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Author Topic:   Palin proves an empty intellect once again

Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 10, 2010 09:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Why would Sarah Palin mosey right into a videoed confrontation with an alleged teacher?

Here's a reality check for you. This is the United States and Americans mosey where ever they want to mosey on their own property or on public property or on property open to the public for a commercial purpose.

It's obvious Shannyn Moore has PDS...Palin Derangement Syndrome. She also has a history of when Sahnnyn Moore wrote that Sarah Palin was being investigated by the FBI. A lie which got scotched by the FBI.

It's hard to make a case for someone being upset that Palin resigned as Governor when they so actively assert Sarah Palin was the "Worst Governor Ever".

The resignation of the "Worst Governor Ever" should bring tears of Joy.

However, Sarah Palin enjoyed an approximate 80% job approval rate among citizens of Alaska when she ran for VP. That's higher, by about 20 points, than the MESSIAH O'Bomber has ever had.

Lastly, Shannyn Moore is liar like far too many other leftists. She operates on the contemptible theory that whatever you can make people the truth.

She may get high fives among leftists with the same personality disorder but among the vast majority of Americans she's just a prime example of an angry hateful leftist who needs some professional help.

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 10, 2010 09:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There you go again, LSM
Yesterday at 2:01pm
Sarah Palin

While filming the Alaska documentary in Homer, I had a brief discussion with a local lady who, in typical Alaska style, decided to give me her two cents worth about my political leanings, American politics in general, and much else besides. It’s what makes our politics so uniquely democratic: two people discussing the things they care about, even though they respectfully disagree about just about everything (you can watch a brief video of the encounter here).

The LSM has now decided to use this brief encounter for another one of their spin operations. They claim I – wait for it – “appear to roll my eyes” when the lady tells me she’s a teacher. Yes, it’s come to this: the media is now trying to turn my eyebrow movements into story lines. (Maybe that’s why Botox is all the rage – if you can’t move your eyebrows, your “eye rolling” can’t be misinterpreted!) If they had checked their facts first, they would have known that I come from a family of teachers; my grandparents were teachers, my father was a teacher, my brother is a teacher, my sister works in Special Needs classrooms, my aunt is a school nurse, my mom worked as a school secretary for much of her professional life, we all volunteer in classrooms, etc., etc., etc. Given that family history, how likely is it that I would “roll my eyes” at someone telling me that they too work in that honorable profession? Stay classy, LSM.

One good thing to come out of this little episode, though, is that it helps to remind people once again that Alaska is a great state full of independent-minded people. I look forward to introducing you to some of them in the forthcoming documentary series on life in Alaska! The show will remind you to get outdoors, breathe in God’s creation, and taste the freedom!

- Sarah Palin

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 11, 2010 09:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Leftists must be soooo proud of their little leftist brothers and sisters.

While reasonable people would condemn, (with utter contempt), such statements as those highlighted here...surely, there will be some who will rush to the defense of these brain dead leftist morons. Some even deny there is an "Angry Left".

Democrats Use Stevens Tragedy to Wish Death on Palin
By Stacy Drake


In the wake of the passing of former Sen. Ted Stevens, the left displayed how far detached from civility they have become. We keep telling ourselves that we should expect the worst sort of behavior from them considering all they have already said and done. However, as decent people it is impossible to comprehend the levels they will sink, especially on days like this. Today, these people used the internet and the cover of sitting behind a computer monitor to not only wish death upon, but also direct loads of hatred with the usual venom toward Governor Palin. They are even trying to use these forums to intimidate her into not attending Senator Stevens funeral.

Twitter is a cesspool filled with haters who lash out against Governor Palin. Here are just some of the examples, these mighty proponents of "understanding" displayed on there, after news of Senator Stevens death became known.


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posted August 11, 2010 09:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


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posted August 11, 2010 09:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Not to be left out, the lefty blogosphere decided to get in on the action...
I found these comments posted on Shannyn Moore's blog pertaining to the Stevens crash. Keep in mind that the "girl from Homer" monitors all of her comments. (I have highlighted the nasty comments in yellow)


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posted August 11, 2010 09:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

The "Trig Truther" brigade at Gryphen's site couldn't control their thoughts on the matter either.

