posted September 17, 2024 12:10 AM
I don't work for AWS or META, but I do work in the tech space. I was suppose to return to the office, but they ran out of office space.
Having everyone in the office violates the building maximum occupancy fire code, lol.
Curious to see what happens when flu season hits, the cold virus spreads, and everyone that went to the office gets sick.
It's just a way for companies to cut their labor costs through voluntary resignations.
I'm just sticking it through because I know positions will open up and maybe one of the better positions that I want will become available.
From what i've seen the trend is to get the high paid devs to build everything up.
Once they've built everything up or they've been "milked" of everything a company can get out of them, lay them off or find a way to get rid of them.
Next offshore the day to day operational tasks overseas until something breaks, followed by rehiring the expensive devs to fix everything the cheap offshore workers broke and the process repeats.
My Planets
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