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Author Topic:   Palin proves an empty intellect once again
posted June 30, 2011 11:02 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
and i have already pointed out to you that in austria they DO speak austrian - a distinct dialect from regular german as different from German german as american english is from the english version.

i don't suppose that you EVER EVER flub a word, jwhop, do you? never a typo or misspeak from you! that is why you harp on the "57 states" thing as if it was anything more than that. or is it just your "combust" virgo mercury shooting off its mouth?

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posted June 30, 2011 02:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the 57 states still making the rounds of the extreme right blogs? They have precious little fodder in the fear factory if that is the case....

RE: Bachmann thread.

No one loves a banana peel laugh more than this girl. I would feel a little lame going after an easy target like Ms B--though she did make mention of a possible cage= mud-wrestle =match between herself and $arah, (that will feed the fantasies of the middle aged, angry, christian white guy, for awhile.) The John Wayne Gacy snafu, and John Quincy Adams--in fact she had a stellar week.

There are so many issues of import that we don't talk about on these pages, that it seems weird to me that the salacious always stay on top in the media.

Our inherent nature I suppose, it sells.

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posted June 30, 2011 02:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
President Obama’s war on facts
Published: 11:08 AM 06/30/2011
By Jonathan Strong

Mayday! Mayday!

President Obama’s “corporate jet” line from his press conference Wednesday is crashing along with a host of other claims that fact-checkers dismissed in the hours after his speech.

Obama referred to private jets six times in his remarks, essentially describing the Republican position on how to decrease rampant deficits as being “willing to compromise their kids’ safety so that some corporate jet owner continues to get a tax break.”

The tax incentive at issue was enacted to counteract the airplane industry’s woes in 2001 after 9/11 and reauthorized in, drum roll, Obama’s stimulus package, signed into law by the president himself.

More fundamentally, eliminating that tax break would bring in $3 billion in new taxes over ten years. That is less than 1 percent of the $400 billion in tax increases the Obama administration is proposing behind the scenes. It is about .15 percent of the spending cuts Republicans would like to see enacted.

In other words, by highlighting such a small issue, Obama cherry-picked an effective tool for making the debt ceiling vote a “clash of classes,” in the words of National Journal’s Ron Fournier, while wildly distorting its importance. Given the relatively tiny scale of the tax incentive, it does not force Congress to choose between it and “kids’ safety” in any meaningful way.

(Obama turns spotlight on Republicans for not being willing to give up ’sacred cow’)

Moving on, Obama claimed Wednesday to have been the only president in the history of the United States to have ever tried to eliminate unnecessary regulations.

“What I have done — and this is unprecedented, by the way, no administration’s done this before — is I’ve said to each agency, don’t just look at current regulations or don’t just look at future regulations, regulations that we’re proposing, let’s go backwards and look at regulations that are already on the books, and if they don’t make sense, let’s get rid of them,” Obama said.

As Calivin Woodward of the Associated Press notes, every president since Jimmy Carter has ordered a similar review of federal regulations to cut red tape.

Obama also claimed Wednesday that every informed person on the planet who isn’t being willfully dishonest realizes you can’t tackle federal deficits without raising taxes.

“Every single observer who’s not an elected official, who’s not a politician, says we can’t reduce our deficit in the scale and scope that we need to without having a balanced approach that looks at everything,” Obama said. (This “balanced approach” refers to, as he put it, “spending in the tax code,” i.e. tax increases.)

However, there is an “observer” who disagrees. He happens to be an Obama appointee. That person, as National Review’s Daniel Foster notes, is Ben Bernanke.

Questioned in a congressional hearing whether Congress could tackle deficits merely with spending cuts, Bernanke said, “of course.” Here’s a video.

"Is there enough spending to be cut?" Bernanke: "Of course"

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posted July 01, 2011 11:43 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ah yes, bernanke, that sterling source, chairman of the federal reserve. which body you want erased from existence. consider the source, jwhop...

oh and as to palin's aqua mercury, it has progressed into pisces, while obama's leo merc has progressed into virgo, to nicely compliment his sixth house sun...which is still in the sixth by progression

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posted July 01, 2011 12:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bernanke actually said it isn't his position to decide on policy. He merely acknowledges that something needs to be done.