This is just a small sampling of the sort of hatred that the left and the Democrats dished out towards Governor Palin and her family in response to the nation losing one of it's most well-known senators. It is to their shame that nobody on their side has displayed the sort of leadership it would take to get that kind of hatred under control within their ranks. I do believe they are spiraling into a very dark place because nobody told them to STOP! Knock it off! No, nobody on their side calls them out at all. It is accepted behavior therefore they have allowed that hate to fester and grow.

This doesn't stop with Governor Palin, although I do believe she gets the worst of it. Many other Conservative leaders put up with this behavior from people who forgot how to just simply disagree. Well, if they won't call out their own side, we will. It is our responsibility to call out any American who losses their grasp of humanity for the sake of power.


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posted August 11, 2010 11:32 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
there are haters on both sides for sure jwhop. how can you justify using some ignoramuses' comments on twitter as an example of what the LEFT is like? you haven't seen the alabama blogger whose whole column is devoted to encouraging violent insurrection (like throwing bricks at democrats' offices, etc, threatening armed revolution if the govt doesn't reform itself)? you haven't listened to glenn beck on national radio, or o'riley or the others who are day and night working up the hate against obama and the democrats? or yourself for that matter who sees EVERYTHING as proof that the dems are socialist ghouls who want to tie us all down?

give it a rest. there are morons everywhere. you can do better than that!

on the other hand it is not only morons who think palin is an attention-seeking moneyhound who would ditch her best friend if it seemed like a good move politically/ famewise.

she may have had 80% approval when she was voted in but why would alaskans still approve of her after she ditched her elected position to follow the money and cameras? because i'm sorry, she can complain all day and pretend she doesn't like it but every move she makes has the limelight in at LEAST her peripheral vision.

try googling gosselin/palin for an example of how discerning her attention grabbing is.

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Posts: 8688
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posted August 11, 2010 11:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I agree, and beyond that I think this very forum is testament to the angry Right.

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posted August 11, 2010 01:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, it's easy to say there are people on both sides who wish people print.

So, since that's what you say, I'll wait right here for you katatonic and you acoustic to find such statements coming from Conservatives...and post them right here.

You should also post some of those Glenn Beck and O'Reilly statements where they're wishing O'Bomber was dead...or any other members of the Marxist Socialist Progressive set.

So, you've decided to defend these angry hateful moronic statements by....alleging it's OK because the other side does it too.

I just knew there would be some here who would jump to their defense.

On the other hand, Sarah Palin...the person you attempt to defame, would never stoop so low or be so contemptible as to wish someone who disagrees with her were dead.

The difference between an intelligent adult and narcissistic juvenile brain dead leftist morons with personality disorders.

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posted August 11, 2010 05:56 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
oh sorry, jwhop, didn't you catch any photos of the effigies of obama during the healthcare debate? or hear any of the drivel on fox "news" shows?

i'm not going trawling through a bunch of blogs (which i avoid religiously) to dredge up similarly lowbrow remarks but they are out there. i have better things to do then get down in the gutter with such people.

DON'T YOU? i guess if not you can sit and wait for more garbage to be posted here. no one is defending them but please don't pretend conservatives are above all this shite.

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Posts: 8688
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posted August 12, 2010 01:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
FOX Pundit Wishes for Obama Assassination

A Summary of The Death Threats Against Obama & Other Democrats So Far

Health Care fight turns hazardous

    Commonsense Conservatives & lovers of America: "Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD ~ Sarah Palin

Interesting military imagery she's conjuring there, isn't she? "Retreat" "Reload"

Part 2: Rhetoric by Republicans & Conservative Fringe that has Resulted in Vandalism & Death Threats

Don't be stupid, Jwhop. There are plenty of ignorant people of all political stripes that make comments of the sort that imply they wish harm to a person. Republicans are not shining beacons of civility and manners.

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 12, 2010 09:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Don't get stuck on stupid acoustic. Oh wait, it's too late.

It's never necessary to go past your opening lines to find the glaring flaw in your bullshiiit.

