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Author Topic:   Transit and Mood log 2024💃🏿🕺🏿

Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted March 06, 2024 08:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So my ex is struggling with finances and is telling me that perhaps we should sell the house, not because he wants to, he says is all he has but is looking like maybe this is what needs to be done. He has made bad decisions so even if I decided to transfer the loan to him for the house along with the title he would need to qualify for the loan and he hasn't done his taxes etc...

He is stubborn and rebellious and has refused to adapt to the world and follow its rules over and over again and it never ends well but its sad, he is a good person and has potential but just doesn't learn from his mistakes yet he has a lot of qualities I like too. He is alone in this world, disconnected from the family he had and he deserves to find support but he also needs to make better decisions and learn from his mistakes.

If there is someone in the world I wanted to succeed and have a happy ending, a story of someone who learns and turns it all around and finally finds a way to live a peaceful life were he is able to pay his bills and leave in peace is him. I still hope all this for him and that he finds love again, I believe in my heart he deserves good things. I hope and pray he gets another chance to get things right and be happy and that this time he does it right but it may be he has to lose it all first to learn all these hard lessons he has stubbornly avoided over and over to integrate. I hope he does make it and that his story does have a happy ending.

He now has Transit Pluto right on his MC, it seems transit pluto conjunct his MC and opposite his IC is coinciding with him losing his business last year which he did brought unto himself and with him now losing his house but hopefully he will profit if we sell it and at least have some savings buying him some more time to figure out his life purpose and how he is going to make a living long term.

My current partner has transit pluto in the 10th but his transit pluto is like in the 3rd stage of the pluto transit through his 10th (11 degrees in aquarius left for him in this house) and I get the feeling that when transit pluto was right on his MC it was a turning point but for the worst, for him to develop issues with addiction which would lead to him losing it all, I think his ex left him because of his issues with addiction. I will say this, I do think he will find work this year and reach sobriety, I think he will finally recover this year from his issues with addiction, perhaps the last phase of this pluto transit through his 10th is about his recovery journey and regaining what he has lost but with a new partner or on his own. I think this final stage of transit pluto going through his 10th house is perhaps when he actually starts to rise from the ashes, heal and integrate.

All this being said if my ex is at the beginning of this pluto through the 10th house journey and my current partner is at the end of his pluto 10th house journey then my ex has a lot of struggles ahead to overcome but I think in the final stage of the transit it will start to come together for him. I think tr pluto hitting the MC hits people hard who haven't worked though their childhood trauma (since pluto is opposing their IC).

In 2016 is when transit pluto hit his MC exact for my current partner, I suspect that brought to the surface his unresolved trauma in a way he could not deal with leading to depression and that is when he felt into an addiction with opioids after an injury which got him into painkillers, it sounds like the addiction unraveled in his early 30s, around 32 and then when Transit Uranus conjuncted his AC is probably when his ex wife ended it or it was the beginning of the end for them. They were still together I think during covid times but I think it was that year they separated at some point in 2020. During their last year together, tr uranus hit his AC, conjuncted his JUNO and opposed his PLUTO conjunct DC. A few years passed and tr Uranus was still on his 1st but now trining his venus conjunct mars and my mercury which rules my DC and that is when we met and started dating.

Its possible when tr uranus enters his 2nd house his situation with work and finances will change then, after it hits his moon in Taurus at 25 degrees one last time, essentially when Uranus enters gemini it will enter his 2nd house but that will happen in July 2025, perhaps he will find work before then but in 2025 he will became financially independent again, start making investments again etc...Interesting enough when Uranus enters his 2nd house it will enter my 6th house.

Seems transit Uranus in the 1st house can be a time were people budget and avoid responsibilities and live minimally, get by through unconventional means. My ex is considering being homeless by choice for a while and live in his car and this transit is coming up for him..and my partner when this transit happened and he got divorced he lived off his savings and investments he had made in the past and budgeted a lot to keep expenses down.

"Transit Uranus in the 1st House
When transit Uranus is in your 1st house, you can experience a great deal of change in your life, especially as this transit begins. You want to have more freedom and independence to be who you are, and you’re more willing to explore unconventional ways of living."

