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Author Topic:   Transit and Mood log 2024💃🏿🕺🏿

Posts: 3188
From: Shimmering Moon
Registered: Dec 2012

posted March 27, 2024 11:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LovelyAries86     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:

I just made a thread that explores this very subject 🤣. For me it's Can, Leo, Gem and Cap.

What's the name of your thread?! I'll check it out. 👌

And are you talking about Cancer, Leo, Gemini & Cap ASC or the Signs in general? Let me know.

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Posts: 11005
From: South Africa
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posted March 27, 2024 02:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LovelyAries86:
What's the name of your thread?! I'll check it out. 👌

And are you talking about Cancer, Leo, Gemini & Cap ASC or the Signs in general? Let me know.

It's in terms of Sun signs I.e. The Sun sign energies you have the least interaction with.💪🏿

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Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted March 27, 2024 03:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So have been reflecting on an image I can embody and meditate on to help me nourish and create internal harmony that can then spread out in the world, my environment and hopefully relationship.

The Dandelion flower came to mind. I printed two photos of this and will put labels on them and then place them near me vision board and hopefully this will help me nourish and integrate the spirit of the dandelion.

Dandelion Flower Essence

Ideal to help one let go to move from a state of doing to being. Dandelion essence works with the energies of the solar plexus where issues of related to fears, ego, self worth and personal power are held. Dandelion flower essence can release trauma trapped in the solar plexus. Perfect for meditation, tapping or regression sessions, it helps clear stagnant energy patterns.

Dandelion essences help to clear and expel toxic imprints, especially in the liver. The liver is known in chinese medicine to be the seat of anger. Dandelion softens you when have old anger and rage. Dandelion helps clear and move you through the anger. It supports emotional release and can help clear the energetic patterns of addictive behaviors. It give you the courage and hope of the sun.

^^fitting that should help with that combative energy and processing and releasing anger.

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Posts: 29536
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posted March 27, 2024 08:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I’ve just found my flower essences that I bought years ago. Spirit-in-nature essences. I only have a handful, but it’s better than nothing.

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Posts: 3188
From: Shimmering Moon
Registered: Dec 2012

posted March 27, 2024 11:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LovelyAries86     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
It's in terms of Sun signs I.e. The Sun sign energies you have the least interaction with.💪🏿

I see it now. 👍 And will respond shortly!

When are you going to pop your head into my latest Aries thread? You are an Aries ASC after all. ♈️

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Posts: 11005
From: South Africa
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posted March 28, 2024 07:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LovelyAries86:
I see it now. 👍 And will respond shortly!

When are you going to pop your head into my latest Aries thread? You are an Aries ASC after all. ♈️

Yes. Will check that out too👌🏿

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Posts: 9381
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posted March 28, 2024 01:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ugh I'm really sick that how I have spent this entire week off. Punishment? or Time out? Time outs are usually not punishments for me, and I get jealous of students being told not to talk anyone and have personal space.

This previous eclipse made me fed up with my life on steroids. Only thing it did it my chart was square my Jupiter. While also not having some very good astrology transits going on.

I was starting to feel better until I just tried to get coffee while being super sick while having both of my parents being zero chill and just badgering me.
It was super bad to the point where I snapped and said "I can't even make a ****ing cup of coffee" So I went to my car and grabbed my energy drinks. So I think they know why I drink them now.

Because I can get caffeinated to deal with annoying a$$ people better and stay in my room.

I was starting to feel better about my life until that happened but also at the same time I am sort of feeling like effit.

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posted March 30, 2024 01:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I had a chance to think about this again and realized that it wasn't the aspects that I wrote about here that were involved.

Prog Asc was in 1 Virgo and opposing Mars in Pisces when the confrontation with my sister took place.🤔

My fam left after their visit yesterday. Progressed Ic was conjunct natal Uranus and transiting Saturn was square progressed Mc/Ic axis.

Renovations to the house are complete. Solar Arc Asc in Gem 0 and Mc in 3Pis. This coincided with transiting Mars3 Pis on the Solar Arc Mc/Ic axis. There was a lot of activity at home.

The prog Asc and Mc (which moves everyday and is dynamic) was also arcing to squaretransiting Mars in Pisces.

I won't lie, this period was stressful. The renovations, the family visiting, the fallout and makeup with Sis etc.

It's no wonder my energy levels felt depleted. Mars was square Solar Arc Asc the whole time. So I literally felt like I was fighting fatigue every, single day my fam was here.

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Posts: 29536
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posted March 30, 2024 02:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dad bought me some eclipse glasses.