You say:

"FOX Pundit Wishes for Obama Assassination"

That Fox contributor, Liz Trotta, was commenting on what Hillary Clinton had said about the possibility of O'Bomber being assassinated.

This is what you post to prove Conservatives are saying they want people dead...O'Bomber?

It's no wonder you're never able to win any debate points.

Now acoustic, this is the video of Liz in context...her entire statement....along with a tag line written by a brain dead moron. If you need it all s'plained to you, get back to me.

"Fox News Contributor, Liz Trotta, Wants Obama to Die "

Here's a demoscat candidate for the New Hampshire state legislature who wishes Sarah Palin was on the plane which crashed and killed Ted Stevens.

Local Democrats wish death upon Sarah Palin
August 11, 2010 by Shawn Millerick
Filed under State House

There’s only one way the tragic airplane crash in Alaska that ended the life of former-U.S. Senator Ted Stevens could have been better, according to New Hampshire Democratic activist and State Rep. candidate Keith Halloran: If Sarah Palin had been on it.

In a Facebook post, Halloran, who describes himself as “an active local citizen and supporter of NH Governor John Lynch,” said of the plane crash, “Just wish Sarah and Levy were on board.”

Halloran serves on the Rindge, NH Planning Board and is a Democratic candidate for State Representative in Cheshire County. He is a prominent supporter of Democratic frontrunner Ann McLane Kuster, who is running for Congress in NH-02. His comment appeared in response to a post by another Facebook user on the tragedy.

New Hampshire Republicans were not pleased with Halloran’s remarks.

“Mr. Halloran’s outrageous comments are a new low, even by the standards of the New Hampshire Democrat Party,” said New Hampshire GOP spokesman Ryan Williams. “His publicly stated death wish for Governor Palin and her family is abhorrent, and has no place in public discourse. Governor Lynch and Ann McLane Kuster need to immediately denounce Mr. Halloran’s hateful remarks and demand that he personally apologize to the Palin family.”

Halloran isn’t alone among New Hampshire Democratic leaders in wishing ill toward the controversial former Republican Vice Presidential nominee.

Natch Greyes, a staffer for Democratic Rep. and Senate hopeful Paul Hodes tweeted the following on July 21st: “I have to wonder if & or when @sarahpalinusa will learn the meaning of our state motto: “live free or die.”

You will notice this is not a heavily edited you tube video cut out of context like those produced by brain dead moronic Maddow and other leftists who have their heads up their collectivist as$es.

This is a NEWS story...and this is a demoscat candidate for a state legislature office in New Hampshire.

Ummm, katatonic,

I hardly think effigies of O'Bomber hung on college U of Oregon...hardly a bastion of conservative activists...qualifies as Conservatives wishing O'Bomber dead.

Of course you're defending these contemptible actions and so is attempting to equate them to what you allege others have done or are doing. Oh, it's OK because everyone does it. Bullshiiit.

President Bush 'assassinated' in new TV docudrama
Last updated at 00:22am on 01.09.06

Death of a President
Years after the assassination of President George W. Bush in Chicago, an investigative documentary examines that as-yet-unsolved crime.

And then, there's the outrage of Bill Maher.

Bill Maher: Better If Cheney Is Dead
Maher: I'm just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That's a fact.

So, just let me say that if the murderous genocidal madmen whom Maher and other heads up their a$ses leftists admire so much had be throttled at birth...Stalin, Mao and Hitler..the world would not only be a much better place...but more than 200,000,000 lives would have been saved...their own citizens.

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posted August 12, 2010 11:09 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i'm not defending anybody talking like that and i made that quite clear jwhop, as well as calling such people morons. liz trotta DID say it would be "good" if BOTH osama and obama were taken out. and she did slip and equate osama with the clip YOU provided.

and effigies are as good as death wishes as you well know. are you saying obama supporters were pretending to be obama haters just for a little reverse psychology advertising? don't you think that's a little PARANOID and RIDICULOUS? didn't you yourself print posters of obama dressed as hitler? whom you bragged that you would have gladly put a bullet in had you been alive to do so? where's the civil law-abiding YOU?

all i said was that you continue to PRETEND that only democrats and "leftists" would say such ugly things when, sorry, but at your age you should know better.