As for me last time transit Uranus squared by IC ruler Mars in the 8th my mother passed away and my partner moved in with me the day after, it was just a coincidence it happened back to back. Tr Uranus will square this again this year and perhaps this time what will happen is that I will sell my house and will no longer have joint assets to sort out with my ex. This time Jupiter will also join Uranus, hopefully that is how it plays out and jupiter has a "gain" and protective factor this time with this transit instead of bringing more loss, my natal jupiter rules my chart and conjuncts uranus in the 12th.

I think my ex could get a tiny house on wheels with the profit he makes if we sell the house and all goes well and that would fit too Uranus transiting his 1st house and would lower his expenses significantly so he would be able to afford this lifestyle with what he is doing now to earn a living.

I am also interested in this idea, in purchasing a tiny house with my profit, in the market we are dealing with now sounds like an attractive option and its also fitting of transit Uranus squaring my IC ruler. I plan to go to a tiny house festival in July.

The house has issues so its hard to tell how much we would profit if at all at this point but I am at peace with how it would impact me, I just hope my ex finds a way out and gets a second chance to do life and has a turning point, he is trying to so hard right now and just said to me "I wish you could redo things in life. Like if you make a bad decision, I wish you could try again." Universe please put the right people in his life, present him with a work opportunity that could help get himself out of the hole he is in.

Today I took my baby Kazak to the vet and we went to the park, I also went to see the doctor.

Tr Venus opposite my VENUS conjunct Mars and sexile my Ascendant
Tr MOON was trine my SUN
Tr SUN was opposite my Mercury

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Posts: 11005
From: South Africa
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posted March 07, 2024 05:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Your bit about your ex has me thinking of my own Pluto challenges. I am still trying to understand why Ura transiting the 1st house was definitively more impactful than Plu squaring my Asc and going into the MC. Well atleast externally.

Much of what you said gave me pause for thought though. Am I erroneously looking for external examples of the Pluto ingress in my reflection of the past years? Or were the changes happening within?

I keep on thinking that things will return to how they were in my life i.e. get my energy back and continue on with the same upbeat momentum. That this period is just a "slump" etc.

This perspective keeps me hopeful to get back to "what was". And in that, denying or downplaying "what is".

It's like a person who gets left by their spouse and scoffs it off with a "Aah, they'll be back. Just you wait and see." Etc. Days turn to weeks. Weeks morph to months. And then months pass into years.

But the denial doesn't leave them.Not until they catch rumours from their ex's family that their estranged love(whom they have been waiting to "return") is engaged to someone else.

The painful moment of that realisation that things are not going to return to "business as usual" , can be shattering indeed.

I don't want to be that person. But I am still at a point of being depleted. Unlike your ex,I haven't lost a business. But I have lost the spirit and zest for living. It's hard to explain.

I suspect that this depletion started in 2021 and has progressively gotten worse since. But because I seem to be coping externally, it looks like I am fine.

I am not. I am depressed.I don't have the fire anymore for much.I get exhausted quickly. And I don't know how to get back to feeling empowered again.

It is like a death. Only a psychological one. You cry for the life that you wanted but didn't get. Maybe you've peaked? You can't be sure. But then you wonder what life you can create for yourself from here on after?

I hope things go well for him too. 🙏🏿

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Posts: 29536
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posted March 07, 2024 06:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't want to be that person. But I am still at a point of being depleted. Unlike your ex,I haven't lost a business. But I have lost the spirit and zest of living. It's hard to explain.

Same. I thought I was getting it back, in 2019. Then things happened at the end of the year, and covid happened, among other things. I've been really on the edge, for a year now, and I wasn't in a good place after losing my dog before that.

I'm really anxious, too. I slept too much today, because my body managed to relax, and I just didn't want to get up.

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From: South Africa
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posted March 08, 2024 12:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by teasel:
Same. I thought I was getting it back, in 2019. Then things happened at the end of the year, and covid happened, among other things. I've been really on the edge, for a year now, and I wasn't in a good place after losing my dog before that.

I'm really anxious, too. I slept too much today, because my body managed to relax, and I just didn't want to get up.

