and just wanting to relax! A lot of the things that I want are delayed until next year anyway! 2025 and 2026 will mainly be about Saturn in the 1st house for me!
I see. For me, there is much resonance with it because Nep trans house 12 has yielded similar results. That started way back in 2020. Now that Saturn is arcing to cross into the 12th house cusp and leaving the 11th house,I see a long term friendship possibly breaking up. It will go retro first(ofcourse). But there seems to be an ending at hand when it comes to that friendship. Or more distance established (on my end)
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OrbitalFire Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Sydney. Australia Registered: Dec 2021
posted June 16, 2024 07:56 AM
Thanks for this post it's been good to read. tSaturn is halfway through my 12th house at the moment. tNeptune is just about to leave my 12th (ascendant is 1 degrees Aries) so it's in conjunction at this time. All I can say is that I feel very strange. Its been a weird phase of melancholy, like I dont even know who I am anymore. I'm scared of everything and have this nervous feeling in my gut. I've been craving solitude. Been also having negative thoughts about humanity.. like what's the point of all this.. is Earth just a prison for us bad souls to repay karma.. do we wake up when we die, stuck in a hamster wheel of bills and work and responsibility and for what? etc etc Very unlike me haha
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 200819 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2024 02:25 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Isa Knowflake Posts: 446 From: Registered: Feb 2011
posted June 30, 2024 04:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by OrbitalFire: Thanks for this post it's been good to read. tSaturn is halfway through my 12th house at the moment. tNeptune is just about to leave my 12th (ascendant is 1 degrees Aries) so it's in conjunction at this time. All I can say is that I feel very strange. Its been a weird phase of melancholy, like I dont even know who I am anymore. I'm scared of everything and have this nervous feeling in my gut. I've been craving solitude. Been also having negative thoughts about humanity.. like what's the point of all this.. is Earth just a prison for us bad souls to repay karma.. do we wake up when we die, stuck in a hamster wheel of bills and work and responsibility and for what? etc etc Very unlike me haha
I feel the same. I have Ascendant in Pisces 28 degrees and I've been craving alone time and relaxation more than ever. This started with Neptune making difficult aspects to my natal planets. I am very nervous as Saturn approaches my Ascendant, I think it will be a wake up call to sober it up and take action. Except I am too comfortable to do that now, lol. IP: Logged |
Preppyarcher7989Wiff Knowflake Posts: 549 From: United States Registered: Jan 2024
posted June 30, 2024 06:51 PM
It's a mix of weight loss (1st house) and rest (12th house) for me! Even though Saturn is transitting my 1st house, I still feel like I need to rest! It's because the transit of Saturn to the 12th house isn't complete yet! Not until around February of 2025! It's not over until the skinny lady sings.------------------ Happiness is easy to find. IP: Logged |
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 11058 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted July 01, 2024 01:16 AM
quote: Originally posted by OrbitalFire: Thanks for this post it's been good to read. tSaturn is halfway through my 12th house at the moment. tNeptune is just about to leave my 12th (ascendant is 1 degrees Aries) so it's in conjunction at this time. All I can say is that I feel very strange. Its been a weird phase of melancholy, like I dont even know who I am anymore. I'm scared of everything and have this nervous feeling in my gut. I've been craving solitude. Been also having negative thoughts about humanity.. like what's the point of all this.. is Earth just a prison for us bad souls to repay karma.. do we wake up when we die, stuck in a hamster wheel of bills and work and responsibility and for what? etc etc Very unlike me haha
Yes yes yes. Can say that I have been experiencing similar thoughts and feelings. There is heightened sensitivity, nervousness about a lot of random stuff and general growing apathy about life I.e. what's the point of all this? Etc. Neptune has been squaring my Sun for about 4 years now. It's right on the tight aspect square now. And it's been quite a disorienting experience. I find it difficult to differentiate between this transit and Neptune transiting the 12th. Now with Saturn on the cusp of transiting the 12th, I am thinking that I will just get more of the same (judging from read experiences). It's been extremely tough. I have romanticized about suicide (self undoing) plenty times. Been following "alternative reality " stuff and listening to NDE stories too. Something about Neptune supports the idea of 'leaving' or disengaging with 'here'. Pluto may be about death and endings, but Plu still connects you to the fragility of life and (in some cases) has you appreciate it more. Neptune however, makes you uncertain as to why you came here in the 1st place? What the point of it all is? And discourages any notions poised towards sticking around planet Earth for longer.