"To avoid large and ultimately unsustainable budget deficits, the nation will ultimately have to choose among higher taxes, modifications to entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare, less spending on everything else from education to defense, or some combination of the above," he said.

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posted July 01, 2011 07:46 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
how is a program you have to pay into to participate in interpreted as an entitlement?

@AG's addition to jwhop's quote, makes a big difference, doesn't it, when you read more than a couple of words...

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posted July 02, 2011 11:02 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the "corporate jet" remark was an EXAMPLE, not meant to be the only target of cuts but one example of a cut that eliminates a LUXURY rather than SUSTENANCE. the fact that it is a small portion of what is needed and being aimed at just means it is not the only such cut. the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step...but just because the step is a tiny fraction doesn't mean you can leave it out if you want to get where you're going. 100 such small cuts of luxury entitlements would make 300 billion. instead it is being suggested that those things people have INVESTED part of their earnings in should be cut so the corporate jet can STAY. or any other luxury considered helpful to business dealings. why is it that once people reach a certain affluence they are entitled to freebies all the rest of the way?

and just because it is the only example he mentioned doesn't mean it is the only cut he is proposing. i guess he assumes a subtlety of reasoning not actually available to some.

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posted July 03, 2011 11:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
German is spoken in Austria. There is NO Austrian language and anyone with 2 braincells to rub together knows Austrians speak German.

Hitler was an Austrian...who spoke the native language...German.

2 braincells to rub together as openers leaves O'Bomber out of the game.

Anyone with 2 braincells to rub together knows there are 50 states in the United States...NOT 57 plus 2.

2 braincells to rub together as openers leaves O'Bomber out of the game.

So, there are at least 2 conservative women in the Republican party who are more intelligent, more knowledgeable and more in touch with Americans and American values than our Marxist in Chief twit...O'Bomber.

Btw, is there anyone here who would like a Breathalyzer for their Asthma? That's O'Bomber's Rx for Asthma sufferers.

To be very'Bomber used the corporate jet ploy 6 times in his speech...(6) SIX times. Americans could choose between child safety OR corporate jets for executives.

Americans could choose between medical research OR corporate jets for executives.

This is straight out the Marxist class warfare, envy and greed playbook.

In the meantime, here's O'Bomber flying all over the included...and Michelle too...on the most grand corporate jets in the world...courtesy of stockholders of America Inc.

So, here's my plan...only for those who buy into the Marxist Progressive Income Tax.

Require ALL to pay their fair share...including those 47% of Americans who pay no federal income taxes at all. Those who have been riding in the wagon...some for their entire lives...while that wagon is pulled by responsible, hardworking, productive American citizens.

One other thing. Give the ax to the EITC...Earned Income Tax Credit. A refund..many times on returns where no taxes are paid... for those who have children they cannot afford to support...leaving productive American citizens with the task of feeding, clothing and housing them. Give these parents, instead...the standard dependent deduction against income and require them to pay "their fair share".

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posted July 03, 2011 01:30 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
okay, once more since you obviously didn't read it the first time i posted it.

what they call "standard german" in austria is NOT the same as what is spoken in germany. just as we have some differences of vocab and syntax from the english which really make TWO languages under the umbrella term "english", the austrians have their own distinct and very different dialect with exclusive vocab and pronunciation. so talking about "austrian" the language is NOT a MISTAKE but an acknowledgement of those differences.

or is that too subtle for you? perhaps we need a sledgehammer to get thru?

of course hitler spoke german, as chancellor of GERMANY, and as someone who was considered/considered himself inferior as the austrian he really was...

but when obama flubbed and said "57" states he didn't try to pretend that there really ARE 57 states" but admitted to an error!

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posted July 03, 2011 01:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
though I am posting the entire article please do click on: Judge Rejects Sarah Palin On Global Warming, Keeps Polar Bears On Threatened List

as it it has many hyperlinks.

By Tanya Somanader
on Jul 1, 2011 at 11:25 am

In 2008, the U.S. government placed the polar bear on the threatened species list because of the rapid decline in Arctic sea ice, becoming “the first to be designated as threatened because of global warming.”

