Topic: Sweet Peas or Sexy Peas?
Randall Webmaster Posts: 11290 From: The Goober Galaxy Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2011 02:50 PM
Raj, your response of running away does a grave disservice to those who may want to hear more and have a greater understanding of the issue, especially for those whom it may apply to their own lives. I would hope you reconsider, because I thought the whole idea was to educate and share with others. There was a subtle misunderstanding on both sides (as observed by LEXX), which can happen with written communication on controversial topics, but I see nothing "vile" in the responses. If you are not going to remain on the string, maybe I should lock it? ------------------ "To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing." Aristotle IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 7219 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2011 05:42 PM
Randall  I would like to see the thread stay open even though I do not agree with rajji completely on the issue of the reasons for celibacy.I have much experience in both celibacy and all the sexual ranges betwixt it and extreme sexuality as I mentioned in post here on page 1, and at Sweet Peas. I do have a long reply I want to post. I am hoping it will help, or at least illustrate why I think as I do and am not against celibacy, only that it is not for everyone and does not make one automatically more spiritually evolved, nor is intense sexuality automatically a negative. I am celibate but not anti-sexual and have been for some time. That does not make me better or more advanced than when I am not celibate. OK rant over, but really would like to see the thread remain open. PS. Oh yes, another thing, and not only on that thread; I have seen some folks go off in extreme support all kissy and hearts, and others being perceived as insulting, WITHOUT READING ENTIRE THREAD! I ask that folks PLEASE READ ALL on any thread before posting your opinions!  ------------------ ~I remember, therefore I am immortal~LEXX ~The present time is theirs, but the future is mine.~Никола Тесла }><}}('>~ IP: Logged |
dysfunctionalmystic Moderator Posts: 740 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 27, 2011 08:07 PM
I think regardless of what you post; you're going to attract from both sides of the fence and to expect nothing but praise or support is a little naive. My response on that thread was unbelievably serious. It wasn't an attempt to upset, ridicule or anything else. I can get very passionate when I see certain types of behaviour being held in esteem over others. My main point that I wanted to get across was that sexual practice or abstinence is not superior or inferior. Lexx has also made this point (a lot clearer than I have). There were a lot of references in the article posted about it being superior - I strongly object to that. I have no issues with celibacy or anything else but I do have major issues with claims that one way is a fast track to enlightenment.
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LEXX Moderator Posts: 7219 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 28, 2011 01:35 AM
quote: Originally posted by dysfunctionalmystic: I think regardless of what you post; you're going to attract from both sides of the fence and to expect nothing but praise or support is a little naive. My response on that thread was unbelievably serious. It wasn't an attempt to upset, ridicule or anything else. I can get very passionate when I see certain types of behaviour being held in esteem over others. My main point that I wanted to get across was that sexual practice or abstinence is not superior or inferior. Lexx has also made this point (a lot clearer than I have). There were a lot of references in the article posted about it being superior - I strongly object to that. I have no issues with celibacy or anything else but I do have major issues with claims that one way is a fast track to enlightenment.
Thank you and I totally agree!  Very well said!  ------------------ ~I remember, therefore I am immortal~LEXX ~The present time is theirs, but the future is mine.~Никола Тесла }><}}('>~ IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1102 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 28, 2011 10:52 AM
Thanks Randall for your generosity...I needed some time for myself....It is just that some people keep waiting to pounce and tear upon without any apparent reason that seems to be unfathomable to me. I understand what you are saying but I will not be posting in Sweet Peas as I said earlier. I am here for all those who need me as much I do of those who I am in need of. Randall,Juni,Ami,Mblake,abcd,bunnies thanks so much for your kindness here and in that thread as well. I believe in the treasure of generosity and delight in being magnamious. Moonwitch I dint look for any apologies from you or anybody. I dint expect that kind of answer from you inspite of my Heartfelt Wishes for you in your thread as a Newly Wedded Couple.
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pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 430 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 28, 2011 11:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by rajji: Juni...Yes I agree..But its not about emotions or internal Struggle at all. How would you like If I said I'd like to have an Orgasm in your thread or in front of you? Or in front of GOD?....I believe I was talking about GOD in the whole thread. I do think there are limits to anything.
Whoa whoa whoa.
I posted in that thread when I saw this reaction. But I never read through either thread properly... Firstly, I was not and never was making fun of you. I was saying your way is your way and my way is my way. I don't think yours is superior, you don't think mine is superior..I was nothing but respectful. The entire thread is your opinion and your passion, and cool beans to you! I offered ( respectfully) that when you offer your way and then say "It's your choice" like you have the keys of spiritual solemnity in your hand, if I ignore it and go my way, clearly I am a fool. I stated, and still do, that I appreciate the views you have on the subject, I have alternative ones. That is the nature of these boards!
When I said the phrase "Ima be over here having an orgasm" I meant "Over here" like in my life, in my scope. It was a JOKE... not to make fun of YOU, but to make fun of ME. I make silliness. That is what I do. Usually it makes smiles, not frowns. I have no idea how that was offensive. My orgasm offends you? So sorry. I just don't get it. This is the second time you have opened an entirely new thread as a result of something I said that you misunderstood,or interpreted differently. We obviously view things differently. Next time why don't you address it to me, and I will answer your questions. I am no bully who needs to be admonished. IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1102 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 28, 2011 11:30 AM
Pixie I see the very same reason that of me previously opening a thread about you to have instigated you to make fun now. You can very well have your way. I dont want to talk about it anyway. As for Dysfunctinalmystic's Post or lexx or others who dont seem to agree I was quite Okay. I never made any negative remarks against those who did not agree as I understood their point of view as well, even before lexx explained. IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 430 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 28, 2011 11:33 AM
Hmmmm... Yes, it was misinterpretation and my sense of whimsy, and your dissection of that into something nasty, when it was something pure and fun from my perspective.