Can we both just get a Damne holiday from all this "mehh" energy ? Its such a slow burn

You are definitely not alone in all this.I feel you ❤

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Posts: 9381
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posted March 09, 2024 09:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
emotional AF
I've been managing better, but wow.

new moon coming and eclipse towards the end of this month that squares my Jupiter. I've been struggling more with self regulation, I've made a little progress though.

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posted March 10, 2024 01:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Stawr:
emotional AF
I've been managing better, but wow.

new moon coming and eclipse towards the end of this month that squares my Jupiter. I've been struggling more with self regulation, I've made a little progress though.

❤❤ Congratulate yourself for the little victories. It is better than standing still

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Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted March 10, 2024 02:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I do feel Pluto through the 10th is tough and I am trying to figure out its journey and thought you would take interest in that post bc of your own pluto in the 10th house journey, its no picnic it seems but what you said about being in denial that something is over and waiting for the ex to return resonates I feel for my ex and my current partner...there is something about this transit that makes it hard to let go of the past and release it fully and maybe that is what is holding pluto in the 10th back..perhaps because it opposes the IC initially, perhaps until the past is fully grieved and released the person will feel stuck and lost.

I can relate though to what you are saying about losing that spark and depression, this week I am finally stepping out of that and taking back my power, tired of feeling like that. I can't let my partner being stuck and our ups and downs keep impacting my mood. Yesterday I went hiking for 8 miles with my puppy and it was nice, it was exactly what I needed. I am tired of winter and letting weekends pass me by, staying in and feeling helpless and at the whim of partner and how he is doing etc...I need to be stronger than that. I went to the doctor and got my refills, I have been sucking this year at been consistent with my meds I think because of grief and winter affecting me but I started to take my meds again consistently and feel a very noticeable difference in motivation, feeling in control of my mind and mood.

I honestly feel I am in the middle of an important turning point in terms of my personal growth and journey. Perhaps pluto through the 2nd is about taking control, taking your power back. I am slowly getting my finances back in order so I can get my taxes paid off and get to a point I feel comfortable investing so I can actually grow wealth instead of just been stuck as I have NOT been saving in a few years now and finances are a bit out of control. I feel I am technically cutting into my savings at this point. I need to grow my financial literacy more first before I make investments.

2024 will be a year of change with pluto entering aquarius for good, even though it will retrograde briefly back into Capricorn for a few months:

This year, Pluto will find its footing in Aquarius' sky: Pluto will be in Aquarius from January 20, 2024 through September 1, 2024, briefly retrograde back into Capricorn to tie up loose ends, and reenter Aquarius on November 19, 2024 … where it will remain until March 8, 2043.

I feel we are ready for aquarius, we are overly saturated by pluto in capricorn and need that fresh energy to shake it all up and push us to pursue our hopes and dreams and build community so Aries23 hang in there, I think this year you will come out of this funk you are in but fight! Be the Lion you are.

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Posts: 11005
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posted March 10, 2024 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My sister is undergoing major surgery on Tuesday. And she has been feeling very anxious (understandably).

She has even gone as far as to leave letters and notices for me to send through to relevant friends should the "worst" happen.

I didn't think that this surgery would be that hectic.But looking at her progressions, I see that PSun is conjunct het natal Mars. It seems like a very significant time.

Like me, the sensitive points seem to be from 20Deg-26Deg cardinal. So I watched transits to see where they'd show hits.

When I put Solar Arc progressions, Mars is at 24Cancer and Saturn is at 25Cap. Her natal Moon is in 25Can.

Pluto has been transiting those above degrees since 2019. Trans Jupiter is conjunct Mc axis (when Asc is set at 24 Cancer).

Solar arc Nep is square Mc/Ic axis and her Sun this year.Prog Jup in Ari 22 is square the above highlighted points. Trans Mars is square prog Moon. Prog Asc is conjunct Progressed Mars.

There is so much happening with the energies. I don't see this as "the end". But she certainly does. As such I have had to accept how she feels and not contradict her perspective🙏🏿

I am however just a little concerned
I hope all goes well and I am not trivializing this ❤❤❤❤❤

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Posts: 9381
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posted March 10, 2024 10:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
❤❤ Congratulate yourself for the little victories. It is better than standing still

THANK YOU! This New moon in Pisces was a huge relief.

