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  Questioning my spirituality - Neptune and Saturn rx

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Author Topic:   Questioning my spirituality - Neptune and Saturn rx

Posts: 142
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Registered: Nov 2023

posted June 29, 2024 05:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PlutoIsMyTeacher13     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I know Saturn stations rx today but wow I feel like I’ve been hit by a ton a bricks. I’m feeling completely floored emotionally and psychically

I’m going through some intense Saturn transits atm, including square Neptune, opp my Sun and Jupiter conjunction. Trans Neptune also opp my natal Saturn.

I have Sun square Neptune in my natal and Mercury conj Saturn. I feel like all of these transits are playing with those difficult energies

What is feeling the most intense at the moment is I’m questioning my spirituality. I just don’t feel particularly connected at all (which is odd because last week I was manifesting like I never have done before!).

Also questioning a two year course I have just been accepted into.

I am feeling so confused and unsettled . Please someone tell me th at I’ll find my footing soon or at least some tips to navigate this emotional $#*+ storm!

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posted June 30, 2024 12:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for frida     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You will find your footing soon and everything will be alright! Saturn opposite Sun transit can be draining and heavy. If it feels depressing, know it is just temporary. On the positive side it makes us look at things very realistically.

I also feel like I've been hit by a ton of bricks and I guess it is just Saturn stationary Rx, since there's not much else happening in my chart currently (it's only making sextile to my MC, and it still feels super heavy).

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posted July 01, 2024 05:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PlutoIsMyTeacher13     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you.

Feeling massively better today. Nice to know that the heaviness wasn’t just me

Just watched a YouTube video of an astrologer who going through some similar transits and she was questioning her spirituality as well.. So obviously a theme with the Neptune Saturn hard transits- it makes sense

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posted July 02, 2024 05:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PlutoIsMyTeacher13     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you.

Feeling massively better today. Nice to know that the heaviness wasn’t just me

Just watched a YouTube video of an astrologer who going through some similar transits and she was questioning her spirituality as well.. So obviously a theme with the Neptune Saturn hard transits- it makes sense

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posted July 04, 2024 12:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dumuzi     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
pretty standard dark night of the soul stuff, a lot happened now you're hitting a lull and it all feels gone. everything you need to feel connected to is in you already, it's finding it and getting to that point that's difficult. i'd suggest shadow work.

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posted July 05, 2024 11:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emsie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Something similar is happening for me, transit Saturn squares my natal 2H Sun (and trines natal 1H Pluto which rules my work and money matters)... I feel slightly depleted in a cycle of continuously losing my hope/enthusiasm and gaining it back. It is generated due to work matters, I'm currently actively looking for one, but since Saturn turned Rx, in the last couple of days I only received opportunities where the salary was a major turn-off, or rejections. And since transit Neptune also turned Rx I've been experiencing dreams so far every night. The chaotic ones where a lot is happening and leaves people dizzy and depleted upon waking up. That 29 anaretic degree is kicking in full force 😵‍💫

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posted July 07, 2024 04:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PlutoIsMyTeacher13     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Emsie:
Something similar is happening for me, transit Saturn squares my natal 2H Sun (and trines natal 1H Pluto which rules my work and money matters)... I feel slightly depleted in a cycle of continuously losing my hope/enthusiasm and gaining it back. It is generated due to work matters, I'm currently actively looking for one, but since Saturn turned Rx, in the last couple of days I only received opportunities where the salary was a major turn-off, or rejections. And since transit Neptune also turned Rx I've been experiencing dreams so far every night. The chaotic ones where a lot is happening and leaves people dizzy and depleted upon waking up. That 29 anaretic degree is kicking in full force 😵‍💫

It’s definitely the retrograde. I felt similarly disheartened when the transit began so it must be the concentration of energy. It feels a bit likes a rewrite, like everything I’ve thought I’ve known I’m questioning. I’ve also got trans Pluto on my DC for another 5 months or so.