He's been home more, because there hasn't been much work. My sleep schedule has been off, so I haven't been able to spend that much time with him, but I've got more done over the last few nights. I'm still not in a good place. I'm trying, though.

We aren't religious, but I've been cleaning, and polishing tables. I bought a small pot of flowers for the table. I'm going to clean that off, and get a table cloth, too.

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Posts: 9381
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posted March 31, 2024 09:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have to remind my self that with the cardinal energy with great attack comes great healing. (I have cardinal in the early middle and late degrees, but also fun stuff when a planet is in Aries from middle to late degrees)

I'm taking an actual sick day tomorrow. It is what it is. I can have the perspective of ridding things out. Grateful I had this emotional eclipse time when I have a week off work. I need more time to process the changes that are happening and coming in my life. I'm blessed to have a job that makes PTO easy and that I have a lot to use.

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posted April 03, 2024 07:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lerena     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Neptune's square to my Moon has been brutal.

First off, I'm not interested in an active social life right now. While I'm not entirely off-the-grid in terms of speaking to others, I spend most of my time these days withdrawn into a period of voluntary solitude. Given this information, the square was brutal enough just in terms of my overall emotional state in general.

On February 10th, I logged onto Discord and became the target of a phishing scam. Because of how I was functioning at the time, I fell for it. Not only was I vulnerable enough to be a target period, I was too isolated to feel like I was at risk for anything like this. So, when I noticed what I got myself into, the damage had already been done.

I've discussed my feelings with my therapists and how the process of recovery has been. In terms of the scam itself, I did lose some money, but on the night the scam took place, I canceled my debit card and changed all of my passwords. I took my bank's advice and requested a credit freeze with all 3 credit bureaus. I've informed the IRS about what happened to me as well.

In general, I'm mostly done with damage control. I actually switched banks recently, but the investigation into my former bank account hasn't wrapped up. When I reported the incident to my old bank, I was upfront. If you don't give it to anyone, I did, so to be safe, my former bank account is frozen in the sense that I can no longer access it. My old bank is planning to open a new account for me, which I will close.

At the time the scam took place, Saturn was making an opposition to my 2nd house ruler, Jupiter. I've had to learn a lot of harsh lessons within the past 3 months and I've mostly recovered financially. After my former bank completes its investigation, the last thing that can really be done is the police tracks down the scammer or at least keeps my information on file in case someone attempts to commit a crime in my name.

I've been very thorough. The information I handed over required it, because again, I handed over way too much personal information to this scammer. Someone taking advantage of me like this is a one-time incident and will absolutely not happen again.

The scammer preyed on my ignorance and lack of familiarity with a number of things. I was vulnerable enough to fall for it, but someone took advantage of me in a moment of weakness and the experience honestly reminded me of past trauma. Since my level of vulnerability during the phishing scam was bad enough to remind me of trauma, it took me awhile to accept the loss.

All of this said, I was hoping for more assistance than I received. Under different circumstances, this scam could have caused me to lose housing, food, etc. With there being no grace for me, falling for something like this even once was enough to leave me changed.

I hope Pluto in Aquarius doesn't get me into trouble. Even when Pluto goes back into Capricorn, it's done transiting my 2nd house.

What does society expect from me? I can only go through so much before I either have to start talking or I crack and shatter. I'm not exactly in the mood to keep my mouth shut and this could easily backfire.

When Pluto was transiting my 2nd house, I sometimes forgot it was there. I don't think I'll forget that Pluto is transiting my 3rd house. There are squares for it to make and I have Saturn in Aquarius and Chiron in Leo.

In the more immediate future, I'm more scared of Neptune in Aries. Mom said something to me that makes me worry about my sister and what she's planning to do when she turns 18. My sister legally becomes 18 on August 2nd, 2026.

This said, Neptune's already within orb for a conjunction to Mars. I can't ignore the possibility that things will escalate, but for now, my concerns are mostly passive.

I also can't ignore the possibility that I'll somehow fall in love again. Pluto and Saturn are the planets I'm looking at. While I'm not interested in a sudden revival of my love life, Neptune's square found a way to play out beyond me just feeling awful. Who am I to question the potential of another square to do the same thing? Saturn in Taurus will make a conjunction and I'm not sure what Uranus will do in my 7th house.

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Posts: 9381
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posted April 04, 2024 11:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My 4-4 portal day was significant.
I had an eye appointment.

I also did acupuncture to help with my occasional smoking relapses.

on the drive home I saw a rainbow.

I've just been seeing the number 444 a lot since march.

