Topic: Did you have financial issues when transit Saturn was in your 8th house?
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 6451 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted November 08, 2024 01:38 PM
I’m worried about this having this transit coming up soon. Does this always mean having financial issues?IP: Logged |
frida Knowflake Posts: 268 From: Registered: Nov 2022
posted November 08, 2024 04:44 PM
No, of course not. Someone already commented recently that they started earning more money. Saturn will enter my 8th house in February too. I see what’s coming next year (not astrologically, but in real life) and I am buckling up. Trying to save more because I want to change jobs and make a big move. This can also mean earning more money in the long run. But I also have occasional burst of anxiety about not having enough because there are still a lot of unknowns.8th house is also about shared resources, loans, death and inheritance. There may be lessons in those areas. I think it’s less about the actual money that you earn. Two very important people in my life are becoming weak of old age So, I’m preparing mentally knowing that Saturn will enter the 8th house next year.
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Stawr Moderator Posts: 9417 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted November 10, 2024 05:54 AM
I got Pell grants to finish college. Yep made more money, and…got engaged. No financial issues. Just annoyed that I was still living in an apartment. IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 6451 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted November 11, 2024 08:21 AM
quote: Originally posted by frida: No, of course not. Someone already commented recently that they started earning more money. Saturn will enter my 8th house in February too. I see what’s coming next year (not astrologically, but in real life) and I am buckling up. Trying to save more because I want to change jobs and make a big move. This can also mean earning more money in the long run. But I also have occasional burst of anxiety about not having enough because there are still a lot of unknowns.8th house is also about shared resources, loans, death and inheritance. There may be lessons in those areas. I think it’s less about the actual money that you earn. Two very important people in my life are becoming weak of old age So, I’m preparing mentally knowing that Saturn will enter the 8th house next year.
We can’t forget that transit Neptune will also be in our 8th house along with Saturn. IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 6451 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted November 11, 2024 08:27 AM
quote: Originally posted by Stawr: I got Pell grants to finish college. Yep made more money, and…got engaged. No financial issues. Just annoyed that I was still living in an apartment.
This is good to know because I’m worried about not being able to get the Pell Grant. IP: Logged |
frida Knowflake Posts: 268 From: Registered: Nov 2022
posted November 17, 2024 08:47 PM
Neptune has been in our 8th house for a while now. I honestly haven't noticed anything significant in relation to it. But if I remember correctly @ChildOfVenus, you have Venus in your 8th house and some other planets. Again, that doesn't mean you would have financial issues. Just maybe that you will experience more significant effects.My 8th house is empty. I started thinking about how to raise money for my own business and become more financially independent. Conveniently that's happening when Saturn is about to enter the 8th house. I hope that will have a positive effect. Saturn rewards hard work. I am starting to feel huge resistance towards working for someone else. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 200661 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 16, 2024 05:21 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Stawr Moderator Posts: 9417 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 23, 2024 08:57 AM
Oh and people assuming they know your financial business when they don’t is annoying. But I kind of deal with that all the time with Neptune and Uranus in my 8th house. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 200661 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 14, 2025 05:27 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 200661 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 13, 2025 07:19 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
frida Knowflake Posts: 268 From: Registered: Nov 2022
posted February 23, 2025 07:30 PM
It just started for me... fingers crossed. Saturn transit through the 7th house was difficult. I have been praying to be able to finally let go of some things completely, and this transit may help. I don't use any shared resources, so there's nothing to be taken away. I've been saving as much as possible. It probably won't be easy, but I look forward to the transformation.IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 6451 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted February 25, 2025 12:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by frida: It just started for me... fingers crossed. Saturn transit through the 7th house was difficult. I have been praying to be able to finally let go of some things completely, and this transit may help. I don't use any shared resources, so there's nothing to be taken away. I've been saving as much as possible. It probably won't be easy, but I look forward to the transformation.
It just started for me too it is making an applying 8 degree conjunction to my natal Venus. I have not been feeling well I have an appointment with a new therapist this week. I don't know what's going to happen with this transit. I have not saved any money and my dad does give me cash. I'm guessing that will stop soon? I have been applying for different jobs and have been hired recently. But I do not have much energy and my mental is not good right now. I wish I could let certain things go. IP: Logged |
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 11053 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted February 26, 2025 04:22 AM
quote: Originally posted by ChildofVenus: It just started for me too it is making an applying 8 degree conjunction to my natal Venus. I have not been feeling well I have an appointment with a new therapist this week. I don't know what's going to happen with this transit. I have not saved any money and my dad does give me cash. I'm guessing that will stop soon? I have been applying for different jobs and have been hired recently. But I do not have much energy and my mental is not good right now. I wish I could let certain things go.