Also, I’m currently in a very progressive relationship where his Pluto is on my IC and his moon is conjunct my NN. All our angles are conjunct by less than a degree as well.

I’ve been feeling recently that I need to surrender to all of this but also really look after myself and set some additional boundaries

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Posts: 142
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posted July 07, 2024 04:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PlutoIsMyTeacher13     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh yeah… the dreams too! I’ve been getting some intense ones but very informative. Lots of work related ones for me too. The NN is on my MC in Aries atm.

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posted July 08, 2024 03:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting 🤔. When Plu was transiting my 9th(2005), I had a similar situation that you are now facing.It started in 2005 and stretched to 2022.

During that tenure,I seemed to abandon old beliefs I had with great resolve. There were new beliefs I was forming at the time and was no longer satisfied with what I had learned before.

Trans Pluto opp Ic and conj Mc , was perhaps the most difficult transition of all. Even more testing than the Plu in 9th. Because in this instance, I wasn't questioning my beliefs anymore.

I was(and still am)questioning the very purpose of my actual existence. Why am.i here? What is my life really about? It's a morbid place to be in mentally . I don't recommend it for anyone.

Neptune is currently squaring my Sun with the Pluto ingress in house 10.And so Neptune does bring the notions of relief if one detached from all of life altogether.

The melancholy that is enjoyed,even sought after,as well as the inexplicable romanticism attached to thoughts of suicide, disappearing or wishing one was NEVER even born, is something that i have hardly experienced in the manner of such force.

Yes, most Nep/Sun people may fantasize about suicide or not existing from time to time. But that's usyally because of Neptune's love of escapism and wishing to exist in a vacuum state of nothingness.

But for those feelings to linger on for days/months or even years? Wowza. That
is what Neptune on my Sun has felt like from 2021 to the current 2024.

I am told(from spiritual guides I have actively sought) that it is because I am becoming a new person altogether. And so the romanticism of suicide is not wanting to kill oneself per se, but is really a longing to be set free from the old 'self' and celebrating its demise by imagining the freedom one will experience once it dies.

Pluto will strengthen the resolve to live by continually clarifying purpose and doing away with superficiality over the years. When it is on the cusp of the 11th house (entry degree), it will destroy (for the last time) any delusions of why I think I am here and what I thought I want to achieve in this life.

I expect it to be an extremely painful time. So these 20 years of Pluto's ingress in Aqua (affecting part of house 11)will involving the shifting of purpose (Mc) and the subsequent shifting of rewards from that purpose (11th).

I may have a very differing idea of what I think "happiness" (11th) is. And that idea may be far removed from the definition i have right now.

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Posts: 142
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Registered: Nov 2023

posted July 08, 2024 10:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PlutoIsMyTeacher13     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dumuzi:
pretty standard dark night of the soul stuff, a lot happened now you're hitting a lull and it all feels gone. everything you need to feel connected to is in you already, it's finding it and getting to that point that's difficult. i'd suggest shadow work.

Funnily enough I am going to be starting a counselling course in Sept. I’m doing show work atm. Have been for years on and off.

What do you mean it all feels gone

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posted July 08, 2024 12:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PhoenixRising     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Please someone tell me th at I’ll find my footing soon or at least some tips to navigate this emotional $#*+ storm!

You cannot avoid what these watchers steer you towards to fulfil your life missions here on earth. Just try to find out why and what caused it to be severe? Always observe as the buddha would say.

Some people like to put Saturn/Neptune/Uranus/Pluto to lower level such as feet.. But in reality it should be your higher self. It is of higher frequencies. Even in Kabala, it represent higher orders in the tree of life.

Those planets will continue to defy you progress in the matrix unless you have learnt your lessons. Remember in the Bible Jesus has to go to hell first and get their blessing before he ascends? Something like that.

Some people change their location from their Natal chart location and swear the event missed? Fortunate for them.

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posted July 29, 2024 02:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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