But in 2008, media mega-star Sarah Palin was still the governor of Alaska. Fearing that protecting the polar bear would “cripple oil and gas development” off Alaska’s coasts, Palin — a well-worn climate science denier — sued the government to remove the species from the list. Palin pointed to the high population of polar bears in 2008 and dismissed climate models that predict continued loss of sea ice as “unreliable,” “uncertain,” and “unproven.”

But U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan backed the government scientists’ finding this week “that global warming is threatening the survival of the polar bear.” In a 116-page opinion, Sullivan dismissed Palin and hunting groups’ arguments as “nothing more than competing views about policy and science” and ruled on the side of science:

Notwithstanding a handful of references to uncertainty that appear in record documents, Joint Plaintiffs have failed to persuade this Court that FWS [U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service] implemented the ESA [Endangered Species Act] “haphazardly.” Accordingly, the Court concludes that FWS did not act arbitrarily in relying on and drawing reasonable conclusions from the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] reports and climate models in making its listing determination for the polar bear.

Under the judge’s ruling, the polar bear is still listed as “threatened,” not “endangered,” on the endangered species list. The U.S. Justice Department stated yesterday that “it was pleased that the court agreed with its argument that the decision was based on the science available at the time.”

The Center for Biological Diversity, however, noted after the decision that “even if polar bears could be considered only threatened in 2008, they are clearly endangered today.” While the estimated population of Arctic polar bears in 2008 stood at 20,000 to 25,000, the U.S. Geological Survey predicted that “two thirds of the world’s polar bears will disappear in the next 50 years because of a decline in Arctic sea ice.” Indeed, “climate change has turned some polar bears into cannibals as global warming melts their Arctic ice hunting grounds.”

Regardless of the facts, Palin said in a 2009 op-ed that she “took a stand against politicized science” in this case and “stood by my view that adding a healthy species to the endangered list under the guise of ‘climate change impacts’ was an abuse of the Endangered Species Act.”

Wasn't $arah's father a science teacher? Her bio says so.

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posted July 03, 2011 02:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
German is German. There is no language called "Austrian"

English is English.

Palin was right about Paul Revere.

Palin is right about Polar Bears too. They're doing just fine...and their numbers are increasing...thank you very much.

Palin is also right about the man made global warming nonsense religion too.

There is no science there. Science is on the other side of the issue. The warmists are stuck with the hype and only the hype.

Not much longer until the day these lying leftist twits at the EPA and the so called Fish and Wildlife Service are going to be told to "Take a hike"..and don't let the door hit you in the ass as you make your exit from government service.

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posted July 03, 2011 02:22 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
you are too much jwhop. go to england and tell me how often you are misunderstood speaking what you THINK is the same language. austrian is akin to german as american is to english. they are NOT the same. but god forbid that the president not SPELL EVERY LETTER out of what he meant so that the likes of you couldn't twist it into something stupid. not to mention ridiculous.

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posted July 03, 2011 02:24 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
and who, pray tell, are these scintillating conservative women? do you the religious extremist bachmann? or the bile-creating machine ann coulter? obviously we know your gal sal is one of them. how big is your picture of her on the wall?

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posted July 03, 2011 10:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Somehow, Americans and British understand each English.

There is no Austrian language. Austrians speak German.

O'Bomber is a dunce of the first order. O'Bomber's lack of knowledge extends to virtually every field of endeavor.

Compared to Sarah Palin, O'Bomber is an intellectual pygmy.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 04, 2011 09:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So, leftists are still trying to find something, anything with which to ding Sarah Palin. When they can't find a thing, they just make it all up and pass it off as TRUTH.

Now that Michelle Bachmann has entered the Presidential Primary, leftists are trying out the same tactic on her.

For instance, there must be something wrong with Bachmann because....her husband billed Medicaid for SERVICES HE RENDERED to Medicaid enrolled clients.

Wow, now there's some real dirt.

Stop the presses. This is a front page story!

Michelle Bachmann's husband doesn't work for FREE.

There must be something wrong with the Bachmann's because everyone knows that in the leftist, Marxist Socialist Progressive Paradise...that exists only in leftist delusional dreams..... everyone works for FREE.

