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  Hyper empathy (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Hyper empathy

Posts: 1218
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posted May 24, 2024 06:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
I also don't see anything hectic going on in his chart that would speak of such heightened sensitivity.

But when the thread author said that the child has been like this "their whole life "? I don't know what else to say.🤷🏿‍♂️

Yes,the ruler of the Asc(Sat)is in the 12th house.But it doesn't scream at me. I thought something else would. But still nothing.

Solar Arc Asc would be in Cap 5Deg squaring natal Mars/Ven .That would make one touchy.

Trans Nep square Asc would be the sensitivity.

But both of these are more transient than they are permanent.

Even Plu-moon would be aligned to somethimg transit related . Not natal.🤔

Maybe it could be the chart ruler? I also have my chart ruler in the 12th house and how she described her son is exactly how I was when I was a child

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posted May 24, 2024 08:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
This bothered me for days. And it finally occurred to me that I didn't look at Midpoints. These are sometimes hidden aspects that help clarify what is going on within the native.🤦🏿‍♂️

Bingo! His Sun/Moon midpoint (29Sag) = Asc degree tightly(26 Sag).

The Sun and Moon is the overall internal (Moon) and externally (Sun) expressed personality of the native. It is called the midpoint and is conj the Asc(body/ external impression and immediate reactions)in his case.

This suggests someone who tends toward wearing their heart very much on their sleeve. They find it difficult to conceal feelings and can find themselves easily worked up by external things seen,read or heard etc.

Very similar to someone who has Moon/Asc conj, the Sun/Moon midpoint conj Asc person has their body(1st house) actively express emotions as they come.

For instance, there are physical actions to express anger I.e. stomping feet, punching walls , grinding teeth or slamming doors. And then joy can also be expressed through howling laughter, slapping ones hand on the knee, or rubbing ones tummy whilst rolling on the floor laughing etc.

Things tend to take on extreme (external) expressions. So sometimes it may come across to those outside the native as "exaggerated" or even "melodramatic" (this especially when one is sad).

Mars(02Lib) close to that Sun/Moon midpoint (29Sag) would suggest that irritability or discontent over something one doesn't like, is obvious and readily expressed.

Much like a toddler, elation or excitement is also enthusiastically expressed. So once again it may sound like I am repeating when I say,this person rarely can hide how they feel. The environment affects them as readily as they affect the environment. It goes on and on in a loop.

People don't often think of Mars as sensitive. Yes. Mars doesn't have the ability to ingest and retain the hurt like the Moon. But it is Mars in a chart that can make us very protective and reactive to hurt I.e. scream in rage, hit something or someone or even self harm.

How do you feel hurt if you are not sensitive to it? Saturn is stoic and tends to mute pain. Mars is not and let's the pain felt be known.

The sensitivity comes from that Sun/Moon midpoint on their Asc & natal Mars. And it is getting a hit tight now in intensity from transiting Neptune.

So you are likely to get explosive episodes of expressed aggression from hurt and /or tears from frustration that come very suddenly. And yet go away quickly without any word as to where they came from.

Watch specifically for his mood and attitude between the 25th of April( when Mars in 25Pis will arc to square his Sat Sag26 and Sun/Moon midpoint @29) and the 5th of May( when transiting Mars Air 3 will square his natal Mars). He may be more touchy and irritable around that time.

Trans Saturn will cross the Asc and hit Sun/Moon and natal Mars next year Sep/Oct. I don't know whether there will be a milestone to cross there ? I.e. transition from childhood to teenhood or some additional responsibility taken? But it will be a challenging time for him emotionally.

The progressed Moon will be in Gem 25 and experience a square aspect from Nep/Sat jointly.

So there will be a feeling of being confined by circumstances and not really being able to freely be oneself around that time too. This will be either domestic or school related.

Hey there. I actually went back and posted another finding. At the time,this post really bothered me. And then it just hit me....Midpoints.

In your case, I bet there is something additional to Saturn in 12th that would allude to that sensitivity. Perhaps Neptune angular? Neptune on Moon/Sun? Or Moon angular?

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Posts: 1240
From: Virginia, US
Registered: Jan 2019

posted May 25, 2024 10:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dons2angelss     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
This bothered me for days. And it finally occurred to me that I didn't look at Midpoints. These are sometimes hidden aspects that help clarify what is going on within the native.🤦🏿‍♂️

Bingo! His Sun/Moon midpoint (29Sag) = Asc degree tightly(26 Sag).