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posted August 12, 2010 11:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In your video it shows the same thing. She misspoke saying "Osama" instead of Obama, and then acted as if it would be ok for both of them to be killed. "Knock off both if we could," was her quote.

The other videos I posted demonstrated the truth of the matter.

Of course you're defending these contemptible actions and so is attempting to equate them to what you allege others have done or are doing. Oh, it's OK because everyone does it. Bullshiiit.

I don't recall you speaking out against your fellow Republicans when they were making violent threats on Congress members in the lead up to the Healthcare legislation passing.

It's beyond reason why you would think for a single second that the Left is worse than the Right with regard to stuff like this. Tell me, which party attracts people that create militias? What party do racist skinheads vote for?

This isn't even something that's debatable. It's observable by everyone. There are messed up, crazy people in both parties. This is not an issue you can win political points on.

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 12, 2010 03:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Of course you're both attempting to defend what these morons said about Palin.

Two of those morons work in the state government of New Hampshire.

Since you've grasped at straws with an attack on Liz Trotta; I just know you'll love this you tube video.

Let's see; exactly where are those Conservatives who you say wish other people dead?

On the other hand, I can cite example after example of blithering idiot leftists who are on record wishing for someone they dislike to die. Oh wait, I already did.

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posted August 12, 2010 03:24 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
can't you find anything better to waste your time on? a bunch of hot air idiots making remarks, often anonymously, online...while palin does her best, with your go ahead, to bring down those who were elected INSTEAD OF HER to do the job. just sour grapes, jwhop, taste good?

"obama is the worst president ever" a line generated by you and yours before the man was even sworn in. so productive. "i would willingly have put a bullet in hitler's head" - jwhop 2009. "rough justice for the abortion doctor" - jwhop 2010. "he deserved it" - an oft-repeated opinion by the religious right when the abortion doctor was gunned down in church.

those are just from memory. like i said i don't have time to trawl the internet looking for nasty quotes from idiots hiding behind their computers. maybe you should get a life.

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posted August 12, 2010 04:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There is no bigger screwup who ever sat in the Oval Office than Barack Hussein O'Bomber.

Sarah Palin is doing a public service in detailing to Americans just how big a screwup and incompetent the "Community Organizer" really is.

America agrees with Sarah Palin.

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posted August 12, 2010 05:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Of course you're both attempting to defend what these morons said about Palin.

I haven't seen a word in defense of those Tweeters. It's almost as if you thought you set a trap posting that stuff, and you hoped you'd be able to paint anyone who posted afterword in a bad light. Everyone knows, however, that there are people that will talk in this crazy manner in both political categories. If it was one-sided, you'd have a point. Kat and my position is that it's NOT one-sided. Some Republicans are every bit as bad as this. Glenn Beck joked about having put poison in Pelosi's wine on video.

Since you've grasped at straws with an attack on Liz Trotta

There was no "grasping at straws" with Liz Trotta. Anyone can hear what she said. Your new video doesn't help your case either. Your reasoning is so very poor at times it really astounds me. The fact that Liz Trotta mispoke Obama's name isn't the issue. The fact that she joked, "We'd knock off both if we could," is the relevent point.

You avoid the other videos I posted.

We haven't even brought up Timothy McVeigh, a registered Republican, and member of the NRA.

There are no political points to gain here.

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posted August 12, 2010 05:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
that public service sister sarah is providing is also costing a pretty penny wherever she provides it. a former government employee does sweet sally also have a lifelong pension? how much is hers? bet it makes a handy addition to the fishing income...

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posted August 12, 2010 05:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Post-Palin Alaska has largest debt burden in US

By Raw Story
Wednesday, March 31st, 2010 -- 3:12 pm

Sarah Palin has long sold herself as a fiscal conservative, arguing against the Democrats' health overhaul on the grounds that the nation simply can't afford it.

But when the former vice presidential candidate resigned as governor of Alaska in the summer of 2009, she left the state with a 70 percent debt-to-GDP ratio -- the highest state debt burden in the United States.