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Posts: 29536
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Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 10, 2024 11:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Aries - Mars could simply indicate cutting. I will light a candle, and try to send positive energy.

Stawr - glad you're feeling a bit better.

hypatia - I could relate to some of what you wrote, but I'm not ready to talk about anything.

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posted March 10, 2024 11:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've hardly slept this weekend. I got more zzzquil, and will take a full dose when I try to sleep.

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Posts: 11005
From: South Africa
Registered: Dec 2012

posted March 11, 2024 03:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by hypatia238:

I do feel Pluto through the 10th is tough and I am trying to figure out its journey and thought you would take interest in that post bc of your own pluto in the 10th house journey, its no picnic it seems but what you said about being in denial that something is over and waiting for the ex to return resonates I feel for my ex and my current partner...there is something about this transit that makes it hard to let go of the past and release it fully and maybe that is what is holding pluto in the 10th back..perhaps because it opposes the IC initially, perhaps until the past is fully grieved and released the person will feel stuck and lost.

The opposition to Ic can certainly dig things up that can't go further. Resentment built over the years,dears suppressed, unspoken words etc. It's a time to "clear out".

I had the most emotional heart-felt talk with my Father this year in Jan. It felt like something that had to be done. I wanted to put some things to rest because I had carried them around for so long.

I think that you are right about having to confront the past and grieve it. Because the notion is that if you don't, you will be forced stuck🙏🏿

I can relate though to what you are saying about losing that spark and depression, this week I am finally stepping out of that and taking back my power, tired of feeling like that. I can't let my partner being stuck and our ups and downs keep impacting my mood. Yesterday I went hiking for 8 miles with my puppy and it was nice, it was exactly what I needed. I am tired of winter and letting weekends pass me by, staying in and feeling helpless and at the whim of partner and how he is doing etc...I need to be stronger than that. I went to the doctor and got my refills, I have been sucking this year at been consistent with my meds I think because of grief and winter affecting me but I started to take my meds again consistently and feel a very noticeable difference in motivation, feeling in control of my mind and mood.

That feels very relatable *being a moon water person myself *, we can easily be consumed with what another is going through and take it to be something that WE are going through as individuals too. This especially when we live with such a person. We soak up their moods and feelings easily.

Drawing boundaries is necessary. It's not that we don't care. We do. But if both people are caught up in storms and high tides in the relationship , who will steer the boat to safer shores?

I honestly feel I am in the middle of an important turning point in terms of my personal growth and journey. Perhaps pluto through the 2nd is about taking control, taking your power back. I am slowly getting my finances back in order so I can get my taxes paid off and get to a point I feel comfortable investing so I can actually grow wealth instead of just been stuck as I have NOT been saving in a few years now and finances are a bit out of control. I feel I am technically cutting into my savings at this point. I need to grow my financial literacy more first before I make investments.

If your Moon rules house 8 Cancer cusp( as I recall that you have Sag Asc?) , this approach of getting your finances together could be the transiting Sat arcing to conjunct your natal Moon(ruler of house 8).

Saturn in 3rd house could also have this effect of wanting to get your isht together and making better decisions financially.

3rd house is a "survive and thrive" house. When Mars/Sat transits there, our survival instincts kick in and we become more intent and focused on making our lives a success. Or atleast getting ourselves out of any rut we may have gotten ourselves into.

2024 will be a year of change with pluto entering aquarius for good, even though it will retrograde briefly into Capricorn for a few months:

This year, Pluto will find its footing in Aquarius' sky: Pluto will be in Aquarius from January 20, 2024 through September 1, 2024, briefly retrograde back into Capricorn to tie up loose ends, and reenter Aquarius on November 19, 2024 … where it will remain until March 8, 2043.

I feel we are ready for aquarius, we are overly saturated by pluto in capricorn and need that fresh energy to shake it all up and push us to pursue our hopes and dreams and build community so Aries23 hang in there, I think this year you will come out of this funk you are in but fight! Be the Lion you are.