If Venus is very prominent in your chart, then the transit of Saturn to Venus will feel like a slow death. Venus represents cash flow or the ability to spend and make money. Venus represents relationships and getting along with others. When Saturn transits Venus, these areas of life are affected I.e. cash flow dries up or else there are more expenses to cover than there is cash. So living on a shoe-string budget is likely. Making money lacks a certain kind of enjoyment.One may get a job that has long hours, is laborious in essence or contains repetitive work. It could also be that the current job steers towards the direction of being unsatisfying or highly stressful. There are more responsibilities to attend to or the position one gets, is usually that which requires managerial duties. Challenges and delays by Saturn may manifest as work politics that surface and slow down productivity. Or else (if unemployed) the opportunities for recruitment, become increasingly rare. Saturn in 8th tends to concern itself with mortality. Here the issues of "longevity of life" become central to all decisions made. It's a time of risk aversion, making sure there is a solid footing for routes taken and doing away with fluff and imaginings of youth. So you may have to get your tax issues in order, consider things like life insurance or funeral cover for those who are old in the family(incl yourself) and the need to put savings away/ invest money in the longer term that will yield interest. This may also be a time when you decide whether you want to have children (or add to your existing brood), what you can do for extra earnings in case your main source is challenged etc. It's usually an extremely sober period. And also the phase in life when one gets interested in so called "Conspiracy theories" that involve a shadow government and/or similar. The latter is because one is usually interested in finding out what life is "really" about. And who is "really" in charge etc. As they are no longer fooled by the "maya"( glitz and glam) of it all etc. They know that life is tough. And their view of God/higher power also changes. Or their ideas of divinity may turn towards being more severe. And because the 8thhouse is also about hidden things or secrets, there is usually something that is revealed to you that you didn't know before. The impact of that revelation, becomes something that changes your whole perspective of what's "real" and what's not. It makes you less likely to keep swimming in assumptions or misguided premises. IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 6451 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted February 26, 2025 01:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aries23Degrees: If Venus is very prominent in your chart, then the transit of Saturn to Venus will feel like a slow death.Venus also represents cash flow or the ability to spend and make money. Venus also represents relationships and getting along with others. When Saturn transits Venus, these areas are affected I.e. cash flow dries up or else there are more expenses to cover than there is cash. So living on a shoe-string budget is likely. Making money lacks a certain kind of enjoyment.One may get a job that has long laborious/repetitive work. Or the current job steers towards that direction. It is also possible that work politics surface or the opportunities for recruitment, become more rare. Saturn in 8th tends to concern itself about mortality. Here the issues of "longevity of life" become central to all decisions made. It's a time of risk aversion, making sure there is a solid footing for routes taken and doing away with fluff and imaginings of youth. So you may have to get your tax issues in order, consider things like life insurance or funeral cover for those who are old in the family, the need to put savings away/ invest money in the longer term that will yield interest, whether you want to have children (or add to your existing brood), what you can do for extra earnings in case your main source is challenged etc. It's usually an extremely sober time. And also the time when one gets interested in so called "Conspiracy theories" that involve a shadow government and/or similar. The latter is usually because is usually interested in finding out what life is "really" about. And who is "really" in charge etc. As they are no longer fooled by the "maya"( glitz and glam) of it all etc. They know that life is tough. And their view of God/higher power also changes And because the 8thhouse is also about hidden things or secrets, there is usually something that is revealed to you that you didn't know before. The impact of that revelation, becomes something your whole perspective of what's "real" and what's not. It makes you less likely to keep swimming in assumptions or misguided premises.
Thank you for your input how would I know if it's prominent in my chart? I'm a Taurus Sun libra is my 2nd house ruler and my 9th house is in Taurus. Also, does this cause issues regarding intimacy? Like having no sex?
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Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 11053 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted February 27, 2025 05:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by ChildofVenus: Thank you for your input how would I know if it's prominent in my chart? I'm a Taurus Sun libra is my 2nd house ruler and my 9th house is in Taurus. Also, does this cause issues regarding intimacy? Like having no sex?