That's according to data compiled by the Washington Independent's Megan Carpentier, who notes that Alaska has a debt burden similar to "that of Jordan and Palin’s favorite health care resource, Canada, and a higher ratio than Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, India, the Philippines or Uruguay."

By comparison, crisis-stricken California has a debt ratio of less than 40 percent. All the more confounding about Alaska's debt is the fact that it is an oil-producing region with a small population to share in that wealth. Oil-rich Alberta, Canada, for example, collects no sales tax and still managed to retire its debt entirely in 2004.

While Alaska's massive debt burden can't be blamed entirely on Palin's two-and-a-half-year stint as governor, she did face similar debt problems while mayor of Wasilla, and those appear to be of her own making.

Wasilla's municipal debt went from around $1 million when she came in to office, to around $22 million when she left, mostly as a result of the construction of a sports arena and public works projects championed by Palin.

While Alaska's debt load is high by the standards of US states, it's worth noting some nations have considerably higher debt loads. Japan, for example, is carrying a debt load of more than 190 percent of GDP; Greece, recently hit by a debt crisis, has a 108 percent debt-to-GDP ratio.

The debt load for the US federal government clocked in at around 53 percent in 2009; the debt is expected to increase to 68.5 percent by 2014. clnk&gl=us

in other words the FEDERAL debt could be equivalent to alaska's CURRENT debt by 2014 (in percentage terms)

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 12, 2010 07:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have to laugh when I see the bullshiiit about Palin leftists have pulled out of their a$ses.

Palin balanced the budgets for every year she was Mayor.

Palin balanced the budgets for every year she was Governor of Alaska.

She reduced taxes, renegotiated the oil contracts and salted away the excess revenues in various rainy day funds...and now, whining, simpering, sniveling leftists are still lying about Sarah Palin.

This tells the real story about Sarah Palin. Read um and weep leftists.

Fueled by oil taxes, Alaska spending soared under Palin
By Brian C. Mooney
Globe Staff / September 13, 2008

She may have fired the governor's chef and sold the state jet, but Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska has also presided over a dramatic increase in state spending in the last two years.

Still, she can accurately claim that her state is in good fiscal health, thanks to an explosion of revenues from state taxes on oil industry profits.

Indeed, in her 20 months in office, Palin's toughest financial decisions involved dickering with the Legislature on creative ways to spend and salt away the billions of dollars in oil revenues pouring into the state treasury.

At times, Palin has been more economic populist than small-government conservative, partly because of Alaska's unique government financing system.

With no statewide income or sales tax, Alaska funds about 90 percent of the state budget from royalties and taxes on oil producers. Soaring oil prices and a higher windfall oil profits tax - an increase pushed through by Palin, now the Republican vice presidential nominee - have state coffers overflowing with petrodollars. The Alaska oil industry calculates that its annual payments to the state doubled in a single year to $10.2 billion.

Until a few years ago, the state government struggled financially for years because of low oil prices. But that's all changed. In the first two budget years under Palin, the state government has stashed almost $6 billion of surplus revenues in various reserve and savings accounts in anticipation of future drops in the price of oil. And the state has allocated another $4 billion over two years for a laundry list of new capital projects, mostly small grants initiated in budget requests by legislators for their districts.

And Alaska residents are getting their cut. Starting this week, every Alaskan who has lived in the state more than a year will receive $1,200 from the state, a total of about $756 million in rebates to offset high energy costs in the 49th state. That's on top of the perennial check each will receive from the state's oil revenue-endowed Permanent Fund, this year a record $2,069 per resident. The large Palin family is eligible to receive more than $19,000 from the combined payments.

Whether Palin is acting as a true fiscal conservative is moot in the state's current environment, said Gerald McBeath, a political science professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks who monitors state finances and politics. "It's an irrelevant question," he said, because in Alaska's oil-driven boom-and-bust economic cycles, Palin's challenge is to manage the surpluses for long-term benefit. McBeath gives the popular governor high marks.