In the meantime....

where's O'Bomber's university admission records?

Where's O'Bomber's university grade transcripts?

Where's O'Bomber's Illinois state Senate office records?

Where's O'Bomber's medical records?

Where's O'Bomber's passport records?

Surely, if the lap dog press has the time to rummage through 24,000 Palin emails and has the time to rummage through the Bachmann's Medicaid billing records....they sure as hell have the time to inquire into all the missing O'Bomber records.

The power of Palin
Don't count out the snowbilly from Alaska
Sunday, July 03, 2011
By Jack Kelly, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Bristol Palin told Fox News her mother has made up her mind about running for president, but Sarah Palin told The New York Times she's still thinking about it.

According to the conventional wisdom, it may be too late for her to run. Ms. Palin's done no fundraising, hasn't built a campaign team. Republicans who supported her are drifting to active campaigns, chiefly that of Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota.

The conventional wisdom is more conventional than wise. Candidates start early to build name recognition and need a campaign organization to get supporters to the polls.

Sarah Palin has 3.2 million followers on Facebook -- about 800,000 more than all the declared GOP candidates combined. Palinistas tend to be the sort who would crawl over ground glass to vote for her. She has less need of a get-out-the-vote operation than any political figure in modern times.

The Republican National Committee's new rules favor late entrants. There will be more delegates in 2012 than ever before. A higher proportion will come from heavily Republican states. All but a handful will be selected after March 1. In the four February contests, 129 delegates are at stake -- 23 fewer than in Texas alone.

Delegates in the early states must be selected by proportional representation, the RNC says. So whoever wins these contests probably will wind up with fewer than half. After March 1, delegates may be selected on a winner-take-all basis.

The early contests are unlikely to produce a clear frontrunner, but will winnow the field. This is most important for debates. It's stretching the term when seven or eight candidates are on stage. Cut the field to three or four, and debates have real meaning.

Debates will matter more in 2012 than ever before -- especially for Sarah Palin. Thanks to nonstop denigration from the news media and Hollywood celebrities, she polls worse against President Barack Obama than any other GOP candidate. A CBS poll June 8 indicated 54 percent of Republicans don't want her to run.

A new documentary, "The Undefeated," opens with a montage of vicious things celebrities have said about Ms. Palin. Viewers at the premier in Pella, Iowa, Tuesday were shocked.

But efforts to portray Ms. Palin as a shrill, stupid snowbilly backfired on the journalists who sought the release of 24,000 emails from her time as Alaska governor. The emails "brought back the memory of a long-lost Palin: the popular, charismatic competent woman of the people," who "comes across as practical and not doctrinaire," and who is "far from being a knee-jerk partisan," wrote Molly Ball in Politico.

Liberals hope their sliming of her will keep Ms. Palin from running. But it may be the most important reason why she should.

Prominent journalists already are trying to do to Ms. Bachmann what they did to Ms. Palin in 2008. Her 23 foster children will be investigated, declared George Stephanopoulos of ABC. Chris Wallace of Fox News asked her if she were a flake. Michael Isikoff of NBC reported Ms. Bachmann's husband, who runs a mental health clinic, received $137,000 in reimbursements for Medicaid patients he has treated. (There was no impropriety, but liberals consider this scandalous because Ms. Bachmann thinks the federal government spends too much money and supports Medicaid reform.)

Many "mainstream" journalists have abandoned all pretense of fairness, but still expect to be treated as if they were honest brokers. Most Republicans oblige them.

Sarah Palin doesn't. She uses social media to bypass news media "gatekeepers." That's one reason so many journalists hate her. They seethe even more because Ms. Palin uses their obsession with her to make them look ridiculous, as she did during her bus vacation in the Northeast last month.

If one of Ms. Bachmann's foster kids failed to pay a parking ticket, this will be reported as "news." And if no improprieties can be found, journalists like Mr. Isikoff will make much ado about nothing. They'll do this to whoever is the Republican nominee.

But her critics have shot their bolt where Sarah Palin is concerned. They've already said every bad thing they could say about her.

"The Undefeated," strives to set the record straight. The people in Pella who saw it liked it very much. But most Americans won't see it.