In my experience with reading charts, a planet is important/prominent when one's life is significantly affected by transits to that planet. Or their life mirrors the themes of what that planet is about. In other words,the planet must "come alive" through you & should be easily recognizable to others you know. Although data input calculations do play a part,the planet has to be more than theoretically based calculations and percentages. I.e. it should be that when the planet is highlighted , the chart owner goes "yes. That would make sense. My life is centred around X themes because of that influence " etc. In other words, when an outer planet transits the said planet,the native is truly affected on a primal level and configured greatly by the energies of that planet transiting (depending on its nature). Sometimes it's more than one planet. The influence could be on two planets. And both of these influence the native jointly.But you must reflect on yourself and perhaps even use others to denote what that planet could be. Moon will raise recurring themes around family, history, babies & children, the ill and infirm, women's issues,milk, homeland, roots, tribe, race, intuitive insight, the night life,cooking, oceans/dams and rivers, continuity, ancestry, bloodline, professions revolving around care,protection and themes connected to feeling secure etc. Saturn tends to show up with themes of hard work, manual abilities(carpentry/woodwork), country life,agriculture, jobs related to streamlining things, working the land, blue collar work, connection to the everyday man/woman, blood sweat and tears, businesses that are about sustenance or are necessary for the economic stability of the country, struggle before success,the grind,laborious tasks, conservatism,staple jobs, things reaped from underneath the ground through toil and sweat. Mercury tends to be about information gathering, mental ingenuity, change, flux, diversification, quality checking, languages and oratory abilities, learning, teaching, expertise, writing, organizing, translating, open-endedness, young people (teens and young adults), elitism, commerce, speaking, debating, persuading, narrating, reporting Venus is about collaboration, integration, refinement, creativity, justice, aesthetics, social order,beauty, symmetry, pleasure, visual stimulation, diplomacy, bridging two worlds, sensory perceptions, money,spending, collecting things of value,branding,colour, evaluating, reform ,imagination,art,music, sophistication,sex and sensuality, sexuality, desire, orgasm. Reflect on yourself and whilst doing that, reflect also on how you appear to others i.e. what colours your own existence? and what shapes you to you? After that, search for themes that govern the other planets.It looks complex, but with a little practice. It becomes easier and the planet surfaces. I for instance am Mercury. There could be other influences in my chart. But I am largely Mercurial. So whenever transits aspect my Mercury, I sit up and take notice. This happens in a visceral way. I have experienced the chaos of Uranus on my Mercury . That was torture and may it never be repeated 🙏🏿. Afterwhich,I also experienced transiting Plu on Mercury.Also extremely painful and nearly maddening. I have yet to experience the effects of Neptune on Mercury in ways that I can tangibly reflect upon. The initial transit was too far into my young years to recollect. But I will experience Neptune in Aries on my Mercury in the future. As will be the case with Uranus in Cancer opp my Mercury. Most people describe me as Mercurial. And my relationships tend to have a very Mercurial air to them I.e. there is a lot of back/forth texting and banter. I am into phone sex and dirty talk(Mercury). Explore your chart . And see what effect this transit has on you. If it's not deeply jarring or internally profound, then Venus is likely not the prominent planet for you. Even if things do shift here and there.But you still recall a transit whose effects eclipsed this one and made it seem "trivial", then Venus is not the dominant planet.💪🏾 IP: Logged |
frida Knowflake Posts: 268 From: Registered: Nov 2022
posted February 27, 2025 05:59 PM
Great analysis!!I have read some encouraging interpretations of Saturn aspecting Venus in transit... but for me personally, they were always very painful (I have Venus+Chiron+Moon T-square). I hope it won't be for you! It doesn't have to be. It can be a sober transit in a constructive way. I noticed different online calculators give different results regarding which planets are the most prominent. Nice that it feels really clear-cut for you @Aries. I agree, if one pays attention, the prominent planets stand out in daily life and during various transits. IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 6451 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted February 28, 2025 11:06 AM
Thank you for your input I wonder if this indicates being rejected sexually? Like if you want sex does this mean you can't get it (as in being rejected by a partner or not having a partner) or maybe you get less sex? I've Seen two videos with astrologers who said they were celibate when they had transit Saturn in their 8th house. So is this a thing? I hope that's not the case. IP: Logged |
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 11053 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted March 02, 2025 03:51 AM
quote: Originally posted by frida: Great analysis!!I have read some encouraging interpretations of Saturn aspecting Venus in transit... but for me personally, they were always very painful (I have Venus+Chiron+Moon T-square). I hope it won't be for you! It doesn't have to be. It can be a sober transit in a constructive way. I noticed different online calculators give different results regarding which planets are the most prominent. Nice that it feels really clear-cut for you @Aries. I agree, if one pays attention, the prominent planets stand out in daily life and during various transits.