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MoonWitch Moderator Posts: 847 From: The Beach Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 28, 2011 11:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by rajji: .Moonchild I dint look for any apologies from you or anybody. I dint expect that kind of answer from you inspite of my Heartfelt Wishes for you in your thread as a Newly Wedded Couple.
I assume you mean me. MoonWitch.
I'm confused about what kind of answer your weren't expecting. I don't give people apologies when they are looking for them. I give apologies when they are sincere. I honestly didn't intend in any way to ruffle your feathers. The Internet is an imperfect form of communication. I feel bad if your are reading things into responses or posts in ways they truly weren't intended. I didn't see anyone at all making fun of you, your lifestyle or your beliefs. I only saw people inputting their opinion about their own lives and experiences. I feel confused about why that offends you or why that confuses you... Or why if people try to genuinely communicate about to you about it or apologize for upsetting you about it - you want to ignore it or shut down. I guess that is also your prerogative. I'll leave this thread alone now. I just truly hope that you find the strength in your beliefs to be able to hear other people's beliefs without taking it as a personal affront. I must go appreciate the gorgeous Southern California weather now!! Mahalo!!!!!!
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pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 430 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 28, 2011 11:44 AM
Go on over there and read what I wrote, it's basically the same, but there is more.I'm going to put this here. Treat it as an explanation. A few months ago, I came back here, I hadn't been for a while, so I came back and noted the presence of 'trolling' behaviour'... people would randomly open up threads with silliness, and what I do when that happens, my self proclaimed role, is to be funny, but try to point out things while doing so. I am not mean or nasty, I'm like a satirist. So I had been reading through the threads and responding here and there- just getting a feel for it. Someone opened a thread inquiring about a name for a learning institution. It was all misspelled and in improper terms. It reeked to me of a joke. It was the essence of 'irony' so I responded to it, basically saying that. Well, I guess I offended you Rajji, because the next thing I know, there's a thread asking why people are allowed to make fun of others and blah blah blah. Clearly meaning ME. As far as I know, I had never previously interacted with you. So- you misinterpreted my actions and called 'the principal' The thread was gone in the glitch, so I can only reference it. You made a big stink, then let it go. Now, the minute I say something, or we engage in a conversation that has difference of opinion, you call me out again, specifically my words, which you misinterpret and deem 'vile. I guess I don't see the magnitude of my words and their offensiveness compared to your actions and responses to them. I am not your cup of tea, you don't understand my expression.... but again- does that give you license to smear me all over the place?
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rajji Knowflake Posts: 1102 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 28, 2011 11:51 AM
Have Fun in your own unique way! I have already told you that. About the thread that glitched...You never mentioned that I understood from where you are coming and I asked you for an apology as well as much as you asked for an apology.I thought the rest would be history. And I very obviously can sense your motive now with respect to that. I too have the licence to make myself clear on how your fun feels when it comes to me.
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rajji Knowflake Posts: 1102 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 28, 2011 11:55 AM
Yes Moonwitch, I got your name confused with that of Sunchild. Of course run along... Im Happy for you as well, for a blissful married life.IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 19868 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 28, 2011 12:15 PM
Rajji This is what I think. You have an atypical way of thinking as I do. Our voices are in the minority on things such as sex but they are important to some people who may be in the minority too but afraid to speak up. In that sense, your voice is bigger than you are and you should consider exercising it for the good of others.IP: Logged |
abcd efg Knowflake Posts: 964 From: India Registered: Mar 2011
posted August 28, 2011 01:18 PM
Yes i agree with this. IP: Logged |
lalitree Knowflake Posts: 121 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 04, 2011 04:23 PM
Just my two cents:from what i've read, i think that what is going on here is that rajji intended to open a thread for people who would understand his point of view and appreciate it, i guess expecting those who did not agree with it to just overlook it. i don't think anyone is the bad guy here. it's simply technicalities of the site. maybe if the interface allowed for a brief introduction to the intent of the thread, or even if the writer/beginner of the thread wrote a brief intro to who they want or don't want involved, that would help. it wouldn't help to moderate what people say to the point where everything that might come off as offensive to someone is deleted. from my opinion, (perhaps meaningless to you,but i'll say it anyway) i feel that open communication is so so important, especially in this age of mediocrity and even hypocrisy, and that the internet is such a great tool for this. think about it, you can actually say what you think and feel and there is no risk of anyone getting physically affected. so i guess what i am saying is that if i were a mod, deleting what someone wants to say would rarely happen. only if the writer was obviously not here on LL to seriously learn and help others learn. so rajji, , i think i understand why you are so offended, but i also understand those who you found offensive. they simply didn't realize the direction you had intended for the thread. i think there are some of us on LL who go around commenting randomly in threads where perhaps we should think twice (i know because i personally have found myself doing this), but what would we rather have, a stale, stagnant environment where serendipity is far less likely to come along? i don't know if perhaps i am a little twisted or something, but for some reason when i find myself in a little bit of online conflict i love to stick around and really pick at it until it is resolved, especially lindaland. because none of us are perfect, right? IP: Logged | |