The Sun and Moon is the overall internal (Moon) and externally (Sun) expressed personality of the native. It is called the midpoint and is conj the Asc(body/ external impression and immediate reactions)in his case.

This suggests someone who tends toward wearing their heart very much on their sleeve. They find it difficult to conceal feelings and can find themselves easily worked up by external things seen,read or heard etc.

Very similar to someone who has Moon/Asc conj, the Sun/Moon midpoint conj Asc person has their body(1st house) actively express emotions as they come.

For instance, there are physical actions to express anger I.e. stomping feet, punching walls , grinding teeth or slamming doors. And then joy can also be expressed through howling laughter, slapping ones hand on the knee, or rubbing ones tummy whilst rolling on the floor laughing etc.

Things tend to take on extreme (external) expressions. So sometimes it may come across to those outside the native as "exaggerated" or even "melodramatic" (this especially when one is sad).

Mars(02Lib) close to that Sun/Moon midpoint (29Sag) would suggest that irritability or discontent over something one doesn't like, is obvious and readily expressed.

Much like a toddler, elation or excitement is also enthusiastically expressed. So once again it may sound like I am repeating when I say,this person rarely can hide how they feel. The environment affects them as readily as they affect the environment. It goes on and on in a loop.

People don't often think of Mars as sensitive. Yes. Mars doesn't have the ability to ingest and retain the hurt like the Moon. But it is Mars in a chart that can make us very protective and reactive to hurt I.e. scream in rage, hit something or someone or even self harm.

How do you feel hurt if you are not sensitive to it? Saturn is stoic and tends to mute pain. Mars is not and let's the pain felt be known.

The sensitivity comes from that Sun/Moon midpoint on their Asc & natal Mars. And it is getting a hit tight now in intensity from transiting Neptune.

So you are likely to get explosive episodes of expressed aggression from hurt and /or tears from frustration that come very suddenly. And yet go away quickly without any word as to where they came from.

Watch specifically to his mood and attitude between the 25th of April( when Mars in 25Pis will arc to square his Sat Sag26 and Sun/Moon midpoint @29) and the 5th of May( when transiting Mars Air 3 will square his natal Mars). He may be more touchy and irritable around that time.

Trans Saturn will cross the Asc and hit Sun/Moon and natal Mars next year Sep/Oct. I don't know whether there will be a milestone to cross there ? I.e. transition from childhood to teenhood or some additional responsibility taken? But it will be a challenging time for him emotionally.

The progressed Moon will be in Gem 25 and experience a square aspect from Nep/Sat jointly.

So there will be a feeling of being confined by circumstances and not really being able to freely be oneself around that time too. This will be either domestic or school related.

Thank you so much Aries! Very insightful as always. He has always been extremely emotionally expressive and often acts out on his emotions. If he's sad, he's on the floor crying. If he's happy, he's giving hugs and kisses, mad... He won't hesitate to punch someone in the face. We're learning how to control the actions when he's feeling a lot. He's only 8 btw so it's a long road ahead.

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Posts: 1240
From: Virginia, US
Registered: Jan 2019

posted May 25, 2024 10:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dons2angelss     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by DualGemV2:
Initially I wasn't going to chime in.

If I recall several posts ago you had mentioned that your son was diagnosed with ASD.

The sensitivity level effects each ASD individual differently.

The first college I attended I was paired with another ASD student who had a similar chart as your son and yes he was extremely sensitive!!!.

He only became less sensitive when he'd see how focused I was on certain topics then he started to take more of an interest.

I can be a bit more obsessive, so that's how ASD effects me.

I don't think you can change him, but you can do things to make it easier for him when he has those empathetic moments.

I'd suggest turning his bedroom into a comfort room whenever he needs those moments with items and things he's familiar with.

My home office is sorta like that. Although there calling back all the tech people to work 3 days in the office.

This might be worth a try and a good distraction for him.

I recommend you get him a 3D printer that way he can sorta distract himself from the negativity in the world.

