posted September 12, 2024 12:10 AM
I haven’t been able to find any real information regarding something I’ve come across recently - I’m wondering if anyone has any insight or similar experiences!Currently, transit Uranus is conjunct my ASC in Taurus, with Pluto conjunct to my natal MC in early Aquarius over the next few years. I recently began dating someone who has these aspects in their chart natally. Also, we touch on these angles too; his ASC is 5° my natal MC.
I noticed this when looking at my solar return for my next birthday. my SR ASC is the same as my natal ASC.
I’ve included my natal and solar return chart overlayed, the natal chart of the person I’m dating and our synastry chart.
Thank you!
My Natal + Solar Return
Boyfriend’s Natal:
I tried a few different ways to imbed these but was having some trouble.