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Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 11058 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted March 03, 2025 06:41 AM
There is something about the 12th house that detracts from light. Things that are within the 12th house that are not meant to be seen because of their fragility.These things are not necessarily bad or "evil". Just sensitive. Like information that shouldn't see "the light of day" or things that should be kept secret. Let's be honest,the world is extremely judgement. And many people find solace in keeping things about themselves away from the prying eyes of others. Eyes are affiliated with the Sun because Eyes illuminate things as they become "seen" and brought into conscious awareness. Wearing shades modifies the glare of those harmful eyes I.e. you break the energy of aggression when you wear shades. This even if you are staring at someone. So as one goes into the 12th house transit, what will be clear is that some things HAVE to remain secret for the world above to continue "as is". And if those things are about you and you come across "deceitful" or "shady", then so be it. Guard your mental peace with your life. Do not care too much to be understood by anyone outside of yourself. Saturn is doing its round on the 3rd decanate area of Pisces and still in my 12th house (by whole sign). I am comfortable with the darkness, the depression and the sense of hopelessness in successfully overcoming not only my personal problems. But that of the world. I am OK not being superman and just letting things be. The idea of "control" is clearly an illusion. This house transit made that exceptionally clear. I thought I'd say something empowering about my experiences so far. This especially since this transit is nearing its close. But I can't. It's a hellish phase that could have been the end of me. Suicide is a controversial subject on any platform. One can't fathom what would make one want to take one's own life? And I say to those people, it's not so much "taking" of life that is the objective. But really an attempt to reconnect with the inner light that one once felt good being warmed up by. The light one gets when they return to Source(non physical). The transit of the 12th house by planets like Saturn/Neptune and Pluto, can make that light dim, the warmth feint and thoughts of "self-undoing" very reasonable. Even soothing. So to those who are going to go through this transit (Taurus Asc natives), please remember to reach out wherever and whenever possible. To loosely quote Dylan Thomas ;"Don't be so willing to believe in the goodness of that "good night". Rage, rage against the dying of the inner light." ❤❤❤ IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 200819 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 07, 2025 08:33 AM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Preppyarcher7989Wiff Knowflake Posts: 549 From: United States Registered: Jan 2024
posted March 07, 2025 08:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aries23Degrees: There is something about the 12th house that detracts from light. Things that are within the 12th house that are not meant to be seen because of their fragility.These things are not necessarily bad or "evil". Just sensitive. Like information that shouldn't see "the light of day" or things that should be kept secret. Let's be honest,the world is extremely judgement. And many people find solace in keeping things about themselves away from the prying eyes of others. Eyes are affiliated with the Sun because Eyes illuminate things as they become "seen" and brought into conscious awareness. Wearing shades modifies the glare of those harmful eyes I.e. you break the energy of aggression when you wear shades. This even if you are staring at someone. So as one goes into the 12th house transit, what will be clear is that some things HAVE to remain secret for the world above to continue "as is". And if those things are about you and you come across "deceitful" or "shady", then so be it. Guard your mental peace with your life. Do not care too much to be understood by anyone outside of yourself. Saturn is doing its round on the 3rd decanate area of Pisces and still in my 12th house (by whole sign). I am comfortable with the darkness, the depression and the sense of hopelessness in successfully overcoming not only my personal problems. But that of the world. I am OK not being superman and just letting things be. The idea of "control" is clearly an illusion. This house transit made that exceptionally clear. I thought I'd say something empowering about my experiences so far. This especially since this transit is nearing its close. But I can't. It's a hellish phase that could have been the end of me. Suicide is a controversial subject on any platform. One can't fathom what would make one want to take one's own life? And I say to those people, it's not so much "taking" of life that is the objective. But really an attempt to reconnect with the inner light that one once felt good being warmed up by. The light one gets when they return to Source(non physical). The transit of the 12th house by planets like Saturn/Neptune and Pluto, can make that light dim, the warmth feint and thoughts of "self-undoing" very reasonable. Even soothing. So to those who are going to go through this transit (Taurus Asc natives), please remember to reach out wherever and whenever possible. To loosely quote Dylan Thomas ;"Don't be so willing to believe in the goodness of that "good night". Rage, rage against the dying of the inner light." ❤❤❤
Makes me think of my Neptune aspects, I guess. I didn't realize how sensitive I am. I need my alone time. The 12th house is similar I guess. ------------------ Happiness is easy to find. IP: Logged |
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 11058 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted March 08, 2025 08:02 AM
quote: Originally posted by Preppyarcher7989Wiff: Makes me think of my Neptune aspects, I guess. I didn't realize how sensitive I am. I need my alone time. The 12th house is similar I guess.
Very similar . So would Moon progressions in this house. Moon/Neptune are very nocturnal in essence. The 12th house is a sensitive spot for both to thrive in.
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