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Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted April 05, 2024 12:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Jupiter conjunct Uranus natally in the 12th ruling my chart exact

Transit Jupiter conjunct Uranus in the 5th squaring my VENUS conjunct Mars in the 8th aligning with tax season. Mars rules my IC and Venus rules my 5th and MC (I have my own private practice).

Tr Pluto in the 2nd.

There has been a big focus on getting my finances in order. I have savings but may need to get in a payment program to pay for my taxes this year so I don't cut into my savings. I work for myself and have my own business (5th house stuff).

Inheritance related to my mother's passing last year has also been the focus, I submitted death claim yesterday related to my mother's IRA inheritance accounts finally which I had been putting off for while.

I still need to take action related to my house that my ex is living in, I need to sell it but this is something I have been putting off so a lot of 8th house matters that have not been dealt with are requiring attention and to be resolved (e.g. taxes, inheritance, joint finances related to house and separating etc).

My instinct has been to be avoidant about all these things as this stuff gives me anxiety but I think tr Jupiter joining Uranus is giving me a push to start working on all these things so things that are stagnant in this area start being dealt with.

I think this transit also has coincided with me getting a dog to help me with grief and my dog Kazak is a new addition to my family with my new partner, is more like becoming a fur mom how getting this dog has been approached so also 5th house energy that ties to the IC and the 8th house rulers.

8th house blockages, delays and matters are starting to be addressed.

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Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted April 05, 2024 01:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Relationship Transits:

Tr Jupiter conjunct Uranus in the 5th Trine DC ruler Mercury in Virgo Rx (Mercury rules my Northnode and squares my nodes).

Tr Saturn is opposing my DC ruler Mercury as well and is starting to square my nodes by about a 5 degree orb.

Recent supermoon eclipse in Aries/Libra fell exact on my IC and MC.

I was frustrated initially with the supermoon eclipse but I must say that real transformation and change has resulted from it. I really took steps to address the behavioral responses that were impacting in a negative way my relationship and I actually am changing and is sticking, a commitment to really address this things came from this supermoon eclipse and perhaps transit saturn is giving me the ability to be self critical and the discipline to work on these things.

So yes the supermoon eclipse did stir things up but it was to force us to have conversations that can lead to real change in our relationship, improving and strengthening our connection as a result.

Tr Saturn is also opposing my partner's venus conjunct mars and tr uranus conjunct jupiter is trining my partner's venus conjunct mars.

I will say that we have grown in our commitment and connection with each other, it feels like we have finally worked through some major issues in our dynamics and we are experiencing a more fulfilling relationship and connection because of it and our relationship is feeling more stable and our commitment to one another feels stronger and more solid.

All this stuff mentioned on this post and previous post which focused more on the 8th house takes work, mindfulness, intentionality, holding yourself and each other accountable in a way that is supportive, and pushing your comfort zones but it is possible to grow and change it just takes a daily commitment to the personal growth you want to prioritize, humility and effective communication.


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Posts: 9381
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posted April 05, 2024 09:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have been getting a lot of dreams lately about my witchcraft spells.

NN sextile nn h9

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posted April 06, 2024 11:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am feeling the positive shifts!

Pluto transit Aquarius 9th house
Sun conjunct Sun Aries house 11
Saturn sextile Neptune Capricorn house 8

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Posts: 11005
From: South Africa
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posted April 06, 2024 12:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Okay. I am officially 40 now.

I consider my real birthday to be when the Sun transits the 1st house. And this to me happens from the 8th-13th of Apr. This is when the Sun is on the cusp of the Asc (depending on the year). This to me marks the new year.

Psychologically,this period is quite tense for me. Being an Aries Asc means that you have to deal with a lot of angry feelings.

This is also true if you have Mars in house 1 , Mars on the Sun/Moon midpoint OR Mars in aspect to the Sun and/or the Moon.

Today was such a day. I experienced my mood shift suddenly and anger building up from nowhere. I am already not in a happy place in as far as my life is concerned.

So the transit of Sun cusping on my Asc is surfacing feelings of frustration and anger. Not to mention resentment.

The eclipse will be falling on my Asc. Not a great way to start the year, but hey.It is what it is.

Sun in Ari @19- 21 Deg(Apr 8th and 10th)
Moon in Ari 19-24 Deg (9th-10th April)
Merc in Ari 24- 16 Deg(Apr-May) going back/forth on my 12th and 1st house.
Ven in Ari @ 16Deg joins the party on my natal T square on the 18th of April.
Mars in Ari @ 16Deg makes its debut on my natal T-square on the 24th of May.