Which is why debates will be so important if Ms. Palin runs. In them, she'll either conform to the caricature of her -- or demolish it.

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From: 2,021 mi East of Truth or Consequences NM
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posted July 04, 2011 10:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Palin Poll Numbers Hit New Low--January

Palin poll numbers plummet--March

$arah's Numbers Down--June

and for your delectation a highlight reel.

kinda brings a tear ta- your- eye.

Watch $arahs greatest hits for good old times sake.....from charlie to couric to- a gotcha maverick bridge to nowhere

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posted July 04, 2011 01:00 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
no, mr bachmann does not work for free. he charges the govt. what will happen when MS bachmann makes good on her promise to destroy all those govt grant-giving medical-funding programs? he will have to work for free or turn away all the poor bastids who want to stop being gay...

as for sarah and the press, she gives them plenty. just because they have to drive their own cars doesn't stop her talking to them! LMAOKMB!

i wonder who has more reporters following them, sarah pealing, or lindsay lohan, that emminent political rising star? or how about britney spears when she was going through a psychotic break? where were sarah's headlines then?

and there were just as many emails witheld as released, even BEFORE YOU REALIzE that she switched to her PRIVATE email accts after a pretty short time in office, and NONE of those have been released either. transparent wot???

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posted July 04, 2011 01:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Only in Marxist wet dreams should people work for free.

Bachmann's husband billed for legitimate services for clients he saw.

There's no headline there. The fact Michelle Bachmann wants Medicare and Medicaid restructured doesn't mean her husband...or anyone else...should labor on behalf of others free of charge.

You leftists better hope Sarah Palin doesn't decide to run for president and win the Republican nomination. She will leave your precious little leftist idiot stuttering and stammering in any debate on issues...and O'Bomber's policies WILL be the issues of those debates. There will be NO teleprompters.


where's O'Bomber's university admission records?

Where's O'Bomber's university grade transcripts?

Where's O'Bomber's Illinois state Senate office records?

Where's O'Bomber's medical records?

Where's O'Bomber's passport records?

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posted July 04, 2011 05:49 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
you're too much, jwhop, who suggested anyone should work free of charge? have you started celebrating early or WHAT? you make NO SENSE at all!

and then there are those nasty farm subsidies received by the bachmann's (and michelle as a partner in their farm)...

i am not suggesting anyone work for free, though many businessmen do while getting their biz up and running and think nothing of fact ron paul himself works for free when his patients can't afford his services rather than take insurance!

i am saying bachmann willingly received government funds to do his work, that michelle probably had govt money to help with the cost of foster children, and yet she never shuts up about the welfare state and how horrific it is, how debilitating to its recipients, ad infinitum and ad nauseam.

and you will excuse anyone who does so from their blatant hypocrisy apparently, just because they SAY what you want to hear.

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posted July 04, 2011 08:25 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 04, 2011 09:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, leftist twits are up in arms that Bachmann's husband billed Medicaid for services rendered to Medicaid clients.

What else would one think...except that leftists are nuts enough to think Bachmann's husband should work free of charge. And, that concept is at the base of Marxist doctrine.

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posted July 04, 2011 10:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The point is that Government services were used.

If party leaders get their way neither Michelle or her husband will be able to access those monies, as they will be cut.

Handy for them when they were provided though.

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posted July 04, 2011 11:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

No republican, including Michelle Bachmann, advocates terminating Medicare or Medicaid funding.

As a matter of fact, O'BomberCare cuts more than half a TRILLION dollars from the Medicare budget...and you are all for that.

Talk out of both sides of your mouth often?

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posted July 05, 2011 12:46 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
still intentionally skirting the point...

please explain how michelle wants these programs "restructured"?

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posted July 05, 2011 08:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonWitch     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't care about Sarah Palin really but I'm confused by the idea of different accents being considered a different language.

English is English, isn't it? Just because my British friends have different slang terms and say "schhhedule" instead of "skedule" doesn't make it a different language. Otherwise, my mother from Texas would be speaking a different language because she says "Y'all" and "fixin'". Or my boss from Long Island says "Yews" instead of "you".

Austrians speak German.. they just have slight differences in the language.

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