I am watching my progressed Moon arcing to my natal T-square formation in my chart.

It will start to react with Natal Merc (6th and 3rd house ruler ) in April.I can already feel the pressure building up.

Then it will move to oppose natal Moon(Ic ruler). After that will square Mars(Asc/8th house ruler) before it arcs to the Mc by conjunction.

Next year,when it starts moving through Aqua. It will react wity retrograde Plu in Aqua and natal Pluto. Trans Sat and Trans Nep will be on my natal Sun at that time too. I feel like this is a very significant time for me.

I am definitely keeping my head down, gathering my strength and trying to stay alive. The lion in me is still very much a cub🤣. But the good news is , all things grow and evolve. And that growth of thar inner cub is inevitable 🦁❤❤❤

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Posts: 29536
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posted March 11, 2024 03:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Woman gives birth on flight from Jordan to London

I wonder what they would list as the baby's birth place, if they used Maybe Italy, since that's where the plane was diverted to.

So many issues with planes, in recent months.

I posted this in the wrong thread...

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posted March 11, 2024 03:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Stawr:
THANK YOU! This New moon in Pisces was a huge relief.

Ironically, trans Moon in Pisces conjunct trans Sun conjunct trans Saturn was square my natal Uranus in house 8. It came with some emotionally hard news. I couldn't sleep that day and felt extremely emotional😶

It was the day my sister told me about an operation that she will be undergoing this week. She expressed deep anxiety about it. Lots of fears. I couldn't help but get emotional because she talked around the subject of possible death a lot. So we are preparing for the worst but hopeful for the best too❤

Jupiter is on her Sun/Mc. And Jupiter has two effects. The surgery could be a great success that brings her relief. Or death itself can be the great relief because she has long suffered in the past years (if not most of her life)

I was listening to NDE experiences (as I usually do) and the one thing that stood out this time is that they can choose not to come back.

I told her that if it comes down to that choice.If that is what brings her relief, she should not come back. We will be fine.❤❤

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posted March 11, 2024 04:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by teasel:

Woman gives birth on flight from Jordan to London

I wonder what they would list as the baby's birth place, if they used Maybe Italy, since that's where the plane was diverted to.

So many issues with planes, in recent months.

I posted this in the wrong thread...

Wow. I love these ambiguities in Astrology. It makes it so fascinating to study the native's chart.

I agree that the closest place (in proximity) that they diverted to , will be the place of birth. And this (to me) has an immediate Uranus/Saturn quality to it because the flight (1stly)had to be delayed.☝🏿

Add (2ndly)the child by default of being born in Italy, unintentionally has dual citizenship.Because (according to Google);"Birthright, naturalization, marriage, and investment are common pathways to dual citizenship. Some countries grant citizenship based on birth within their borders, irrespective of residence status"..

Italy and Jordan both allow dual citizenship. I find it funny that it was supposed to be Jordan (departure) and London(destination) where the child gets it. And yet its unintentionally Italy and Jordan🤣. That is very Uranus indeed to me.

If born 4am(as is claimed), Asc is 2 Aqua, 24Sco Ic. Plu would be angular . The child was born blue (health issue). But that was quickly averted from being a crisis.

I am not completely comfortable with the above birth time. I suspect that it was rounded up because who will have the time to check the birth time during that process? They likely did this when the mother was in the "all clear".

So I suspect that the birth time was ealier- possibly 3:40am? This would put Asc at 26 Cap and Ic at 19Tau.

This would make the Ic conj Ura exact (reflecting the unusual circumstances of the birth and subsequent citizenship- Ic).

And since Jupiter is not too far from Ura and Ic,that would also allude to "foreign"(Jup) citizenry (Ic) for the Jordanian native.

Plu would still be in house 1. The experience was likely something the mother will call a "life perspective change ". And I also like that Saturn is in house 1(delay in flight reaching its intended destination).

**I used Placidus here**

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posted March 11, 2024 04:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by teasel:
Aries - Mars could simply indicate cutting. I will light a candle, and try to send positive energy.

Thank you ❤❤❤❤

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posted March 14, 2024 09:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Tornados all over part of Ohio tonight. I think we'll be fine here, but my dog is trying to squeeze into hiding places, and I'm ready to take the animals to the basement, if I need to.