"She's used her popularity to get what she wants out of the Legislature," McBeath said. Along with the Legislature, she has used surplus funds to reduce the state's unfunded pension liability, increase education funding, establish a revenue-sharing fund for local governments, and help residents with home weatherization and energy costs. Alaska has also suspended for a year its 8-cent-a-gallon tax on gasoline.

Palin "took a great deal of flak" for vetoing almost $500 million over two fiscal years in capital requests, McBeath said. That was roughly 10 percent of the amount sought by the Legislature, mostly for small projects and grants, and lawmakers complained that Palin gave them no guidance in advance and then blindsided them with her vetoes. Three legislative leaders did not return calls from the Globe seeking comment on the governor's performance.

Palin now trumpets those vetoes on the national campaign trail. Her running mate, Republican presidential nominee John McCain, has equated the capital budget items to the federal budget earmarks he has long opposed. What Palin does not mention is that she later approved more than $60 million of those once-vetoed projects when they were resubmitted by the Legislature and she let stand hundreds of others.

By contrast, in two budget cycles, Palin has vetoed a total of only $2.6 million in spending requests for the state's now $8.1 billion annual operating budget, which, according to an analysis by the legislative finance office, has increased about 30 percent in two years. The increase figure includes the one-time energy rebate checks but no increases in reserve accounts or any capital expenditures. It also doesn't include a supplemental appropriation for additional expenditures, which is routine. Last year, the supplemental budget was more than $4 billion, mostly deposits in reserve accounts when revenues continued to pour in at high levels.

"There's huge pressure to do all these things because we have this revenue," said Karen J. Rehfeld, director of the governor's Office of Management and Budget. "But the governor is still trying to stick to her goals; she still wants to slow the growth of government and be efficient. . . . She's been very consistent about that."

A challenge, Rehfeld said, is to balance spending controls against "providing some of the significant infrastructure needed for this state. We're still a young state and a lot of work needs to be done."

In her vice presidential stump speech, Palin declares that she assumed the governor's office "promising to control spending. Today our state budget is under control and we have a surplus."

When she took office in mid-fiscal year, she actually inherited a surplus from her unpopular predecessor, Frank Murkowski, whom she easily ousted in a three-way 2006 Republican primary. For much of Murkowski's term, low oil prices stretched the state budget and resulted in budget cuts that angered constituents.

The revenue and spending boom is likely to continue this fiscal year. The state budget is built on revenue estimates of oil priced at $83 a barrel. While prices have dipped to around the $100-a-barrel mark, the state appears headed for another significant surplus, followed in all likelihood by another large supplemental budget.

The long-term effects of sharply increased taxes on oil remain unclear, and the major oil companies in Alaska have warned that increasing taxes on their product will lead to reduced investment and production.

Alaskan oil production has been dropping steadily as older fields are depleted - down from about two billion barrels per day 20 years ago to well under 800,000 barrels per day now. Earlier this year, BP Alaska, ConocoPhillips, and ExxonMobil disclosed they were reducing 2008 spending by $400 million and postponing a $1 billion expansion project.

The oil companies pay a royalty of 12.5 percent on oil as it is extracted, plus property and corporate income taxes, but the biggest bite is a tax on net profits of between 25 and 50 percent, escalating with the market price of oil. The Alaska Oil and Gas Association, a trade group, projected that the production tax increase resulted in a one-year spike in the taxes on profits from $2.2 billion to $6.1 billion. The association's executive director, Marilyn Crockett, did not return repeated calls from the Globe, and a spokesman for one of the oil companies, in declining to be interviewed, said: "We try to stay out of political campaign stories."

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Posts: 8688
From: Dublin, CA
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posted August 12, 2010 07:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 12, 2010 09:19 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
considering the equally amazing shite that she pulls out of HER arse it's only instant karma, guy. i'll laugh along with you, 'k? cause i suspect this is another of those sneak up behind you when i've gone deals...and maybe even why she left when she did. or was it because the oil companies didn't want to deal with her or work alaska anymore?

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posted August 13, 2010 12:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You never bother to read what you post before you post you acoustic!

If you had read the report you linked would have discovered that Sarah Palin is not responsible for accumulating the Alaska debt you were blubbering over.