Ooh,I know what you mean there. Saturn on Venus transits have always been unpleasant for me too. But then again, I do have a day chart and Venus is considered a malefic in a day chart (Mars too).And with my Saturn also conjunct natal Venus, things often feel extremely heavy. The retrograde trine aspect between natal Venus and Saturn made by transiting Saturn, was absolutely difficult. Not pleasant by ANY stretch of the imagination. Saturn rules my 10th and 11thhouse and sits in my 7th(Placidus) and 8th house(whole sign).Saturn was transiting my 12th(whole sign) and 11th house (Placidus). Career opportunities dried up completely (10th), emotional distance from friends increased(11th), lovelife was none existent (7th) and questions of mortality and dying were always on my mind (8th). I used to wonder a lot about how much time I have left?🤔. So my mental health also tool a knock (12th). I am never sure of the lessons learned after such a transit (really)🤷🏿♂️. Is one supposed to sit with one's grief and sifdrr in silence? I don't get it. And Saturn is supposed to be a beneficial planet in a day chart(minimizing the effects of Venus in that natal conj effect in my chart). But this was not so. The online calculations are hoping that one will use their own discretion to see which fits them best. They could(for instance) list Sun as number 4 in dominance because of the algorithms they use- whereas Sun could actually BE the planet that is prominent. In my case (for instance) Jupiter is said to be prominent and Mercury barely makes the cut- according to it's eclipsed by Venus and Moon. I understand how they(according to the algorithms they use) would come to that conclusion. The stellium of Sag ruled by Jupiter in its own sign AND in own house etc. would surely mean that Jupiter is prominent. Right? Jupiter is there in prominence, but behind Mercury. The themes of Jupiter are there in my life- as no person is ruled entirely by the influence of a single planet. But even in that, Mercury seems to dominate. So when I paid attention to how these two can be differentiated, I could see myself as more one that the other. That's how I came to my conclusion. IP: Logged |
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 11053 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted March 02, 2025 04:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by ChildofVenus: Thank you for your input I wonder if this indicates being rejected sexually? Like if you want sex does this mean you can't get it (as in being rejected by a partner or not having a partner) or maybe you get less sex? I've Seen two videos with astrologers who said they were celibate when they had transit Saturn in their 8th house. So is this a thing? I hope that's not the case.
Venus is affiliated with sex as intimacy (ime) more than Mars. Because Venus is how we use resources (money, charm, looks etc) to persuade another into noticing us.
With Saturn transiting on Venus, one's social life decreases or else you don't meet as many diverse people that would make coupling possible. Another way this can manifest is that you start having issues with your body or noticing certain flaws- which then closes you up to intimacy because you are reluctant to be seen naked. This increased sensitivity to body image(or self body shaming) gives you a more conservative outer body language- decreasing your sex appeal. Women (especially since Venus is about receptivity) can find themselves unable to relax in intimate situations. They( for whatever underlying reasons stimulated by this transit) have their guard up in either the physical &/or psychological way. So they pinch off their ability to fully enjoy intimate exchanges a lot. It's not a time to start new relationships or commit to a new one. One could attach more than the other and get a painful situation like "unrequited love" or put their new partner through emotional rejection because of being distant,sexually frigid and cold(as Saturn doesn't like or is suspicious of anything "new"). It's a time for strengthening existing bonds. Perhaps even reflecting on the self and seeing if the prospects you have dated/are attracted to,serve your long term goals in terms of love? Venus/Saturn is learning to want what you got and not getting what you want. This coming Venus retrograde in Aries may also provide feedback on what kind of choices you have been making in love i.e. maybe closing out the good guy for the more exciting bad boy? But with terrible long term consequences?
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BlackSeraph Knowflake Posts: 505 From: WA, USA Registered: Aug 2011
posted March 02, 2025 06:58 AM
Don't remember eighth house for Saturn offhand, but I do know Saturn transiting my second house was hellish.Probably because Pluto, and then Saturn took turns hitting my antivertex around 18 Cap. throughout late 2018 through 2019. Mars/Pluto/Jupiter joining up and opposing my 24 Can in 8th Black Moon Lilith in early 2020 also was not fun and complicated matters with a job delay and massive credit hit due to the delay. (While I was already reeling from Dad passing in January 2020). Yeah not a fun time. I've only recently begun to consider myself partially recovered financially since 2017's massive CF. (Full recovery may not be possible as my other transits are still effed probably until the 2030s). Not much has changed with me apparently. IP: Logged |
frida Knowflake Posts: 268 From: Registered: Nov 2022
posted March 05, 2025 03:22 AM
quote: Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
I am never sure of the lessons learned after such a transit (really)🤷🏿♂️. Is one supposed to sit with one's grief and sifdrr in silence? I don't get it.
Exactly, that's what I always wonder too! I feel like all other difficult transits make some sense - I achieve something, work hard etc. But Saturn Venus (conj, square, opp) or Moon - what's the point? It's just pain really, and grief. Not like I did something wrong and can do something about it. Just deep hurt.
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