I had to download a local news app, I'd forgotten that I could do that.

I finally got moving earlier, and was crossing things off my list that's just been growing, for maybe two months now. I lost momentum when I sat down with more tea, but I'm going to be up with my dog, for as long as he's scared, so I might get more done tonight.

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posted March 16, 2024 09:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
On March 11th at 11:11pm the lights started flickering in my room pretty much nonstop for hours. I've been having a lot of activity in my room like that lately.

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posted March 16, 2024 09:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
Ironically, trans Moon in Pisces conjunct trans Sun conjunct trans Saturn was square my natal Uranus in house 8. It came with some emotionally hard news. I couldn't sleep that day and felt extremely emotional😶

It was the day my sister told me about an operation that she will be undergoing this week. She expressed deep anxiety about it. Lots of fears. I couldn't help but get emotional because she talked around the subject of possible death a lot. So we are preparing for the worst but hopeful for the best too❤

Jupiter is on her Sun/Mc. And Jupiter has two effects. The surgery could be a great success that brings her relief. Or death itself can be the great relief because she has long suffered in the past years (if not most of her life)

I was listening to NDE experiences (as I usually do) and the one thing that stood out this time is that they can choose not to come back.

I told her that if it comes down to that choice.If that is what brings her relief, she should not come back. We will be fine.❤❤

I feel like giving you a virtual *hug* is an understatement, I will be thinking of you

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Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted March 16, 2024 11:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:

I am definitely keeping my head down, gathering my strength and trying to stay alive. The lion in me is still very much a cub🤣. But the good news is , all things grow and evolve. And that growth of thar inner cub is inevitable 🦁❤❤❤

hahahah I totally want to hug you right now. The inner nourishing mother in me feels very activated with this metaphor hahaha

This image gives me strength, I feel this lion is in pain and tired but he is letting out this pain and anger as he growls to the cloudy dark sky and he is positioning himself in a way that gives the message of "I will get through this, I will keep fighting bc god dam* it I am a lion and I will tare this life sh*t up":

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Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted March 16, 2024 12:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Financial Self Care time. Today I am going to share some self reflections on the ruler of my 2nd house. I am 40 and now that Pluto has entered my 2nd house I all of sudden am understanding how the ruler of my 2nd house has been manifesting in my life my whole life which is bizarre, I suppose that shows you how finances its not something I think about a lot at all, beyond just making sure I pay bills always on time and that I have some savings, how I approach finances has been responsible but pretty straight forward and I have NEVER been in that mind set of I want to grow wealth, I have always been in the mind set and still am in that mindset of I just want to have enough and enough savings for a rainy day and that is it, so pretty basic. Even planning for retirement is something I resist and avoid. Mind you we live in a world were the cost of living is high and most of us are middle class and are just getting by and have no savings or some savings so there is nothing out of the ordinary about my situation.

That being said as a child I remember thinking I did not want to be famous and that I did not want to be wealthy and I have Saturn ruling my 2nd house conjunct Pluto in the 10th so that is very interesting that early on in my life I had a resistance towards wealth or fame.

My saturn is towards the end of my 10th and starts to conjunct my 11th which is also fitting, I tend to have few friends and as an adult my best friend is usually who I am involved in a relationship with and I go all in and I feel like I don't need more than that, the idea of a big circle of friends has never appealed to me. I value quality over quantity.

Anyhoo just typing about this and preparing myself to talk about finances makes me feel anxious. Part of why I resist wealth is because of three reasons: I associate wealth with more responsibility and problems and I want to have a simple life but still be comfortable, the other reason is how you grow wealth is through making investments and passive income and saturn I think sees this as risky at least the investing stuff, saturn does not like to gamble but if I increase my financial literacy I can learn about investments that are low risk but impactful but just the topic of finances and growing wealth makes me anxious and my brain often checks out but transit pluto in the 2nd seems to be forcing me to start addressing this even if I am addressing it slowly at my own pace, its a long a transit after all. The 3rd reason is that coming from the DR and going to private school as a child I did not like the elitist behavior and mindset that comes with people who are wealthier, I hated it and have never wanted to be a part of that lifestyle, I like to do my own thing and be me, not have to act or be a certain way.