This is one of the easiest printers on the market and it's cheap. $160 USD very easy to use, the autoleveling helps alot.
[URL= Ywx2t] 1Ywx2t[/URL] x0RPFgH3fQK89gxh9TljT_NY9g0pLth2u2XmJPPyK2PnOy1JLl5W90X2BGTP6EomdoEESRkQiN2l-0Bi1sJcb5tgU8BOeiAs-qPFEM-vpUApEIyvX9gZtk39jD06aLyNVkz7svS8N8HmasmVg9qASNLAqR__zEY3iuBCb2OOxoUmS9xHdc_B I_LjlmwWsQw.Gy3KnVNGmTSDXdoAZhLiQqlhOoxMxX6p0r0IDW22Wgc&dib_tag=se&keywords=anycubic%2Bkobra&qid=1715368803&sprefix=%2Caps%2C71&sr=8-3&th=1

My Planets
☉‘ ♊, ☽ ♈, ASC ♑, ☿ ♊, ¡÷ ♉, ¡ö ♋ , ♃ ♒, ♄ ♏, ♅ ♐, ♆ ♑

Yes, my older son has ASD. This post is the chart of my youngest who is not on the spectrum but, is severely dyslexic and will be in special education classes next year. I'm seriously considering homeschooling but I will give the school system one year to see how it goes.

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Posts: 1240
From: Virginia, US
Registered: Jan 2019

posted May 25, 2024 10:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dons2angelss     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SoulOfABird:
This is so interesting and really relieving to see someone who is like your son have Aqua moon. I also have an Aqua moon and it’s always bothered me that we get pegged as “emotionless” and cold in astrology. I never felt this way about myself.
In fact I was a lot like your son as a child. Like this could have described me.
I always wondered why I was so particularly sensitive in my youth. I’d cry myself to sleep at night sometimes because I thought about something that made me sad. For me it was thinking about animals like cows and pigs getting butchered in slaughter houses.
I would harp on traumatizing things I saw. Even movies greatly affected me. If a movie was super tragic I’d have to ask my mom to reassure me it’s just a movie not real life.
Too much gore would cause me to lose my appetite for days.
Fortunately and unfortunately, I’ve gotten better. A lot of it probably having to do with my life experience me now that I’m older. I’ve gone through things and had to learn to cope and sort of become more disillusioned from reality. It’s actually something that’s bothered me for a while. Because I really don’t believe feelings things that greatly is a flaw. I feel the opposite way about that.
And no I don’t have autism, auspergers, or anything like that. I do struggle with ocd, depression, maladaptive daydreaming, and probably adhd. But no personality disorders or autism.
If you don’t mind me asking how old is he?
Because if he’s still young, I don’t doubt that he will be able to cope better as he gets older.

I found myself drawn to God at a young age and praying to him and confiding in him has helped me so much. I don’t think I’d be here today if it wasn’t for that.
But I understand ppl have different beliefs so maybe he can find something spiritual to help him? Or maybe music? I also love music and have since I was a child. It’s my escape

It’s interesting because I can’t see anything that stands out either for this problem. But life is funny. I know a few ppl with a lot of water placements who aren’t even emotional!

❤️ I don't think aqua moons are emotionless at all, for obvious reasons! He is only 8 but it seems like he is getting more sensitive as he gets older. Hopefully, it gets better because he is a lot like you described. He's very drawn to animals and God too. Always asking me about spirituality and he's so worried he's going to hell. I just try to comfort him as best I can. His grandmother (his dad's side) is native American and she is teaching him their tribes religious beliefs (I'm perfectly fine with that) as is their tradition so I'm hoping that will give him a solid foundation.

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Posts: 1240
From: Virginia, US
Registered: Jan 2019

posted May 25, 2024 10:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dons2angelss     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And, I forgot about this, I'm not sure if it's significant but his ascendant is also exactly conjunct the galactic center. I don't know much about it or how it manifests in a natal chart.

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Posts: 1218
From: California
Registered: Sep 2017

posted June 01, 2024 01:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dons2angelss:
And, I forgot about this, I'm not sure if it's significant but his ascendant is also exactly conjunct the galactic center. I don't know much about it or how it manifests in a natal chart.

I was thinking about this. But do you happen to know what moon phase he was born on? It seems possible he could have been born on a balsamic moon. Which is a very spiritual moon placement and could possibly be why he is so sensitive

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Posts: 1240
From: Virginia, US
Registered: Jan 2019

posted June 01, 2024 11:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dons2angelss     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SoulOfABird:
I was thinking about this. But do you happen to know what moon phase he was born on? It seems possible he could have been born on a balsamic moon. Which is a very spiritual moon placement and could possibly be why he is so sensitive

It was a waxing crescent

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