Let's not lose sight of WHEN Sarah Palin was Governor of Alaska.

"The State has issued GOB’s 50 times since statehood, raising almost $1.9 billion. In addition, the State assumed the outstanding debt of the Territory of Alaska as GOB’s of the State. In 1959, the Territorial debt was $2.9 million. As of June 30, 2007, the State had $389.5 million in GOB’s outstanding."

"In 1986, legislation increased legislative control over lease-financing. Chapter 106, SLA 1986, effective January 1, 1988, requires approval by law of any executive branch lease-financing agreements with annual lease payments exceeding $1 million. Chapter 73, SLA 1992, effective September 14, 1992, adds the requirement of approval by law of leases with total lease payments exceeding $10 million. Chapter 75, SLA 1994, effective June 7, 1994, generally requires prior legislative approval of all lease-purchase agreements, other than the refinancing of outstanding balances on existing lease purchase agreements and certain University of Alaska transactions.

At June 30, 2007, State Supported Debt was $1,085.9 million as shown in Table 1.1."

"In the 1982 general election, voters approved an amendment to Article IX, Section 8 of the Alaska Constitution that permits the State to guarantee unconditionally as a general obligation of the State, the payment of principal and interest on revenue bonds issued by AHFC for the purpose of purchasing mortgage loans made for residences of qualifying veterans. This is the only purpose for which State Guaranteed Bonds may be issued. Because the bonds are general obligations of the State, they must be authorized by law, ratified by the voters, and approved by the State Bond Committee. In five elections from 1982 through 2002 voters approved propositions authorizing $2.7 billion of State Guaranteed Bonds for veterans' mortgages."

"At June 30, 2007, State Guaranteed Debt was $311.5 million, as shown on Table 1.1."

"E. State Revenue and University Debt

This type of debt Issued by the State on behalf of the Sportfish Program and the Alaska International Airport System or by the University is secured only by revenues derived from the issuing enterprise. Revenue Debt is not a general obligation of the State or the University and does not require voter approval. Such debt is authorized by law and issued by the University or by the State Bond Committee. This type of debt includes International Airports Revenue Bonds, various University Revenue Bonds and Notes, and Toll Facilities Revenue Bonds.

At June 30, 2007, State Revenue and University Debt was $815.0 million, as shown on Table 1.1."

"F. State Agency Debt

State Agency Debt is secured by revenues generated from the use of bond proceeds or the assets of the agency issuing the bonds. The debt is not a general obligation of the State nor does the State provide security for the debt in any other manner, i.e., by appropriations, guarantees, or moral obligation pledges. The State has, however, appropriated funds to subsidize the interest rate to the borrower in the case of much of the AHFC debt listed as State Agency Debt in Table 1.1."

"At June 30, 2007, State Agency Debt was $656.3 million, as shown on Table 1.1."

"G. State Agency Collateralized or Insured Debt

As security for this type of debt, the State agency pledges mortgage loans or other securities which may be 100% insured or guaranteed by another party of superior credit standing. This upgrades the credit rating on the debt and lowers the interest cost. It also makes very remote any likelihood of the State having to assume responsibility for the debt. The details of such debt are explained in the section on AHFC.

At June 30, 2007, State Agency Collateralized or Insured Debt was $3,025.5 million, as shown on Table 1.1."

That's enough acoustic.

These numbers clearly show Sarah Palin is not responsible for the accumulation of most of Alaska's debt. In fact, it appears Sarah Palin paid down some of that debt accumulated by other Governors.

Compared to Sarah Palin, O'Bomber spends taxpayer money like a whole Navy of drunken sailors.

Nice try but no cigar.

I'm sure the oil companies enjoyed working with Palin's predecessors katatonic. Palin became Governor and upset their nice little deals they had cut to take Alaska oil at well below reasonable market prices. Palin come in and poof...gone.

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From: Dublin, CA
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posted August 13, 2010 01:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No, I didn't read the whole report, but I thought you might like to.

I didn't say anything about the debt in Alaska while Palin governed. Plenty of people apparently have. If you googled appropriately, you'd find them.

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