Whilst all of this is happening, prog natal Moon/Merc conj will be reacting with the above.As will the natal T-square.

I also see that trans Chiron is arcing to conj the Asc as well. Its quite literally on the cusp of the 1st house and Solar Arc Ura is also at 21Cap on my Mc squaring the Asc.

It's a LOT of energy to get through this year. My only wish is that it manifests something good and elevates me forward towards my goals.🙏🏿

I am exhausted with how incredibly slowly things are currently moving so far 😪

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Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted April 06, 2024 01:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Natal Pluto conjunct Saturn in the 10th with Pluto in Libra ruling my 11th house, Saturn in Scorpio conjunct Geisha and DNA towards end of my 10th house.

My last client yesterday was group raped when she was in high school by her friends and did not remember it and kept hanging out with them until one day she started to experience flashbacks about the incident.

I haven't experienced group rape in this life thankfully but I have always suspected that perhaps I did in another life because if there is one thing that stirs up extreme emotions in me and makes me want to go kill people and turns me into someone with zero empathy is group rape. Just thinking about it right now makes my blood boil and gets me very upset and angry.

I wonder if Pluto being the natural ruler of the 8th and it conjuncting Saturn in Scorpio which is the planet of karma while Pluto is ruling my 11th is potentially an indication of past life trauma of this nature.

I also have venus conjunct mars and karma in the 8th sextile Pluto.

Like I feel pure fire inside around this topic. I see them as the lowest of the low. I am obviously right for feeling upset about this but my reaction feels like I get very triggered by it.

A week ago my partner and his son and I went to the gym to use the sauna and hot tub and after we were in the sauna for a while my partner informed me they were ready to use the hot tub and I went with them but then noticed it was pretty packed that space and they were all dudes and I told my partner "I am going to use the massage chair instead, there is to many dudes in here." Naturally nothing was going to happen at the gym in the hot tub but I had a bad feeling about it, it did not feel right or comfortable and I would not be surprised if one of the man there was not trust worthy and my intuition picked up on it, I have good intuition.

A group of women would never get together and be like lets go rape this guy, I just don't understand how the f*** is this a thing that crosses people's minds. I understand the dark side of group think and how it can influence behavior and reduce critical thinking and lead to compliance and going along with F** up sh*t but this is insane.

That is the other thing I am not a huge fan of groups even though community is important and there are important things that can stem from a group of people coming together but I am suspicions of groups and my instinct is to avoid them.

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posted April 07, 2024 11:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

so this eclispe will play nicer in my chart than the last one. But like the last one something is squaring my Jupiter and Saturn while experiencing this.

I am so fortunate to have two half days the beginning of this week.

I have been getting messages that May 4th is an important date for me. I also got a message that this month will be chaotic and unpredictable and how important it is for me to keep my sense of humor. Things will be more clear for me in May.

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Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted April 07, 2024 02:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mercury in Aries in Retro has been weird...

The electricity in my building and the building next door to us has been going on and off multiple times now like 20 times...
Normally mercury retro leads to cancellations and rescheduling which I did experience 3 of those on Friday which is super rare but this retro seems to be a bit more Uranian...
Monday is the new moon in Aries and is conjunct Chiron so an interesting combo...
Mercury in aries rx is contra parallel chiron

Anyhoo I have never had the electricity go on and off like this ever...

It could be a jupiter conjunct uranus transit side effect...

Okay so I started writing this post last night and then there really was a power outage and today at noon it came back...

Its has been super windy...

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Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted April 07, 2024 02:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I should add when transit venus was in pisces at 3rd decan conjuncting my moon and opposing my sun it was beautiful...I felt very harmonious and was more attune to my partner and being harmonious and loving, unconditional love came more naturally.

I can see why venus in pisces is exalted, I love that vibe.

Now venus entered Aries and I am still doing good being mindful and working on the things I want to work on like nourishing that internal harmony and allowing it to spread but this was coming much more naturally and effortless when venus was in pisces and now I have to work harder at it.

Venus in Aries is simply more self centered and combative, feels comfortable feeling irritated or angry and venus in pisces thinks more about keeping things harmonious and unconditional love and sees the best in others.

There are things about Aries that I love, Aries can feel very comfortable being single and being autonomous and can enjoy the single lifestyle and doing their own thing and this energy in this context is very empowering but Aries energy can also get easily irritated which leads to this anger and reactive energy that you have to work at keeping in check so it doesn't lead to being rude or lashing out or to being destructive of the self or relationships in worst case scenarios. I like that Aries energy often results in people benefiting from increased energy and gives people courage to go for things instead of staying stuck in over thinking but it can also lead to insomnia or giving up too easily because of impulsivity, like I said I am starting to understand the cons of this energy more in depth.