There are two claims connected to my mother's life insurance I have been sitting on and still have not completed and submitted. I know my mom was not wealthy so her investments I don't think are going to give me a large sum of money but still I would get some money if I complete the claims or if I turn it into an IRA account that will help me invest on retirement at least and I am just sitting on this. Then there is the house I purchased that my ex is living on, I need to address this in some capacity and I am also just sitting on this, in part out of compassion, in part bc the situation is complicated, for example if I do transfer him the loan he will probably need someone to co-sign with him, and in part because I in some weird subconscious level don't want to profit from the house and make money out of it which is crazy.

I have not been self-aware about this, I thought I was okay with finances and in theory yes bc I am responsible and have savings but when you take a closer look and dig deeper you realize there is more to it. I avoid growing wealth, I don't want to have too much money or learn about this aspect of life too much. I think if pluto was in my 10th without saturn conjuncting it, it would manifest quite differently.

Other ways that I am noticing my natal pluto conjunct saturn manifests in my chart is as follows: I tend to attract and get involved in long term committed relationships with man who have blocks with their sexual natures even though this area of life is important to me and I have a very healthy sexual drive and feel sex is a beautiful part of life. The men I get involved with long term, that I last over a year with either have sexual trauma making them be inconsistent with their sex drive and interest around sex making it so sex is not very important to them or they do not feel fully comfortable being inside their bodies and letting themselves go during sexual intimacy or they resist the intimacy and vulnerability that comes with it (e.g. can be all of the above). This puts me in a position were this area of life for me that means so much to me becomes an area of frustration. I should add I have Saturn opposite Juno and Pluto parallel JUNO and my DC ruler Mercury so I think that is why this influence also spills over into themes related to my committed relationships. I am not sure what to do with this though. There seems to be some weird karmic lessons related to this for me for some reason. I feel strongly that sex should just be natural and organic between two people and that you shouldn't have to work at it but if I attract partners like this maybe I need to learn to be patient with this part of life and slowly build a healthy sex life with partners, maybe I need to meet them were they are at and be patient and that would be rewarded if I am able to do this. Maybe I need to learn intimacy is something you earn and build.

The other way that this aspect manifests in my life is that I attract partners for long term relationship that haven't figured out their finances and depend on me financially to some extent or fully which is perhaps another weird manifestation of me avoiding wealth.

Anyways I am realizing how much pluto conjunct saturn impacts my life and its odd that is taking me this long to see this influence in a clear way in my life. It seems I may be entering a new part in my life were the focus will be addressing all these things that pluto conjunct saturn is bringing to my attention. Is like I am been told now is the time to master the lessons related to pluto conjunct saturn and I wonder what transit wise is occurring that is activating this weird initiation that whispers "you are ready now to confront all this and figure it out."

Tr moon conjunct Northnode
Tr Jupiter trine DC ruler Mercury
Tr Pluto in 2nd house opposite Eros
Tr Mars has been traveling through my 2nd house

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From: South Africa
Registered: Dec 2012

posted March 17, 2024 04:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Stawr:
I feel like giving you a virtual *hug* is an understatement, I will be thinking of you

❤🙌🏿🙏🏿. Thank you so much.

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From: South Africa
Registered: Dec 2012

posted March 17, 2024 05:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
An update.

All went well with my sister's surgery. She is recovering from that procedure. And even her recovery is without complications.🙌🏿

I want to take this opportunity to thank @ Stawr @teasel and @Hypatia for the support given. It was highly appreciated

This close call has made it clear to me that I am strongly emotionally connected to my family. No doubt. The Moon-Mercury connection is strong. I was affected by the moods and emotions of all concerned during this time.

But thank goodness its over. ❤❤

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posted March 17, 2024 09:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That fills me with such hope in general Aries23

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From: N. America
Registered: Nov 2010

posted March 17, 2024 09:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the eclipse is next week. I think I am starting to cope with the energy better. witch craft is very important and necessary along with listening to the messages of the universe. It will pay off.

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