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Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted April 07, 2024 02:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Tr Pluto in Aquarius is I think starting to be felt by the collective, last night I had a number of dreams and it related to social anxiety and group situations etc..I think I was going to present but then realized that I needed to be preparing for this presentation for an entire month and was trying to get ready in just a few days so I told my dad that I did not feel comfortable doing the presentation and was going to opt out.

This Pluto in Aquarius energy makes me rebel against the culture of perfectionism, the achievement centered culture, the culture of I need to achieve x, y and z to proof I am worthy, the busy culture, the obsession with ambition, the competitive culture, I feel a clear rejection lately to of all these values, mind you none of these things were ever a part of my value system personally but I am more aware of how much people are servants and victims of this type of culture and I am rejecting it now in a more conscientious way.

I feel collectively people are feeling this desire to not participate in this type of culture and move away from it and enter into a different culture that is not competitive were we are not pressured to achieve at the cost of work life balance nor expected to be perfect and were we work together more collaborative utilizing each other's strengths instead of falling into a comparative competitive mindset that is divisive.

I suppose this could just be my own values becoming more clear and solid since my 2nd house is empty, me becoming more aware of cultural programming and solidifying my values since transit pluto is entering my 2nd house in aquarius.

I may start a thread about Pluto in Aquarius again to discuss people's observations so far with any energetic or cultural shifts taking place related to this transit.

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posted April 08, 2024 04:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Librapurr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Eclipse in Libra had more positive undertones. Even one interaction became bad and more toxic, the other got improved. And people were nicer. And promises of opportunities were in the air though they felt through. And traveling were better
Now I feel disconnected mostly. I got only sign about my mental health declining. It was heavy spinning in my head, but I tried to concentrate on joyful things. Also, around Aries eclipse long road trip got colored mostly with bad planning and for a driver seat.

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Posts: 15868
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted April 09, 2024 12:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So lets talk about about the new moon eclipse in aries conjunct chiron exact and northnode more widely from yesterday...

Well well...I do feel it was a positive new moon that got me reflecting about what areas of my life I need to take more personal accountability for and become less co-dependent and more independent with. Things I need to practice being more resourceful, taking more initiative with and taking more personal accountability for. I have been frustrated this year with my weekends and how I spend them. I feel dissatisfied in this way. My weekdays I am busy and have a good routine between work/career, taking care of my dog and winding down with my partner at night but the weekends have been kind of odd with my partner often checking out and watching TV and I feel I let his mood impact me and I get sucked into this energy and ofcourse winter doesn't help but bottom line its not his responsibility to entertain me in the weekend and I need to take more responsibility in taking initiative to be resourceful and find things to do in the weekend that are positive. Its not that we haven't been doing anything every weekend this year but is just in general I need to do better with how I spend my time in the weekends, I feel a dissatisfaction with this and need to address it.

Instead of displacing that frustration unto my partner and blaming this on him for being depressed etc and this impacting my mood and decisions I acknowledge that I need to take more responsibility for this and do something about it and try harder as an empath to NOT let other's mood or the weather influence my mood, behavior and decisions. I mean its something that will take time to address but I came up with a plan of noticing how I feel when I start to feel unsettled about how I am spending my weekend and go to a coffee shop with my laptop to shift into a different space and brainstorm and take it from there.

I belief there is a new yoga class at my gym at 10am Saturday and Sundays and my partner likes to go to Yoga so I may start with going to Yoga classes in the weekend in the morning and that would take care of me/us doing something positive in the mornings. I know I need to do something active on both days to feel good about my weekend and myself. Maybe that is my IC in aries. Like my moon in pisces is comfortable with just chilling but up to a point, it also needs physical activity or it feels bad.

New moons are nice, they don't disrupt me in an emotional level like full moons but still can be help you reflect and address things.

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posted April 09, 2024 12:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Librapurr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I saw a Cyrus family story what was quite shocking. Looks like transit nodes in Taurus and Aries pretty screwed them as they all have something on those axises.

The mother Tish is Taurus with Cancer married her daughter’s ex. Daughters are Aqua and Scorpio moon. It seems like Capricorn daughter with Aqua moon always had problem with her mom and sided with her dad. Scorpio moon took mother side. So mother ended up marrying Aqua moon ex and made their rs even worse.
Looks like a story gets more and more messy. And Noah and Miley might have conflict with each other.

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